k00296157 · 7 months
Movement Sketchbook
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k00296157 · 7 months
Stop Motion
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k00296157 · 7 months
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The black backdrop is used for the piece to stand out more and show the shapes created more prominent.
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k00296157 · 7 months
Ernesto Neto
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I then created my own sculpture piece taking inspiration on the idea of tension and pulling of mesh materials relating to the stretching and pulling of skin . I used tights and poured sand into them to weigh them down , I then hung them from a height at different angles and I incorporated string and fabric aswell and took pictures and a stop motion of the finished pieces and the movement of it on its own with a black backdrop .
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k00296157 · 7 months
My Own take on Leigh de Vrie’s Work
I got some mesh fabric and string and wrapped myself up and took photos in the projector room with the help of my friend Aisling who also modelled for me . We tested different lighting with the projector and placed our hands on top of the projector to give the silhouette of the hand effect in the photos.
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k00296157 · 7 months
Artist Research-Leigh de Vrie
de Vries's current focus is on creating works of “arte util” or useful art-artworks that serve a practical function in society and exist within “real” situations outsides the confines of the art world and its accepted systems of production, distribution and consumption.
I found her work to be fitting to my project and took inspiration from her pieces as i found it represented the trapped, suffocating feeling of being in your own body and thoughts consuming you.
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k00296157 · 7 months
Artist Research- Marilyn Minter
Marilyn Minter is an American visual artist who is perhaps best known for her sensual paintings and photographs done in the photorealism style that blur the line between commercial and fine art.
I found her work with mirrors and transparent glass similar to what i was trying to do with morphing appearances.
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I poured water over a mirror and left it in the freezer over night and took pictures the next morning to give the similar effect of marilyn “fogged” mirror/transparent glass.
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k00296157 · 7 months
I found this article very informative and it helped me progress my research further on Body Dysmorphia . From reading the article I learned about a woman’s experience with body dysmorphia and the immediate need to fix what she thought was wrong and how much of an impact it carried through her life.
Alongside that , I learned more about the effects it can have on a person and how it can lead to Depression and a lot more.
It also touches on how much social media has a part to play in things and an estimated 3.6 billion people use social media implying that it has an effect and influence on about half the human population .
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k00296157 · 7 months
Stop Motion
A stop motion of my graphics piece being put together.
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k00296157 · 7 months
Movement-Graphic Design
Today with Sharon we made a quick mind map where we picked 4 words that we were exploring through our project . I chose Stretching, Pulling , Erase and Morph. After that, at our table we discussed what words everyone thought of for each of the words everyone chose for their own projects , for example people said the likes of change,perception,disfigured etc when they heard the word Morph. We then picked words that stood out to our own individual projects. I really liked Perception, Disfigured and Entangled.
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We then moved on and chose two primary sources from working on the movement project and got everyone to chose which they’d prefer it was nice to hear other people’s opinions. After that, we created thumbnails based off those images.
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A lot of people voted for my third one based off the wires piece so i simplified it as it would’ve gotten too complicated and did a mix of the second and third . I was very happy with the end result .
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I cut on orange and red card the shapes and white lines with a cutting knife and placed them all together on white card.
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k00296157 · 7 months
David Carson- Artist Research
David Carson known as the Godfather of “grunge typography” is a prominent contemporary graphic designer and art director. His unconventional and experimental graphic designing scene in America during 1990s.
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I found his style colourful and impactful . A lot of his pieces when i was looking on his instagram was fitting with my idea of morphing appearance in relation to the physical side of body dysmorphia.
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k00296157 · 7 months
Graphic Design- Movement
Today i started Graphic Design Workshop. We had an introduction where we got a grasp of the basics of Graphic Design. Today we mainly focused on the design principles. We started off with 6 thumbnails and got given 6 words . The 6 words were Rhythm, Movement ,Tension,Chaos,Order and Staccato.
From there we had to draw our own designs that came to mind with squares. After our thumbnails we split a page into 6 and began displaying our ideas with black squares. I liked how there was no right or wrong way to do this just your own creativity.
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Afterwards we had to pick two words that relate to our own idea of movement and do the same again with black squares. The two words I chose were Morph and Stretch. I found these to be the most fitting for my project as they resemble the physical side of Body Dysmorphia the best representing the stretching of skin and the morphing of appearance .
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Morph (Left) and Stretch ( Right)
Finally , we had an introduction to Adobe Illustrator where we learned the basics of shape and colour. I tried to recreate some of the pieces I had done earlier and also did some of my own work experimenting with the tools .
