kardiokink · 8 days
Viney's heartbeat
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kardiokink · 20 days
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kardiokink · 1 month
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kardiokink · 1 month
The Volcano
Part 4 of 6. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Don’t explore the volcano.
The volcano had an interesting and complex cave system formed by magma flows over many, many years. They were said to be beautiful, glistening with crystals of various types. Many spelunkers were drawn to the chance to investigate a whole new cave system that was easily accessible. Others were hunting for profit, wanting to extract the precious stones and minerals.
The area became crowded, people were going missing in the unmapped labyrinth, and safety leapt to the top of the list. Signs, fencing, and other barriers went up in an effort to dissuade people from approaching willy-nilly.
An office was established and exploration expeditions were scheduled, though many ignored the quick and shoddy set up. There were always people that slipped by, only known about when missing reports reached the area.
One newcomer, dressed in vivid, fiery shades of red and orange, was there to explore and to grab some shiny souvenirs. No fence or barrier was going to stop them!
So what happened when they went exploring?
— — —
Chain link barriers? Easy to step over or duck under. Fencing? Easy to cut through. The office and checkpoints were easy to circumvent, even in broad daylight while wearing bright clothing. It’s almost insulting how easy it is to sneak into one of the cave system’s entrances.
There are tiny glints of light speckling the tunnel’s walls, ceiling, and floor. Tiny crystals, or tiny parts of crystals showing – they don’t excite you though. You want ones from deeper in to make the trip truly worthwhile.
Excitement runs through your veins, your heart pushing you onward with every beat.
Sometimes there’s enough room for you to walk, while other times you’re forced to crouch or even crawl, dragging your backpack along with you. Good thing it’s mostly empty.
The magma flows have created interesting textures and patterns and you enjoy running your fingers over them as you progress. The flashlight attached to your helmet makes bursts of rainbows as it flashes around, catching on all of the crystalline surfaces. Every movement forward creates dazzling new displays.
The tunnels were a spelunker’s dream. Despite some tight spots, the way had been easy to traverse for anyone with a modicum of experience. It was fun, it was beautiful. After a good hour or so, you crawl out into a spacious cavern. There are crystals absolutely everywhere, spikes and spires of them forming stalactites and stalagmites all over. Piles and piles of them fill half of the floor space, some of them tickling the ceiling.
This is an absolutely gorgeous treasure trove you giddily giggle with glee over. It’s warm in here, but tolerable. You swing your backpack off and pick out a sizable specimen, stuffing it gently inside. You pick out another, and another. You reach for a fourth when the whole mound trembles, a few from the top tumbling down.
You step back to avoid the sharp edged projectiles.
A rumble resounds throughout the cavern. Is the volcano active? Is this a normal thing?
The whole pile shifted, crystals falling down like rain, and two long, dark, ridged, conical spikes appeared from the summit. You jump back further and gasp, watching as a reptilian head emerges, bright yellow, slitted eyes focusing right on you.
Wisps of smoke waft up from the nostrils and your brain screams dragon!
There is an actual dragon with a treasure hoard living in this volcanic cave system. Judging from that smoke, the stories of fire breathing are true. You don’t want to stick around and find out, so you finally get your legs to work and make a break for the way you had come in.
Something whips out from the side and knocks your feet out from under you. You tumble to the ground and something pulls you back. Fingers attempt to dig in, but the dried, hardened magma has no give to it, and you scream, lungs squeezing and heart pounding.
When you stop, you look around to see a black talon, half a dozen inches long, sunk into the hem of your pants. The dragon is now mostly revealed, and you can see a long, serpentine body, about twelve feet in length, with spikes jutting out from the spine. There were no wings, but the mouthful of fangs was very intimidating.
The dragon steps out of what is left of its crystal mound, and stands directly over you, your frightened gaze meeting its predatory one. It flicks its claw free of your pants and splays its scaly digits over your rib cage, holding you down.
Your heart thumps hard and fast and you begin to pant. The dragon’s skin is far warmer than the air and its heat seeps right through your clothes. With one quick swipe, the dragon rips the clothing off the front of your torso and lightly pins you again. The heat from its scales directly on your skin feels like a severe sunburn, and you gasp.
The beast opens its maw and growls. You can see flickers of flame over its tongue and between the fangs and try to flinch back. Sadly the ground does not yield and swallow you. Will it eat you before you develop blisters?
