kamixkitsune · 8 months
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"I can take you there if you have time," Fuji spoke with a smile. "The temple I work at is really lovely, the smell of lotus and other flowers along with the chirps of sparrows and cicadas. It's an amazing feeling to be there." She smiles.
"Also no need to apologize.." Fuji-hime looks over to the dog with glowing orange eyes. She wouldn't mind the dog as long as he doesn't do anything reckless.
"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fuji. Fuji-hime!" She told the other. "What is yours, fellow shrine maiden?"
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That still didn't give her much information, but she was becoming more and more curious.
"I've never heard of it...oh, but I would love to visit sometime! It would just be difficult to find my way there on my own..." She admitted with a good-natured laugh.
"Oh? You move around? I see. I can't really do that much...it is nice to have a visitor though. Feel free to look around..." Jugo was still growling though. "I'm really sorry about him...he's not usually like this..."
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kamixkitsune · 10 months
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Fuji finds this shrine maiden interesting. It's not every day she finds one that is visually impaired and has an eye-seeing canine companion. Most people who have high expectations of shrine maidens are not really kind.
"My shrine is not well-known but if you insist, the name of my shrine is Shinseina Hogo Inari Shrine. Although...I move from shrine to shrine to explore other shrines and help. Even the famous ones."
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"Oh! I rarely ever get to talk to other shrine maidens!" For some reason, many of the others found her unsettling. She wondered if it was her disability, or if it was her dog.
Either way, her visitors were usually her family.
"Where is your shrine? I...can figure it out by street names!"
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kamixkitsune · 1 year
Fuji notices this but doesn't say anything.
"It's quite alright. Your friend is very protective." And she can't blame him. After all...Fuji is not human and it seems the dog can tell.
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"I am not to disturb you and your daily duties as a shrine maiden. I'm just here to mediate and offer my prayers to the shrine. As a fellow shrine madien, myself. Your shrine is quite nice to be in."
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Unable to see that she was speaking to a youkai, she did not react to her appearance. Though, she still appeared a bit wary, mostly because Jugo did not appear to be calming down at all.
"Yes I am...pardon, I'm so sorry for Jugo, I really don't know what's gotten into him...! Jugo, please calm down--" The dog was standing protectively in front of Setsuko and glaring right up at the newcomer without budging an inch.
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kamixkitsune · 1 year
"My apologies." A young woman spoke. Her voice is gentle and mature.
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"I didn't mean to startle your companion here." She said. "I came here to pray." She explained herself as her fox ears move a little. She hides her hands with long sleeves as she looks at the person. "Are you the shrine maiden of this temple?"
@kamixkitsune II Starter with Setsuko
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Setsuko was doing her daily walk of the grounds with her dog Jugo. The white Japanese Spitz was trotting along on a leash, leading her down the brick path so she didn't trip or take a wrong turn.
Except, suddenly, he stopped. Completely unaware of why, and why he was starting to growl, Setsuko was immediately on edge.
"What's wrong, Jugo? Is someone there?"
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kamixkitsune · 1 year
“Now you do.” Fuji giggled about Ichigo not seeing a Kitsune. But appearance aside, Fuji finds out that Hollows are an amalgamation of souls. 
A soul that’ has a  oulchain hasn’t yet ended that gets attacked and consumed by a Hollow. The dominant personality is always the strongest soul within....
“Very well. Please follow me.” She points the way before guiding Ichigo to the tea room. As they walked, Fuji had questions regarding Hollows and this...Spiritual Pressure.
So the Hollow that Ichigo has purified was in search of hunting those with Spiritual Pressure? 
“This....Spiritual Pressure?” Fuji tries to understand what Ichigo is talking about. “Do you mean....people who has abilities to see spirits and has spiritual power. Is that what you referred to Spiritual Pressure?” Fuji titled her head at him as she asked curiously. Oh well...all of that can be explained over tea. 
Fuji can guess. If this Hollow is hunting the likes of such energy. Then it’s no doubt that it would be her and a few others in Shinseina Hogo that are the targets. Hmmm...there should be a meeting in order first thing tomorrow then. But first, she needs to be a good host for her guest; Ichigo!
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“Come inside.” Fuji smiles. There are tatami pools and a low table for them to sit. Of course, the youngest members encourages her to buy some bean bags instead of more tatami pools. Fuji must admit the bean bags are much more comfortable and relaxing. So there were are now two beanbags for them if Ichigo wishes. 
