kalosheroserena · 11 years
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
||Where Am I?||
|❤| The Johto Region. It was Serena's first time out of Kalos since her and her mother had moved there more than a year ago. After exploring most of the Kalos region, Serena had decided to be a bit more adventurous. Her adventure didn't have to end there. There was so much to see in the world and she wasn't about to stop exploring just because she had already accomplished her childhood dream in Kalos. She had become Champion of the region, but decided that sitting in a chamber, simply waiting for her next opponent was a rather boring way to spend her time. Especially when there was just so much to see in the world.
This whole 'exploring a new region' thing had turned out to be much more than she bargained for, though. She was extremely unfamiliar with her surroundings and, without the help of a map, she found herself more lost than ever. "New Bark Town....?" The honey blonde female mumbled under her breath. She had been told that the Professor was there. But....The problem was, where was this New Bark Town? To be honest, she had no idea. Much to her dismay, she hadn't managed to run into a single trainer since she had left the last town she had been in. 
Suddenly, she took notice of a male up ahead. A male with longer, pale red hair. "Oh thank God!" She announced quietly to herself before taking off at a jog to catch up with the male. "E-excuse me...I'm not from around here. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of New Bark Town?"
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
|| Lost in Kanto ||
|❤| Maybe leaving Kalos had been a bad idea. This was her home region. Her place of birth. But, to be perfectly honest, she had never really wandered too far from her hometown of Pallet Town. Sure, she had gone a few places with her mother whenever she went out and about, but she had been so young at the time, that she hardly remembered any of the places they had gone. 
This place, Viridian Forest, was even less familiar to her than the rest of the region. Her mother had never brought her here before. Probably because there wasn't a whole lot to see here other than a ton of trees and bug-type Pokemon. "Where in the world is the exit?" The honey blonde female mumbled under her breath as she looked down at the map clutched tightly in her hands. Unfortunately, this town map did very little in helping her find the way out of this forest. Viridian Forest was simply a tiny dot on the map. 
With a sigh, Serena tucked the town map away into her bag before lifting her head, sky blue hues looking around in search of anyone or anything that could point her to the exit. Up ahead, she could see a male dressed in red up ahead. A relieved smile crossed her face as she took off in a jog towards the male.
Once she reached him, a friendly smile crossed the young girls lips. "Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you. But, I'm not really from around here....I was wondering if you could help me find my way out of this place? I've been here for hours and haven't been able to find an exit yet."
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
Most of the starters I owe are done and waiting in my drafts. I owe a few more and I'll get everything posted. =D
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
Lost in Reflection Cave
|❤| Reflection Cave. It had been ages since the honey blonde had last traveled through this cave. She had gotten lost in here before, so there was no doubt in her mind that she would only end up lost once again. Especially after spending so much time away from here. 
With a deep sigh, Serena reached a delicate hand out to touch the glass-like surface of one of the walls. Her reflection looked back at her and as she flashed the form a smile, it smiled right back at her. "It's always been so beautiful in here." She mumbled to herself before turning to walk again. "I just wish I knew how to get out of here.....or even how to go back the way I came...." This cave had so many twists and turns that it was hard to find a simple route through it. It seemed that everytime she did pass through, she was following a different route or discovering some new area that she had never seen before.
Most of the cave had been rather silent other than a few Pokemon Trainers here and there. Luckily, though, she managed to slip past them without ever making eye contact, though. There was one girl in particular that caught her attention, though. While others seemed comfortable in their current surroundings, this girl didn't. She looked lost. To be honest, Serena wasn't sure, but she approached the girl anyway, a light smile on her lips.
"Um.....Hello. My name is Serena. I'm sorry to just come over uninvited, but I couldn't help but to notice that you look a little lost. You're not from around here, are you?"
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
I owe 6 starters. Wow! I'm going to be busy for a while. Please excuse my horrible starters! I've never been very good with them and it's always hard when you first start a muse. I'll have those posted asap, though.
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
Would anyone like a starter?
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
Send me ☢ if you want to rp with me but haven't yet.
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
gentle reminders:
i will never force my ships on you
i love unrequited shit
you are so fuckin allowed to hurt my muse okay there is no limit
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
Reblog if...
Your blog is anon-friendly
Your blog is magical-anon-friendly
Your blog is open to starters aimed at them
Your blog willing to respond to open starters
Your blog is open to questions about headcanons
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
I'm a new Serena blog. Please like or reblog if you're a Pokemon rp blog!
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
"Hm? Oh hello! My name's Serena! It's nice to meet you! Welcome to the Kalos Region!" Indie rp blog...
Could I have some help getting this blog going? I will love you guys forever! I'm having a hard time getting this page going and I would love to do more writing with Serena! =D
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
nharmonia-gropius has run into the hero
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Well, this was an unfamiliar face. One she had never seen around Vaniville before. This was a small town and in the two short years that she's lived here, she's learned all of the people in this town by name. "Um.....Are you lost, sir?"
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
3000yearsofshame has run into the hero
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Serena hadn't expected much of anyone to be out here this late in the evening. Most would be taking shelter in a Pokemon Center for the night or setting up camp. But, no Serena. Apparently, she wasn't the only one who was out and about. Up ahead, she could see a figure....a rather odd shaped figure. "H-hello?" Sky blue eyes squinted in an attempt to make out the silhouette, but the darkness proved too hard of a block. 
Bravely, the honey blonde girl took a few cautious steps forward. It wasn't until she got closer that she finally realized just who this was. "AZ....? Is that you...?" She knew that height anywhere. The super tall, rather creepy male she had met so long ago. 
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
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Serena Appreciation Post
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kalosheroserena · 11 years
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