It moves its foot to pin down one of your arms and breathes onto your sternum, a thin jet of fire leaving its jaws. The heat is nigh unbearable and you scream loudly. When the fire stops, you lay there panting for a moment before you turn to look at the damage.
Your skin is unblemished despite the intense heat and pain. Your chest feels tight, every breath stinging your lungs. All of the organs in your upper torso feel like a piece of bread that just popped up from the toaster; now lightly browned.
You wriggle in a desperate bid to escape, but the dragon uses its other front foot to pin down your other arm. Your heart is beating faster than it ever has before, and you are left gasping and sweating in fright.
It gives a brief roar and breathes fire on your chest again. The heat quickly amps up and you swear you can hear sizzling, though the flames don’t seem to be physically damaging your skin.
Your heart hammers against your ribs, feeling like a burger on a barbecue, and your extremities tingle with warmth as the heated blood is pumped around. Everything starts to hurt as the heat spreads, like intense pins and needles.
The dragon stops the weird cooking ritual and leans in, sniffing your chest. Despite the reptilian face you can clearly see that the beast isn’t exactly pleased. Does it want you medium rare? Well done?
Another sustained burst of flame hits you, and every time your pump contracts there is a sharp ache, like you’ve stuck your heart in a fire. Your blood feels like hot water being poured down your veins and you scream again, fruitlessly writhing beneath the dragon.
It’s cooking your cardiac muscle like a slab of meat and boiling the crimson liquid it pumps around your body. Your skin is still unblemished, but the dragon is roasting you from the inside out.
It is utter agony and you barely have the breath to scream, the heat and your injured heart, desperately sprinting to the best of its ability, are stealing your oxygen. Are there bubbles in your blood? Is your pericardium filling with steam and smoke?
You imagine your lifeblood boiling away to nothing like an unattended pan of water on a stove top. You imagine your heart turning brown and tough, barely able to contract to pump any blood. You wonder which one will happen first.
Dizziness, light-headedness, blurry and fading vision plague you, and you fear what your heart looks like under this assault.
No one knows you’re here. You’ll be just another missing person to add to the statistics.
The dragon stops and sniffs your chest again. It gives a soft, low rumble, resembling a massive, reptilian house cat’s purr. It’s clearly pleased with the progress and you wonder if fangs will sink into you at any moment. But no, it breathes more fire.
Each breath you take is horribly painful, and now you can feel every rushed beat, each pump like pure torture. It feels like lava flowing through you instead of blood. You gasp like a fish out of water, your heart and lungs stealing every molecule of oxygen.
Your heart is beating and being stabbed at a rapid-fire pace, your lungs feel shrivelled from heat, and your vision is developing black spots as oxygen deprivation sets in. The scent of cooked meat invades your nose and you kick out and writhe in a last ditch, primal attempt to attain freedom.
Choking wheezes leave your throat and the dark spots increase, blacking out over half of your vision. Your lungs aren’t moving at all and your heart is no longer pounding. Each beat feels weaker and weaker, less blood being pumped around by the stiffened, barbecued muscle. You can literally feel your life slipping away.
As the darkness swallows your consciousness, you hope the wretched reptile chokes on your remains. Your heart finally stops as the fire cooks it beyond use. The complete lack of movement in your rib cage is a first, but it is also the very last thing your mind processes as death embraces you.
The dragon’s jaws snap shut, instantly cutting off the jet of fire. Sharp talons rend flesh and muscle. They curl around the top of the sternum and ribs and the dragon snaps off the exposed parts of the rib cage. The unmoving heart and lungs are fully visible. 
A front foot delicately wraps around the heart, dark brown pericardium and all, and gently places it into fanged jaws. Another happy rumble echoes around the crystal filled cavern, and the dragon swallows the cooked organ as if it’s a delicacy. It licks its muzzle.
Don’t explore the volcano.
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I wrote the latter half of this while watching Gordon Ramsey roast people on Kitchen Nightmares. Fitting, don't you think?
I have a couple of anon asks I'll probably get started on, but part 5 may be posted first depending on ease of writing and interest.
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kardiokink · 1 month
Heartbeat stab edit
Original post:
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kardiokink · 2 months
The lithe assassin slunk up behind the patient like a panther. In a flash, her toned arm shot around the woman's slender neck. A choked gasp escaped her lips as the assassin's bicep flexed, cutting off blood flow.