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k00296157 · 8 months
Movement Statement
My project is about exploring Movement through the physical side of Body Dysmorphia. I broke down my definition of Movement to “an act of moving”. From there i progressed my research to erosion and further broke it down to erode which means to gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a mental health condition in which you can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance- a flaw that appears minor or can’t be seen by others. It gradually destroys your self image, confidence and so much more effects.
The physical side of Body Dysmorphia that I will be exploring is the Movement of skin like the stretching and pulling of skin etc. Alongside that i will be looking at the movement through the word “Morph” (which means to gradually change , or change someone or something from one thing to another) in regards to appearance, like when a person looks at themselves and sees what they perceive to be a flaw while others don’t even notice the ‘flaw’
The Three Electives I explored my topic through was :
Painting: I used primary sources and took inspiration from other artists that worked with Body Dysmorphia. I also worked with alot of different materials and mediums through Indian ink and mark-making with paint using the likes of sponges , lemons and more.
Graphic Design: I went through my primary sources and looked at different patterns and shapes created from the twisting, stretching and pulling of different material and skin and then created a collage design with coloured paper.
Sculpture and Combined Media: I researched many different artists that create pieces related to Body Dysmorphia and found it the best elective to represent and capture my message out of the three electives. I explored through Photography using different backdrops, lighting, angles, poses and materials etc. I also explored through making sculpture pieces through cardboard, wire , tights , sand , mesh material, string and much more.
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k00296157 · 8 months
Studio Day - Movement
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Yesterday i was working on some pictures of primary sources i printed out and used string to wrap around changing around the placement of the string to morph the appearance of the picture . I got inspired by some of these pictures I seen when researching . I was looking at string wrapped around people faces and how it morphs and distorts their appearance . I looked at Madonna’s album cover Rebel Heart and some similar photography pieces on Pinterest . 
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Afterwards I was looking more at that in relation to body and how it morphs our appearance and how people only see themselves for their body dysmorphia and to represent the feeling of being imprisoned in your own body . I found this piece entitled “Scramble suit” by Joanne Leah in which she tied around cables on her body . 
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So i collected some extension leads and wrapped them around myself and took pictures with different lighting . Red was the best and had the most effect with shadows etc. we added some green lights aswell for contrast . 
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k00296157 · 8 months
Final Images
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I wanted to create the effect of a traditional paper-on-pare collage but through photography instead. Like Victor Burgin i stood in front of a piece that was already photographed and complete and posed .
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k00296157 · 8 months
Studio Day- Movement
Artist research - Linda Sterling
I was researching artists relating to my vision of “morphing” appearance like when you look in the mirror with body dysmorphia etc. and I found an artist called Linder Sterling I found a lot of her work was altering peoples appearances using collage and magazines etc. 
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A lot of these pieces are from magazines and i wanted to try bring magazines into some sort of photography piece as there is always a sort of comparison when it comes to models in magazines and a standard set on what a woman should look like etc.
Victor Burgin
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I also found another artist called Victor Burgin who recreated a piece that was already done but in a more realistic way. In 1986 Victor Burgin made a series of photographic works based on Edward Hopper's painting Office at Night 1940 featuring a female secretary and male boss. In this paper, which is based on a talk given at Tate Modern in 2004 at the time of a major Hopper exhibition, Burgin described the relationship of his own works to Hopper's painting, exploring the sexual codes implicit in both. He basically found the way in the original painting the secretary is posing in an unrealistic way so he recreated it in photography . Burgin got a lady to pose as the secretary in front of the piece and pose in a more realistic way . I found this to be a very powerful statement and made you really look and understand the message he was trying to get across . 
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Studio Work
In studio I was working with Paul and I wanted to create something similar in a sense where i was standing in front of something being projected . I wanted to use magazine pictures and project them and stand in front of something to represent a root of peoples obsession with looking a certain way and trying to look like people in magazine when in reality they don’t all look like that aswell as morphing my own appearance with the different angles . 
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We set up the ring light and chose appropriate pictures from the magazine to use and took them on the camera . After that connected it up to the projector and projected it onto the wall. I stood in front of and took lots of pictures in lots of different angles which i will post separately.
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k00296157 · 8 months
Movement - Painting
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Yesterday i finished my painting i had been working on . I painted a candle with a body shape as a primary source with acrylic paint on brown paper and then took some inspiration from an artist i found Chissweetart who done a digital piece entitled “Body Dysmorphia”
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It metaphorically represents that nothing else matters like the blurring of the face and the main fixation on the body and nothing else . It looks entangled in its own chaos which is fitting for the movement and pace of a persons thoughts.
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