jxckdavies · 9 years
“Put the last touches on the Superman costume. So ready.”
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Originally posted by kissesonbenches
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jxckdavies · 9 years
Jack plopped himself down in one of the beanbags, a bit oblivious to the fact that him calling her a nerd had hurt her. In fact, Jack was hugely impressed by the room. Everything about this little corner made him want to run around checking everything out. He only wished he had this much cool stuff. He flashed her a grin of admiration. “I love it. All this. It’s fantastic.”
She wasn’t looking at his eyes, and when he noticed that he frowned a bit. “Go easy on you? Hell, I wish I had stuff as awesome as this.” He continued to look around in amazement. “And, You’re welcome. I was hoping you’d like it.”
When she brought back the box he looked at her with a genuine look of gratitude. “This will be great. Thank you so much. Not many people would do this. You have no idea how much this will help.”
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Extra Study Help // Jack & Bailey
Bailey couldn’t help but to wince as he called her a nerd. She was absolutely right, this had been a mistake. Now he was just going to have more ammo to give to the people who already tormented her at school. Great going Blue Bird. She thought to herself and looked down at her books. Well…here we are. She watched his eyes scanning the room. “Sure…we can sit there.” She said and gathered up her books making her way over there. 
Bailey opted for the pile of pillows on the floor facing the bean bag chairs rather than one of the few. “This is the only section of my room I really get to express myself.” She looked down as she opened up her history book. “It’s kinda sacred so please go easy on me.” Bailey couldn’t bring her eyes to look at him. Her pride hurt, practically begging him not to tease her. Bailey then took a sip of her tea. “Also, thanks for the tea. I’m not much of a coffee drinker.”  She did a small nod before setting the cup down beside her. 
“Oh, and before I forget.” Bailey stood quickly and make her way across her room to her desk. Once she turned around she had a small box in her hands. “I’m in Anatomy but I had your bio teacher a few years back. I talked told her I was tutoring some students in her class and I got the vocabulary words for you.” She held the box out to him, still looking anywhere but his eyes. “So, I make you these.” 
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jxckdavies · 9 years
Jack looked up immediately as the door opened and his trademark grin spread across his lips. He laughed. “That ones tea. Do you like tea? I didn’t know. But this one here’s coffee if you’d prefer it.”
He followed her through the house, noting to himself that the place was nice. Homey. When she hesitated at the door his grin fell into a more lopsided one. He stopped himself from making a comment, knowing it might just embarrass her. 
Once inside his eyes flew to the corner of her room. He glanced back at her. “You don’t even know how incredibly awesome this is. I knew you were a bit of a nerd, but this, now this is impressive.” He caught glance of the comics and part of him wanted to run over and look at her collection, but he stopped himself from the ogling. 
He didn’t even notice her embarrassment, too busy taking in all the cool things on that side of the room. “Can we study in the beanbag chairs? I haven’t sat in a beanbag chair in forever,” he asked, much akin to a kid in a candy store.
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Extra Study Help // Jack & Bailey
Bailey sat infront of the mirror, not really sure what to do. She’s spent the last year flying under the radar. No one really spoke to her, no one really even bullied her, even with Claude around she managed to be invisible. But by some twist in fate she was suddenly being seen again. Which only in turn made the bullies come back in full force. If word of her studying with Jack ever spread she’d never be able to be unseen again. Bailey bit her lip as she glanced down at her phone. Maybe she should cancel. Sure there were plenty of people who could help him out instead. 
When the doorbell sounded Bailey jumped, falling out of her chair with a loud thud. “Just a moment!” She called towards the door before standing up. She noticed the red mark on her arm that was definitely going to bruise. Ignoring it for now she walked quickly to the door and opened it to see Jack standing there, both of his hands full. She looked at him and smiled from ear to ear, any doubt she had fading. “Someone’s thirsty.” She laughed and took one of the drinks from his hand then stepped aside to let him in. 
Bailey then shut the door behind him and began walking. “My room is this way.” She then walked through the empty living room and down the hall. Once she reached her door she hesitated for a moment. The only guy who had ever been in her room was Charlie. Before she could over think it she opened the door and walked in. The room itself was was Navy with white decal. However, once corner of the room missed the memo. There were bean bag chairs, pillows, a large TV mounted to the wall along with shelves full of comics, video games, and posters. The center piece being Captain America of course. 
