kakloins · 4 years
Hey there I've really been enjoying your writing so far!! As for requests how do you think narancia would deal with jealousy? like not being in a relationship yet and seeing someone get close to s/o ? thank you in advance!!
im glad!!! 💕😳 and yw!! i love jealousy stuff heheh
- I definitely see Narancia as someone who gets jealous easily; not because he's possessive or anything, he's just a bit immature and doesn't know any better. If someone is simply talking to the one he's interested in, he often assumes they're flirting when they're most likely not, and he'll become somewhat pouty/grumpy.
- Once s/o makes a friend or meets someone that seems to be a little too friendly, Narancia is already having the worst thoughts. "How did they get close so fast? Are they better than me? Do they like them more than me?" He gets upset and, rather than trying to 'prove' himself or anything, he just distances himself a little bit. Not much, but still isn’t as clingy as he would normally be.
- Probably goes to Fugo to vent.
- "...And I saw them laugh at the dude's crappy joke! It's so obvious they like each other. I don't think I have a chance."
- "Narancia, people can be friends without liking each other. It's probably platonic—you just need to relax."
- The next time s/o speaks to him, he's much more quiet than usual and it's very obvious somethings up, even though he pretends nothings wrong. Of course, it's hard for him to stay upset for long and with enough pushing from the one he's interested in, he'll admit to them he was jealous.
- EASILY can end up turning into a confession on accident. While explaining why he felt upset, he might let his mouth run a bit too much and admit his feelings. Won't realize until he notices a blush on s/o's face.
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kakloins · 4 years
Hey, I really like your blog (your fics are seriously amazing 💖) and wanted to request fluff w Jotaro x f!reader. I had this idea that maybe reader is part of the sdc and she gets hurt in order to save Jotaro and then he confesses? (You can write something else if you want, I don't rlly mind 💕) Anyways, hope you're having a great day!
aww thank you so much 💕💕!!! im actually pretty new to writing so im glad you like my stuff heheh
also....this is a very good request i ended up writing 1000+ words again whooPS
warning: slight blood mention
Although you couldn’t exactly pinpoint it, there was something that just felt off. The moment you and Jotaro left the others in order to ask some locals about Dio’s whereabouts, a tense feeling appeared deep in your gut that just couldn’t seem to escape you. You felt anxious—like you were being watched and followed at the same time—yet a quick glance at your surroundings dismissed those paranoid thoughts almost immediately. There was nothing unusual, there were no suspicious figures hanging around or anything out of the ordinary.
So why did you feel this way…?
“Hey,” Your thoughts were interrupted by the tall man next to you. Jotaro must have noticed you looking around cautiously, as he looked down at you besides him, gently nudging you with his elbow. “What’s wrong? You’re acting strange—or at least stranger than usual.”
The sudden contact caused you to let out a barely audible gasp in surprise, though you quickly composed yourself once your brain processed Jotaro as the one who was speaking to you. He was still looking down at you with his green eyes staring into yours expectantly, waiting for response.
You looked away slightly from his serious gaze, laughing nervously. “Ah—It’s nothing. I guess I just feel a little weird is all. Probably because of the heat, you know?” 
It was the most likely reason you could think of. The harsh Egyptian heat wasn’t like any other heat you had experienced, and it easily could’ve been the source of your somewhat anxious feelings. Though you weren’t positive it was true, you had to quickly come up with an excuse so Jotaro wouldn’t worry about you; after all, you both had to focus on what you came out here to do in the first place.
His gaze stayed transfixed on you and his eyebrows lowered—he seemed slightly concerned, and at the same time unbelieving of your answer, as if he was going to ask you if the heat was really the real reason for your odd behavior. Yet after another second, he simply turned his head back towards the front of him and looked on ahead. “If you start to feel any worse, tell me. We’ll head back.” He stated bluntly.
You held back a sigh of relief, grateful that he didn’t press you any further on the matter. “Alright.” You agreed.
For the next few minutes while you were both walking and asking people about Dio's whereabouts, everything was calm, and though you tried to ignore it, the same eerie feeling resided within you.
