kamixkitsune · 1 year
For @militibus-ex-umbra​ from here
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“I see. If there’s nothing to be concerned about then that’s fine. However as someone who is in charge of haven. I need to be know your business being here. I’m a guardian of this shrine temple.” She informs the other. 
“Surely, you must understand where I’m coming from. If I may, I can be of assistance to help with your investigation.” Said the young shrine madien while holding her sleeve to cover her mouth as she talks. 
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Normally, V would be wary to go to a place that advertised housing demons that ate his kind. But the allure of what he heard about the place as well as the decor made it difficult for him to resist. Not to mention, V was more than capable of taking care of himself, should the need arise to kill a few demons.
Dark Omen, as the vampire club was called was a place that was tucked away in an alleyway of all things. Cast in midnight-colored brick with a neon red sign that shown the name above the black, wooden door, even the outside spoke well of the place. Two candles on either side of the entrance were housed in glass and give a warm glow to the otherwise barren street.
Knocking on the door twice, a small partition in the door slid open revealing a set of red eyes.
"la Faim Éternelle" he recited the password, and the door opened to reveal a place that looked much more grand than what would belong tucked into the side of an alley.
Gothic archways that divided each section of the club with it's high ceiling. Sectioned of further were black chandeliers with red candles that looked like that they had not been burned down a centimeter gave the same warm glow to the different tables below.
The sound of bass had a pleasant thrum about the place, and it wasn't entirely too loud.
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constellaris-a · 1 year
   @militibus-ex-umbra​ :   Be as cute as she is and Goro will swarm her with love
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   Be cute?  She can do that ~
        “ Goro ...  Are you busy ? ”
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
@militibus-ex-umbra replied to your post “The perfect breasts to shove a dick between”:
“It be true” Goro stop being pervy
​「No~ by all means~ be pervy~」
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beginngsining · 1 year
Sound was dull in her ears, all she could hear was the hammering of her heart in her chest and her heavy breathing. She could smell so much iron in the air while the ground was covered in blood. How did this happen? She was in so much shock she couldn’t even really remember at the moment as the blood slowly disappeared, being absorbed into the vampire that just eliminated the problem. Kaia was not a fighter, she was never in the front lines, so she had never seen Alucard fight before. It was frightening to say the least, the wisps of shadows, the many eyes, the screams of the poor idiot that provoked him and the brutality of it all. Her body shook a little as she stood there, feeling like a small animal in front of a huge, dangerous predator but she didn’t run. Everything told her to run, get away from him but she didn’t. Yes, she was scared, who wouldn’t but at the same time, she knew it was necessary as the idiot was a vampire also, not on Alucard’s level but certainly someone she couldn’t really fight on her own against. That was just how things were. Kaia gulped slowly before looking up at Alucard, shaken. “T-Thank you.” she spoke softly. Hopefully he wasn’t offended about how she was reacting to all of this.
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siningxbeauty · 1 year
Akechi is going to be there waiting for Haru dressed as her Prince Charming. Though dressed is a lose term as his elegant shirt has been left unbuttoned to expose his body. “Haru, I think tonight you should be treated as perfectly as you deserve? Don’t you agree~” Despite the princely clothes and elegance in his voice. In his eyes was still a primal desperate desire to give her everything of him that she wanted. His eyes still full of hunger.
“Oh my..~”
That was all she could say when she entered her room to see him with his shirt opened like that. She could feel the heat in his eyes and how he undressed her with a single glance. 
Moving of their own accord, her feet moved her closer to the bet to sit beside him on the bed. She was so tempted to reach her hands out and trace the tips of her fingers against his chest while sitting on his lap. 
  She probably shouldn’t do that though, huh? 
Instead, she gave a small smile, placing a hand on his lap.
“What..exactly did you have in mind, Akechi-kun?”
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the-flower-karasu · 1 year
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There was no mistaking that terrible precense, locked in the body of teh Son of Man that the person they inhabited held such esteem for. Being one and the same, Zadkiel felt an odd mixture of hatred and affection.
“You have some nerve, being in my precense...”
@militibus-ex-umbra​ (Akira)
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epitomees · 1 year
@militibus-ex-umbra​ | continued from here: X 
“I’m...not too sure, at the moment...” Something didn’t sit right in her stomach. Whether it was due to the questionable food recently eaten after her training session, or another factor entirely...Makoto knew her condition worsened as time went on. Most of the sharp pain was enough to tolerate, even while she accompanied Akechi, but slowly it grew to a more uncomfortable level. 
