k-marie-lagesse · 2 years
3 - Ririan Aushuk
Sunday, October 09, 2143
Ririan sits before the large black sleet desk. Hana Meiko sits across from her, staring at her. Ririan pulls on a loose maroon curl, letting her hair fall before her pretty green eyes. Ririan is pretty, but not ‘cute’. She looks rather tough, like a person that can put up with a lot before snapping. She is neither tall nor short - being five-feet and eight-inches in height. She is neither thin nor fat. She is perfectly average, with the exception to her pretty face.
This surprises Hana. She was expecting someone who would stand out, but this girl could easily fade into the background, were she so inclined to. “Ririan Aushuk,” Hana begins, “here at this school we have are own set of standards, some are probably normal to you and other new. Here we require that out students attend all of their classes. Speaking of which, this is your schedule,” she slides a paper across the desk before continuing.
“We also require that you wear the school’s uniform,” the woman stands as she explains. Most private schools require uniforms so this is not new to Ririan. “You will be wearing the blue uniform, which is for the A-strength category. Each class has a different colored uniform.” Hana opens a cabinet and digs through it searching for an item, “You will need this as well.” She pulls out a silver badge and places it on the desk over the schedule. “And this,” she puts a map of the campus ground by the schedule.
Ririan glances down at the badge - it has a giant eight carved into the smooth surface. Under the eight it reads in smaller font: Heidel’s Academy of Talented - at Maysek the students there would call this place HAT. Ririan places the badge on her lap after playing the clip and pricking her finger once.
Hana continues, “You are allowed to use your talent whenever and wherever within the campus grounds. Once out of the school gates you may not use your talent without it being to progress in a project or without the approval of your trainer. You are not permitted to use your talent against other students, unless in self-defense, and even then you can get into a great deal of trouble with the SUNS.”
She pauses as her gaze lands on Ririan, who looks quizzical, “Questions?”
Ririan nods, “Yes. You mentioned colored uniforms and that mine is blue. What are the others and why are they different?”
“They are different to keep a semblance of order in the categories and the students. The highest level in strength is the S-Class and they wear a purple uniform. The next group is the A-Class in blue - that would be your group. Then there is the B-Class in green, C-Class in yellow, D-Class in orange, and the E-Class in pink - they are mostly children.” She frowns softly, “There is an F-Class, but it is an assembly of troubled students and they all wear red uniforms.”
Ririan is… hesitant. She is both looking forward to this, a chance at meeting people like her - with talents, and she is also dreading it. She fears being rejected by the rejects for being… different.
Hana drones on a while longer about a few of the bigger campus rules. Due to the fact that it is Sunday there are no classes in session currently. It is the one day of the week where they have no classes. Eventually Hana dismisses Ririan to her dorm, asking if she needs a guide. After Ririan assures the woman she can find it on her own, they separate.
Ririan leaves the office towards the general direction Hana said. As soon as she is alone in a corridor she steals a glance at her schedule and tries to decipher the diagram. It is a month-length schedule. The first week is occupied by what is called ‘Festival Preparation’. The only day off down the month is Sunday, which is new to Ririan - she is used to both Saturday and Sunday.
The rest of the month is scheduled the same. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are occupied by what is labeled as ‘Regular Class’. Wednesdays are ‘Athletics’. Saturdays are ‘Extracurricular’, with the exception to the last Saturday of the month. That one is labeled as ‘Performance & Exhibition’. Each class block has a location listed under and a teacher, or three.
On the bottom it reads: Team projects are decided via team leader, trainer, or sub-trainer. See your trainer or leader for more information. Yet Ririan does not really recall being told anything about her team or her team leader. Hana either forgot about it, or Ririan may not be on one?
Deciding not to worry about it she continues on. She walks on a cement path outside the back doors leading the yard of the campus. She rubs her arms awkwardly in the chilly air. Hana had informed Ririan that one of her new neighbors was collecting her uniforms for her. She would be given many to get her through the week - the campus has an official laundromat in the basement that deals with washing and returning the uniforms every Sunday.
Ririan is uncertain she wants to live here - packed like sardines. She is uncertain this is even the best place for someone… like her. Ririan fears her powers. She has decent control over them, but at times her emotions take control of them. She has to keep a calm head, it is the only way she managed to keep this a secret for so long.
Ririan was very young when the accident with her older brother, Ran, occurred. She does miss her father, Rogan, and her younger brother, Rei. She even misses her mother, Clemency… who was the one that… sent her away. Truth be told… the woman rather pretend that Ririan never existed. Clemency hates talented.
A voice breaks through her thoughts, “Watch out!”
Ririan turns her head in time to see a baseball slicing through the air at ridiculous speeds. Ririan shoots her hands up, a tree almost immediately taking root between her and the ball. The ball hits the trunk and sinks to the ground with a dull thud. Lowering her hands the tree shrinks down, as though never having taken root. Even the grass has returned and the earth has flatten once more.
Ririan looks past where the ball had landed to see a young man making his way to her. He has neatly parted blonde hair and lightning-blue eyes. “Sorry about that!” he chuckles nervously, embarrassed by the encounter. “My friend tends to forget his own strength,” the young man scratches the back of his head as he cocks his head to face the other young man jogging to join them. “Sagen, get over here and apologize!”
Ririan is about to say ‘no need’, when the dark-haired man arrives and stares at her. His violet gaze makes Ririan shiver, but not due to how handsome he is. It is cause by the intensity of his gaze. This man has his hair styled short and his hair falls over his forehead in jagged ends. In a word Ririan would call him ‘attractive’, but then he opens his mouth. “Sorry about that.” He then adds, “But maybe you should be walking there? Everyone knows that Rai and I play catch here on Sundays and Fridays-!”
Rai, the other boy, flinches, “Don’t drag me into this! I said apologize, not provoke her further!”