Then it suddenly became much more intense.
You stopped walking, frantically looking around, with all previous doubts gone and now positive someone dangerous was near. Jotaro stopped in his tracks and looked back at you, his expression a mixture of confusion and mostly concern.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He yelled.
Before you even had time to respond, you saw something through the corner of your eye. It was just a blur, but it was heading towards you both fast. There was no doubt that it was an enemy stand user’s attack. Before you could even blink it was already a couple of feet in front of you, about to make impact.
Your mind was racing, trying to think of what you could do—there was no time to summon your stand, that was out of the question. At the last moment, you decided there was only one thing you could do, and that was potentially save your close friend, who started this journey to save his mother.
While Jotaro was still looking at you, you yelled, suddenly leaping forward and pushed him with all your strength, causing him to stumble a few feet and fall towards the ground.
All he saw afterwards was your body and a spray of blood as you flew back, hitting the ground with a heavy thud and laying motionless.
You had ended up losing consciousness after the impact, though you had no idea how long. When you started to open your eyes, Jotaro was kneeling besides you. His face was one of pure fear as he looked down at you, examining your bruised and bloodied form. 
"Jotaro…?" You quietly groaned.
His eyes quickly shot back up to your face and widened. He was breathing heavily, sweating, and just looked like an overall mess. You had never seen him like this before—so different from his usual self.
He softly muttered your name as you tried to sit up. "Are you alright?"
You let out a small groan as you adjusted yourself, accompanied with a bitter laugh as blood still oozed out of the wound on your midsection. “Y-yeah, I think so. It’s not as bad it looks. I don’t think I got hit anywhere vital...”
That’s right—there was an enemy stand user nearby that had attacked you both. You perked up, quickly scanning the area, trying to see if the attacker was still nearby. He could end up striking again at any time while you were still vulnerable.
You looked at the man next to you and spoke with a hint of panic to your tone. “Jotaro, what happened to the—“ 
Before you can finish the sentence, a pair of large arms are wrapped around you, holding you tight. Jotaro brought you closer to him, holding you against his chest and lowering his head into the crook of your neck. Your breath got caught in your throat, preventing you from uttering a single word as you were pulled against him, and your cheeks started heating up instantly at the contact. It was just so intimate—you could feel his chest heave with his breathing and his warm breath on your neck.
He let out a deep sigh of relief. “I thought you were dead. God, I don’t know what I would’ve done if that were true. I was scared shitless.”
There was a gentleness in his voice that you had never heard from him before, and it made you all the more confused and flustered. Though another part of you couldn't help but also felt guilty for frightening him, so much so that he'd end up embracing you. Slowly, you reciprocated the hug without even thinking, wrapping your arms around him as well.
"I'm okay, Jotaro." A small laugh escaped your lips as your hands continued to roam across the expanse of his back, rubbing him comfortingly. "I won't leave you that easily, y'know. I love being with you way too much for that." 
He lifted his head up from it's position near your neck, looking directly into your warm eyes. His own expression was still soft, with all hints of his typical serious expression gone as he looked at your own. "I…"
Jotaro's words trailed off as if he was still thinking of how to put his thoughts into words. As he saw you waiting expectantly while looking at him, you noticed his cheeks become a shade darker as he looked off to the side. Then he took a deep breath.
"I… love being with you, too. I want you to stay with me for as long as possible–I don't know if you feel the same way, but…"
In an instant, your heart rate skyrocketed to a rapid speed. As you looked at the man holding you, his red face half hidden with his hat, it was apparent what he was actually trying to tell you and how much weight those words had.
It was Jotaro's own way of confessing his feelings and asking if you felt the same without directly saying it. Maybe he had planned to tell you when you both left the others to question locals by yourselves, but you never would have guessed he felt that way about you, even if you were closer to him than the other crusaders. Then again… a memory flashed back to you of Polnareff smiling goofily as you and Jotaro once again decided to sit next to each other while traveling to your next destination.
