kamomomo · 9 years
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Kitagawa Ryoha mobame 18/12
まだ何も言葉にできません。 時間を下さい。 だから 心配しないでね
I still can’t put any right words now
please give me a time
so, don’t worry about me
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kamomomo · 9 years
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Yuko’s Instagram 2015-08-13 09:21
Happy Birthday to My Bestfriend🎉 10年前にあなたに出会い 今や私の人生に 欠けてはならない存在です
誰かの幸せを心から願える そんな経験をさせてくれて
生涯 共に歩んでいきましょう
I wish your happiness💫
#HB #宮澤佐江 #を泣かすものは #私が #許さない #ske48 #25歳
Yuko’s Instagram Translation
Happy Birthday to My Bestfriend🎉 Meeting you 10 years ago Your existence in my life now Is something that I can’t do without
For giving me such experience Of wishing from the heart someone’s happiness
Thank you
Let’s walk this lifetime together
I wish your happiness💫
#HB #MiyazawaSae #ThoseWhoMakeUCry #I #WillNotForgive #ske48 #25
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kamomomo · 9 years
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(AKB48 Dream Entry Sheet) Oshima Ryoka  Grew Up a Little by Seniors’ words
Lately, I often get told, “You’ve grown up”. I don’t know about that, but many people said it to me.
Previously, I was called a Kusogaki/little brat because of my mischievous, but now I feel that I’m not really like that
4 years passed since I joined AKB48. I have a lot of juniors as well. My juniors are like my little sisters. Especially Aeri (Yokoshima Aeri), Naanya (Owada Nana) are amazing. When they’re in a good mood, they’re so noisy. They won’t let me sleep when we staying over together. However I do think “It’s cute”
I started to be given a role for the team. In Team B, Oya(Oya Shizuka)-san or Akicha(Aki Takajo)-san will take the MC, but because we can’t always depend on them, when the both of them are not around, I’m trying to accept the responsibility as the mediator.
I came to be able to do something for my juniors and my team, thanks to my kind seniors
For example, when I was a Kenkyuusei/Trainee, I was appeared as Takahashi Minami-san’s under on Team A’s Mokugekisha stage performance. The moves were really difficult. I couldn’t do it even I’ve practiced. I was crying before the stage. The seniors came and encouraged me, “It’s okay, you can do it”. My nervous and anxiety loosen up thanks to that. “It’s okay” a word that made me feel easy. I was surprised, “Seniors’ powers are amazing”, I want to be a senior like that someday.
When I was promoted from KKS to Team A during the shuffle, I had a naughty child image, actually I was nervous. Because there were a lot of moves that I have to remember. But I was saved because the seniors were kindly taught me about the moves.
From Shinoda Team A to Yokoyama Team A, I have gotten used to the team. Kawaei Rina-san, Sato Sumire-san, Matsui Sakiko-san…… There are a lot respectable seniors. Yokoyama-san is cheerful and never complaining, she’s really kind to her juniors. She’s easy to talk to, I’ve been consulting to her so many times since I was in KKS.
For example, things like my position in the stage performance or the concert, I consulted, “the first is, The position wasn’t in the front but…..” she tells me based on experience. “ You’re still young so it’s okay” I was relieved by this word
Kawaei Rina-san is really cheerful and  fun to be with. The other day, on the rehearsal day for Fukuoka Dome concert, during the break time Kawaei-san, Renacchi (Kato Rena)-san, Chiyori (Nakanishi Chiyori), we watched a horror movie DVD. Kawaei-san fell asleep in the middle of (watching the movie). Renacchi-san said (Kawae~!) and wake her up. Everyone laughed, it was really fun.
Akicha-san, she takes her juniors out to have a meal. Last year, Akicha-san took me, Naanya, Izu-chan (Izuta Rina) and Aerin and went to the pool,BBQ bowling, and various places.
Juri-san is one year older than me. She’s good at doing MC and funny. I’m seeing that she’s thinking about the stories regularly, so I think that’s amazing and I respect her.
I learned the MC and the performance from seeing my seniors. Then I was appointed to be Team B’s vice captain in March. I have bigger pleasures than worries.