“Please feel free to choose your seating. My followers suggest that I should have...bag of beans since I heard they suit better than tatami pillows.” She said as she goes to prepare the tea.
“Hollows?” Fuji hums. A name for these poor souls. She wouldn’t call them malevolent if they lost their way. Maybe corrupted? Yes…that makes sense given what Ichigo described. Now what sort of person is Ichigo Reaper that made his mission to slain such creatures and take them to the afterlife. 
A Soul Reaper. He answered. 
A Soul Reaper? That’s new to her. As someone in charge of this sanctuary ever since a child, she learned there were legends and myths of beings guiding souls to the other side. 
Maybe a Soul Reaper fits the description of that or exact like that…
“How interesting.” She muses. “You’re a Soul Reaper.” She nods, accepting that without question. Then it’s Ichigo’s turn to ask her a question to which he asked if she’s a spirt herself. 
“Hm?” Fuji-hime blinks before she threw her head back and she laughs while hiding her mouth with her long sleeve. “Me? A spirit???” She chuckles. That’s funny. It’s the first time anyone said that to her. People came to her as she is claimed reincarnation of a goddess. So hearing that is pretty funny. 
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“Why? Is it because of my appearance or the ears? Must be the ears, yes?” She refers to her fox ears as they wiggle a bit. “I don’t mind the question though. Hmmm……I guess you can think of me someone in charge of this haven. A Kitsune, perhaps? Just a simple shrine maiden and a head guardian at that.” She added.
“But that aside, I must thank you for purifying that lost corrupted soul and guided it to the afterlife properly. It sounds like a honorable duty bestow upon you if I said so myself.” Fuji chuckles airly.  “Would you like to come inside and talk? I can make some tea for you if you like, Ichigo.” 
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The Hollows were corrupted and oftentimes evil due to stronger, hungrier Hollows consuming them for power which corrupts their personalities. There were very few that were docile and didn’t hunger for human or other souls.
“Yes, Hollows are… well, an amalgamation of souls that have been consumed by other Hollows. Sometimes it’s a soul that’s soulchain hasn’t yet ended that gets attacked and consumed by a Hollow. The dominant personality is always the strongest soul within,”
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Ichigo wasn’t the best at describing or explaining but he hoped that she was getting the gist of what he meant at least. He was going to have to explain that there were evil Hollows that even went as far as to attack humans in an attempt to gain more power by consuming their soul. Those were the Hollows that needed eradication and the one that had been here wasn’t a nice Hollow by any stretch of the imagination.
“Hollows that arrive here in he World of the Living are most often those that target anyone with any Spiritual Pressure in an attempt to gain even more power. They’re trying to evolve into stronger forms.”
At her mentioning her ears, which, he’d honestly not really noticed before he was ,mostly going by her appearance as he’d never met someone like her before and no one knew this place even existed so he felt that she had to have some sort of power or be some sort of spirit. When she said Kitsune he’d loft a brow he’d heard of those creatures but never seen one, at least, not until now.
“A Kitsune, hm? Well, I’ve heard of them but never seen one before, I suppose that’s not true now,”
At her thanking of him and offer of tea he’d think for a few moments before deciding that he could use a small break. He’d helped no less than five souls go to the Seireitei already and there were other Soul Reapers that were patrolling so he wasn’t the only one on duty.
“Tea and a small bit of talking should be fine. I’ve already met my quota for the  night but there’d bound to be one or two more souls I come across prior to getting home that I’ll help before then.”
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
“Marital arts?” Fuji’s ears perk up as her eyes are curious. “What kind?” Fuji has her martial arts which is Aikido. She only uses it when someone tries to attack her. Her powers can be pretty lethal if she isn’t careful. Not for her but for her enemies. Her tails can go through someone like a knife heated by the flames through butter. So she uses Akikido since she is practicing her Ki. 
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“Of course, cooking counts as a hobby! A wonderful hobby if I may add.” Fuji smiles warmly. Most of the time, the cooking is done for her instead of her cooking. She has a tough time in cooking and she’s trying her best. The only she can do in the kitchen is brewing tea and pouring milk into cereal. 
“Though...I do some sititching and sewing of my own in my free time.” Of course, Fuji never plays video games. She knows some of the members at her shrine do but it doesn’t interest her. 
So Ichigo has a younger sister named Yuzu. Fuji doesn’t have any siblings. She is considered the only child. She can’t remember her parents. Only the family that has been dealt with.
“If you like, feel free to use the kitchen. I would love to taste your cooking.” Fuji smiles. 