Ririan hates hoity people.
That may be half the reason she snaps. The other half may be due to the fact that she hates it even more when good-looking people are assholes, cause they think they can get away with it. No one can, though it is harsh to assume that is why he is rude. “I will walk where I please! Maybe you should control your inhuman strength better?!”
Ririan marches off, heading towards the dorms with renewed vigor. She hates obnoxious men! Were she to use one word to describe him after that single meeting… the word obnoxious would be it. Arrogant, maybe?
Ririan marches up to an old looking building with gray slate rocks that decorate around the front doors. Pillars lean against the wall by the rocks on the cement porch a few steps off the ground. It looks like an old community center or town center, with a few small windows climbing up the side walls but on a handful of larger windows up front.
This… is her new home now.
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k-marie-lagesse · 2 years
2 - Pauman Divik
Friday, October 07, 2143
The young man sneezes in the cold air and rubs under his nose with the end of his sleeve, as if snot had come out due to habit. He is wearing a strange style with pride: a bright yellow shirt over a black-and-white striped shirt with long sleeves. He is also wearing his favorite cargo pants with faded green print. His favorite earring hangs off of his right ear - a dangling star.
There is a story behind it, though it is not a tale people can get out him. His left ear only has a black stud - no story behind that one. His right arm is currently in a blue cast due to a fight that broke out earlier in the year, but enough thoughts on that.
He runs his fingers through his short pale-blonde hair, his green eyes searching the River Market, which actually sits by the trench and not a real river, for a present. The River Market is a collection of many stall with different vendors, each trying to vie for his attention. There are many kinds of wares here, homemade jams and clothing, jewelry, used music CDs - it is an endless plethora of items.
It is the best place to hunt down a birthday gift.
As usual he is not alone, Pauman rarely travels alone. He has many friends, some much closer than others. The current youth with him is his closest of friends, though not the only close friend.
Rile, the other boy, has dark silver-blonde hair and pretty steel-colored eyes. He is also rather popular, due to his height and wicked smile, and not so much because he is ‘attractive’. Rile has this wild smile that makes people look at him twice, because though there is a mischievous glint to it… it is remarkably beautiful.
Not that Rile even notices how nice his smile is.
Rile is wearing a white button-up shirt with long sleeves, more due to the cool weather than preference. He is also sporting a red zip-up vest and regular blue jeans. Rile prefers comfort over style, which sometimes means he dresses as absurd as Pauman. Rile also wears a necklace around his neck that holds a few military dog-tags, not that Pauman ever asked what they were from.
Pauman is not one to pry, even if curious.
“Hey, look who I found,” Rile chuckles next to Pauman. Rile is a whole five-inches taller than the already tall Pauman. His five extra inches makes him six-feet and five-inches in height, towering over most in Heidel.
Pauman’s eyes follow Rile’s outstretched finger. The discovery makes Pauman smirk, as his gaze falls on three familiar figures tossing a ball near the edge of the trench. “Is that Sagen?” which of course likely means trouble will soon follow - Sagen has bad luck after all.
From where the pair stands they can assume the three young men are playing monkey-in-the-middle. Yet it also appears that the monkey, Jobi Delin, has not realized the game they play. Jobi waves his hands and doesn’t chase after the ball as it easily sails over his head to Rai, the third boy and Sagen’s closest friend.
Jobi just continues to hop up and down, trying to get the ball as it soars overhead. Every time he gets ignored he just pouts a little and then tries to catch the next one. Slowly, but surely, he begins to understand which game they are playing - and he does not like that one bit!
Pau and Rile arrive just as it clicks into place for Jobi. The youth is now pouting disappointed, never liking the game even as a child. Jobi is what most people would call ‘cute’ for someone his age, eighteen. That is the word often used to describe him - that and ‘adorable’.
Jobi glances at Pau and Rile as they near the group. He smiles big, “Pau!” he waves his hand over his head with far too much enthusiasm. Jobi likely hopes their presence will change the game to something a little more hands-on-the-ball. The energetic youth is likely quite bored.
Pauman, already accustomed to the cheeriness, smiles and waves back with much less enthusiasm. They near as Pauman asks, “Can Rile and I join?” Truth be told Pauman would rather procrastinate on the gift-searching. Buying presents for people is not his forte…
Sagen throws the sleek ball to Rile, who catches it smoothly in one hand, though one should always take care when catching one of Sagen’s tosses. Sagen has a mean throw, especially for a talented that is not physical-based. Rai twirls the ball between his two index fingers, eyes on Sagen. Rai knows better than to assume that Sagen is in the mood for a larger crowd and rather just let him answer - as a grumpy Sagen is difficult to deal with.
Only Rai can deal with a grumpy Sagen.
Well, Rai and Jeseque.
Sagen merely shrugs his shoulder at first, signaling that he may not be in the finest of moods. Then suddenly he smirks, like an idea has come to him, “Yeah. How about Pau joins Jobi in the middle and becomes a monkey too. After all, Pauman is completely useless without his arm.”
“Hey, I am not useless!” Pau defends weakly.
Eventually Pauman joins Jobi in the ‘middle’ of a triangle, with Sagen, Rai, and Rile tossing the ball back and forth over their heads. They toss the ball around for only a short while without incident - yet they are never so lucky to go long without something happening to someone.
They have their fun teasing Jobi, who only giggles at their prodding. Jobi manages to trip a few times, since he has always been quite clumsy. Sometimes he surprises them with acts of athletic prowess by rolling back onto his feet easily or jumping higher than expected.
Jobi is the shortest in their current group of five. He is five-feet and seven-inches tall. He has messy brown hair that falls over his wide sparkling blue eyes. For someone so eager and happy-go-lucky, he is actually quite observant. Things do not tend to slip by him unnoticed and he is always quick to know when someone he cares about is upset, despite their fake smiles and warm responses.
