jynto · 3 years
God I can’t wait for the whole mask thing to be permanently over. The amount of disabled elderly people I have seen get abused in public because they forgot their mask is absolutely ridiculous and I would like to never see it happen again.
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jynto · 3 years
as a general rule. if what we’re calling ‘cultural appropriation’ sounds like nazi ideology (i.e. ‘white people should only do white people things and black people should only do black people things’) with progressive language, we are performing a very very poor application of what ‘cultural appropriation’ means. this is troublingly popular in the blogosphere right now and i think we all need to be more critical of what it is we may be saying or implying, even unintentionally.
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jynto · 3 years
Journos once again running a doxing campaign under the guise of news reporting. You can’t tell me that a paramedic donating $10 to a legal defense fund is newsworthy enough to publish his full name, occupation and state on an international news outlet.
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jynto · 3 years
Here it is!
Does anyone have that source on demisexual being from a RP forum? I can’t seem to find it.
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jynto · 3 years
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jynto · 3 years
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mas nafta
more on my instagram @matialonsor
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jynto · 4 years
from observations, I feel like many people took “history books are full of propaganda” and ran with it and instead of more deeply investigating history from varying sources, they just don’t know jack shit about history
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jynto · 4 years
The next decade is not the concern here. But if this is the kind of thing that they’re building in the 2020s, just imagine what kind of machines they’ll be capable of building in 2050, or 2080.
And like @durneh says, their main strength will be in exploiting human emotions. That’s a big enough threat to humans by itself, even if they aren’t combat-capable.
Unfortunately, I do love you now that you can dance
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jynto · 4 years
I’m somewhat late to comment on this, but TL;DR - they’re not.
Apparently there’s a myth going around which you might have heard. And because this is the internet, a lot of folks have been called pedophiles for putting them in adult content. Their canonical ages are 25.
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I love this scene so much, because it means 4Kids thought that young children would
Know what an insurance policy is
Be able to extrapolate that Giovanni is planning to commit insurance fraud
Understand that insurance fraud is a crime
…but they didn’t think those same kids would be able to comprehend rice balls
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jynto · 4 years
The XKCD free speech comic and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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jynto · 4 years
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jynto · 4 years
Except the joke doesn’t work if you read it in that order because part of the punchline comes before the setup. A better caption would be:
[Image ID: A drawing of a fork, knife and spoon. Above the knife is written ‘Cutlery’. Under the fork is written ‘Stablery’. Under the spoon is written ‘Scooplery’. End image ID]
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jynto · 4 years
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jynto · 4 years
Oof! Kinda depressing to see a big name like Hozier believing in the trans life expectency myth. Even more so to hear trans allies cheering for him when he does. 😞
Before you read the TL;DR, I just ask you to think about how plausible it would be for trans people (or trans women specifically, or trans women of colour) to have an average life expectancy in their thirties. How many trans people - since we know there are at least a few million worldwide - would have to die in suspicious circumstances to drag the average down from 70-something to a mere 30-something?
I’ll give you a clue: It’s a lot more than the couple of hundred every year that Trans Day of Remembrance serves to memorialise.
Now, Katie Herzog wrote an excellent piece debunking this damned lie/statistic. So if you were one of the people who saw this tweet and smiled, I strongly recommend reading it for yourself.
But before you discount Herzog as some kind of discount Radfem, bear in mind this is the article Wikipedia cites for the following paragraph in their article on trans women:
In 2015 a false statistic was widely reported in the United States media stating that the life expectancy of a trans woman of color is only 35 years. This appears to be based on a comment specifically about Latin America in a report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which compiled data on the age at death of murdered trans women for all of the Americas (North, South, and Central), and does not disaggregate by race.
Another article from Huffpost concurs:
TL;DR the average lifespan of trans murder victims is very different from that of the much larger group of trans people who don’t get murdered.
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jynto · 4 years
Careful! Some of the single cells on this platform aren’t very good at recognising sarcasm.
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i made a meme in honor of John Boyega going rogue on Twitter last night
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jynto · 4 years
Shhhh, don’t tell them Finn, Rey and Poe aren’t real people.
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i made a meme in honor of John Boyega going rogue on Twitter last night
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jynto · 4 years
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