k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
This week’s art assignment was to Find Your Band. I decided to form a band with my noisy printer by swiping by hand along my metal bed frame to the beat of the printer. This is the result. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
This week’s art assignment was movement telephone. We were to watch a video clip of movement on the internet and then replicate it three times, but each time only look at the video we just made. I chose the movement of this little rolling robot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c9BVrM6hn8 to replicate. I think I cheated a little bit because I practiced before I filmed myself the first time, so I was able to memorize the directions the robot rolled and my movement was pretty much the same between the three clips. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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This weeks art assignment was to become someone else. I have glasses, but I never wear them as I prefer to wear contacts. I would say that most people probably never see me in glasses, so it always feels strange to wear them out in public on the very very rare occasion that I do. While I can’t say glasses make me a completely different person I do feel different when I wear them and a little more self-conscious. It is a bit cliche, but you could say I see the world in a different way when I wear them, which is true as my clear vision is confined to a square in front of me as opposed to contacts where I can look around in every direction and see clearly.
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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This weeks art assignment was to “Make a Thing” from the virtual world physical. I find that I spend a lot of time scrolling through the virtual world of Facebook even though I don’t actually do that much on it, so I decided to make a physical and literal Facebook, a paper book about faces. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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The art assignment this week was the Embarrassing Object. For this assignment I colored a piece of paper red and cut it out and put in on a chair to look like a spot of blood. I think people get uncomfortable and embarrassed talking about periods and especially for young girls getting their first period can be embarrassing because you may be unprepared and it may be noticeable, especially if blood gets left behind on a chair. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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The art assignment this week was to make a fake flyer. I made a flyer for a fake pizza party with free pizza because college kids love free food. It is also being held in a room that does not exist. I hung it on a tree so there may be some people trying to find Morgan 1303 tomorrow. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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For the Constructed Landscape art assignment I decided to use my desk lamp because it reminded me of a weeping willow. I attached pieces of a long grass-like plant to my lamp to make it have more weeping willow type branches. Many weeping willows are situated near water, so I decided to make it hang over a river. I had a necklace that I thought would make a nice river. I took rocks from outside to line my river. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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For the Body in Place art assignment I decided to take a photo at the hidden staircase on the side of Wyatt, under the balcony. The selfie is because I didn’t have anyone with me to take the photo, but I feel like it is appropriate as I am trying to make the staircase and myself more visible. I feel like this staircase is invisible as I’ve never seen anyone use it. I wonder why the architects even decided to put it there in the first place as the whole front of Wyatt has steps? Wyatt is such a grand building that stands out on campus, but this staircase doesn’t. If I want to go in the front of Wyatt I always go up the front steps even when I approach Wyatt from the side. This staircase can be a reminder to sometimes take the less apparent pathway in life. I think I am going to try and take this staircase to get to the hmed classroom from now on. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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When I think about my own personal history my childhood immediately comes to mind. Although I am now considered by society to be an adult there is a part of me that doesn’t want to let go of being a child. Throughout my childhood Mousey (pictured above) would sit on my bed next to my pillow while I slept. He has come to college with me and now sits at the foot of my bed. I almost didn’t bring him with me this semester, but as I was packing it just didn’t feel quite right to leave him behind. Mousey has moved from the head of my bed to the foot and this represents the distance I have moved away from my childhood. I haven’t completed moved on from being a child as mousey hasn’t completely moved off my bed. He was temporarily off my bed this summer when I was home, but when I couldn’t bare to leave him behind when I came back to school he returned to the foot of my bed. I think I was attempting to let go of my childhood for good, but I wasn’t quite ready. I am not quite sure when I will really let go. Perhaps when I graduate college and have to become a “real adult” or perhaps as soon as next semester as I plan to go abroad and Mousey will most likely get left behind. 
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k8fehrenbach-blog · 8 years
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While this wasn’t that big of a problem, I had a meal swipe to use and I didn’t know what to get because I had already eaten. I asked a random person what I should get in munchie and they said, “I don’t know what you like to eat. You should get whatever you like”. Their answer wasn’t very helpful, so I had to browse around and find things I like to eat like they said. I was sort of hoping they would suggest a few things I don’t normally eat and I would have to try it, but that didn’t happen. 
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