Sagen suddenly tosses the ball quite a bit lower than usual. Pauman jumps up in an attempt to retrieve it, but with only one good hand up… he misses. Instead he manages to stroke the underside of the ball, causing it to snap upwards in trajectory. “Aw, crap!” the young man shouts just as his feet touch the ground again.
The heads upwards and in direction of the trench nearby. The trench is a man-made aqueduct-like structure that cuts from one of the school facilities into the town-side of Heidel. It is a concrete structure that holds water, where a lot of talented fish-life live. The trench has a good twelve-feet drop onto the ‘fishing’ path below nearer to the trench’s surface. Due to the fact that many people fish from the ground-level as well there really isn’t much of a safety-railing near the River Market section.
Jobi shouts, “Got it!”
“No!” all four of his friends shout in unison at him.
Jobi turns to catch the ball, a small child running into his path. Jobi manages to avoid collision with the boy by sort-of leaping over him. This causes for Jobi to miscalculate the distance of ground between him and the trench’s drop. Instead of touching down on the ground-level his heels hits the incline of the trench wall and… down Jobi flails.
Next thing they know they are all sitting in the Hospital Wing of the school being scolded by Hana Meiko. She, when angry, has a voice that sometimes sounds like barking, “You lot should know better than to play catch that close to the trench! Especially with someone like Jobi!” Of course they understand what she means by that, his head is always up in the clouds and should be the last person anyone asks to hang around near the edge of anywhere.
Hana loves all of her students like they are her own, protecting them and defending them when necessary. That likely has to do with the fact that she has no children of her own to protect. She usually has to protect them from the Rownna SUNS often.
“Yes ma’am,” they say in near unison just as the nurse exits the room across from them giggling - as mentioned earlier… Jobi is cute and surely the nurse agrees. She covers her pink lips with her fingertips as she continues to giggle, the doctor scolding her for the unprofessional conduct.
The doctor then turns his attention to Hana.
After the brief discussion, revealing that Jobi has a minor fracture in his ankle, the four boys are sent home. Jobi is to stay overnight, but only because he skipped his physical last week. In order to make certain he didn’t skip it again they decided to keep him there and give it to him tomorrow. They mostly just want to make him do his blood tests, as those are the ones they are most concerned about due to how they went last time.
Jobi has some health issues; it is no secret.
Sagen and Rai leave campus, discussing where they were going for dinner. Rile and Pauman, meanwhile, head towards Rile’s dorm for some old notes. Rile is no longer in the same class as Pau, but he still has some valid notes the Pauman needs for his own class. Pauman does not live on campus, but with a few friends in town. He rarely has reason to enter the male dorms, but he needs the notes… so there he goes.
They arrive to Rile’s dorm room before the silence is broken, “Man, Sagen can be such an ass.” Rile is the one to break the silence. He pushes the key into the lock and opens the door, letting his friend into the mostly-neat room. “He threw that knowing it would be just out of reach.”
This is likely so.
Pauman shrugs, “Ah,” which is ‘yes’  in the southern dialect of Sankuk, “but Jobi should really learn when to jump and when to not.”
“Can’t argue there,” Rile murmurs. “Broken ankle - full six weeks in a cast. That is six weeks he can’t walk freely and another three on top of that in which he has to ‘take it easy’.” Rile’s gaze shifts to Pau’s cast - his right arm has been in a cast for over two weeks now. “Will your cast be off in time for the Sport’s Competition?”
Pauman glances down at the cast as he yanks on a loose string from his sleeve. Pauman thinks about the events that had led to the injury and frowns, before giving Rile the brightest smile he can muster. “Ah, it will be off before then,” there is still plenty of time.
Rile shakes his head, “You could have been seriously hurt in that ruckus, Pau.” Rile still has the worry tinging his tone. Sometimes he wishes he had not been advanced out of the class, maybe that way he could have been there to stop Pauman from getting hurt.
Pauman stares at the cast still. It is covered in signatures, some names overlapping others. Some of the wishes are hard to read, but they were all kind words. “I am really lucky Alph managed to get help when he had, but he could have been in a worse state.”
Alph is a student in the same class as Pau. Alph had managed to leave the class when the fighting broke out. With his escape he managed to get two trainer involved in the huge conflict that had somehow involved most of the students. Argo Den, the teacher in charge of the class, had managed to stop one of the students, but the fight that erupted consisted of most of the twenty-plus students in his class.
Alph managed to find both Donal Trek and Judnar Durai outside the S-class discussing some work. Durai sometimes exits his classroom to speak to Trek in private, not wanting his students to get too distracted by the trainer’s presence. Due to both of them being present they became aware of the situation and arrived in time to put an end to the fighting.
Alph’s escape did not go unnoticed, of course. The cost of leaving the class to get help had been nearly getting his arm torn off by a student whose talent is Strength. That is a Group Two (Body), Part One (Physical) ability - not rare, but definitely dangerous.
Alph ended up in emergency surgery, but due to his own ability being a Group Two, Part One he managed to heal quickly. Most Group Two and Part One talented manage to heal quickly. Yet Alph can heal much faster than most either way since his talent is Speed itself. All Alph complains about now is a slight soreness, but the injury has already healed up nicely.
“Yeah, but Alph seems fine now,” Rile mumbles. “Though I can’t imagine the emotional trauma left from almost having your arm torn out.” Rile looks at Pauman’s sad expression and sighs, “It wasn’t your fault he got hurt. You were trying to stop the fighting. Alph knows that,” Rile assures.
After the fight the class shrunk. Most of the students were transferred into the F-class. Now Pauman’s class only consists of six students total. Several students got caught in the fighting when they weren’t actually involved - though Pauman is uncertain what the dispute was even about. Others were absent that day and others did not get involved.
Greiden was out with a cold - had been out all week due to it.