The silence that lingered in the air for a moment following his words was tense. Jotaro was still looking off to the side, avoiding your gaze.
You decided to break that silence and spare him the stress. "Of course I feel the same way. Why do you think I protected you from that attack before?" Your arms then wrapped around Jotaro, pulling him back into a soft embrace. "I love you. I couldn’t risk you getting hurt like that." Your voice was quiet, but still plenty loud enough for him to get the point.
You both remained quietly in each other's arms for a few moments as his own were wrapped around you following your own confession, just enjoying the intimacy of being so close to each other. Then, Jotaro stood up, offering you a hand and pulling you up. When you were finally standing besides him, however, he didn’t let go.
A large smile appeared on your face, and Jotaro offered a small grin of his own. “Alright then. Let’s head back and get your wounds treated.”
You nodded, then started walking with him, still holding each other’s hand. The day didn’t go exactly how you thought it would, but as you felt Jotaro’s hand holding your own, minus the slight injury, you certainly couldn’t complain at the sudden turn of events.
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kakloins · 5 years
Hello! Can you please give me a little sumthin where Kakyoin and Jotaro are hitting on the same person? How far are they willing to go to get their crush/foil their rival? Also, good luck with this new blog Reine!
OF COURSE!! this is such a good request aaaAHH i love these boys…. also thank you!! 💕💕
i ended up writing a lot o o p s
- Kakyoin and Jotaro falling for the same person is a situation that will just not end well, and there’s no doubt about it. Both of them are somewhat prideful and would be unwilling to just give up their crush to the other; especially because they never really felt that way about another person their whole lives. The flirting on both sides would be subtle yet relentless.
- The one who had their eyes set on you first was Kakyoin; he was enamored the moment he saw you, and each interaction he had with you made his heart skip a beat, even if you just offered a small smile in his general direction. He couldn’t help but think about how much he wants to protect you, to be closer to you; the very thought of just being able to hold you close to him lovingly and tell you how you made him feel made his heart run wild.
- Jotaro, on the other hand, took longer to realize his feelings. They started to develop slowly over time as you both hung out together on occasion, each time ending up with him noticing something wonderfully beautiful about you; your smile, your absent-minded mannerisms, everything. His usual stoic, expressionless face was more prone to crack a small smile whenever you were near him, and he’d soon recognize that feeling deep in his gut whenever he heard you laugh. He had fallen hopelessly in love.
- Once they became aware that they were both interested in you, some tension arose. Whenever they saw the other flirting with you, they both would become upset and partially angry, though they’d never admit it. They’d also never go out of their way to foil each others flirting attempts, though if there was an opportunity to slightly disrupt them or something similar they would take it immediately.
- Kakyoin calls your phone to invite you somewhere when you’re at Jotaro’s place, but you’re in the bathroom. Jotaro would totally just grab your phone, declined the call, and conveniently place it somewhere where you can’t find it for a bit. Just petty things like that from both sides, honestly.
- They would definitely up the ante to win your heart though. Kakyoin would become almost clingy, staying near you whenever he could and constantly offering you assistance with anything you need to do. Need some groceries for a meal? He’s on that in an instant. Have a slight cold or fever? He’s already holding you bridal style and taking you to bed so you can rest. He just becomes more touchy/protective overall knowing that Jotaro also had his eyes set on you.
- Jotaro would be more discreet with his flirting and sometimes not even realize he’s doing it. Trying on some clothes but feeling insecure about going out in them? He would totally just say what was on his mind. “Good grief. You look beautiful like always. Hurry up, let’s go.” Totally random blunt compliments become especially common. You might notice that he also starts sitting much closer to you whenever you’re hanging out instead of keeping a distance. Similarly to Kakyoin, he becomes more affectionate and protective.
You, Kakyoin, and Jotaro had gone to hang out at a nearby park to enjoy the seemingly perfect weather and beautiful surroundings. Kakyoin was the one who suggested that you go with him, offering to show you around and tell you any tidbits of information he knew about the area. You happily agreed, excited to view some more of the local nature, but to his dismay, ended up asking if you could invite Jotaro as well so you could all hang out together.
