kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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// I’m going offline for a while because I can’t seem to answer any of my drafts right now. I might be back online at some ridiculous hour after napping or something. I know I owe quite a few people replies/starters. Don’t worry I have not forgotten~ I want to roleplay with all of you so I will definitely get around to them soon.  ♥
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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        “Did you always have allergies?” He felt a bit bad about not knowing the answer. “I’m glad you’re so enthusiastic about work but if you’ve caught a cold, you don’t need to push yourself.”
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“I-I’m not sick! I can’t be, Sensei! We’ve got so much work to do today!” He insisted, sniffling lightly. “Maybe it’s just allergies?”
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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    The Ghoul Restaurant was a disgusting place, one that he would never go to if he did not have an important purpose to be there. Ghouls practiced unnecessary cruelty toward humans. They tortured them for fun, entertainment, and then when they were shaking and traumatized, they ate them. It was more delicious that way Tsukiyama had said once, but even the thought of it made Kaneki want to throw up. 
    Even if the aroma of the place was appetizing to his new status of a monster-- he knew that, as a human, the scent would have nauseated him. So, he hated it. He hated all of the ghouls there and all of them surely deserved to die but his purpose that night was not to kill them. It was to obtain information on Kanou, Rize and human experimentation from a person known as Madam A or Maiko. He had gotten a general description of her looks beforehand. An attractive young woman with long, wavy hair... He scanned the tables for her, his grey eyes dead as he saw what they were eating. 
         “Do you mind if I sit down?” He asked, a smile that did not reach his eyes showing. Out of context, to an outsider, it might have seemed like a polite thing to say as if he was asking to sit next to a woman he was hitting on. It could have been if his tone of voice didn't made it clear that he was not going to take no for an answer. 
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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    There was not anywhere in particular that he could think of going with her. Everywhere was a bad idea for a different reason. They could not go in public anywhere because he had been running from police custody just hours earlier. He was a criminal just because of his identity as a ghoul and that also made it less-than-intelligent idea to take her home with him as she would then know where he lived. Worst case scenario, she would find out and turn him in. Kaneki was cautious. Every move that he made was to avoid worse case scenarios, to do otherwise even once would go against his nature... “There is another place.” Why was he saying this? “But if we go, after we’re done speaking tonight, you need to forget that it ever existed. Would you be able to do that?”
    He sighed and rubbed his tired eyes, it was not like he had any ulterior motives except to get a sniffling girl who was only trying to help him out of the cold. “It’s my apartment by the way. If you don’t like the idea, just say so.” He did not even know why he continued to entertain her conversation. He could just leave her there and never speak with her again, that would be safer for both of them. Especially when she had white knuckles and was shaking so much that she looked like the winter wind might blow her away.
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When he approached, her entire body went stiff. It was completely noticeable, as her knuckles started to turn white from how hard she was clenching her fists. She almost took a step back, but swallowed her fear. The air was starting to make her nose run.
“I…” She sniffed, doing her best to get the courage to look him in the eye. When her light green eyes met his- she felt almost as if he were looking at her with pity. Was that normal? 
“E-even if you don’t need my help…I’d still like to….try.” She mumbled the words softly, barely being audible. “We can-” She sniffed again, starting to shiver from the cold. “We can’t go to my house. Is there somewhere else…?” 
Completely aware that she was going to a secluded place with a stranger, she felt her heartbeat starting to quicken.Was she really doing the right thing? If he wanted to hurt her, wouldn’t he have already done so?
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
                      All your acting, your thin disguise                        All your 𝓹𝒆𝓻𝒇𝒆𝓬𝓽��𝔂 delivered lines                                They don’t fool me
                                                         You’ve been lonely too long
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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Something REALLY doesn’t want him to get any rest. Urie feels himself getting pushed around, falling, and distantly there are sounds. It’s like being underwater. His vision seems to ebb in and out, until it settles on something grey … oh. That’s just the ceiling of the car, isn’t it? He could sit up…  
It feels like a year passes in the time it takes to move his hand to settle over the wound, trying to hold it together again. He’s somehow aware of his body’s own efforts, though. It stings. His regeneration isn’t exactly remarkable —- it’s sped up to the point where if he chews his lips a little too hard, they’re back to normal after a night’s rest, but most injuries still require the regular course of rest and ice and painkillers. Apparently it’s enough to keep him alive, though. That’s … that’s reassuring. 