Saul had been off campus due to a family emergency.
Lou stayed in her seat through the whole affair.
Mital tried to pry one student off another.
Alph left to get help.
Pauman pulled a student off of Alph and had tried to hold them down.
Pauman isn’t certain what started the fighting, or why it even happened. Everything just… fell apart. And standing in the center of it all was that damn Aido! Pauman hates that every time something stupid happens on campus it comes back to Aido Lenguini!
Pauman forces a smile and says, “Thanks for the notes.” He takes the old journal from his friend, “Night. I should probably head home. Belouise will have have a complete freak out if I get home any later.” He doesn’t know what he keeps calling the place ‘home’. He lives with two others, Micah and Belouise. They have a romantic relationship, though Micah never calls Belouise his ‘girlfriend’ and Belouise often calls Micah her ‘idiot’.
Though not quite in a relationship they are at the final arduous stages of adopting a child, as Belouise found out she can’t have children. It is not easy for a talented to adopt a child, but when given permission it is usually adopting a talented child who has been given up by a norm family. Most talented children are given to Heidel and not all of them are given families.
Due to their new family, Puaman is looking for a new place to stay.
Sure, Belouise never told him to go, but they are starting a new chapter in their lives. Pauman does not want to be in the middle of it. They deserve some privacy and time. Belouise is like an older sister to Pauman, and leaving is rather difficult for the pair. Pauman does find it necessary.
Rile glances at his watch before raising an eyebrow, “It’s late, Pau. Stay the night - use the spare bed-.” Rile has no current roommate at the moment, so the offer would be inconvenient to anyone. “You’re going to work yourself to death for that goal of yours, you know? You should stay the night, get some extra shut eye, save some energy.”
Pau has a few part-time jobs and that ‘goal’ of his, well, is unlikely to come to fruition. Even so he refuses to give-up, “Nah. Micah and Belouise will think I am trying to avoid them because they’re beginning to show their affection instead of hiding it.”
Rile sighs again, “I still can’t believe they’re together, considering they way they used to treat one another in school.”
Micah was the drug-addict troublemaker. Belouise was the serious studious student who excelled in everything. They fought about everything and didn’t get along until after graduation. It all happened after Belouise pulled Micah out of his ‘rut’. Sometimes, though Pauman is uncertain, is feels like Micah has only stuck around because he feels indebted to Belouise and not because he loves her. That makes Pauman a bit sad.
He wants to think that Micah loves Belouise, but he doubts it.
Pauman shakes his head, “See you!” He exits down the hall, journal in his arms. He is still contemplating a present for his friend, but truth be told… what does one even a girl? She’s completely just a friend, but rather sensitive. She will likely ignore him for a month if he doesn’t get her a gift. And if he gets her something she dislikes she will probably punch him in the gut.
Is getting her a gift really worth it?
He weighs the pros and cons. Being ignored isn’t so bad, but then she’ll start moping and whining when she does stop ignoring him. Yet again… being punched in the gut by her hurts way worse than if anyone else punched him. She just… has a really mean punch! Ugh, just thinking about Marti’s punch makes him shiver. She won’t go easy just cause he has a cast either! He needs a gift - a good gift, and quick!
He can always cheat and just ask Trek - he should know. The flirt knows what all the female students like. Yet is Pauman gets her something that Trek already does, or someone else does… that fate may be even worse! She will more likely throw the item at his head, if its hard. If its soft she’ll tosses it over her head and the karate chop him on his head!
Man, Marti is too aggressive!
Maybe Pauman should just let her ignore him?
Ugh, but the pouting afterwards will just be so annoying! he will be able to handle the silence for a few days, even if the month will seem long and kind of boring without her. Yet being beat-up for getting her a gift not to her expectations just seems so harsh! Besides, the moping around after giving up her silent treatment will just be such a pain.
Maybe he can just put his name on Rile’s gift?
Nah, he wouldn’t let that slide. Mostly cause the punishment will likely be inflicted on the pair. It’ll probably be worse than getting her something she already had. Marti also isn’t the kind to like homemade gifts, unless it was homemade fudge. Yet the time it takes to make fudge isn’t time he has to spare!
This is quite the conundrum, truth be told.
Any other friend would just be grateful. Spoiled brat… but she is his friend and he does care about her. Pauman cannot deny that Marti is a dear friend, quirks and all. She’s usually quite kind, but she gets very moody about her birthday - and not to mention sensitive. Didn’t help she never knew gift-giving was a common practice until she arrived to Heidel. Now she’s obsessed with them.
“Yeah,” Rile murmurs after Pauman. He sighs with the worry still hanging over him. He only worries because sometimes he thinks that Pauman doesn’t worry enough for himself. “Be careful Pau,” but the other young man is so deep in thought he doesn’t hear Rile. “You really ought to worry more for yourself…” Rile mutters under his breath.
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k-marie-lagesse · 2 years
1 - Hana Meiko
Sunday, October 02, 2143
Hana Meiko stares into the open file on her desk, unable to comprehend how it is possible for such a person to exist. A talent is a gift, of some sort, for a person none has ever met - in her opinion. Yet this one girl has more than just that gift - she has gifts to spare.
It isn’t that this is a first, but she thought that the last time this occurred had been a fluke, of some kind. Yet here it is again - another person! Another person with so many gifts that she doesn’t really have a single one listed! She just has a Group and Part listed. Most would have the talent’s name listed as well.
Hana skims through the files as Donal Trek takes a seat before her, entering the office without knocking. He crosses his leg to lean on one of his knees. He watches the older woman as she reads the files. He knows that if he speaks now he will break her concentration and waits to be spoken to instead.
He was formerly one of her students and now is one of the school’s several trainers. He works under her advisement, though he actual boss would be the Trainer Coordinator, Omega. Each trainer is in charge of five S, A, or B-Class students. Any student who isn’t in any of these classes or formerly in one, does not have a trainer. Trainers are their personal coaches, as well as the ones who make certain they finish certain community projects handed for them to do.