Stethoscope pressed to the struggling woman's heaving chest, the false doctor drank in the erratic staccato of her heart's desperate fight for life.
The patient's mouth gaped in horror, hands clawing uselessly at the assassin's steely grip. Choked gasps mixed with the thundering pulse in the doctor's ears, sending electric shivers down her spine. She had to press her thighs together to contain her arousal.
As seconds ticked by, the woman's struggles grew weaker, limbs falling in defeat. The doctor filled the poor patient with terror as she voiced the panic in the woman's body, never removing the stethoscope. She savored every frantic lub-dub, knowing each could be the last. The assassin held firm with a cruel smile.
Finally, with a last pitiful whimper, the patient fell still. The once lively rhythm beneath the doctor's fingertips puttered and slowed until only deafening silence remained.
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kardiokink · 3 months
Need. This. Game.
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kardiokink · 3 months
From the Deep
Every part of this room was custom built for one purpose. It was a purpose that many had believed would go unfulfilled. Yet here and now, the room was in use. The lights were dim, and reflected lights danced over the ceiling and some of the walls in mesmerising patterns, dancing and flickering endlessly.
The alluring light dance came from the ripples of the water that filled a massive tank. It took up the full length of one wall, a good thirty feet minimum. It was not quite fifteen feet tall, and contained no foliage or ornamentation, empty but for the water and one other thing.
A figure glided through the water. Sleek and swift, every motion it made caused more ripples on the surface.
The upper half of the figure resembled a young male human, while the lower half was that of a scaly tail with fins. A merman. A legend proven real.
He was a sight to behold.
He had been caught on the edges of the deep sea and seemed to live there. His body certainly suited that mostly unexplored area of the ocean, and what an intriguing body it was.
The merman’s entire body, from his short, wispy hair, to the very tips of his tail fin, was completely transparent. No muscles were visible, nor was there much of a skeletal figure to be seen beyond sharp teeth and a spine. Interestingly enough, no blood vessels could be seen, but every single internal organ, including the muscle that served as the heart, was completely on display.
Multiple cameras were focused on the tank, recording every movement, internal and external. This was groundbreaking new territory, history being made, and no one wanted to mess it up or miss a thing.
They only had one merman so they had to be incredibly careful.
There were thin, barely visible lines following the curves of what you assume are the ribs. The gills? The lungs resembled biology closer to a stingray or a shark, leaving more immediate space around the heart unlike a human, whose left lung hugged the muscle and partially hid it from sight. This was incredibly helpful for an unobstructed view of the epicentre of the cardiovascular system, especially for the excited medical staff that had access to this magnificent specimen.
Standing in front of the tank, the merman’s interest is caught right away and he lunges toward you. He smacks heavily into the glass, his shiny black eyes observing you unblinkingly, his head tilted in confusion as his hands lay flat against the tank wall. He floats to a stop upright, mimicking your posture.
The atria squeeze and his heart swells minutely before the ventricles twist a little and contract. The process repeats again and again, the pumping action fast and relentless. Throbthrobthrobthrobthrob. It’s so hard to look elsewhere because the motion is so hypnotic.
His heart appears to resemble a human’s so much, you can’t help but wonder if it sounds similar as well. A stethoscope was not an option, but there had to be a way.
Time slips by and you notice the rapid pace of his heart has slowed down significantly. Throb…throb…throb…throb…throb. You feel as if your own heart is trying to match it. Does his pulsing organ feel stronger than your own nestled in your chest?
Was that a skip? Fascinating to witness!
Was it normal? Harmless? Indicative of a problem?
You scurry off to find help with your stethoscope problem, returning an hour later with a special microphone designed for underwater use. Such devices are used to record the sounds of dolphins and whales, and you hope it will be enough to pick up the merman’s heartbeat, especially if it ends up against his chest.
There’s a metal staircase at the far end of the tank and you ascend it. Leaning over and holding the microphone, the cord wrapped around a pole, above the water carefully, you lower it bit by bit. The microphone is attached to a box with a waveform metre and a speaker. It crackles and gurgles in a muted manner while it moves, the sound loudly reverberating around the mostly empty room.
You wedge the pole into place and resume your former spot before the tank. The microphone dangles in the water just above your eye line and your gaze quickly hones back in on the merman’s chest. The organic pump was still dutifully performing its sacred role, filling with blood and ejecting it to circulate around the rest of his body.
