kainagant · 4 hours
insane choices horikoshi made #too-many-to-count:
“If there’s anything that could bolster Izuku Midoriya now, it would be…” -> cut to literally izuku being rescued by and looking up at bakugou who’s never looked that pretty once in his gremlin life before now taking up the entire page
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kainagant · 12 hours
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enough is enough / just shut up and watch
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kainagant · 2 days
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mha character doodle requests
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kainagant · 2 days
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She got those cannibalistic eating habits women love.
Based off this post ->
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kainagant · 6 days
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Loose redraw of that one funny panel from TUM
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kainagant · 7 days
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Meet me on the other side
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kainagant · 7 days
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What if pro hero Uraraka and paramedic Toga??
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kainagant · 13 days
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midoriya-sensei art dump
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kainagant · 14 days
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kainagant · 14 days
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My Hero Academia – You Are The Reason, Calum Scott
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kainagant · 15 days
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Finally he took Izuku's extended hand
Not my art.
Aritst: skaredykaz on Twitter
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kainagant · 2 months
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Pro Hero celebrity merch series from the manga volume back covers
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kainagant · 2 months
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kainagant · 2 months
the 'kai' in his name is written with this character 廻 so it means 'to turn/rotate/cycle'. (keep in mind that the same name in japanese can meant completely different things depending on what character it's written with.) it's is definitely a reference to his quirk - the ability to destroy and recreate in a cycle - but his name (and quirk, really) is also heavily associated with the buddhist concept of 'samsara', which is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
samsara is equated to 'duhka' - suffering in buddhism, and the ultimate goal is to reach enlightenment 'nirvana', therefore freeing yourself from suffering and the cycle of rebirth.
don't get me wrong, overhaul's beliefs in the series are not buddhism - but the language he uses to talk about it "a disease of the mind" - is reminiscent of some buddhist teachings.
And Horikoshi does nothing with him.
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Tomura dies, we don't see him change at all. He doesn't atone for shit.
But Kai could. He's the parallel of Tomura, please for the love of god let us see Kai ACTUALLY atone! Let us see his battle with himself!
I need to watch his tears as he realizes he repeated the cycle of his abuse through Eri. Let me watch as he carries his crimes and horrible wrongs on his shoulders as he attempts to continue his tread through life.
I need to know what his blood family was like. Did they abandon him? Did he kill them as a child accidentally? Where they taken by an outer sorce? Did he resemble his mother or father more? Did he ever even know them?
Denial will never leave me alone.
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kainagant · 2 months
i'm not sure if u saw that "why do ppl have sympathy for overhaul" reddit post but man. just the question itself made me feel like. a crying, broken man appears before u, & if u can feel nothing but hate for him even though hes so obviously suffering, maybe ur the "evil" one, yknow? like sure i get if ppl hate him but. the whole "he deserved to suffer & be treated w nothing but contempt forever" just makes me kinda sad. what do u think wld have been a better ending for him? (from kainagant)
(hi kainagant! nearly thought you were a random anon lmao, glad to see it's you)
No, I haven't seen that Reddit post--I don't have a Reddit account (anymore) and even when I do visit it's not the fandom side of Reddit. But from what you're saying (and what I've seen from other Chisaki fans' reactions) it's probably a good thing that I haven't seen it, because it sounds like the sort of thing that would make me incredibly pissed off for far too long. Anger issues kinda suck sometimes, especially when you can't find a good outlet.
a crying, broken man appears before u, & if u can feel nothing but hate for him even though hes so obviously suffering, maybe ur the "evil" one, yknow?
Real. Some people are so fucking quick to thirst over torturing and dehumanizing people when they've done something to "deserve" it. Like--I really shouldn't use this to judge what their stance is on things like prison abolition IRL, but the way they react to this--the way they judge this--does not give me any hope for them. Folks, we are not making it out of the punitive-justice prison-industrial complex or ableism with this.
what do u think wld have been a better ending for him?
That's hard, especially since I haven't read the manga or watched the anime past like halfway through Gentle Criminal's arc, but I think probably a better ending--that would have fit better with BnHA's professed theme of "saving everyone"--would have been to show him clean-shaven, somewhat more mentally stable, with a sympathetic doctor or parole officer or pro hero there with him to talk about options for the next step in his life. Maybe mention something about how Pops is doing well, but Chisaki doesn't want to see him anymore now that he's awake. Something that shows Chisaki not as just the narrative's punching bag or as a tragedy but as someone who, yes, hit rock bottom, but is now committed to the long path of healing. Especially if we see him smile in the end.
What about you? What ending for Chisaki would you have preferred?
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kainagant · 2 months
(from kainagant) psst what are your extensive headcanons/thoughts on hero!overhaul au? i'd love to hear what you think he'd be like as a hero.
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!! Idk why I didn’t talk about this sooner—it’s like I have to be prompted on a topic before I remember “oh yeah, I actually have thoughts on this matter, that I can speak out loud!!” 💀 also, I apologize in advance for how long this is. I’m basically summarizing the entirety of this AU in my mind, and it’s like. The longest-standing AU for Chisaki I have.
