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The chronological order of the episodes goes as follows:
D Agency founded in autumn 1937
Episodes 1 & 2 (“Joker Game Part 1 & 2”) - Spring 1939
Episode 12 (“XX - Double Cross”) - Spring 1939
Episode 6 (“Asia Express”) - July 25, 1939 (this is the only episode with a specific date)
Episode 5 (“Robinson”) - Autumn 1939
Episode 7 (“Code Name: Cerberus”) - Early summer 1940
Episode 10 (“Pursuit”) - Summer 1940
Episode 3 (“Miscalculation”) - Summer 1940
Episodes 8 & 9 (“Double Joker Part 1 & 2”) - Early autumn 1940
Episode 11 (“Coffin”) - Autumn 1940
Episode 4 (“City of Temptation”) - Summer 1941
Uploading the chara chart (source) for reference because it’s really hard to tell who’s who in the episodes (apart from Yuuki, Sakuma and Miyoshi).
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wow... so much wow
trying to do research..
I went on to the Baidu forum for Joker Game and found some interesting “background” information. I don’t know if anyone has talked about them yet but here goes..
Basically, the “real life” D-Agency seems to be Nakano Spy School, formed in WWII as a training facility for spies (X). It has appeared in various films/books.
The film Nakano Spy School (unsubbed) is released in 1966 and has some similarities with Joker Game ie. the main character is called Jiro Miyoshi. It is the first part of a series and is almost known as “The Beginning of Miyoshi’s Spy Career” (rough translation TnT). This part follows Miyoshi’s life in spy school. He changes his name to Shiina Jiro during this time.
There are some strong parallels between this film and the 2015 Joker Game adaptation (MC’s name during mission was Kato Jiro). Both seem to be about a spy who chooses between love and completing the mission. There are similar scenes, such as the “entrance exam” part, and the mission itself, kind of.
You can view screenshots of the film here (The original Miyoshi…hehheh :ooo I’m pretty sure he’s the guy in the first two images. Sooo..if you keep scrolling perhaps some screenshots will remind you of the anime/2015 film?)
This book (its name roughly translates to Nakano Spy School: Intelligence Report Records) was published in 1984; it seems to be the source material for joker game. From reading the screenshots the book mentions many of the same ideas explored in joker game:
“don’t kill, don’t die” principal
playing card games as a metaphor for “international congress”
an incident where Japanese soldiers went to the U.S ambassador in TianJing to search (for sth idk) and Major Yasuda promised to do harakiri if no anti-Japanese telegrams (???) were found 
The book was described as a novel so I think it is fiction as well - little is known about the real school, as its documents were burnt down before it closed down. It was still fascinating, as something that inspired joker game.
Worth reading:
Wikipedia article
The CIA’s article on Nakano School 
(on the forming of a spy training centre) ‘In an army notorious for “operations first” thinking that slighted intelligence…The three men had to overcome the initial opposition of all but a few IJA officers.’
‘The students, sporting civilian clothes and haircuts, were free in the evenings to go out on the town and even stay out overnight.’
So…it seems that all these works are interconnected along with history, which is pretty cool :0
I hope I wasn’t being too unclear. I just found this really interesting and decided to share. Please take a look at the original threads in bold!
if anyone has more information please add/correct/link!! :)
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Doodle. Credits to me. *sigh*
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who brought the onion here?
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ep.11 - Coffin
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re: translation of Odagiri's real name. I added it to the long post I made of the others' names, but here is his: Tobisaki Hiroyuki (飛崎弘行): 飛 = fly as in 飛ぶ (to fly/jump) or 飛ばす (to skip over), 崎 = cape (on a coast). 弘 = vast/broad/wide, 行 = journey/go
Thank you so much!
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That Tazacoo tho.
D-Agency as your boyfriend
Apparently, the relationship hcs were just the beginning (all fluff, for now mwahaha) This also a gift to those who don’t want to face the harsh reality *whispers-that jg ends today* FIGHT ME, WHO SAID THAT
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Part 1 2
Episode 8&9 - ダブル・ジョーカー / Double Joker
Episode 10 - 追跡 / Pursuit
Episode 11 - 柩 / Coffin
omfg i can’t believe JGA will be over soon ;;;;;;;;_ ;;;;;;;;
drawing both version of chuusa is so fun! as expected from our lady killer spy master!!