The mer himself gives you a cursory glance before hesitantly reaching out to the invader in his space. Fingers tipped with claws poke at it. Thuds ring out from the speaker and you smile.
He drifts closer to it, his face getting quite close. Fangs flash and the microphone screeches and groans as it is bitten. The mer lets it go quickly, jaw working open and closed a few times. It seems the taste, and maybe the texture, is not to his liking. A see-through hand grasps the microphone with surprising gentleness, creating a ruckus of awful, distorted noise.
Dexterous looking fingers inch their way up the microphone. A slender wrist follows, then a forearm and elbow. He continues to cautiously follow the cord higher and higher, and you bounce on your heels in eager anticipation as his chest finally draws level with the microphone.
There it is. What you’ve been waiting for.
The rhythm, the rate, the snap of valves, the distinct S1 and S2 sounds that make up the oh so familiar lub-dub. There is no way you would ever be able to distinguish this from a human’s regular heart sounds. This could be a major evolutionary find!
The merman freezes in place, his head tilting around. There were no visible ears but he was clearly listening to something. Could he hear the speaker projecting his sounds of life? After a few seconds he sucks in a sharp breath, holds it for a moment, and lets it out.
His eyes are wide and he seemed as enthralled by the sound as you are. Several beats had visibly and audibly skipped and it had been an amazingly delightful experience for you. The acceleration and deceleration of that pulsing muscle was something that could keep your attention for hours.
Or until the call of nature became too much to ignore.
Your hand presses against your chest, your own heart meeting it with faint pushes as if determined to be a part of things.
The fast pace of your heart feels weird as the merman’s restful beats fill the room. The two disparate rhythms seem to work together against all odds.
Human and mer stay in place, living in the moment.
My first proper post on here and my first ever piece of cardiophile writing! 🫀🫀🫀 I hope you like it! I may make this mer an OC and play with him more...
pssst: will trade writing for art/anims
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kardiokink · 3 months
idk, just hearbeats :D
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kardiokink · 3 months
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kardiokink · 3 months
Exam Room Performance
Synopsis: Fantasy Hospital. Doctors and Nurses are in silk robes and examine your heart in unique ways. Speaker stethoscopes, big screen ultrasounds, and plenty of exercise. As requested by @aheartsbeat wc: 1.2k cw: none
The room is cold and bleak, typical for an examination room. However, this was far from your typical examination room. This one was special. Different.
Each doctor and nurse wore luxurious silk robes with nothing underneath -- hard nipples and obvious bulges were not so hidden under the thin fabric.
And you. You also wore one of these robes. It was your favorite color and much different from your average, cheap hospital gown.
The room while it lacked in color and decoration, made up for it with the most interesting instruments you've ever seen; a giant screen that took up nearly an entire wall and stethoscopes with unusual bells.
Bells that looked like mini speakers.
On the other side of the room was a single stationary bike and treadmill. Would you be using those too?
"Please, lay down." One of the doctors spoke up in a soft tone, gesturing at the bed behind you.
Even the bed was different. Instead of those horrendous, rock-solid "beds" in normal hospitals, this one looked much softer -- comfortable.
And you were correct.
This bed rivaled the one you had at home. Soft and comfortable. You could easily fall asleep on this.
But a sleep study was not on the agenda for today.
Today you were going to be put through several cardiology examinations.
This small reminder caused your heart to pick up speed.
Looking back at the screen and stethoscopes on the wall, you pondered what they could possibly do with those. Soon, your questions will be answered.
With you now lying on the bed, several doctors and nurses got to work.
Some grabbed stethoscopes from the wall, two others grabbed what you assumed were ultrasound wands, while one started to set up the screen on the wall.
You gulped nervously and tried to focus on your breathing but your chest moved with each pounding beat of your chest -- giving away your excitement to the room.
The nurses with the stethoscopes gathered around one side of your bed while the doctors with the wands gathered on the other side. The one by the screen stood over by it.
Without warning, one of the doctors untied the knot on your robe, opening it up and exposing your chest to the room.
A few beats after that, cold gel was applied to your skin right over your heart and the two doctors with the wands placed them down on your chest.
In an instant, you saw your heart pounding on the giant screen on the wall.
It showed two different views. You're unsure which ones you're seeing, but you can't deny it was mesmerizing.
Watching your valves snap open and closed. Pounding harder at the scene but still staying strong and steady.