It is the way they complete annual goals of progress: building homes, cleaning the trench, finding a spot for a local park, and such other ‘menial’ tasks are given to the students to do with the teams under the trainer’s guidance. The larger the project the more teams that are assigned to it. There are only twenty-one teams total. Some tasks fall to the Heidel Community and not the students.
While Hana sifts through the file the young man steals a glance around the office. It hasn’t changed much in the years - he recalls this space clearly from his time there. He was often brought in and chided for misconducts as a students. The mere idea of him trading his troubled-youth to become a proper trainer was ludicrous to his friends, but they are proud of him.
The office has been repainted recently, fresh blue, but the shade has not really changed from the original - just clearer now. Her black filing cabinets still line the left wall, entering into the room. There are five of them, each drawer labeled with a letter or two.
The frames on the wall are mostly awards handed to her from her time as a SUNS councilor. All of these merits are what made it easy for the people to choose her as their Spearhead. Those award which litter the wall space over the cabinets are the proof of her hard work.
The other wall has a black lounge pressed against it, the same one from his own time as a student. There is a long sleek coffee table before it with several closed files. Surely she is studying for a meeting with the SUNS later in the week - it is her job.
On that wall, over the lounge, are framed pictures. Some of the images are black-and-white, or tinted brown, due to their age. They are old pictures, some of them the pictures of the founders of Heidel. Some of them are of the long lineage Hana Meiko comes from. Others are in color, recent pictures of her family.
One of them always makes Donal smiles. The one of Meiko holding her nephew at her side. Dawson, her nephew, is only a year younger than Donal, and so the two are well-acquainted. Dawson and Donal were never close, but the nephew is a kind-hearted person and Donal does not mind him much. The reason the picture makes him smile is due to how pleased Hana looks.
Besides, Dawson is expected to live a short life.
There is no fun in teasing a dying person.
Donal looks at the empty arm chair by his - they match the lounge, but these face towards the desk. The desk itself sits near the back wall. The back wall is one large window that faces out to the backside of the campus. From there Hana can see the mess hall and the two dormitories.
Hana stops flipping through the file and pushes it to the side, catching the trainer’s attention. She looks at the young man before her, “Donal. I have a new incoming student that will be joining your team.”
“Oh, what are they like?” he asks with a soft smile on his chin. Donal is known to be quite frisky with the young ladies, but Hana is not one to get involved in their personal lives - so long as it is mutual. It is not against school rules for him to have an affair with a student, so long as he or she is seventeen or older. The only reason she would interfere were to end harassment.
No student has complained about him.
The reason it is permitted is because sometimes students graduate considerably young, such as Donal who is currently twenty-four and graduated several years ago. Another reason is because some students don’t graduate until they are older, such as Dawson who is a student and twenty-three years-old. Besides, the age for legal marriage in Sankuk is seventeen.
Donal Trek is perfectly allowed to date them.
Personally, to Hana, there is a certain line between trainer and student, teacher and student, and Spearhead and student. It may be the reason Hana never married herself, the fine line she created between her and most everyone else. She is happy just to be there for them - like a mother, one could suppose.
Hana stares at Donal for a long beat before finally replying, “She may not fit in.” This is easily a problem, as this is a school for ‘freaks’ and if she cannot fit in here, then there is nowhere for her to hide. That is rarely an issue here - everyone fits in somewhere.
“Not fit in? Is that even a possibility, Meiko?” he chuckles. Donal always has that glint of mischief in his hazel eyes.
Just recalling her times as his Spearhead, getting after him, reminds her how childish he still is. “I have told you, time and time again, you can address me as Hana now. I am no longer your teacher,” she chastises lightly, before standing to look out the window behind her.
“Sorry, but it is a habit of several years that cannot be undone easily,” he pauses. Then he pushes the topic once more, “What do you mean by ‘she may not fit in’?”
Hana begins to whisper as she stares at the students walking on the back lawn of the school grounds. “She’s from an extremely wealthy family in Palace Gates.” It is the heart of where the royal families used to live, now it belongs to the wealthiest people of Sankuk.
“After the mysterious disappearance of her older brother, she has been shuttled from one school to the next, all along the southern border. Maysek’s Academy of Medicine and Technology is the most recent.” Hana whispers, trying to imagine how life has been for the young woman in the past years. Shot off from boarding school to boarding school - it couldn’t have been easy.
Hana wonders if her family would write to her while gone?
Hana wonders if she was ever lonely?
Hana wonders if she will get along in Heidel?
“All right?” the young trainer leans forward in his chair. “She wouldn’t be the first to come to us from such a prestigious academy. There was Denshei and even the Maygenbar siblings,” he lists easily. “She would have many people here under similar background.”
“She is now being sent here with orders from her family to pretend she is not theirs, and they have even changed her name in order to keep that secret,” Hana continues. She turns to face him once more, her back now to the window. “She is seventeen years-old and has tremendous power.”
“I still don’t see the problem,” Donal presses. “First, we have Little Pauman, and his family is a Mighty Line.”
The nickname makes Hana bristle. She murmurs under her breath, “If he hears that you call him that even when he is not present, he will be very upset with you.” After all, Pauman only thinks Donal says it to annoy him. ‘Little’ is not a term Hana would use to describe the six-foot tall nineteen year-old.
Donal continues, as though Hana had not interrupted him, “Second, we have Alheim, Sagen, and Rai - all whom have tremendous amounts of power. They are not the only ones: Endo, Atirre-.”
She cuts him off harshly this time, “I understand your confusion, Donal.” Her tone shifts to a sterner one, “But they are not able to wield all of the powers of one Part of a Group.”