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“Oh come on now, Ichigo. Surely there are some hobbies you want to do in your spare time even if it’s a few years..” Fuji smiles. 
“As for me, I have to look after people in the shrine, listen to their troubles, solve their troubles by giving them advice or helping them through it and maintain the upkeep of the shrine.” And other things. Not to mention, she is in charge of other guardians surrounding the haven while being aware of their activities. Fuji had some ways to dispatch Hollows but she needs to test them out first. “But I guess it’s not the same as yours since you had to be on move in search of purifying Hollows and other spirits while I’m sit around the shrine and doing my side of things” She muses. 
“If you like to know, I like to practice calligaprhy, learning new languages, archery, akido, tea, music, singing and other things; Although…it’s common for me since I work at a shrine.” 
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“Like I said, I’ve never really given it much thought nor do I particularly have the time to go off and get some hobbies now. I’m busy with this job as well as another,”
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Ichigo honestly didn’t really think it was too big of a deal that he didn’t have any hobbies. Was it? Sure, when he was a kid he’d done various martial arts stuff for a while, at least, up until his mother died. After that he didn’t really remember much. Not that there was much to remember. Did avoiding his father when he was acting crazy count as a hobby? The ginger didn’t think so.
“When I was a kid is the last time I remember having any sort of hobby and it was just martial arts classes my mom took me to.”
He most certainly wasn’t going to elaborate and he honestly hoped that the woman didn’t try to pry. Thus far she’d been pretty decent company all things considered. Sure, she was different but so was he. He had plenty of people he called friends who weren’t human and while she was different her appearance was still mostly human in the long run. He never bothered to ask her ‘what’ she was because honestly, she wasn’t an enemy and would more than likely tell him at some point down the line so he wasn’t in any rush.
“Makes sense. I mean, all your varying hobbies do. I have a few friends who do stuff like cross stitching and sewing but I’ve never really thought about picking up a hobby myself. I’ve never even been one for video games or anything like that I’ve never had time for them,”
It wasn’t that certain titles didn’t interest him or anything. He was being quite serious when he said he honestly didn’t have the time for any hobbies. That wasn’t likely to change anytime soon, either. He wasn’t going to go out of his way to buy anything that he’d never use either, nor was he going to “try” a lot of things to see what he liked.
“Well, I suppose if it counts as a hobby I  do enjoy cooking. Sometimes I help my younger sister Yuzu out in the kitchen.”
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
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“I see...” This is very concerning. Illegal weapons through this area?? She wonders what kind but she had a good guess. “Of course. After all, this is my santuarcy that has the shrine and my home in it. Thank you for informing me, sir. I will notify you. As for these suspicious individuals, if I may ask. What do they look like so I can contact you right away?”
Or rather deal with it herself. She will inform the other guardians and her followers regarding this in a following-up meeting. She won’t allow such violence effect her sanctuary. 
“May I ask for your name?”
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“Right… To put it simple, There were some suspicious individuals who were seen around the temple. They were smuggling in illegal weapon parts through this area. I’m here to stop them.” Raiden explained, he wasn’t exactly sure what this girl was exactly. Because she certainly didn’t seem like a normal human.
But sure neither was he.
“If you see anything I’d appreciate you letting me know. I want them out of here as soon as possible… and I’m sure you would too.”
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
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“Oh come on now, Ichigo. Surely there are some hobbies you want to do in your spare time even if it’s a few years..” Fuji smiles. 
“As for me, I have to look after people in the shrine, listen to their troubles, solve their troubles by giving them advice or helping them through it and maintain the upkeep of the shrine.” And other things. Not to mention, she is in charge of other guardians surrounding the haven while being aware of their activities. Fuji had some ways to dispatch Hollows but she needs to test them out first. “But I guess it’s not the same as yours since you had to be on move in search of purifying Hollows and other spirits while I’m sit around the shrine and doing my side of things” She muses. 
“If you like to know, I like to practice calligaprhy, learning new languages, archery, akido, tea, music, singing and other things; Although...it’s common for me since I work at a shrine.” 
@kamixkitsune​​ asked:  “I want to know what your hobbies are.” to Ichigo Kurosaki.
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“My… hobbies?”
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That wasn’t what Ichigo had been expecting from the young woman when she found him a second time after their initial meeting. Sure, he’d been on her property but not everyone was equipped to dispatch Hollows, but there was also the fact that not everyone could sense them when they were somewhere like her home. It was her home, right?
