nba24highlights · 1 year
Giannis with Nasty Block on the Glass! 2023 #nbaplayoffs2023 #giannis #blockshot #glass
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nyansesta · 2 years
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panda-sensei · 6 months
An open farewell letter to "idol Habu Mizuho"
I first met Habu-chan in 2017, when Keyakizaka46 had just released Kaze ni Fukarete mo. However, the first MV I saw was Fukyouwaon. 
When I really started following Keyaki, Habu and Neru were my favorite members. The people who were able to make me smile during one of the most tense periods of my life.
The love I felt for both of them turned out to be the same, so even though the term "kami oshi" can be summed up as a single person, I treated Habu and Neru as my kamis.
In 2019, when Neru-chan graduated, Habu-chan officially became my kami oshi. A position she still holds today, even after new members joined and I met other groups in the meantime.
I tried to find another idol to whom I could share my time, dedication, and love, but Habu-chan was unbeatable.
Over time, I became more and more obsessed with Habu (in a good and healthy way). Something about Habu-chan enchanted me in a way that no other idol had been able to before. 
I believe there were several reasons for this... 
One of them is the fact that we're the same age, we were both born in 1997 (I'm a month older ☺). 
Another may have been their physical appearance and personality. 
Habu has several physical aspects that particularly caught my eye: her hair (at the time I knew her best, it was mid-length), her height, her hands, and her neck (which I don't even accept is her least favorite part of her body). And over time, Habu became an extremely beautiful woman. In my eyes, she looked like a goddess sculpted by a superior divine force lol. Her personality was also an important point: Habu conveyed to me an energy of being someone extremely kind, cheerful, and positive; and this was confirmed over the time I spent being her fan. With each passing moment, I really realized that Habu was everything I had imagined. Confirmation of this came from her blogs, mobames, magazine, and radio interviews, which were corroborated by statements from Keyaki/Saku members, other co-workers, MCs, the habu oshi who took part in handshakes and meguris, etc. Everyone reaffirmed that Habu was an incredible person. 
One characteristic that I also came to admire a lot about her was Habu's ability to be good with words. Her iconic phrases (the funniest possible) and others full of meaning delighted me even more. 
But actually, I think what made my bond as a fan even stronger was that I followed Habu's growth and development as an idol.
She started to grow a lot as soon as she took part in the Girls Award (back in 2016, before I knew her), followed by her entry as an MC on radio shows (thanks to Chokotto yattemasu and Gochaten), as an MC in variety shows, taking part in Zambi's stage play, among other external activities associated with the group.
However I believe that her evolution as a model has been fundamental in making Habu-chan who she is today. Many thanks to JJ and CLASSY for giving her this opportunity and for signing her as an exclusive model in 2017 and 2021 respectively.
With this modeling career, Habu was the 1st member of the group to open an Instagram account, allowing the other members to also have this opportunity to interact more with fans, as well as promote the group.
Another pioneering move was Habu being the first member to have a fashion photobook, a departure from the usual standards for Sakamichi idols. And that's a story I really like because only I know how happy I was with "Destination" and the fact that it was exactly the kind of photobook I had always envisioned for her.
In fact, Habu-chan was a positive influence on me in the world of fashion. I've changed some habits and ways of dressing. I hope to continue following your fashion tips, Habu-sensei!
I could spend days and days telling you why Habu Mizuho is an exceptional idol. But unfortunately, the day of her graduation has arrived.
I've met many incredible people in the time I've been following her as an idol: Japanese ハブライバー (I could list several who have been super kind to me, but especially Masayo-san who was the person I had the most contact with during this time and who was VERY kind and helpful to me); ハブライバー from other countries and people who weren't even ハブライバー, but who supported Habu. I'm also grateful to have bonded with many different people, even though they live in different countries.
Now, seeing anything from Sakurazaka46 without Habu Mizuho will leave me with a huge feeling of emptiness.
I'm not sure yet how my relationship with the group will be after Habu's graduation. That's something I still can't answer...
But I'm very proud of the woman Habu-chan has become. 