Donal’s eyes widen and his mouth clamps shut as he sits straight in his chair. “She- can do what?” he asks, his voice getting really soft with the revelation. His voice shakes for a second, “Are you afraid that the students will fear her?”
Hana looks away, “The last time this happened it was someone who had been born into the Heidel Community. Most people embraced him with his abilities - he had few enemies. This young girl - she is not from here. The residents of this place may not want to accept her.
“Due to this,” she continues, “I do not want the students to be aware of her full potential until after they have had a chance to know her. I have already sent her a letter of the predicament, and she has agreed to only wield the power of Earth - at least until further notice.”
“Earth,” he repeats softly, “so she can control the elements?”
Hana nods her head, “Earth, water, ice, magma - all of it.” Hana sighs, “I am placing her under your care, Donal. Keep Miss Aushuk happy. If she is saddened or angered… I am uncertain of what may occur.”
“You sound as though you fear her,” he murmurs, unimpressed.
“It is not that I fear her; we do not know her. She may be bitter, mean, cruel, or maybe she is kind, gentle, and patient? Only time will tell. I hope to find a kind person, but we cannot possibly know immediately. We will have to wait and see, and hope for the best while we prepare for the worst.”
“What class with she be placed into?”
“Eight-A,” Hana answers briefly. “I have spoke to her teacher and explained that she is special, but I did not go into detail. I understand that most, if not all, the Group Four students and staff will sense that she is… peculiar. I am quite certain none will speak about it.”
“Not openly,” Donal shakes his head. “I do not believe so,” he stands up, “Is that all you needed from me?”
“Yes-, no, wait,” she puts her hand up as he turns to leave her office. “Stop teasing Sagen already. He hates your guts as it is, please just leave him be.” She raises an eyebrow at him, almost certain he will not stop.
Donal merely gives her an innocent smile and asks to be excused. She doubts he will stop teasing the younger man, but had to attempt anyway. Hana nods to him, excusing him from her office.
Her gaze shifts out the window. Her mind has fallen into a place of worry. There is the possibility that Miss Aushuk will clash with some of their… more stubborn students. Sagen is only one of the few on her list of concerns. Were Miss Aushuk to bump into Aido Lenguini and his cronies… well, Hana hasn’t any idea how she would deal with that.
Aido is a serious problem that not even she knows how to deal with. She does not see him as a nuisance that they must be rid of. She is just uncertain how to connect with him. He causes problems, says he will stop, then goes about doing something even worse.
Sometimes Aido even seems sincere in his apologies.
Sometimes Aido is even terrified by what he has done.
Sometimes Hana doubts his guilt.
Hana shakes her head, that would be ridiculous. Aido has never denied doing the horrors, though his reactions at times does perplex her. His sincerity, his terror, his confusion - maybe he is not in control of his own talent?
That is the most terrifying thought of all.
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k-marie-lagesse · 2 years
I will try to keep this updated every Friday.
Amos Delgado was the man, long ago, that found the stone. He did so in order to save his sick wife. He took with him many men, most from different villages of Sankuk, and climbed into the Jukila Mountain, where the legendary stone was said to be. He stripped himself of his weapons and armor upon arriving to show that his intentions were pure. He had no intentions of incurring the wrath of the lost soul trapped in the stone.
Most of those whose eyes landed on the stone would either become corrupt or long for power and bloodshed, but this was not the case for Amos. He took the stone into his bare hands and carried it out of the Jukila Forge. The heart of the stone was not pleased to leave its resting place and cursed all that had gone into the mountain and disturbed it.
Amos and his men were unaware of the curse placed upon their heads and so they all went their merry ways. Their king, Crey Meiko, allowed Amos to take the stone to cure his wife. Though he had permitted this he did warn the man to return to stone to him. Whatever the king may have wanted with the stone is a mystery, since the stone would never come to fall into his hands. It would not matter, either way, as the monarchy over Sankuk would fall victim to the same curse only a few decades later and the country would no longer have a king.
Amos took the stone to his wife, but it did not heal her. Instead it awoke the curse within Amos and in the end he reaped the life of his beloved wife with it. Heartbroken, but determined, Amos took the stone far into the country and hid it before vanishing. The stone continues, even now, to be hidden.
No one aware of where it has gone.
After Amos died the curse peaked, revealing itself to Sankuk. Born across the country were many… inflicted by the curse of Delgado’s Stone. The stone gave those inflicted by the curse a power that was not within their complete control, and those cursed did not always use them wisely.
Chaos descended.
After fifty years of death and war an ultimatum was made. A school was built, by the Caltuk Family, for these ‘special’ people and the academy was given the name ‘Heidel’. After thirty years of success it was decided to cut the large campus in hald and turn it into housing for those same peculiar people.
These people were called ‘talented’.
One-hundred and fifty-four years later and the village of Pepika’s Heidel District is now over-crowded. Most homes have been replaced by apartments, small roomed apartments that are too small for most families. The only escape from these sad little homes is if born as a ‘norm’ and not ‘talented’, or were the talented to come to work under one of the Rownna SUNS: Shields United for Normal Society. Some people mistakenly call them Swords, due to the aggressive nature of the talented working as a SUNS.
Within the campus side of the Heidel District there is space to spare, as it is a growing place for students, learning to use their powers. The campus itself has a dormitory for females and another for males. There is a large cafeteria, two gymnasiums, an outdoor training yard, and, of course, a main building. Before the main building there is a concrete plaza, closed in by the campus’ upside-down block ‘U’ shape. In the west wing is the hospital, which is all that it consists of for both the villagers and the students. The rest of the building is for classes and activities.
The proper ‘authority’ is the council of the Rownna SUNS. There are only twelve of them and only one involves itself with the affairs of the talented with good intentions. He is the Third SUNS, Councilman Pertik. Defending against the SUNS, when they are cruel to the talented, is the school’s headmistress, and village’s leader, Hana Meiko. It is her duty to protect the people of the village. She is the Spearhead of Heidel.
