karabear101world · 7 years
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📷 brettcederberg
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karabear101world · 7 years
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karabear101world · 7 years
one day...
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karabear101world · 7 years
Concept: We’re staying in a log cabin. It’s a perfect spring day; not too hot nor too cold. I’ve just made us some tea and we’re sitting on the front porch together looking out at the lake. The water is still and it reflects the blue sky and the many trees all around us. Everything is quiet. Everything is peaceful, and my heart feels as warm as the cup of tea in my hands.
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karabear101world · 7 years
date night #36
get lost in town looking at open houses and talking about your childhoods
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karabear101world · 7 years
Cute date idea
Tell your s/o that you’re taking them on an adventure, then have a Hobbit + LOTR marathon
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karabear101world · 7 years
It’s Sept 6th!
Today is the day we #blackout! As a reminder, we are only posting/reblogging artwork, videos, music, business and other talent related posts here.
However, both @marsincharge and @nukirk will be happy to reblog your personal posts. Just tag them!
Just remember to give everyone love and just…
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karabear101world · 7 years
The Beginning
*stage lights flash in the sold out stadium. The crowd is going wild. Cameras are flashing. The crowd is chanting Kara!*
There I am, singing at the top of my lungs in my family's garage. My imagination has gone wild once again. Everyday I would pretend I was a famous singer. I knew my voice wasn't taylor swift... not even close. That didn't stop me from dreaming. Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to be a singer. Someone who writes there own originals, and makes people feel something when they here them. I used to get all my Barbie dolls together on the card board stage I made. I got them hyped up for a concert for weeks. Then I had my star Barbie sing. I made posters and strung them all around the house. I never had been so passionate about something in my life. Music was and is my life. It makes me who I am.
Growing up I always did whatever talent show I could sign myself up for. I admit I must have sounded horrible. My mom probably cringed hearing me sing that original I wrote when I was 11 years old. I sang in musicals and even won an audition to sing in a professional theatre. I had voice lessons for a about a year but decided I wasn't feeling it. I was discouraged. I never would be able to sing like the girls on YouTube. Listening to myself sing on camera made me so disappointed in my voice. I still refused to give up. I would sing karaoke for hours at a time pretending I was auditioning for Amearicas Got Talent. I dreamed about it.
Now I'm almost 16 years old. I got a guitar for my 15 birthday last year and began playing around with it. I had always wanted to learn how to play but it through it was impossible. It ended up being a lot easier then I expected. I learned fast and started creating different strumming patterns and finger picking. I would sit on my bed for hours every night singing and writing songs. My songs never were good at the time but it was the learning that counted. My dad runs a camp, so I would go over to the chapel and practice my songs on the worship gear. Slowly but surely all my practice was wearing off. This past summer I was sitting outside and then these words came to me. The ideas flowed and before I knew it I had a new worship original. I played it for my friends and the fell in love with it. I ended up winning the camp talent show with it. Soon after that I wrote so many new originals and started a YouTube channel. I have so many people coming up to me asking for my music. I have a date set to record my songs at a professional studio. People are telling me that I'm going places. I can't belive this is happening. My passion for music is on fire right now. This next year big things are going to happen. And I can't wait to share it with you.
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