Anyway, first things first—he got taken away from the Hassaikai when he was young (like, maybe eleven or twelve?) and gets plopped in a Youth Recovery & Rehabilitation Center, which he was extremely pissed about at first, but his eyes kinda opened over the years as he learned more and more about how families and such are actually supposed to function, and how abnormal his entire life actually was up to that point.
Basically; he gets a stable, safe environment and therapy!! Yay!
By the time he reaches fifteen-sixteen, him going into hero school kinda just. Happened. He initially just wanted to shadow Recovery Girl, but they ended up making him take the entrance exam, and well… he passed with flying colors and all of a sudden he was a 1-A student. Luckily, that means instead of simply shadowing Recovery Girl, he gets to work as her official assistant! Cool, right.
And oh boy, does he learn a lot under her tutelage. Namely bedside manner. I imagine Chisaki who got away from the yakuza and had therapy wouldn’t be as blatant an asshole (obviously), but he would still be a bit lost on social norms and also honest/blunt to a fault. He doesn’t understand “putting things gently”, or “softening the blow”, and so Recovery Girl works to teach him when, where, and how he can be “nicer” to people/which situations require delicacy. She grows unexpectedly fond of him and actually finds his unwavering honesty refreshing because she knows he isn’t malicious and is simply stating exactly what he thinks. You just have to get used to his straightforwardness and he becomes rather endearing.
Recovery Girl also discovers that he’s actually capable of extreme kindness. Turns out when you coax him into telling you what’s on his mind, sometimes he’ll really surprise you with how much he cares, even if he himself doesn’t realize it, either (Without Pops and with therapy, Chisaki slowly grew back into caring about others. It took a lot of work, but without anyone weaponizing kindness against him, he felt he could allow himself to slowly feel it again (this is because doesn’t canon slightly imply Chisaki used to be kind like Eri with how he’s sort of like her if she never got saved? What if the way he escaped AFO’s facility was because he finally threw away caring about others and that was the difference between her and him? The fact Eri never got pushed to that point because she was rescued?))
Now, about his hero training. With his quirk-training, there’s not a lot to say/do. I’d say his quirk-training would involve a lot of “make this into this, as quickly as possible”. Basically, training him to be as precise and fast with his quirk usage as they can get him. I’d like to imagine that with training, they push him into being able to manipulate matter in all sorts of different ways, on the fly. He’s trained a lot in using environment to his advantage and whatnot. And maybe also one day, he ends up gaining the ability to use his quirk in areas other than his hands. Dunno.
For physical-training, I think they would heavily concentrate on making him extremely agile. Because hear me out—imagine Toga’s quirk awakening fight scene where she turns into Uraraka and sprints through all those people and takes them out. Imagine if Chisaki was able to move like that. He’d be fucking terrifying. They’d probably also want him to be extremely agile just on the front of being able to hit his hands against surfaces from as many positions as possible.
He absolutely would carry around things like painkillers and anesthesia like you said. Also hear me out, he’d carry around small bags of scraps that he’d then Overhaul to seal people’s wounds, since if the wound is big enough, he’d need some sort of substitute material to close it without sacrificing other parts of the person’s body.
He’d also sometimes work with the support course. He knows a lot about the human body and how quirks function, not to mention his quirk itself would be very useful in creating support items.
He’d get dragged into a lot of search-and-rescue missions because he’s literally perfect for those.
Pops eventually manages to get back into contact with Chisaki—to ask him to take a look at the girl he’s recently in possession of since her quirk is a dangerous mutation, and he’s such a fancy-pants doctor/support hero and quirk expert nowadays. Chisaki goes (he’s panicking internally from the moment he hears Pops’ voice over the phone to the moment he’s standing in front of the girl herself). He asks to take Eri for a couple days to run some tests. He never brings her back. He obtained full-custody of her via spilling every damn thing he’d ever learned and been through under the Shie Hassaikai.
(Seeing her sitting so lifelessly at that table, waiting to be prodded at like some sort of science experiment, reminded him of himself so much that it had been physically painful. The decision to ask to take her for only a while and then go back on his word was a rash one. It’s also one he doesn’t regret even slightly)
Huge advocate for quirkless people, and brings lots of awareness to quirk experimentation, since he’d been a victim of it himself.
And yes, becomes one of UA’s now multiple official on-site medical professionals. (They switch out as necessary)
So basically, he’s an extremely busy guy who never gets a moment’s rest thanks to the many… energetic people in his life (all the UA students give him migraines galore. Don’t even get him started on his coworkers), he’s slightly (very) terrifying, and SURPRISE! It’s good parent!chisaki AU as well, because I’m not leaving Eri to rot in Pops’ care.
I also play around with the idea of him never getting separated from his bio parents and becoming a hero from there, which mostly impacts his personality versus the actual stream of events that happen.
If there’s any further questions or if you wanted to know about anything specific, ask me and I’ll be happy to answer!! (Goes for anyone who may or may not be reading this)
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kainagant · 2 months
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I like to think Bakugou has moment when Kirishima asks him to hang out and he’s shocked that he doesn’t hate the idea.
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