Within the school alone there is a system of division to help separate the learning levels that has nothing to do with their age and everything to do with their abilities. The system depends on the strength of one’s talent as well as their control over their powers.
Their strength is listed as a letter. ‘S’ represents those that are unbelievably strong and are considered superior to the others or even those of the same talent-type. The next level down is ‘A’, going next to ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, and lastly ‘E’.
There is an ‘F-Class’, but that is divided due to behavior issues.
Their control is divided by a number system that goes from one to ten. The better their control the higher the number. One is considered terrible control and ten is considered ‘near perfect’. Once one arrives to ten they are graduated from the academy and given a little more freedom. Some people breeze through the numbers quickly enough to graduate early, most graduate in their early twenties, but some, though very few, graduate in their thirties instead.
Beyond their strength and control there is, yet another, way the talented are divided. There are four Groups, each Group divided into two Parts. This division has more to do with potential, personality, and rarity. Some people argue that the powers affect their personalities while other claim that their personalities affect the power they earn.
Group One is Nature, and it is the most common of the Groups. Part One is Universal and Part Two is Elemental. Group Two is Body. Part One is Physical and Part Two Mental. Group Three is Warfare. Part One is Offensive and Part Two is Defensive. Group Four is Spirit, and is not only the rarest but difficult to define. The two Parts tend to merge together and so many of those in this Group is considered both Parts. Part One is Soul and Part Two is Possession or Transfer.
Heidel, sadly, is at a standstill. It becomes crowded and the people find it harder to breathe. They are held down by a leash, never allowed to walk the paths they desire. Slowly, but surely, the dams will break… and a revolution may come to pass.
It won’t be long now before they say, ‘That’s enough!’.
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k-marie-lagesse · 4 years
It was recommended that I share this link on as many places I can - I only use tumblr and Facebook, which is crowded by supportive family. I cannot ask my family to leave reviews as it is, understandably, against the rules. This is the only place I can place this link... I am not tech savvy and do not even use Instagram... though I do have one. I just don’t know how to handle it yet... O-O
Here it is - for anyone willing to help a new author.
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k-marie-lagesse · 4 years
Why I got Tumblr
Okay - so I originally got a tumblr to post stories, mostly short or too-long-to-be books posted chapter-by-chapter, but I am easily distracted. I love to write, enjoy it, so I decided to write a book and publish it - which I did through Amazon. Now, I have only made like ten dollars off the endeavor, and I am not complaining mind you. I never advertised the book and the cover is juvenile in appearance. I was in a hurry when I made it, though I do plan, in a few years, to republish the book with a new cover, a map of the world, along with a few additional chapters. The book I wrote is a fairytale twist, something I personally enjoy writing about though, though I love to write about anything not realistic. I keep telling myself to use Booksprouts to advertise, and then I never go about taking care of it. I just... hate the ‘politics’ of writing. I just want to write! Anyway, this is mostly a self-rant message to get it out of my system. I have family I could complaint to, but they would never give me any kind of answer - I could just as easily be ignored here. :-) And I am fine with that.
Anyway - la vida segue, or so my friend likes to remind me. (Life goes on).
Let’s see if I get back to writing and posting on here? I want to, but then I lose the focus and start to work on one of my to-publish-as-a-book project and forget to keep up with this. I get too focused, and at the same time I do not focus enough - how is that possible?!
Wish me luck on my scatterbrainedness. ;-p
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
September 21st, Wednesday 6:00 a.m. The Winter Mansion
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
September 20th, Tuesday 12:00 p.m. The Ciel Village
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
September 19th, Monday 10:00 a.m. The Winter Mansion
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
September 18th, Sunday 11:00 p.m. The Waverly Mountain
It is late – dark and cold as she makes her way through the blistering snow. It is too early in the year to be snowing where she is from, but she is from the west of this mountain. She was on her way to her college, back from the summer break for a new school year when a terrible storm knocked over the carriage she had been riding in. The crash had left her passed out on the side of the road for who-knows-how-long?
She just suddenly woke up there – freezing and hungry. She had found the strength to climb out of the carriage only to realize that it is far warmer within than out. Yet she still climbed out and began her trek up the mountain – since the path down was blocked by what appeared to be an avalanche.
Up she trails – for two hours now. Her hands are freezing even as she has them in her dark violet cape. Her school should be close by – somewhere at the top of the mountain – or so she hopes. It is her third year at the school, but she isn’t sure if she crashed on the first peak or the second one. Her memory is hazy.
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
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The Country of Jessup for a vast story I am working on. I will be posting the first ‘book’ of this sort-of mini series here.
The story plan is a little complicated to explain, but the ‘First Season’ follows the main character, Vallis Gregorio, during her third year at the Waverly Academy of Magic.
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
Chapter FIVE!
Five: Woken Misery Friday, September 28th, 1529.
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
Here's chapter FOUR!
Four: Grieves and Fellen Wednesday, September 26th, 1529.
“Listen to yourself! I don’t give a shit about that, Kovax!” Grieves covers his ears with annoyance. It is the morning before the attack and Grieves is off of campus and by the Lord’s Market Division. He is out with two of his friends, Kovax and Palestine. They are out without permission, but with permission they would have supervision – they are better off sneaking off than being escorted.
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
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Brother Bear (2003) dir. Robert Walker & Aaron Blaise
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
Just Throwing Around Ideas
C. Biegreito [bē•grā•tō] is unlike any other man to walk this world – though he is incredibly selfish due to it. He has gathered the kingdoms nearest his, though saying ‘gathered’ is a bit of a friendlier term than what truly occurred. He quite actually conquered the ten kingdoms through brute force.
