kakusay-moved · 4 years
[ If it wasn’t already made obvious enough, Lio has been moved over to my multi-muse at @zestirix ! I only had a handful of threads here, most of which will be carried over. <3
I don’t think I need to queue this. XD! ]
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kakusay-moved · 4 years
//sneezes on this blog
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kakusay-moved · 4 years
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     How about some popcorn? Might as well enjoy the show.
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                        you’re  right  --  no  use  in  popping  a  blood  vessel  over  it.  he  appreciates  the  offer  of  snacks  ;;  you’re  quickly  becoming  best  friend  material.
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kakusay-moved · 4 years
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     She has no idea what is going on, nor is she about to ask. 
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                 you’d  DEFINITELY  be  better  off  just  staying  out  of  it.  that’s  what  he’s  chosen  to  do.
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kakusay-moved · 4 years
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                            he’s  watching  this  entire  thing  go  down  on  the  television.  is  it  SAD  lio’s  torn  between  heading  out  there  and  smacking  galo  upside  the  head  for  not  prioritizing  his  duties,  and  tearing  this  random  jackass  a new  one  for  daring  to  pick  a  fight  with  his  himbo?
           yes,  lio,  it’s  sad.  very  sad.
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
     Galo would have sputtered incredulously had it not been for the all-too SATISFYING knowledge that was, in fact, an early riser. Ah, but whatever grin that had begun to tug at his lips was effectively wiped away upon Lio’s SECOND accusation, almost as if calling him out. “I don’t drool–!!” Was the single defensive statement riled from him, notably, none other following it suit.
     No snuggling… fine.             Man, what a JOY killer, that guy !!
     But what now, indeed, the request to proceed and move onward with matters now causing Galo to think deeply on the next course of action. “A man of action, I see.” He gave an AFFIRMATIVE nod, aiming for giving a dramatic point of the finger, only for the digit to stop just before the other’s face and lightly tap against his nose. “But now !! … I dunno what we should do. You didn’t really have a lot, so that takes out half the work.”
     Ah, but that DID give Galo an idea, a light grunt of effort escaping him as he rose to sit and stare at what little personal affects his new roommate had.
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     “We should go shopping for some clothes for you. Y’know. One’s that’ll actually fit you.” With a twist of his torso, he rested his left elbow against the opposite knee, expression TEASING and ripe with amusement. “As much as I wouldn’t mind sharing, I really doubt you’d wanna be wearing clothes twice your size.” And the same, what, THREE?
          with  how  QUICKLY  galo  had  attempted  to  shut  down  any  suspicions  had  in  relation  to  his  supposed  drooling  (  or,  lack  thereof,  as  he  CLAIMED  ),  even  lio  couldn’t  keep  from  laughing  into  his  fist,  clearly  not  expecting  to  derive  such  INTENSE  amusement  from  the  taller’s  reaction,  what  with  the  way  he  sputtered.  “  hah--- !  okay,  whatever  you  say,  galo.  “
       silently,  and  mischievously,  lio  thinks:  if  he  catches  even  a  HINT  of  saliva  cascading  from  that  big  mouth  of  galo’s,  photographic  evidence  WOULD  be  taken...  just  as  soon  as  he  figured  out  how  to  work  his  phone’s  camera.
        the  ex-burnish  also  rises,  stretching  his  body  from  where  it  had  so  comfortably  sank  into  the  plush  mattress,  and  cringing  at  the  chorus  of  snaps,  crackles,  and  pops  that  sang  from  his  poor  backside.  man...  years  upon  years  of  fighting  really  was  KILLER  on  a  man’s  bones!
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                           “  sh-shopping?  “  already,  he  looks  about  as  interested  as  one  would  EXPECT  from  a  guy  who  had  gotten  so  used  to  just  mending  and  re-using  whatever  he  had.  besides,  what  was  wrong  with  BORROWING  galo’s  shirts?  wasn’t  like  lio  had  anyone  to  impress,  or  anywhere  of  MONUMENTAL  IMPORTANCE  to  travel  to.  still,  he...  supposed  he  should  give  his  roommate  his  t-shirt  collection  back,  comfortable  and  warm  though  the  oversized  garments  were.  “  i  don’t  mind  wearing  your  stuff,  but...  y-yeah,  i...  guess  i  wouldn’t  mind  some  stuff  of  my  own,  too.  “
       especially  since  he  couldn’t  necessarily  go  to  a  potential  JOB  INTERVIEW  in  a  puffy  red  orange  jacket  and  a  BURNING  RESCUE  uniform  shirt...  unless  said  interview  was  FOR  burning  rescue,  which  lio  suspects,  what  with  certain  close  contacts  of  his,  wouldn’t  require  too  much  effort  on  his  part  to  get  through  successfully.  galo  would  make  a  SHOW  of  it,  for  sure.
              the  thought  makes  lio  smile.
