k-a-n-a-t-o · 9 years
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@suckitchumps submitted to k-a-n-a-t-o:
I approached the mansion for the first time in a while, a small cardboard box resting on the front seat gently. An attempt at a peace offering. I was so nervous that he would hate me. I… I knew he would hate me. He wouldn’t take me back. I mean, why should he?
But… I still had to try. I just wanted to see him again. I needed to. But I didn’t want to make him see me either. Instead, I made him a vanilla strawberry cake, and put a note on the box. He could read it, and eat it, and decide if he actually wanted to see me or not. I nervously left the box on the steps and got back into my car, driving away as quickly as I could.
I wonder how long I would have to wait before I got my answer…
Kanato stared at the box, just sitting on the front steps of the mansion. He scoffed. Reiji couldn’t have brought it in to him instead of just leaving it there? He knelt down and picked it up. As he walked back into the mansion, he read the note. Kanato scowled. Forgive Liz? After she just left like that out of the blue, with no indication? Whatever. It wasn’t like he cared. The only thing he cared about were the sweets she’d made him. Maybe if the cake was good enough, he would forgive her.
He found a fork and opened up the box, the sweetness of the strawberries and the icing nearly as intoxicating as a young lady’s (virgin) blood. He hoped it tasted as good as it looked and smelled. He took a bite out of the cake and paused.
Well, at least she was able to do something right after all the time being gone. Her baking had gotten better. He supposed she hadn’t wasted so much time being away after abandoning him like that.
He took his cell phone out of his pocket and looked at Teddy, who was perched in the counter. “What do you think, Teddy? Should I call her? Send her a message? You’re right. I doubt she would have gotten a new phone. I’ll send her a message. I don’t want to hear her stupid voice until she comes to see me face to face.”
Kanato: You’ve got a lot nerve to suddenly disappear and reappear just as suddenly! You’re lucky I liked your cake. GET BACK HERE.
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k-a-n-a-t-o · 10 years
"Ugh. You're forgiven. When you're better, make me some pudding. Chocolate. And we're going to go shopping for Teddy."
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k-a-n-a-t-o · 10 years
"I'm not done talking to you! Jeez." -Kanato hugs her- "You're so difficult sometimes."
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k-a-n-a-t-o · 10 years
"You wanted help? With what? Can't you do anything for yourself? Hey, stop crying. You want a sweet?
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k-a-n-a-t-o · 10 years
"Why are you crying, stupid? I'm right here."
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