She couldn’t hold it much in, or keep herself together at this point. 
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“I’m...sorry, Akechi...” Concentration wavered, but the immediate thought of close contact at least helped keep Makoto calm. She hoped Akechi didn’t mind. “...but, I may need to cut our time short. I need to head home...” 
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wxnnadiie · 1 year
@militibus-ex-umbra​ || Continued from Here!
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Crouched over him, knife pressed to his throat, she could feel a surge of pride run through her - he had always been a hard opponent in their training together - but she didn’t let it show on her face. Instead she leaned back, pulling the knife away and sheathing it back in the holster she kept on her thigh. In another quick movement she stood up over him and reached out for his hand to help him up. 
“Let’s have another match. Unless you have another idea?” She asked, quirking a brow at him. 
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hxpelessnurse · 1 year
@militibus-ex-umbra || A Secret Romance Continued!
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"Oh! B-But if you let your f-fans know that we're dating they'll get upset!" Then Mikan would be target number one for their bullying and petty insults online. She was rather conflicted too, on one hand she really wished she could at least walk hand-in-hand with him in public. But on the other hand, things could get dangerous for them both.
"I th-think I c-can handle being your little secret for a little w-while longer," She concluded, leaning into him.
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violentemperor · 1 year
SHAN YU - How does your muse feel about war?
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Kefla does not have a positive or negative opinion when it comes to going to war. Since he became a soldier in the Sadalian army, he has fought many wars against other races or just a group of bad guys who couldn't listen to reason. The first war he was in ended on a terrible note, he lost someone very dear to him. And before he knew it, he had wiped out an entire race in a fit of anger. Innocent as well as non-innocent. He wanted to be punished for his crime, and yet he wasn't. Since this important event, he understood that war was not always something to do, but that sometimes war was the only possible solution. That the war will lead to losses on his side and on the enemy's side. He just has to make the enemy's losses greater.
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on and send this to ten of your followers who makes you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! ♡
(Throwing this your way cause you're an important mutual and friend of mine! Love throwing Goro at your muse and seeing your writing!)
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— aa thank you!!! ;w ; i love mukuro and goro's interactions so much tbh!! they're super cute and super pent-up lmao I really love writing their interactions!!! ;w ;
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【 unprompted asks 】 ♡ 【 always accepting 】
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liecoris · 1 year
@militibus-ex-umbra moved old thread to here
Each of his low growls was met with a hum of delight from Mukuro as their lips met。 Her arms wrapping around him and keeping their bodies flush together, one of her legs moving to wrap around his hips。
Soft moans melted into this kiss as his hands move to feel her up, just as she knew how to rile him up, he did the same to her。
「You already have all of me~」 Mukuro remarks softly, parting the kiss momentarily to not only speak but also gently nibble on his bottom lip。
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eternalbxtterfly · 1 year
“You make such adorable sounds.” (Akechi 83)
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@militibus-ex-umbra NSFW Meme.
She instantly hid her face using her hand trying so hard not to let a blush escape from her afterwards,but it was unfortunately visible because only then did her moans turn into adorable toy noises as soon as they began being intimate with eachother.
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"Shush Akechi.Goodness you feel so good!"
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@militibus-ex-umbra​ asked//  "I just want to lie here all day with you." - From Goro
Domestic Starters    
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“Sounds good to me~” Ren purred, snuggling up to his boyfriend’s side and hugging him tight. Goro was so warm, so comfy. There was nowhere he’d rather be. “I’d could stay here with you forever if I could.”
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the-flower-karasu · 1 year
The Elder son of Sparda turned to look towards the brunette, his cold blue eyes staring at her with a piercing gaze. He was used to strangers looking at him like he was odd. He certainly stood out in a crowd, dressed in his long three tailed trench coat, His katana Yamato at his side. “Do you need something?” Vergil asked coldly. He’d rather get to the point instead of mincing words.
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This man looked like he belonged in Harajuku, all leather and boots and perfectly coiffed white hair. It was such an outlandish colour that anyone would stare, polite or not, and that was to say nothing about the goddamn weapon he was holding in broad daylight. Did this man have absolutely no self-awareness?
There was a refuge in audacity, as you could easily say that this was a very dedicated cosplayer, but Gogo was not a simple bystander. There was something very dangerous about this person.
"I think I should ask you that. Unless you have a job that requires a weapon like that..."
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