I know that whatever path you take now, you will be successful and will have the full support of your fans. 
All I can do now is say thank you. 
I'm grateful for all the happy moments you've given me during your career as an idol.
I know I wasn't as "committed" a fan as other fans. I tried to do my best to support her within my capacity and my reality. I could have been a much better fan... But I hope that somehow you know that you have a fan in Brazil who has always and will always hope that only good things happen in your life.
Thank you so much for coming into my life.
And I'll be supporting you forever.
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denyansu · 1 year
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Thanks MobaM.
I considered deleting this blog but I'll leave it up for its memory.
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aruruzuki · 1 year
[Very rough translations, I'm sorry if there's so many mistranslations]
Starting! "ブオン" (Sound of eyes opening)
☺︎Speaking about recent story
When I walked side by side with 2 primary school students that using crutches, unconsciously my tears welled
My tears easily dropped since I entered Nogizaka46
That's another big change for me in the past year, I think
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This is the pose I made when this picture taken
What am I doing... So lame..
This was from the National Meet & Greet on 4th February!
I was paired with Saku and Terepan
Somehow... I could tell which people were fans of which members just by looking at their looks (lol)
Come to think of it, I was frequently asked to choose hashtags for [Nogizaka46 Mail] and [Nogizaka46 Mobile Mail]
After had some thoughts about it,
I think #arutalk will be nice
Somehow, #arutalk sounds cuter rather than #arunotalk...
It (mobame) starts from tomorrow you know!
I'm itching to send it right now
I already received the letter from all of you!
I called it the "love letter" hehehe
Thank you so much for everyone who watched [Shin Nogizaka Star Tanjou!]
The next episode will be the last one...
I feel so sad and frustrated when I realize that I couldn't attend the last episode, because I was recovering from Covid
But there is something that makes me happy
Iroha replaced me for the part I was supposed to sing!
Somehow that reminds me when we sang Sawada Chikako-san's [Aitai]
I feel so happy that Iroha I really like, and I were able to help each other
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I recently noticed one of my specialty
When I feel sleepy, my hands and feet will get warm
I have extreme terminal coldness so I could easily feel cold on daily basis
Maybe that's why I can feel (warm) even more now
Anyway, it's a very loose blog
I'm gonna end it here
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mrs-hideo-akuno · 1 year
It's missing mobaM/being sad about lost voice lines and stuff hours
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nirooniyuihan · 4 years
Yuihan Mobame Summary 2019, December (Week 52):
Mon 30:
The only mail: Yui said she feel refresh today.. & listen to Bump Of Chicken - New World.. ☺️
She'll be at Japan Record Award & sing Sustainable tonight.. 😁
2s with Harupyon
Tue 31:
The only mail: Info of CDTV performance.. She hope we can watch it.. Annin & Yukirin will be there too.. lol.. ❤️
2s with Kirin-san
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ren-sensei · 6 years
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Nishino Nanase Mobame 17.12.20 昨日からお風呂にゆず投入。 上がってからも体ポカポカで寝つき良い! Since yesterday, I’ve started putting *Yuzu in the bathwater Even after leaving bath, my body still felt warm and I had a good sleep! T/N: Yuzu is a Japanese citrus fruit
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akisayaka · 6 years
Tano Mail (31st May 2018)
I’m sending this mail as I’m on the train to practice.
My head is so full with all the things I have to remember for the practice sessions because I’m always reading scripts and watching videos, but...
This is the last day to send mobame. 
Thank you for everything so far. Well, I still have handshake events, but I feel like I really departed from AKB48 after my graduation stage. 
No matter how many months or years will pass, I will always look back at the graduation performance and feel happy! I tried to make an unexpected performance. 
And then it felt really awesome to me!
It was really a lot of fun, but it’s over and I don’t regret how it happened, so I know I won’t return. 
This one last time was really fun.  So everyone... thank you.
I got a letter from the girls in my generation and my mum. Mum’s letter was so worrisome, was it not?! Lol
It’s been quite a while since I last cried and my chest really hurt...
