karandeshmukh · 8 years
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karandeshmukh · 9 years
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How to French Kiss
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karandeshmukh · 9 years
This is Cuba’s Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify – all without the internet
“El Paquete Semanal” (The Weekly Package) is a weekly trove of digital content — everything from American movies to PDFs of Spanish newspapers — that is gathered, organized, and transferred by a human web of runners and dealers to the entire country. It is a prodigious and profitable operation.
More on Vox
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karandeshmukh · 9 years
A shameful moment for us all
It was mutton.
They didn’t consume beef. They ate mutton.
They weren’t beaten and killed for beef, they were beaten and killed because they were Muslim.
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karandeshmukh · 9 years
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“Me and My Other Me” by Fulvio Obregon Related: If Cartoon Characters Got Old
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karandeshmukh · 9 years
Such excess! *cringe cringe cringe*
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Dubai is bringing the world’s longest indoor ski slope to the desert. 
A new complex will be home to the world’s tallest residential building, the largest dancing fountain, and an indoor ski slope with a 1.2 kilometer (0.75 mile) run — about three times longer than Dubai’s current indoor slope, and nearly twice as long as the current world record holder in Germany
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karandeshmukh · 9 years
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When you grow up with video games, you grow up in a lot of places. (by Adam Ellis)
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
With the other anon - the beef industry in India is completely Muslim based + and being hindu myself I too welcome that law and think it should be all over the country. I am no radical hindu but islam is definitely affecting our country in a negative way- making bovine slaughter ok and even taking sanskrit hindi out of Bollywood and using urdu! I'm sorry but I want India to stay hindu and protect our sacred animal without certain people trying to make a dollar off the profit in AHIMSA VIOLENCE
Ignoring your many offensive and bigoted statements… Did you read any of the articles I posted?
1. Not all Hindus have a problem with eating beef
“Not only Muslims and Christians, but also India’s Scheduled tribes and Scheduled castes - who account for 25 percent of the country’s population, are beef eaters. In the states of Kerala, West Bengal and most of the Northeastern region - where cattle slaughter is legal, beef is widely consumed. “Beef is one of the most affordable sources of protein for the Dalit community,” said Mohan Dharavath, President, Dalit Adivasi Bahujan and Minority Students’ Association based in southern city of Hyderabad.”
“For the Dalits, Muslims, Scheduled Tribes and many lower castes beef is a staple food. Their livelihood depends on leather and meat procured from the cattle. India was ranked second globally on the list of beef exporters. Interestingly, these industries are owned by upper caste Hindus and other privileged sections of society.
In many parts of India, Brahmins eat beef, especially in Kerala where beef is an important part of the food culture. Recently, a picture of a BJP youth wing leader was circulated on social media where he was shown eating beef in a restaurant in Kerala. Brahmins have eaten beef historically. There are many references to beef eating in Hindu religious texts such as the Manusmriti, Rigveda and Mahabharata.”
2. The beef ban negatively impacts farmers
“By banning beef in such a draconian and absolutist fashion, the state government will only drive up prices of other meats. This will have an inflationary impact and will raise household food bills. It will affect livelihoods of traders and butchers who deal with bovine meat. The decision is impulsive and political and has not considered the impact on agriculture and on the Maharashtra farmer. There are long-standing agrarian problems in the state. One of these is a whopping 61 per cent shortage in fodder, if one compares fodder required for livestock, largely cows and buffaloes, against what is available. With the ban, this fodder shortage will worsen. It will push up input costs for farmers.”
3. Thanks to this ban, eating beef in Maharashtra now draws a higher fine than sexual harassment. I think that speaks for itself.
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
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The best sandwiches invariably come with string cheese dripping out of the crevices. #Foodstagram #Pune (at Cafe Bread N' Butter)
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
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That little gallery looks straight out of the mediterranean. (at Amanora Town Centre)
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
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Debut visit to Snob Central a.k.a #Starbucks (at Starbucks ( Amanora Mall ))
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
While equality before law is guaranteed by our Constitution, in reality, our justice system remains far from being egalitarian. Which, in turn, merely mirrors the inequity that exists in our society, as a whole. This is why the fight for changing the attitudes of the Indian male will begin in India's sprawling urban centres, where deep-seated misogyny comes head-to-head with modernity and feminism, spearheaded by the upwardly mobile urban Indian women, who have become increasingly aware of their rights, are fiercely independent and have the resources & backing to skirmish. The hope is for these ideals to trickle down & empower women in India's remote and impoverished sections, where patriarchy remains most rampant.
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
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Hoot! Apparently, the breakfast of champions bears an uncanny resemblance to an Owl. #Breakfast #Foodstagram
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
It's quite amusing to see the founder imparting hard-nosed Communist ideals while paying (oxymoronic) reverence to Chairman Mao & the Buddha, in the same breath, effectively deifying them. It's hard not to wonder if Mao himself would've tolerated his rather unorthodox tutelage, at the height of China's Cultural Revolution.
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
Icky yet incredibly awesome!
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
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The Forest Rest House at Pohra is surprisingly well kept.
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karandeshmukh · 10 years
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The best way to make sense of the #Urdu alphabet is via #Devanagari/#Hindi. #India
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