I thought about what shall I do. I love the atmosphere where everyone have a good time. Team B has members from the 2nd generation Kobayashi Kana-san to a middle school Tatsuya Makiho, the members have a huge age gap, so I connect with them through the meantime, I want to get close with the team. The next Soukantoku, Yokoyama Yui-san told me “Ryoka can do it. It’s okay”
It’s only about a year and a half the Captain, Kizaki Yuria-san got transfered from SKE 48 to AKB48, so I hope I could back her up.
I also have my own goal. To be entered in 16 people senbatsu. Being unranked in the Sousenkyo, really shocked me. Last year, I got 80th place. I received a lot of works, I spent rich minutes, I’d been eager that “I have to rank-in”
Taking these results, I thought, “What should I do, from now on”. On the next day concert after the Senbatsu Sousenkyo, I was scheduled to appear as the senbatsu member of “Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai”, I thought, “I’m unranked, is it fine if I appear?”
48 Group General Manager, Kayano Shinobu-san was kindly encouraged me, “Now is your time to sow. You’re at the stage of making various preparations for the future” so I started to think positively “Let’s work hard and stay positive”
What kind of member I want to be. I’ve been thinking about it until now. I’m not a principal idol. I don’t have speaking skill to say such interesting things. The things that I really love are singing and dancing. On the performance, I want to be the kind of member who gives the fans energy. Speaking of senpai, my goal is to become like the 2nd gen, Miyazawa Sae-san.
After we worked together on “AKB49” stage musial , a prototype of AKB48, I felt closer to her. Miyazawa-san acted as the leader, although she had a lot of long lines, she properly remembered them. Also her concentration is really great during the stage play, No matter how tired and busy she is, she said, “We’re gonna make it a success” to the members.
When I was in KKS, when I appeared in Team K’s stage performance, she spoke to me and kindly took a picture together. She’s always cheerful, smiling and kind. On top of that, she was very cool.
During the “AKB49” stage play, Miyazawa-san told us about her stage play’s experience until now. She also watched my practice and said, “Your voice became louder, eh”. “You’re getting better” made me really happy. I’ve liked her since the beginning, and I came to like her more.
Actually, I had struggled with the stage play’s practice. There was a scene which took me 3 hours of practice that I couldn’t get an OK, I even couldn’t do it on the next day. Director-san strictly warned me, “Why you couldn’t say it yesterday!”
After the perfomance, there was a scene which everyone cheered “Yeay!”  I didn’t know whether it is bad or not because I have no acting experience. The director-san said “Listen to other people words more than yourself!”. Get others’ words, so you can show your own feelings. I was told that, even if I knew what will happen next, I had better react like I heard such words for the first time. But I couldn’t expressing feelings with others so well. I was stictly guided, but Miyazawa-san told me, “Get scolded is a good thing”, so I didn’t get bothered, and I was able to finish the performance. Although during the practice I thought, “I’m getting tired of this” so many times, I find that doing the  performance is incredibly enjoyable. After the last day of the stage play over, I was crying, somehow,  I feel like there’s a hole in my heart…… The last time I had this kind of feelng was during the final day of Yokoyama Team A
I won’t forget that fun scene, I came to like actress work. Such make the audience to get into the play, I want to become able to do acting. “AKB49” become a good stimulation, the feeling of work hard came on me once again. The most important thing that Miyazawa-san teached me is “Don’t forget your original intention”. Now, I’m always seriously thinking about my team and my dreams.
From the reporter
She was in 3rd year of middle school when I inteviewed her 2 years ago. During the interview, in such mischievous eyes, she looked into the reporter’s notes. That time her nickname was “KUSOGAKI” (little brat). Although her children impression was strong, this time, I was surprised because she had changed to (a bit) mature atmosphere. Her tone is also calmer than before. When I asked, “You’ve graduated from (being a) KUSOGAKI?”, and she answered, “Because the environment has also really changed”. She was the youngest during in team A, but in team B, she’s surrounded by a lot of her juniors, she started to act natural to her own role.
Unlike the image of KUSOGAKI, she carries and tends a serious anxiety side as well. Fell from 80th place on last year to be unranked this year. She’s been carrying so much expectations from her surrounding such got chosen in 32 people senbatsu singles, it must be painful. Even so, she’s growing every time she bumps into the wall. Rather, it might be a chance for her to come out of her shell.