Though it caught him off guard, there was no way he could refuse your request, so he simply smiled politely and accepted.
He was well aware of how Jotaro felt about you; after noticing how close he would stand next to you protectively and the way he even looked at you made it extremely obvious. Jotaro knew how Kakyoin felt as well, as his flirting was much more apparent, outright complimenting you often and on bolder occasions grabbing your hand and guiding you somewhere if he wanted to show you something—there were just constant brief, subtle touches. It annoyed the hell out of him, though he would never admit it; the thought of anyone else but him being so close to you pissed him off a little.
While walking to the park, both the men stayed on each side of you, closer than what would be considered appropriate by most people as their arms nearly brushed against yours. Though Kakyoin was annoyed by Jotaro’s presence, he couldn’t help but think of using it as an opportunity to show him just how he truly felt about you—and signal him to stay away.
Your voice interrupted the quiet atmosphere. “Ah, Kakyoin, do you know which street we’re supposed to go through? I think I messed up with the directions,” You looked down at the small map he had given you, squinting your eyes and frowning. “They made this thing much more complicated than it needs to be.”
You all stopped walking as he let out a small chuckle in response. “Yes, it is quite complicated–but I think we’re on the right path. Here,”
He leaned down close to you, looking over your shoulder, with his face a few inches away from yours. At the same time, his arm gently hooked itself around you, and he pointed to a small section on the map. The gesture was seemingly innocent, but at the same time slightly intimate as you felt his body slightly press against yours.
As Jotaro looked at how Kakyoin closed the distance between you and himself, he couldn’t help but feel some jealousy well up inside him.
“You see, right here is the old building that we’re next to right now. If we turn here and go up one more street…” His finger trailed up the map slowly. “Then we’ll be at the park.”
His expression was kind and his voice soft as he looked back at you, looking for any sign of confirmation on your face. “Understand?”
You smiled at him and nodded, grateful for the help and slightly flustered by his closeness. “Yeah, I think I get it. Thank you, Kakyoin.” He then straightened back up as you started walking ahead, leaving both of them a bit behind you. “In that case, let’s hurry. We’re already so close!” You exclaimed.
While you were still in front of them, Kakyoin glanced over to Jotaro with a smug grin on his face. That grin could easily be translated into a single sentence.
What did you think of that, Jotaro?
Not sparing him more than a second of attention, Jotaro just retaliated quickly with a harsh glare, then started following you.
“Dumbass show-off. I’ll wipe that dumb grin off your face.” He muttered quietly to himself.
He realized the red head was getting close to you and being so sickly sweet on purpose just to piss him off—and it honestly worked. He became more riled up as he picked up his pace and returned to your side, walking quietly alongside you despite his emotions.
After a few more minutes of walking, you all finally arrived at the park.
You let out a small sigh of relief upon reaching your destination. “We made it, guys! It took a little longer than expected, but what can you do?” Shoving your map into your pocket, you looked around, admiring the beautiful scenery. “I can see it was definitely worth it, though— this place looks amazing.”
Kakyoin placed his hands on his hips and chuckled. “It certainly is beautiful, isn’t it? This has to be one of the most popular places in the area. Though…” He turned his head and examined more of the park. “There’s barely anyone here today. Lucky for us, I suppose.”
You hummed in agreement, and Jotaro continued to look around the area. Though it was nice, to him, it seemed highly unlikely that no one would show up this specific day for no reason. He looked up towards the sky, noticing it was already filled with light grey clouds, with darker ones already rolling in. Then, in an instant, he felt a light drop of water hit his face.
Then it clicked—the reason no one had shown up today.
“Good grief.” He brought his hand upwards, wiping the water that was on his face. “It’s starting to rain.”
Kakyoin let out a disappointed sigh and outstretched his hand to feel the water. “Of course. No wonder there was no one here today… None of us have been paying attention to the weather.”