//i hope we’ll have 2 hours duration of the finale episode haha;;
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and again…a comic based on one of  @incorrectjokergame quotes :)
somehow….kaminaga makes me wanna slap him here….
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.... indeed. (((((((((hedkenun bah.)))))))))))
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and another comic based on one of @incorrectjokergame ‘s quotes
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((((pat pat Fukumoto)))))
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annnnnndd another comic based on one of @incorrectjokergame‘s quotes
i just cant stop drawing their funny quotes xDDD
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man….i can’t stop making comics out of @incorrectjokergame ‘s quotes
they are just too funny :3
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Joker Game Chapter One
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Thanks for @sekinosemimaru for the translations.
Please don’t repost anywhere. Enjoy :)
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to anyone that knows japanese. Do the d-agency boys' fake names have specific meaning? Do those names smh represent their personality? (the names they use in the agency and the ones during their mission)
Please help if you can! ^^
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*auto cries*
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Shouldn’t have asked, Tazaki…
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Training for D-Agency
Translated from the official Joker Game fanbook, “The Mystery of Joker Game” (ジョーカーゲームの謎), which is acknowledged by the author Yanagi Kouji himself. This section talks about the various subjects that D-Agency students must learn before they graduate as official spies. Many of these skills were actually exhibited or revealed by the spies during the novels. 
Only a few of the most excellent students pass the D-Agency selection test. They undergo all sorts of training that is necessary to become a first-class spy. Here, we have put together the sort of training that D-Agency goes through. Upon reading through it, you will understand the extraordinary talents that they must acquire.
First, to be a spy candidate? Even without being a spy, this training may be possible for students studying for entrance exams, university students, or “sharp, intellectual people.” ● Learn various languages. ● Receive lectures from professors of reknown universities on organizational theory, religious studies, international political theories, medicine, pharmacy, psychology, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
Spy techniques that appear useful qualifications? These techniques are recognized by the international level in reality. If one were to have a setback here, they could possibly use them in a different profession. ● Know how to use explosives or wireless. ● Know how to operate automobiles or planes.
Techniques that make everyday life fun? Being good at these would certainly make everyday life fun, but there may be some people who dislike it because it is a part of “studying” and “training.” ● Dance. ● Billiards. ● Know how to seduce a woman, as taught by a professional gigolo. ● Disguise techniques learned from a male actor in female kabuki roles.
Invite even criminals to teach them? There are several techniques that cannot be done unless one is dexterous. If an ordinary citizen were to do it, it would be illegal, but if they could be done, it would make one a beginner spy? ● Practical skills taught by notorious pickpockets and safecrackers who are currently serving prison sentences. ● How to open a lock with a single wire. ● Switch items secretly by sleight of hand, as a magician would. ● Open a sealed letter with one thin, wooden stick without leaving behind a mark. ● Speak about the fake personal history given to them as if it were really their own.
Sharpen the senses? This training reaches a mental state that the average person can never cross with their five senses. The only thing that one can depend upon in any situation is sharp senses. ● In complete darkness, while only relying on their fingertips, take apart pistols or shortwave radios that are used by the different armies of various countries, then put them back together again so that they are once again functional. ● Simply from listening to a gunshot, they must determine what type of gun it is, and on the spot, determine how many bullets the applicable gun can be loaded with, whether it can rapid-fire or not, and other advantages or disadvantages. ● Instantly read and memorize the backward writing that is reflected in a mirror.
Push one to the ends of their mind and body? This training anticipates the harsh challenges physically and emotionally that a spy faces on the job. A person can’t be called an excellent spy until they are able to do this. ● Swim in cold water with their clothes still on, and without taking a single nap all throughout the night as they move, recall a complicated passage that they were made to memorize in full only the previous day, as if it were their own language. ● Be beaten awake in the dead of night, taken to an isolation cell, and undergo interrogation training for several hours, or even several days depending on the situation. Since the interrogation is full-scale, there is also physical violence and the use of truth serums involved.
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