        “  i  don’t  have  any  money,  though.  “  or  a  wallet  to  HOLD  it.  “ ---   and  before  you  say  you’re  gonna  pay  for  all  of  this,  because  i  KNOW  you  and  i  KNOW  you’re  going  to  offer,  the  answer  is  NO.  “
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
Lio, to Kray: With all due respect, which is none,
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
significant annoyance
cute gender neutral things to call ur partner
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
     It’s only once his hand is on the door’s handle that Lio’s voice RISES in volume, causing shoulders to tense as he froze on the spot under the other’s demanding tone. The worst part of the matter was a simple fact: Lio was RIGHT. There was nothing Galo could say that would refute every fact the ex-burnish spoke into the space between them, and it only frustrated the azuret all the more. Knuckles turned white from their grip upon the handle, teeth gnashing together roughly as everything came to a BOIL beneath the surface, ready to erupt.
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     And it did– “BECAUSE !!” – even as he fully registered the sound of his own voice reverberating back at him from how LOUDLY he’d shouted– “Because, Lio !!” – the words wouldn’t catch within the back of his throat, despite the underlying effort he’d made into SUFFOCATING them there. “Because you already have to deal with enough! Because this is MY problem and I was an IDIOT not to realize it sooner!”
     Because despite being arguably one of the CLOSEST people to the root of the problem, Galo had still allowed himself to grow nurtured and groomed beneath the growing HORROR that would soon befall nearly half of Promepolis’ population; Because the very moment he’d been told of something horrible occurring, he shouldn’t have attempted to confront the man ALONE, least of all, without telling anyone of his whereabouts or findings. People had died– innocent, good people– and it was because of the Great Galo Thymos was the world’s number one idiot, and no amount of attempting to OWN the title and flip it on it’s head would ever erase the blood and ashes staining his hands.
     “I know everyone thinks I’m an idiot, but this is a whole new level of idiocy, okay ?! I’ve dedicated my life to helping others, to saving lives just as I thought mine was saved, too. Instead–!” Oh, he HAD to laugh, despite the sound lacking every ounce of humor. “– Instead, I end up helping the one bastard capable of hurting thousands of people with the snap of a finger, and it SUCKS, Lio. It sucks a whole goddamn lot.” But Lio didn’t need to hear THAT. There was far too much on the other’s plate to be piled another heaping helping of DRAMA onto it and comfortably stomach.
     Galo was made to believe he had been a burden on someone’s shoulders, STRONG and capable shoulders, that carried years of a perfectly crafted facade. Lio was strong, but he carried enough was it was.
     “But you–” His voice BREAKS then, and finally, his silent wish of just shutting the hell up, starts to come true with a gradual build, even if it’s accompanied by the shaking of his hands and the STINGING in his eyes. “Y-you were directly effected by all of this, and now you’re… here… just…  listening to me complain… You… You don’t need all that…” And finally did the TENSION in his frame completely melt away, arms hanging limp at his sides whilst the shame set in. “I’m sorry… I… I didn’t mean t-to–” Damn, and there the tears went.
       mmm  --  there  it  went.
                seems  lio  had  poked  all  the  right  places,  and  pressed  all  the  right  buttons.  he’s  never  seen  galo  raise  his  voice  for  any  other  reason  besides  excitement  or  passion...  never  seen  him  CRITICIZE  himself  so  heavily.  it  knocks  the  ex-burnish  down  a  few  levels,  the  realization  dawning  upon  him  that,  despite  being  so  very  different  in  almost  all  aspects  of  life  (  personality,  upbringing,  even  tastes  in  fashion  ),  at  the  root  of  it  all,  they  were  so  much  more  alike  than  one  may  realize.
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                           he  lets  him  finish,  pivoting  his  gaze  repeatedly  from  the  doorknob  to  galo’s  face,  as  if  expecting  his  troubled  roommate  to  drop  the  discussion  entirely  and  make  a  run  for  it.  to  lio’s  surprise,  though,  he  presses  on  through  a  visible  whirlwind  of  emotions,  eventually  releasing  his  iron  grip  from  the  poor  doorknob  and  standing,  slack  and  hunched  over,  in  a  pitiful  fashion  akin  to  that  of  a  scolded  child.  “  galo,  “  he  speaks,  taking  a  cautious  step  or  two  towards  his  companion,  who  obviously  needs  a  good,  albeit  GENTLE  shove  in  the  right  direction,  yet  is  so  unwilling  to  just  outright  admit  it  (  oh!  another  similarity...  )  “  will  you  shut  up  and  listen  to  yourself?  you’re  an  idiot  because  you’re  so  selfless,  putting  others  before  you  all  the  time  and  doing  RECKLESS  things...  and  because  you  ask  weird,  outlandish  questions  with  no  source  of  context.  you’re  not  an  idiot  because  some  ASSHOLE  took  advantage  of  your  faith  in  him,  and  the  STRONG  love  you  possessed  for  him,  for  no  concrete  reason.  “ 
           galo  had  done  nothing  wrong,  and  there  was  NO  way  he  could  have  foretold  the  path  that  kray  was  viciously  paving  behind  his,  and  so  many  other  people’s  backs.  had  lio  someone  to  look  up  to  in  the  same  way  galo  saw  kray,  the  ex-leader  thinks  --  no,  KNOWS  --  he  would  have  been  in  much  the  same  position  as  his  friend.  one  never  suspects  the  people  he  or  she  cherishes  most,  and  when  true  natures  are  revealed,  usually  in  the  most  traumatic  of  ways,  it’s  difficult  to  accept  it.  
