k-dramatique · 8 years
Ey Buddies!
Over 2,000 followers! Thank you all so much for following and supporting me. You don’t know how much it means to me and I love you all!
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k-dramatique · 8 years
just went through your entire blog!! want to let you know that i think your posts are super genius and amazing.. they make me laugh so much :')
Sorry it took me so long to answer! Thank you!!! I’m really glad you like my idiocies ;-;
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k-dramatique · 8 years
So I finally made a snapchat for this account. It’ll be random stuff about kdramas or kpop! My handle is kdramatique!
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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Hmm... where have I seen this picture before? Oh, right...
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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So the fire alarm sounded and the student population evacuated, but... why are there only like 50 students? Also, they are still standing waaaaaaay too close to that building which could potentially be on fire.
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k-dramatique · 9 years
Question 37
Why is there a smoke alarm on the floor? Is that a Korean thing?
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k-dramatique · 9 years
Question 36
How the fuck did she not see the smoke before?
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k-dramatique · 9 years
Question 35
Where the fuck they get a smoke bomb?
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k-dramatique · 9 years
Question 34
If class was reassigned to the science lab, why is Jan Di the only one there?
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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I know this sounds like a threat and hell maybe it is, but I interpret this little scene a little differently.
To me, Ji Hoo is saying that he didn’t put his hat in the ring because he’d have to go head-to-head with his best friend. But he’s also kind of saying that he didn’t do it because he knew that Jan Di was good for Joon Pyo, that she was worthy of him. With everything that has happened and the break up and all the confusion on her part, he’s telling her to figure it out and fast because she’s making a mistake and if she keeps going down this path then maybe he was wrong about it all in the first place.
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k-dramatique · 9 years
Ji Hoo begins his little talk with Commoner by mentioning that it’s been 15 years that he’s known Joon Pyo. A 15 year broship is brotp as fuck. In regular Ji Hoo style, though, he’s pretty philosophical about the whole thing and mentions that you can’t ever truly know a person.
However, he says he believes that Jan Di knows what kind of a person Joon Pyo really is. He asks if she thinks that Joon Pyo did it, gave her the red card and tried to maim her with that flower pot.
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Ho ho! Whoops. Conviction my left asscheek! Homie is flipping and flopping all over the place.
Ji Hoo is getting tired of her indecisive nature and frankly, so am I.
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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This is the first time Ji Hoo isn’t happy to see Jan Di when he pops in on her. Ooooooh, girl, you stuck your foot in your mouth this time.
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k-dramatique · 9 years
Korean Sherlock Holmes Yoon Ji Hoo
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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::sigh:: Why you got me flip-flopping, Jan Di. After just brutally wrecking her once-boyfriend, now she’s the picture of loyalty. That’s some conviction, she knows he’s changed and she doesn’t believe that Joon Pyo is capable of something like this.
Fav part is Hot M!odel’s grimace at the end of that.
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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Well that was fast
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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Hmmmmmm... sounds fake, but okay
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k-dramatique · 9 years
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That’s right, y’all. Jan Di is hit with the infamous Red Card again. Only person to get it twice.
Woo! A record! Congrats, Commoner! You’re just firing on all cylinders, aren’t ya?
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