“That’s a really good question, honestly, with how much I work I don’t really have time for any hobbies. Haven’t for a few years now.”
It was true, too he’d not really had much time since taking up the mantle of a Substitute Soul Reaper to think about hobbies. Even when he had time for hobbies he was spending that time studying and passing exams for his Doctorate.
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
For @militibus-ex-umbra​ from here
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“I see. If there’s nothing to be concerned about then that’s fine. However as someone who is in charge of haven. I need to be know your business being here. I’m a guardian of this shrine temple.” She informs the other. 
“Surely, you must understand where I’m coming from. If I may, I can be of assistance to help with your investigation.” Said the young shrine madien while holding her sleeve to cover her mouth as she talks. 
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
“Hollows?” Fuji hums. A name for these poor souls. She wouldn’t call them malevolent if they lost their way. Maybe corrupted? Yes...that makes sense given what Ichigo described. Now what sort of person is Ichigo Reaper that made his mission to slain such creatures and take them to the afterlife. 
A Soul Reaper. He answered. 
A Soul Reaper? That’s new to her. As someone in charge of this sanctuary ever since a child, she learned there were legends and myths of beings guiding souls to the other side. 
Maybe a Soul Reaper fits the description of that or exact like that...
“How interesting.” She muses. “You’re a Soul Reaper.” She nods, accepting that without question. Then it’s Ichigo’s turn to ask her a question to which he asked if she’s a spirt herself. 
“Hm?” Fuji-hime blinks before she threw her head back and she laughs while hiding her mouth with her long sleeve. “Me? A spirit???” She chuckles. That’s funny. It’s the first time anyone said that to her. People came to her as she is claimed reincarnation of a goddess. So hearing that is pretty funny. 
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“Why? Is it because of my appearance or the ears? Must be the ears, yes?” She refers to her fox ears as they wiggle a bit. “I don’t mind the question though. Hmmm......I guess you can think of me someone in charge of this haven. A Kitsune, perhaps? Just a simple shrine maiden and a head guardian at that.” She added.
“But that aside, I must thank you for purifying that lost corrupted soul and guided it to the afterlife properly. It sounds like a honorable duty bestow upon you if I said so myself.” Fuji chuckles airly.  “Would you like to come inside and talk? I can make some tea for you if you like, Ichigo.” 
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“Ichigo. What a wonderful name.” Fuji smiles warmly. Looks like he isn’t too shocked or have any reaction to her appearance except for being seen by her. How curious. 
“My name is Fuji. It is nice to meet you. So tell me, is your sole purpose is slaying this malevolent spirit and others like it? I wonder of their ill intentions.” Fuji folded her hands before humming. Patrol, hm? Seems like he’s doing this as an occupation as he sensed the abnormal presence. She wonders if he can sense other presences as well like hers for example.
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“I sensed that this creature is…” Fuji tries to find the words as she connects her long sleeves together hiding her hands, thinking. “Corrupted…” She said. It might sound ridiculous but Fuji sensed that the origin was human before it turned into something else. After all, she has an affinity for the spiritual. But such spirits can be either yokai or wandering lost souls. Probably seeking her sanctuary for guidance since it is a shrine. 
“Also what are you? If you don’t mind me asking?” She asked curiously. 
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Ichigo had seen a great number of strange and wonderful, as well as strange and not-so-wonderful things in his years as a Substitute Soul Reaper working alongside the Soul Reapers of the Seireitei. Her appearance didn’t surprise him though her ability to see him did. At least, initially. There was something about her that seemed ‘different’ but not in a bad way. The ginger would keep his weapons where he placed them upon defeating the Hollow that had taken up residence in her abode.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Fuji. You can say that’s part of why I take care of these creatures. They’re known as Hollows, by the way. Malevolent spirits that lost their way before being able to move on to the afterlife,”
That was the best way he could describe them without going into too much detail. The longer he spoke to her the more he seemed to learn about her. So she could feel the Hollow but likely not see it too well until he managed to slay it. Or perhaps it had been able to keep itself hidden on account of her lingering power in the area or something. He couldn’t be too sure. Obviously she wasn’t keeping it as a pet or anything like that.
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“I don’t mind you asking at all. What I am is… well I’m a Soul Reaper.”
He was much more than a mere Soul Reaper but he tended to focus on training those abilities more than any of the other things that he was made of. No matter what, he never intended on using a Quincy Bow to slay any Hollow because they got completely destroyed that way and it could cause the three worlds to go out of balance.