She has the image of the next Soukantoku Yokoyama Yui’s pupil, but the person who gives her a role model is Miyazawa Sae (now SKE48). From the interview you can feel how Ryoka respect her, although she’s the type that doesn’t exist in the current AKB, I feel that she also help to sustain the presence of the Group activity.
Miyazawa Sae is always kind, cheerful and has guts. Her singing and acting are also good. She’s a boyish type, and  has many female admirers.
Can Ryoka become the successor? It’s still unknow, but her growth speed is impressive. I have an expectation for her and I’d like to watch over her.
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kamomomo · 9 years
Dear Sae fans in Japan,
Thank you very much for supporting Sae so strongly. I see your support for Sae in twitter via ,poster, fan vid, and of course with voting Sae (one of your vid made me pick up the website project that i throw Thank you so much for that).
We international fans also try our best. to support Sae, i(Kamo) and Rka made a website (http://kamomille.wix.com/miyazawa-family) for International Sae fans even though it’s not much i hope it will help international Sae oshi to vote her
Let’s do our best together and reach the goal KAMI 7                                          Best regards, Kamo
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kamomomo · 10 years
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kamomomo · 10 years
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kamomomo · 10 years
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Sae in Gingham Check outfit. Unf.
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kamomomo · 10 years
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From various news headlines
Woman infoseek
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kamomomo · 10 years
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AKB48総選挙 : まゆゆ悲願の初女王「AKB48グループは私が守ります!」 過去最多得票でさしこ連覇阻止
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kamomomo · 10 years
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Sae’s Twitter 2014-06-05 22:09 宮澤佐江ツイッター原文 優子に てるてるぼうず にさせられたー(°_°)てるてる! そしてそれがニュースになってるー(^ー゜)にゅーす! 雨さん雨さん。どうか6/8降らないでください。 #さえゆう #てるてるさえちゃん Sae’s Twitter Translation Yuko made me into a teru teru bozu(°_°)Sunshine sunshine! And it got on the news too(^ー゜)News! Rain-san Rain-san. Can you please don’t rain on 6/8. #SaeYuu #TeruTeruSaechan
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kamomomo · 10 years
Yuko’s Ameba Blog 2014-06-05   [てるてるさえちゃん/Teru Teru Saechan]   大島優子アメーバブログ原文   http://ameblo.jp/oshima-y/entry-11871550451.html   Yuko’s Ameba Blog Translation During rehearsal I made a teru teru bozu
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Plain looking Saechan. Laughs But hey, it was my fault( ̄▽ ̄) Clear weather pleaseーーーー
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kamomomo · 10 years
This is Awesome!!,Thank you all ^^
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Final Result of the KamiSaeven campaign:
324 votes.
Thank you all.
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kamomomo · 10 years
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kamomomo · 10 years
Yuko’s Ameba Blog 2014-05-30   [A-Studio]   大島優子アメーバブログ原文   http://ameblo.jp/oshima-y/entry-11866323614.html   Yuko’s Ameba Blog Translation I’ll be on 「A-Studio」 Today at 23:00! Things about the current AKB, Episodes with Akimoto Sayaka and Miyazawa Sae The appearance of my close friends from hometown, And lots more, I was quite surprised。。。 Also got to meet Tsurube-san whom I respect, so all in all I was really happy
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Remember to watch the show okay♥
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kamomomo · 10 years
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Yuko’s Ameba blog post 31/5/14
[Japanese Here]
I am performing on
Today at 11pm!
Until now it was just another AKB thing [to me],
the episode has an appearance by Sayaka Akimoto, Sae Miyazawa and a local close friend
I was surprised etc etc…
I have great respect for Tsurube san, I was very glad I was able to meet him
Please watch it ok? 
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kamomomo · 10 years
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Mobile Mail From Yuko 2014-05-30 [A-Studio23時からだよ!/A-Studio At 23:00] 大島優子モバメ原文 今日放送のA-Studio観てね(^O^) 二人が私のこと話してくれてまーす 三人でいつか共演したいなぁ って夢になりました☆☆☆ Yuko’s Mobame Translation Remember to watch today’s broadcast of A-Studio(^O^) These two will be talking about me It’s become my dream That some day the three of us can be on the show together☆☆☆
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kamomomo · 10 years
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