He had set off from Camelot to Shayat to Seymore all the way to du Lac. He conquered BellaMonte, Franks, Pazki, Tatoré, Xenvu, and even the less known Zanders. He made them all live under the same banner – his. He even gave a name to his new country, Dallendor.
He began his rise to take over the neighboring country, a small country island named Lemi. He has yet to get that far, but all preparations are being made to put Lemi under the Dallendor banner.
Tonight, the night before his voyage to Lemi, he makes his way to meet with his beloved Merienn [mɛr•ē•ɛn] Linn [lin], Merlin [mɛr•lin] to some. She, for some peculiar reason, has magical abilities that not many on this land do. She is nearly a one of a kind – sweet and wise Merlin.
They always meet in the Brocéliande Forest, between the Suave Tower and the Hato Tower. There is nothing else other than a small lake in the former land of du Lac. It is here where he first met her.
She had been standing at the edge of the lake after he had conquered the land. She was the most beautiful maiden he had ever seen. He fell madly in love with her and to this day he has yet to meet another woman nearly as beautiful as she.
Merlin looks up from the shore of the lake as he enters the moonlight. Her news for him is not one he would appreciate as he is trying to conquer this world – no, Caliburn [kæl•i•bɛrn] Biegreito prefers the idea of ruling alone.
She offers him a smile all the same though. Merlin does not wish to ever become queen, either way. She loves Caliburn, even if he is a selfish man. She looks at the sword she has on her lap, her gift… will be a curse, so she fears.
She puts the weapon with the sapphire upon the hilt aside and stands to greet him. Caliburn Biegreito is to be a father now, though she has yet to tell him. He does not wish an heir just yet, no… he wants to run wild on the many lands and conquer them all – to become a Great.
He holds her in his arms, pleased to at last see her again. They spend their evening talking about his plans. Normally Caliburn takes a pause to hear hers as well, but this time she has nothing to share. Her plans… her plans would contradict his as she desires peace on the land.
As he discusses his plans to first conquer Lemi and then move to the next country she watches him. His enthusiasm never knows boundaries, and he laughs gently as he speaks. She stares at his beautiful blue eyes – they match the sapphire on the sword.
His dark hair falls over his shoulders and as he speaks the strands move messily. His smile is perfect from every angle and his chuckle is warm and deep. She smiles sadly as her mind begins to drift to the future.
A future they will never have together.
“And, what of your next plans, Merlin?” he calls for her attention once again. He had tried to coax information from her before he began, but when she denied him an answer he pressed forward.
Merlin pushes her orange hair over her shoulder to share with him her deep green eyes. “I have… no plans, my love.” She smiles as sincerely as she can muster, but… the sadness leaks into her eyes. She forces her eyes away to change the subject before he can press her for her sadness, “I have brought you a gift!”
His expression softens into a small smile when she reveals the longsword with the decorative sheath. “Oh, is this just for looks or is it my sort?” he challenges playfully.
“It is a magic sword, one of few.” Merlin offers a knowing smile – this sword… will be his prison. There is no stopping the rampage she has foreseen unless she can stop him forever. She brushes her fingers along the sheath, gently, “A gift to ensure a better future.”
He smiles as he pulls the blade out of the sheath. He examines the workmanship before smiling broadly at her. “It is beautiful, Merlin.” He praises with certain sweetness in his eyes.
“It is named Excalibur.” she smiles back, but once again that smile does not reach her eyes. She has done her part for the future, now… she must watch him fall. Smoke fills the air and Caliburn’s beautiful smile fades. “What is that?” he rises to his feet and rushes towards the encampment of his men.
Merlin follows slowly. She knows well what it is and her tears begin to cloud her vision. She enters the camp just as Caliburn pulls out his new sword. He rushes to his opponent, a warrior of Lemi that Merlin helped to arrive.
As the sword in Caliburn’s hands nears the Lemian’s flesh a bright light illuminates from the hilt. Caliburn looks down, not losing his footing, as the light begins to engulf him. Forever lost – Merlin falls to her knees as where her lover once stood falls the sword.
The Lemian, Tayun [tā•ʌn] Wenham [wɛn•hæm], approaches her as she begins to sob. “Dear, wise, Merlin.” She looks up as he continues, “Thank you for sparing us all.” He leaves her – he alone killed everyone at the camp and only Caliburn had been left.
She knew she had to trick him to spare the world of the fate she had seen. In his rampage to take it all half of the world would catch flames. Merlin had helped Lord Wenham into Dallendor, but then she saw Caliburn’s reign strengthen and more than half of the world would fall to shambles.
Her last choice was to lock him away – forever.
Merlin stands at last and picks up the sword. She carries it back to the lake and there she pushes the blade into the stone upon the water. “Whosoever pulls this sword from the stone is right wise king born.”
The sword burns brightly and immediately plant life grows along the rock and wraps tightly around the blade, holding it securely within the stone. On the blade words burn into the metal, on one side it reads ‘Take Me Up’ and on the other it reads, ‘Cast Me Away’.
Merlin leaves the forest, for the first time in many years. She travels between many lands of Dallendor until at last returning to du Lac to leave one of her two sons, twins, to live there.
The Biegreito family always carries twins, but only every other generation. Merlin leaves her son, Morgan [môr•gæn], in the forest to be raised by the First Lady of the Lake. His future falls into a rhythm as a natural medicine man with magical abilities who then marries the Second Lady of the Lake, Vivienne [vi•vē•ɛn].
After leaving Morgan behind Merlin makes her way to leave Arthur [är•thʌr] to a wealthy family in Camelot – he will one day take the blade and rule over Dallendor only to become forgotten with the passage of time.
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
Chapter Three!!!
Three: A Reaper School Saturday, September 29th, 1529
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k-marie-lagesse · 5 years
I sort of feel like this moment just sums up their relationship all too perfectly when considering how close to the beginning it is. Haha
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Justice is a noncorrosive metal.
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