“Are you some sort of spirit yourself? If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
Basan advances into the compound, making sure none of the captives get pass him. Few of the captives brings out their weapons, swords out but none of them did damage to Basan’s hard skin. Their swords broke on impact making Basan growl through his teeth. With one hand, he counters with a palm strike sending one of the captives hit the wall, resulting in cracks before the captive falls to the ground unconscious. 
Basan’s eyes glow yellow making the captives hesitate as they are being surrounded by Silver Fox’s teammates in a circle.
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Basan inhales deeply, his yellow eyes glow intensely. He opens his maw wide as there is something coming. Orange and fiery! Then he spits out a flaming fireball directly at the spot. It sounded like a cannon as he breathes his attack out. It’s a loud explosion, destroying the wall and huge smoke follows filling the area inside heavily. The sound of yelling and screaming is heard inside. 
Basan comes in with his loud footsteps. Eyes glow within the huge dark smoke. 
         ╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƧƖԼƔЄƦ ƑƠҲ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
Amber grinned underneath her mask, before signalling Basan to advance. As she began to take to the shadows. Making her way back towards the open entance. Joining her team mates as they began to form a circle around the soon to be captives. Throwing smoke bombs and tear gas towards the particaptes, while giving the frightned girls gas masks and escorting them outside the building. As a couple of her team stood outside on guard while for the girls to be rescued by her ally. While Amber and the rest took the liberty of restrating everyone else.
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
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Given that Ichigo was in his Soul body rather than his physical one it was surprising to him that someone could see him. He’d seen a great array of different types of individuals ever since picking up the mantle of ‘Substitute Soul Reaper’ years ago so her appearance, while different didn’t bother him.
After dispatching the Hollow with relative ease, he’d tuck his swords back where they belonged. Rather than running around with them in his hands which would be dangerous to anyone who could see him. He knew better.
“You’re welcome I was on patrol and felt the presence so I decided to come see. It’s a good thing I was here and my name is Ichigo.”
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He wasn’t going to give his last name to the mysterious woman because he felt that it was better for her to merely know him by his first. Sure, she could likely find out his last name since he was typically living as a ‘normal’ human in Karakura most of the time. He did patrols every night but there weren’t usually too many Hollows that came through the Garganta anymore.
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"Ichigo. What a wonderful name." Fuji smiles warmly. Looks like he isn’t too shocked or have any reaction to her appearance except for being seen by her. How curious. 
"My name is Fuji. It is nice to meet you. So tell me, is your sole purpose is slaying this malevolent spirit and others like it? I wonder of their ill intentions." Fuji folded her hands before humming. Patrol, hm? Seems like he’s doing this as an occupation as he sensed the abnormal presence. She wonders if he can sense other presences as well like hers for example.
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"I sensed that this creature is..." Fuji tries to find the words as she connects her long sleeves together hiding her hands, thinking. "Corrupted..." She said. It might sound ridiculous but Fuji sensed that the origin was human before it turned into something else. After all, she has an affinity for the spiritual. But such spirits can be either yokai or wandering lost souls. Probably seeking her sanctuary for guidance since it is a shrine. 
"Also what are you? If you don't mind me asking?" She asked curiously. 
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
Fuji raised a brow at the man’s reaction as if he’s surprised that someone caught him or rather see him. He had that huge sword on his back. But she blinked to hear that there’s a malevolent soul in her own residence. Hearing that is a surprise but the last thing she expect is cursed spirit living on her domain. 
She watches the man go about his business. Of course, she follows him to see a monster wearing a white skeletal mask. This is the malevolent he is supposed to take care of?
Fuji watches the other dispatch the malevolent spirit with ease. Seeing how the creature dissipated into the sky as it howls in pain, dying. 
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“Interesting....” Fuji comes over and sees with curious eyes. “I wondered who is the responsible for disturbing my sanctuary. Thank you for taking care of the problem. May I ask who you are?” 
@kamixkitsune​ asked:  why are you here? - Fuji-Hime to either Ichigo Kurosaki or Uryu Ishida as they are here for a hollow at her residence.
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Ichigo was more than slightly surprised that someone could sense him, let alone see him as he was in his Shinigami form. He’d lift his sword and tuck it behind his head on his shoulders while he tried to figure out the best possible way to answer her question. Why was he here? That was simple, he was here to purify the hollow currently on the premises and send the soul to the Seireitei.