Bailey placed the cup her hand on the table to the right. Which was located near her vanity and closet. “We can study at the table here…” She brought her eyes up, hoping his eyes had missed her corner. Slightly embarrassed she tucked her hair back behind her ear. “Or wherever really…” 
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jxckdavies · 9 years
Extra Study Help // Jack & Bailey
Jack approached the address Bailey had sent to him. He was lucky that it wasn't all that far from his apartment building, just a subway ride away. Slung over his shoulders was his backpack in which lay a text book and the few notes he had bothered to take. He felt odd coming to someone's home empty handed, so after departing the subway he had ran to the nearest starbucks and picked up a drink for each of them. Coffee for himself and tea for her.
He had spent quite awhile contemplating what to get her and in the end settled on the tea because in his own experience, while it was possible for people to dislike both tea and coffee, the dislike for tea was usually small enough that the person would still drink it and not mind all that much. He really hoped that was the case. He probably should have texted her to save himself the uncomfortable moment if she didn't like it, but of course Jack didn't think that far ahead.
In retrospect the drinks might have been a bad idea for another reason. Now he was standing at her door with no hands to knock on it. Awkwardly he lifted his elbow and rang the doorbell instead.
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jxckdavies · 9 years
"Nope. My vision is 20/20."
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jxckdavies · 9 years
Bailey: Do you want to meet at the library, your place, my place?
Bailey: I have to say my place comes with a dog included.
Jack: You have a dog? That's awesome! Let's do your place then.
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jxckdavies · 9 years
Bailey: The real question is, are you ready to learn?
Bailey: Saturday sounds great. :)
Jack: Oh I assure you, I am. Never been more ready in my life.
Jack: And alright, awesome!
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jxckdavies · 9 years
Jack(to Bailey): Hey, still up for tutoring me? How's Saturday sound?
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jxckdavies · 9 years
“I have very strongly been considering Superman. I could rock that.”
What are you all being for halloween?
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jxckdavies · 9 years
“Oh yea? What are you going to do about it. Cause I’m finding this very entertaining.”
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“I told you once and I’ll tell you again. Stop smacking your gum in my face. It makes you look like an imbecile.”
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jxckdavies · 9 years
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When she hesitated, Jack thought for sure she would say no, but when she spoke he grinned widely. He took her outstretched hand and was only slightly surprised when she moved to write on it. “I look forward to it. Yea, see you.” He glanced back down at the number on his hand, and his ever present smile grew wider.
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Bailey bit her lip and thought for a moment. Her eyes wondering around the hall. Once Bailey looked back at him she was sure, “Challenge excepted.” Bailey then held out her hand to shake. “I happen to be wonderful teacher.” She then swiftly turned Jack’s hand in hers; writing her number on his hand. “See you around?” 
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jxckdavies · 9 years
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“You would do that? Wow that would be awesome. Away games are some of the hardest cause I get back and I’ve missed so much and then BOOM there’s a test the next day. And no that’s not a dumb thought at all! I’m sure I could take some time away from all that,” He said with a grin. “I’m game if you’re really up for it. I will warn you, i’ve been told I’m a difficult student.”
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“If your academics are that rough I can always help you out. I know you’re in football and all so maybe for away games I could make you like flash cards or something to go over on the bus? Then if you’re ever free between being Mr. Popular and football I could help you study. Just a thought…a dumb thought. Yeah so uhm..i’m just going to ha…hmmm”
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jxckdavies · 9 years
“Sounds like you might have an idea about with this favor will be. Should I be scared?”
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Originally posted by kissesonbenches
“You can be sure I’ll be cashing it in soon enough.” She closed her locker and leaned against it.
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jxckdavies · 9 years
“Wow a B+, I like the way you think. And you’re right, hopefully it shouldn’t be long. All we have to do is pick one of those old white dudes and cross our fingers that the assignment was about one of them.”
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“I have a lot of free time, this should be pretty quick. But I want your teacher to know that your project – no, our project is worth at least a B. Maybe even a B+.”
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jxckdavies · 9 years
"You seem pretty put together to me."
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jxckdavies · 9 years
“Oh, would you? That would be amazing. Google: the answer to everything.”
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“I could whip up some quick Google searches and see if I could get you to around a B?”
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jxckdavies · 9 years
“Damn. Well you were worth a shot. Guess I’m going to actually have to crack open a book.” He gave a fake shudder.
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“I could but I don’t remember anything I did from last year, Sorry.”
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