It’s also the last intelligible thing he thinks for a while. 
There’s a lot more LIGHTS around the hospital ( not that Urie immediately registers it as such when they reach it ) and that ultimately pulls him from the state of semi-consciousness. Aren’t they going home? Damn it, this isn’t right. Blinking, he turns to bury his face in whatever’s propping him up. Something with white and dark fabric, and unfortunately he can smell his own blood on it. 
‘Dad…’ Urie mumbles. ‘Dad, I don’t want to…’ Whatever they’re doing here, he’s not interested. Look, he’s bleeding —- he can’t do it. Shouldn’t have to.  
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    His chest felt tight. He could do nothing for Urie. He could not answer his cries for for a person that no longer existed in that world-- his pleading might as well have fell of deaf ears and that fact was just too sad. Sasaki had read a bit about Urie’s past when he had first become the mentor to the quinx. His father had been killed in the line of duty. He never realized the true emotional anguish that loss had put him through, until that day.
    If he pulled Urie into a hug and consoled him, he might just see it as him pitying him, of him mocking him, and it might just put him in more pain when his mind and body were already at his limit. Sasaki scrunched his eyebrows. The truth could not be more the opposite... In that state, Urie surely couldn’t tell Sasaki apart from his father or some stranger on the street. He pulled him into a tight hug. No matter what happened, he would not come to regret that decision.
        “You have to,” he said, as if he were his father. He wasn’t. He couldn’t be him or replace him. The best he could do was pretend to be him for a moment while Urie called for him. To Urie, he was only his despised, unwanted mentor.  “Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine.” His voice was as warm and soft. It made sense that he would not be accepted by Urie. He was a true ghoul, a monster, a person impossible of being accepted by humans. Not like the quinx with a much lower Rc count that could still enjoy the taste of hamburger steak and the occasional sweet... That did not hunger for only human meat. It was only natural that Urie would hate him and Sasaki would not return the feeling because of that.
    He pulled back as a nurse told him to and Urie was brought down the white hallways on a stretcher, brought into a hospital room. Sasaki waited in the waiting area all the while he was being worked on, his head in his hands.
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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        “The dorkiest of dorks?” His childhood friend never failed to tease him relentlessly. It was a change of pace, a reminder of the day-to-day life he lived as a human. Hide was the only one who stubbornly treated him the same after he changed. ‘So, what? Kaneki is still Kaneki, even with an edgy new hair color.’ He could almost hear him say those words. 
        “I can’t say I like being called that, even by you. Books are better than people sometimes. They don’t call you a dork or snatch your fun away.” His tone was light, teasing him right back. “The book you just stole from me is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. I would explain the premise to you but I doubt you’re interested in picking up reading as a hobby.” Suddenly he sprung up and reached up to steal the book back.
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“Say. like aren’t you the dorkiest of dorks Kaneki” snatching the book from him, “You’re so lost in the book when you should be paying attention to life around you” 
  He’d never shut the book, that might upset him, so he gently holds it open, “So what ya reading bud?” holding it up and pretending to read it, hoping his friend would tell him instead.
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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To want only light without ever knowing the dark… I can’t do that.
Kaneki Week - Day 1 └ Prologue ≅ a piece of writting at the start of a book that introduces the story // Childhood
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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    Snow had settled on the ground making an untouched blanket of white. It was beautiful enough to almost make him feel bad about walking through it, his muddy shoes ruining the image. It was freezing but that was not the weather was not the only reason he was cold. Red covered the front of his jacket. It seeped through it, almost leaving the illusion of a blooming red flower. He knew that he was lucky that no one was around to see his pitiful state at that time of night. If only he could make it home, then his regenerative abilities could kick in while he warmed up and rested head on his pillow.