You sighed as well, annoyed that you all walked here only for the weather to immediately turn crappy. Not to mention, you were already trembling as the rain started to become heavier, falling down with surprising force. “G-great, what terrible timing. I guess we should head back before it gets much worse.”
Before you could start to move, a gasp escaped your lips as you felt something large and warm being wrapped around you. Looking back, you saw Jotaro behind you, missing his coat, revealing his green tank top and toned arms. He had instead placed it over you, quickly warming you up and providing plenty of protection from the harsh rain.
His voice was stoic as usual, though for a moment you thought you could detect a hint of softness in his words. “You’re shaking. If you stay like that much longer, you’ll catch a cold.” Jotaro then pulled you against him, wrapping his arm around you. “Let’s hurry back.”
Speechless, you simply nodded in response, feeling the warmth emanate from both his body and coat. It was extremely comforting, and part of you just wanted to lean against his chest and close your eyes. Still, he started walking while still holding you close.
“Thank you, Jotaro.” You murmured.
He let out a small grunt in response, and though you couldn’t see it, a small smile was plastered on his face along with a slight rose-colored tint that spread across his cheeks. He quickly looked back at Kakyoin, who was standing in the rain, frozen in place. The small smile on his face then turned into a smug one, similar to the one the other man had earlier— it could also be easily translated:
What did you think of that, Kakyoin?
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kakloins · 5 years
Got any relationship headcanons for jotaro?
YES ACTUALLY MANY... stoic tough guys with a soft side make me 😳😳
- Jotaro is a quiet, reserved dude and even in a relationship he’d be somewhat the same. Of course he recognizes it, and he often wonders why the heck you decided to get with him out of all people. Surely other guys would be better, right? It's not unusual for his gaze to linger in your direction as he thinks about how lucky he is to have you.
- Despite his nature he still shows affection in small ways that some people could easily look past. In the morning he’d make you coffee or tea, whatever you like, and ask you how you slept; just simple things like that throughout the day. He wouldn’t make that effort with just anyone, he genuinely cares about you and wants to make sure you know that.
- He is extremely protective of you. The thought of anything bad happening or you facing any danger scares the hell out of him. When you're both out in public, he always holds you close by wrapping his arm around your waist and looks out for anything suspicious. If he allowed anything to happen to you he could never forgive himself. If you're both apart from each other for a while, he also texts you and asks how you're doing often just to make sure you’re okay.
- Physical affection wise, he won't be doing it much at the start of the relationship, he’s just a bit too awkward for it. Instead he’ll just randomly hold your hand if he feels like it, and sit really close to you whenever you’re together. He loves just being around you and enjoys your presence.
- Of course once he becomes more comfortable he becomes surprisingly touchy; he'll pull you next to him when you're both relaxing and hold you close, just enjoying your warmth and comfort. He’ll also start giving you unexpected hugs and gentle kisses throughout the day.
- This man is a heavy sleeper, like you could scream in his face and he still wouldn’t wake up. Somehow every morning when you wake up, his arm is slung around you and he holds you like a plushie, keeping you close to his chest. You always have to wiggle your way out of his grasp if you wake up before he does.
- Will 100% percent take you on spontaneous dates to the beach or a nearby aquarium. He loves telling you about various types of fish/sea life and could honestly ramble on for hours if you allowed him. At the beach, he feels like he’s in heaven when you lean against him and just listen to the sounds of the ocean together.
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kakloins · 5 years
send some requests!
HELLO!! im reine and i wanna write a bunch of jojo stuff and meme a bit! ill do imagines, headcanons, and scenarios sometimes. i’m not really strict at all, but still, the rules:
1.) only 5 characters max per request unless its for prompts i reblog
2.) no ship stuff, sorry! im bad at writing them
3.) nsfw is cool.... that spicy stuff is good though it wont be that explicit
4.) i wont write for certain characters/topics that i just,, dont think i can do (characters like polpo, secco, stuff like eating disorders and other triggering topics)
5.) i can only write for parts 1–6. ill read sbr soon tho...
thats it!! i love so many characters but my faves have to be kakyoin, jotaro, and jolyne wink wink
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