Of course only my mum, who sees me all the time, could have written such a heartfelt letter. 
She shared some facts that I have never shared with anyone; not with fans, other members, friends or even really spoke about to my family but my mum noticed how haughty I am. 
But I was very thankful for the opportunities I got in AKB and the friends I made, so my mentality improved. 
I know that the only reason why I can do these things now is because I have been part of AKB. 
So thank you for that. 
But sometimes I caused troubles.  I let go of everyone’s kindness.  I hurt people. Some people hurt me.  I started hating some people.  For a long time I used to believe these things.  Entertainment industry? Being an idol? There were times when I thought I’m definitely not made to be part of either of those things. 
But I really truly love all the fans who supported me until now. 
Everyone is my pride. 
This mail service has always been really important to me.
It is a place where I was always able to speak my true feelings if I needed to get something off my chest. 
It’s a tool that not just anyone can find by searching my name, like twitter or instagram. 
I spoke frankly and sometimes that caused troubles. 
But please stay with me on twitter! I can still write my thoughts that I want to share with everyone there. 
Thank you for having been registered for so long!
This is the last mail now because I don’t think I’ll find any time to write another one after practice. 
Today I will practise again!! I will need a lot of caffeine before I start.
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nemohamoran · 6 years
Tano Mail (24th April)
It has been decided that my graduation stage iiiiiiiiiiis on May 15th!!!
It is also Team K’s Senshuuraku [TN: last performance of a certain stage].  At the end, I wanted to share the last stage together I wanted to share this last idea with everyone and thank Team K properly with this I hope you also like this idea!
When I heard that I’d graduate during the Senshuuraku, I thought about how the fans and how the other members would feel about it; as for me, I thought long about how much I love AKB and how much I’ve grown to love Team K in the last few years, so leaving together with the old Team K makes me happy!
Even so, I’ve been wondering... why is Tano’s graduation stage during the Senshuuraku?
I can understand the fans’ feelings regarding this, of course, but I hope you understand that I want to move on quickly and nicely! lol
I don’t want the other fans and members to become distracted because of my graduation so if we can do this performance like that I will have better tension! lol
Well, but I know my fans will quickly raise the atmosphere It’s making me feel a bit pressured lol
Maybe I’m exaggerating but if you think you get disturbed by troubling emotions easily, please don’t come. I don’t want you to regret it. Please just enjoy this last time with me! It has already been decided!
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toomuchidea · 2 years
👧talk (2022.01.30)
Thank you as always.
I have announced my graduation on my blog.
Uwaa~~ I was wondering how should I convey it to you, but I felt that I have nicely organized what I thought and I feel very relieved.
With the feeling of "So I'm an idol, huh!", this job I started was fun and wonderful, I was so absorbed, and with my competitiveness, I have been running with all I've got for about 6 and a half years.
Time has truly flown by!
But, the fact that I have been able to run so far, and be able to do various kinds of jobs, is because there is you who cheered for me, who supported me. Because of you who found my good sides, and praised me a lot, and conveys each of your thoughts and feelings, I have been able to do my best in this turbulent idol life.
Because I conveyed to you my graduation so early, I hope to make it a time where both you-- who support me-- and I myself could spend it without regrets.
I think that you might have your own personal thoughts and feelings, but I'd like to continue to do my best to connect it towards Sakurazaka's bright future and my own goal(s).
I hope that I can spend happy times with you.
Please continue to support Harada Aoi the Idol and Sakurazaka46's future until the end!
I love you!!
Harada Aoi
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nba24highlights · 1 year
Mo Bamba or Giannis? HELL NO! 2023 #mobamba #bamba #giannis #shorts #vs
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merumeru48-blog · 7 years
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170806 田島芽瑠 | mail
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techiko-blog · 7 years
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Miyawaki Sakura Long hair 💕💕 From Instagram and Mobame
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39-sakuchan-blog · 7 years
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Sakura is so cute! (And still improving at doing the peace sign 😂)
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avakkins-restored · 4 years
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夢見りあむ SR
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