jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“Injury is a part of the job, it is something to be accepted as a hazard. It would not do me any good if I worry.”
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“I am fully aware but my process is of concern toward you and your performance, Elder Raidou. You cannot fight if you have such an injury, it may cause trouble later.“
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“Yes, my wrist is broken. It will be fine in a week or so.” 
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“Elder Raidou, how can you be so at ease?! Please, allow me to aid you! High Pixie can help to soothe the pain...”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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finally bothered to work a little on an about page for Nagi, since i do want people to know a tiny bit of my girl over here.
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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persona 5 has reminded me how cute the demon girls of shin megami tensei are. starting with pixie! ♡
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“It is truly not my intention to come off as a Raidou fan, I am merely acknowledging my elders...”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
🌀 —   The idea that his fate was kindness angered the spirit. There are things worse than death, and being stuck without a body, weakened and mauled was one of them, not to mention —-
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❝ Kindness? He doomed the future generations! How that could be kindness?! Don’t be foolish! ❞ his anger erupted into a shout. Both the girl and the 14th had no idea what kind of future the Raidou of the present had condemned the future, the entire world. From the beginning, the 40th knew that once he discarded his body there would be no coming back to him, but failing was worse than any kind of demise.
“Sacrifice few for the greater good...? Is that what you wished to do?” She couldn’t quite agree, the best approach should avoid any sort of massacre. But Nagi was naive, and she had not yet grasped that sacrifices are necessary once such a responsibility was placed upon the hands of a summoner.
“I can understand your motives to a degree.”
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“You may have not been mistaken in your process but it was doomed the instant you had to fight elder Raidou.” As a person that both admired and envied the 14th, she could acknowledge the power within him -- it was almost terrifying. “It was an unfortunate meeting.”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“My father’s the Lord of the Underworld. Soo that means I’m a princess.” She gives a little wave of her glass of wine, obviously already under it’s influence. Well, to be fair– this was her sixth one.
“– Uhu, juust kiddiing! As if!– But uhh, Oberon? Your friend has a weird name. Does that mean you’re like Titania or something? Or Puck..”
“Ah, so you are a strong creature with such a rank...” Nagi would cover her mouth, shaking her head. “Hypothetically, of course.” 
High Pixie can quietly judge the blonde woman, it’s not as if someone is getting hurt... yet.
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“...No, of course not. I would never dare to be Titania. I’m only Nagi.”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“When am I going to find my prince charming? I mean, I’m so tired of sleazy guys coming up to me and calling me babe! Like– if you wanna call me babe you have to earn it!”
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“Should you not be of royalty to arrange a marriage with a prince? I would advise a meeting with Oberon if you don’t mind a fairy.”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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This girl is half-Russian, Kuzunoha had said! Victor knows the country well; he spent time trekking through its snowy wilds. Though he had not visited for sightseeing (rather, in pursuit of his most traditional enemy, yet that is a story for another time), he hadn’t been immune to the cold beauty of Siberia.
It wasn’t quite up to scratch with Switzerland, of course—no country could ever hope to compete with the Alps—but to hear of someone with fellow European blood in the Capital warmed Victor’s own heart. He bowed his head to her in greeting, and the cordial smile he gave her was nothing short of genuine.
“All Summoners are welcome in my laboratory, but I admit you are of particular interest to me. Satisfy my curiosity—have you ever visited your second mother country?”
“I thank you for taking me in and for all the aid you have brought to Raidou, I pray my process of becoming a proper summoner come in handy toward your work.”
This is one step further for Nagi in knowing better her duty. She may be but only a novice, her title void in comparison to the one of Raidou but finally meeting the acclaimed doctor -- ah, this can only prove itself favourable toward her growth.
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 “...Unfortunately, I do not know far more than the capital and Tsukigata village.” What a pity to be but a countryside girl. But as those small places being her entire world, should they not matter even more as opposed to the entire human race? “I have my own theories but they do not matter, as a Kuzunoha I must place aside any connection I have with my past. However, have you seen it? My heart is curious, even when I must not ache for a place I don’t know about.”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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Annnnnd another smt_69min doodle from twitter!! Tonight’s theme was ‘pixie’ and it’s always gonna be DSRK themed with me, so… c:
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“Don’t be weighed down by what I have said or taught. I can only speak from what I have experienced, and that won’t always be useful for everyone.”
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“Raidou-san, my process won’t let me withstand you saying such things. You taught me plenty when I met you, if anything I was jealous of your capacities-- recognize your strength, otherwise it will put in shame my admiration for you.”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
atmavatar replied to your post
shrugs, and nods again. embryon, assemble. all they need now is a skyscraper and a guy in a power suit...
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done and done.
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
atmavatar replied to your post
kicks at a pebble before shrugging and then nodding.
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
🌀 —   It would be smarter if 40th kept his distance, as he suspected that even a simple ritual of banishment or an exorcism would haul him back to the Akarana Corridor or even rip what left of his soul apart – effectively destroying him. However, at that point, Raidou didn’t care. Oblivion would be preferable than his current fate. 
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❝ Your senior couldn’t end me. What a greenhorn like you can do?❞ …A greenhorn defeated him, he shouldn’t underestimate her.
“Raidou-san fought you?” It made sense -- but something concerned Nagi more than the fact such an existence was not eliminated. “I do not believe what you say, my theory is that he spared your life. I have seen his kindness firsthand.” 
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“I have my own means, I am still a Kuzunoha and the future Geirin the eighteenth.” 
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“Traditional?– Geez. People always keep themselves in line all because of tradition, but really does it make them happy? I’m doing this because my ancestors did this, because we’re supposed to. It’s so annoying.– Ah, but sorry! I’m rambling now. Anywhoo, if you’re sticking around me because you think I need protection then don’t. I’m a big girl.”
That last part definitely caught her attention though. Now that she thought about it, the area before did feel similar to the way her world did.
“Demons? You know those things don’t exist right?”
“I agree certain traditions must change. They can bring more pain that anything.” Seeing that from close, how it destroyed almost their world. Nagi closes her eyes, sighing eventually. “I didn’t grow around people my age, that must be why I can seem uptight. My apologies.”
‘Nagi, that woman reeks like me. Just let her go so the Orthrus can eat her.’ Glancing where her High Pixie was, the novice summoner’s lips grimaced. Even as the easiest way out, wasn’t it more irresponsible to let dangerous creatures wander as they pleased and allow the food chain to take care of it?
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“It’s a warning from the eldest in town, don’t worry.”
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jyuhatsu · 7 years
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“I would not call myself particularly wise. I have learned more from mistakes than anything else. There is only so-much I can prepare for, and I feel that I can only be ready for what the day brings me.”
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“Yet your humble response shows what I initially thought. I wish to learn by myself but somehow I can’t help but wish to stick close to what your teaching can offer.”
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