"Look at your heart," The doctor by the screen said while lifting their arm as if presenting it. "It's working hard...it's truly something, isn't it?"
Before you could think of a response to the question you felt several cold objects against your body -- the nurses holding the stethoscopes -- and quickly the room filled with the sound of your heart beating in sync with the ultrasound on the screen.
Bu-dum Bu-dum Bu-dum Bu-dum Bu-dum
Loud and fast.
You wondered how fast it was going until you realized the numbers in the far corner of the screen.
"128 BPM".
And steadily climbing.
You notice it get to around the 140s before the doctor at the front of the room once again speaks up.
"Okay, now I'm going to ask you to work your pump out for a bit." They paused for a second, "10 minutes on both the treadmill and bike at the highest intensity setting should be good enough."
And with that, the nurses and other doctors removed themselves from you, allowing you to get off of the bed and onto the stationary bike to start.
Once you were settled there, two nurses and one doctor put their instruments back on your chest, your heart on display and beats filling the room once more.
You started to pedal and quickly your heart rate picked up.
"That's good, just like that." The doctor praised you while watching your valves snap violently.
Your heart was now racing.
Bu-dum Bu-dum Bu-dum Bu-dum Bu-dum
Your breathing picked up, lungs trying to provide enough oxygen for your hard-working heart.
Finally, you reached mid 170s while on the bike and the doctor let you take a short break to catch your breath.
You felt your heart move the hands of the nurses and doctor up and down with each beat, hearing the chaos through the speaker stethoscopes. Watching the screen along with everyone else.
Your heart still beat strong and unwavering.
Only about 30 seconds passed before you were asked to move to the treadmill, wobbling your way over.
Two different nurses and the other ultrasound doctor now joined your side, waiting for you to adjust the intensity of the treadmill, then they placed their instruments on your chest just like the previous ones.
Just like the other times, your heart presented itself on the screen. Your heart rate lowered a bit, now at the low 130s.
But that would quickly change.
The belt started to move and you got to work, along with your heart.
As if it knew the deal already, your heart rate skyrocketed fast, reaching high 180s within 2 minutes.
"You can do better than that." You swore you heard that one doctor say something again but you weren't sure. It could've been your own mind saying that this time.
No matter, you still pushed yourself.
You picked up your pace on the treadmill, breathing even heavier now, heart pounding and racing harder and faster as everyone in the room listened and watched intently.
Your valves were moving at such speeds that they seemed to not be moving at some points.
You felt as if your heart was going to pound out of your chest by now. Your pulse roaring and bouncing off the walls, throbbing against your neck -- you even felt it in the rest of your body.
You let out a sigh of relief as you were asked to stop the machine. Slowing down until it came to a complete stop.
Without removing the wand and stethoscopes from your chest, the nurses helped guide you back to the bed where you laid down again and tried to catch your breath.
Your heart still felt like it was going a mile a minute. Throbbing almost painfully against your chest. Now with this new angle, you were able to see it visibly shake your entire body, taking the hands of the nurses and doctor with it.
You turn your head to view the screen, watching as your heart slows but still continues to thump with purpose, now within the 150s range.
"Good job. We'll just keep you here, listening and watching your heart until it reaches approximately 60 to 70 beats per minute." The doctor that stood by the screen said with a smile.
At this rate, you'll be in this room with your heart on display all day.
Not that you were complaining.
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kardiokink · 3 months
The lithe assassin slunk up behind the patient like a panther. In a flash, her toned arm shot around the woman's slender neck. A choked gasp escaped her lips as the assassin's bicep flexed, cutting off blood flow.
Stethoscope pressed to the struggling woman's heaving chest, the false doctor drank in the erratic staccato of her heart's desperate fight for life.
The patient's mouth gaped in horror, hands clawing uselessly at the assassin's steely grip. Choked gasps mixed with the thundering pulse in the doctor's ears, sending electric shivers down her spine. She had to press her thighs together to contain her arousal.
As seconds ticked by, the woman's struggles grew weaker, limbs falling in defeat. The doctor filled the poor patient with terror as she voiced the panic in the woman's body, never removing the stethoscope. She savored every frantic lub-dub, knowing each could be the last. The assassin held firm with a cruel smile.
Finally, with a last pitiful whimper, the patient fell still. The once lively rhythm beneath the doctor's fingertips puttered and slowed until only deafening silence remained.