        “Damn it.” He cursed when his vision started to fill with black spots. He had escaped the CGC dove somehow but it did not seem like he was going to make it to his apartment. From far away, he could see a man approaching and then running. He tried to hide his condition, a hand over his chest but it had been too late.
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
stressed out | twenty one pilots (music box version)
don’t remove credit
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
   He let out a sigh, his breath taking on a white puff in the cold winter air. It seemed that the girl was set on talking to him and even though she was aware of danger, she continued to stay there. It was dark, cold, and surely, she wanted to go home-- so why?
    He stood up and approached her, noticing that he was a few inches taller than her. He could see her face better because he was closer. 
          “Worried about something?” He almost laughed but it would not have been a nice sound, instead meant to mock her. “You didn’t stop because you pitied me? I don’t need your help. If I were you, I would have turned around and left as soon as I saw my face.” Every word he spoke to her dripped with lies. 
    He could not help but cringe at the expression she made in response. She was a genuinely good person, she did want to help him and it was hard for her to leave someone crying on the side of the street. After talking with her for two minutes, he could see that. The problem was that she was not safe with him and that she had no idea what kind of monster she was talking to. So, he tried her best to scare her away.
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         “...Anyway, it’s cold out.” There were bags under his eyes as his face softened and his skin was so pale that it was a stark contrast to the dark. Someone that saw him and did not know better might think he was sick, but he was not sick, just so incredibly tired that he could fall asleep anywhere. “If you still insist on talking with a stranger, we should go somewhere warmer.”
Despite her smile not faltering, the girl did not move from where she was standing. This probably gave away the feeling she was trying to hide- that she was afraid. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, she tried speaking again. 
“You’re probably right, but-” Her voice wavered, and she gulped. Opening her mouth again, her voice sounded more confident. “You looked worried about something. I just wanted to help.” 
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When their eyes met, she bit her lip, quickly looking away. Her hands tightened into fists, and although a part of her was telling her to run away right now, her instinct to help others was stronger. Even if this was a mistake, she didn’t want to regret anything. 
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
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       “I thought the same. What are you doing here?” 
[ && kanekikvn ]
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      “ I’m surprised, wouldn’t have thought I’d run into you again. ” 
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
put a character in my ask – accepting
I love you for sending this in, anon. I will always have time to talk about Kaneki.
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS | INCOHERENT SCREAMING
ship with: Urie, Hide, Tsukiyama & anyone else he has chemistry with.
friendship them with: Hinami!! I love their relationship but not in a shippy way. Also, Saiko. Akira, Amon, Touka, Shirazu & everyone else. 
general opinions: So, this kid needs to get his shit together. He has 100+ flaws and at this rate all of his friends are going to ditch him…(rightfully) This is also one of the reasons I find him so interesting though! I hope that his story does not end tragically like it has been so far. Kaneki is my favorite character out of any series right now. If anyone ever wants to hear me babble about him & my million headcanons all they have to do is message me~ 
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
hey loser
Send me “hey loser” if I am one of your favorite blogs.
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
"HEY LOSER!!!!!"
Send me “hey loser” if I’m one of your favorite blogs.
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// Thank you!!! 
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kanekikvn-blog · 9 years
put a character in my ask – accepting
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS | NO, HE’S NOT DEAD HE’S SLEEPING
ship with: KANEKI. 
friendship them with: Kaneki. (Lmao, other than Kaneki...) Touka, Takizawa & everyone else.
general opinions: I love Hide so much. I also miss him. Where did he go?? His relationship with Kaneki has basically saved the poor kid. He’s so intelligent and sweet and he pretends to act dumb but he’s probably the smartest character in the series. He has done so much for Kaneki. I just love him~ 
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