         “  what  of  the  townsfolk?  what  of  everyone  else  who  idolized  and  looked  to  him  for  safety?  are  they  idiots,  too?  he  was  going  to  let  them  all  DIE,  galo,  and  for  what?  some  ridiculously  selfish  delusions  of  grandeur?  “    
           though  galo  still  faces  the  doorway,  it  doesn’t  keep  lio  from  closing  the  distance  and  wrapping  his  arm’s  ‘round  the  larger’s  dejected  frame,  now  that  it  seems  whatever  ESCAPE  plan  galo  may  have  concocted  has  withered  away.  even  if  it  pained  lio  to  witness  the  normally  cheery  and  excitable  firefighter  being  so  ruthlessly  hard  on  himself,  the  shorter  male  was  just  happy,  and  relieved,  that  galo  was  finally  peeling  off  his  layers  and  ALLOWING  himself  to  be  emotionally  vulnerable,  for  once.  “  we  were  ALL  affected  by  this,  not  just  me.  you  and  i  are  hurting  for  different  reasons,  but  because  of  the  same  person,  galo,  and  regardless  of  whose  plate  is  heavier,  or  whose  pain  is  worse,  i  want  to  HELP  you  just  as  you’ve  helped  me...  just  as  you’ve  helped  SO  many  people.  “  a  cheek  presses  against  a  tense  backside,  lengthy  lashes  fluttering  shut  in  a  moment  where  actions  and  words  were  equal  in  impact.  by  no  means  was  lio  that  good  at  AIDING  people  emotionally,  rather  than  violently,  but  damn  his  ineptitude,  he  would  TRY  for  someone  he  CARED  about  so  damned  much.
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                         “  it’s  okay  to  be  upset.  to  be  angry,  to  cry,  to  be  HUMAN.  we’ll  heal...  together,  okay?  “
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
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what  a  cutie  pie.  u  v  u  stealing  borrowing  yet  another  one  of  galo’s  oversized  shirts.
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
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{ Hello ! I’m roughly 3,000 years late to the party and have absolutely nothing to say for myself about it, but if you’re interested in interacting with a brand new Lio Fotia from Promare please give this post a ♡  or ↺ and I’ll check you out!  }  
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
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                        it’s  good  to  have  solid  friends  like  aina,  especially  in  such  a  delicate  time.  a  break  away  from  the  himbo  husband  will  do  lio  some  good.
            he  totally  isn’t  curled  up  in  the  bathtub  crying  because  he  misses  galo,  what  are  you  implying????
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
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     What is even going on? Divorces? Partners walking out? Not a good night for lovers, it seems… She hopes not to be next.
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                        marriage  is  a  SHAM.  one  minute,  you’re  happy,  and  then  your  partner’s  TRUE  nature  comes  out,  and  everything  collapses  at  your  feet.  HE  SHAN’T  EVER  FALL  IN  LOVE  AGAIN!
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
I GUESS. All seven–eight?–of you better behave, though. She has two bedrooms and a pullout couch. Surely, that could fit most of them…? Where in the hell did Galo & Lio get seven kids, though? Were they actually KIDS??
What the fuck.
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                             4  guinea  pigs,  a  cat,  a  dog,  and  a  rock  (  that  last  one  was  galo’s  idea  ).  they’re  all  well  behaved,  don’t  worry.  lio  can  only  make  toast,  in  terms  of  food,  but  he’ll  definitely  help  clean  as  thanks!
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
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     He can’t believe the WIFE took both the kids AND his uniform coat. This INJUSTICE. The ULTIMATE theft. You have brokoro his kokoro.
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                             BOTH?  oh,  okay  --  the  other  5  aren’t  even  relevant,  i  see.  this  is  EXACTLY  why  he’s  leaving.  GOODBYE  FOREVER.
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kakusay-moved · 5 years
@just-aina​​ ;;
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                              we’re  coming  to  crash  at  your  place  for  a  bit  ;;  is  that  okay?  we  had  a  fight  with  the  husband.  we’ve  got  7  kids  as  well,  but  it’s  okay  --  we  can  stop  by  walget  to  pick  up  some  inflatable  beds.
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