“Sorry, ma’am, I’m here to take care of a malevolent soul that happens to be here right now. I won’t damage your residence,”
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The orange-haired young man would jump into the air and use the training he’d gone through to balance himself there while looking for where the hollow had taken to hiding. It wouldn’t take too long to purify since the strength of it was waning. He did need to get to it before it was consumed by another hollow at the very least. As soon as he spotted where it was, he’d launch himself downward and bring his sword down at the creature in a slashing motion.
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
At the question of whether or not there were people inside. Amber turned on her thermoculars and scanned the area. “The girls will be a safe distance from where we’ll create the entrance.” She replied before pointing at the  spot for Basan to aim his attack. 
Hearing the queue from one of her team mates, Amber looked towards and nodded. “Alright, everything is ready for the raid. We’ll go on 3.” She instructed towards the other. “One, two….three. Now!” She blurted out loud enough for Basan to hear, but audible enough for those near them to hear.
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƧƖԼƔЄƦ ƑƠҲ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
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Basan inhales deeply, his yellow eyes glow intensely. He opens his maw wide as there is something coming. Orange and fiery! Then he spits out a flaming fireball directly at the spot. It sounded like a cannon as he breathes his attack out. It’s a loud explosion, destroying the wall and huge smoke follows filling the area inside heavily. The sound of yelling and screaming is heard inside. 
Basan comes in with his loud footsteps. Eyes glow within the huge dark smoke. 
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƛMƁЄƦ ԼƠƜЄԼԼ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
Amber nodded towards the other’s comment on preparing to launch the attack. “Alright, the other’s  have scoped out the area. We’re clear on that end, once you’re ready just launch it. The aim we’re going for is element of surprise.” She instructed towards the other, using her mask to check the insides. And just as she suspected  there was a group of girls sitting in the middle of the arena. And the usual partipants wearing their masks to hide their idenities.
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƧƖԼƔЄƦ ƑƠҲ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
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Basan listen to Silver Fox. He grunts as he looks ready. Ready to fire and blast through the show. Once he heard that the area is scooped meaning the coast is clear and they’re going to aim where the main objective is the element of surprise. 
“Is there something inside?” Basan asked. He hopes the girls aren’t hurt once it begins. “Because I’m ready to blast through.” Basan tells them.
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
Amber nodded towards the other’s response. It was good to know that there would be compliance during this mission. Not that she didn’t expect it, but the kitsune was always cautious when it came to these kinds of things. 
At the mention of the other needing to consume something to fuel up their power. The kitsune held out her palm as ice began to form in the shape of  a watermelon. As she held it out towards the other. “If you need more, let me know. I rarely display my actual powers in front of others, as it’s not needed.” She informed the other, as they began to walk towards the spot they’ll be staking out the event.
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƧƖԼƔЄƦ ƑƠҲ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
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Basan blinked to see the Silver Fox conjured a watermelon out of ice. “Will do, Thanks.” Basan goes to take the watermelon and pops it into its mouth before chewing it on with ease due to his large statue as it has a big mouth and sharp teeth that is enough to break a brick. 
“Okay! I can building up a fire ball so I can spit it out something. I let you know when it’s done. It only takes. a few minutes.” Basan follows the other as they walk towards the spot. Is this the spot that he is going blast a hole through. He looks over to Silver Fox for direction. 
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kamixkitsune · 2 years
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƛMƁЄƦ ԼƠƜЄԼԼ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
“That’s correct, it’s a simple plan I know. But it sends a message to the ring leader and scares off the participants. Even though they scurry back like the rats they are.” Amber replied towards the other, her stride showing her confidence and determination.
“If there was an easier way to track down the leader, I would’ve end these raids sooner than later. But as I said earlier, their good at covering their tracks. So this is the best way of doing so, that and along with preventing abductions from happening. And every thug we’ve questioned either is good at lying or keeping their mouth shut. Because every lead we’ve gotten is just a dead end.” She added to her reply as a sigh escaped her lips.
╰⊱♥⊱╮ღ꧁ ƧƖԼƔЄƦ ƑƠҲ ꧂ღ╭⊱♥≺
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“Understood.” Basan said. He would tell Fuji about this after they rescue the adducted children. Fuji might help out in tracking down the leader. Basan didn’t say anything but listen and confirm. He could only ask questions to confirm things so he can do a good job and not let anyone down.
“Alright...just give me the ‘OK’ signal so I can go in and blast through. I just need to eat some wood or anything. My power is devouring something and if there’s anything left extra. I make a fireball out of it and spit it out.” Basan explained his ability to Silver Fox. 
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