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kardiokink · 3 months
( @thfgxyz 様のゲーム機能をお借りしました。)
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kardiokink · 3 months
Th-thump.... Th-thump.... Th-thump.... Th-thump....
"Persistent little mongrel, aren't you?"
His spectral hand caressed my bruised heart, tender from days of abuse. If it weren't for my self-healing, I'd be dead a long while ago. Now it just seemed like a curse instead. As I hang there chained in my shackles, I watched helplessly with my chest exposed - my heart vulnerable and defenseless to the demon's every whim. His dark magic having invaded my bare chest to molest the organ, I can only imagine if it was his actual hand instead. The spectral hand suddenly squeezed my heart tight once more with the weight of a dozen elephants. I groaned out and squirmed in pain while he stared with a sadistic gleam in his eyes.
My heart lost all sense of rhythm as it fluttered irregularly in his deathly grip. Just when I felt like passing out once more, he stopped and mockingly groped the injured heart. My breath laboured and heavy, and my heart skipping frequently. He released a dark and evil chuckle as he stepped forth, his claw lifting up my chin to look at him in the eyes. And there I saw - within his burning Iris - a sigil... A mark... A word. He muttered it no louder than a whisper before....
My eyes widened, breath halted mid-gasp. My thundering heart fibrillated and halted on his whim. The stillness in my chest creating a sickly void from the silence of my own heart. And then searing hot pain. A hand forcing its way through flesh and bones in my left chest. Yet I kept still, staring at him while blood trickled down my lips. His clawed digits molested the defenseless unbeating heart as he growled through a clenched grin.
I choked on my own blood as he manually pumps my heart with a forceful vigor. I was done for. I knew what this meant.
"Your heart is mine - my property. It beats how I want it to. Stops whenever I want it to. I'll burst it out of your worthless dragon chest if I wanted to. Because now, without me, you're dead. And I have plans on you might be of service."
My heart was on a leash - trapped eternally to beat on the demon's command. He clenches my heart once more, forcing a roar from me that echoes endlessly down the long empty tunnels in this dungeon.
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kardiokink · 3 months
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Sent on an infiltration mission by Shao Kahn, Reptile trekked along the dark woods, moving from tree to tree. The Zaterran was a master of stealth, camouflaging between the forages of the plant life around him. He sniffed the air and ran his fingers along the soil. He was close to his destination.�� He continued creeping along the forest, low and stealthily. He controlled his breathing - slow and steady. His heart beats calmly within his muscled chest. He was in his element. And there upon a clearing in the forest was his target - Cyrax, seeming to be nonchalantly waiting for someone. A soft growl left the reptilian’s lips, while his tongue licks the air in excitement for another gruelsome meal. The Zaterran wasted no time and leaped for the assassination attempt on his target. *BOOM* The explosion of rockets knocked Reptile off towards the side. A trail of smoke revealing the location of who shot the armament. Phasing out of artificial camouflage was Sektor, leaping off the branch he perched on. Reptile snarled from the ground, realising he stepped into an ambush. As he rolled himself up and turned tail for escape, a forceful hook against his abdomen incapacitated him. The blow stunned his solar plexus, suffocating the Zaterran and left him momentarily breathless. He gazed up and found Smoke looming over him, only before he was shoved backwards between the three cyborgs.  Reptile was surrounded.  From all angles he was attacked: Punched, kicked, grappled. Even with a spray of his acidic fluids, he could not fend off his assailants. His heart pounded in nervousness and growing exhaustion. His breath labored and shaky. Yet the Triborgs gave no mercy - Cryax grappling him in an arm lock, exposed Reptile’s chest before Sektor. A small image projector displays a mini target on the reptilian chest, but instead of ammunition blasting towards his helpless body, Sektor and Smoke took turns pummeling Reptile on the chest. He groaned loud and struggled in vain as each empowered punch from the cyborgs sent his ribs slamming against his heart. It hammered harder and faster, bruised but stubbornly held on. His ribs cracked under the force of the punches, yet Reptile displayed audacious defiance with a simple and guttural growl. Cyrax shoved him off towards the center of the three of them, watching as Reptile swayed weakly as her surveys his enemies. Just as he turned away from Cyrax, he heard a whoosh from behind, followed by a searing pain in his chest. He moaned in pain and stares down to find, to his horror, his heart held out by a harpoon that was shot and stuck from his back. Blood spurts out with every beat of the reptilian heart. His heart thundered loud, juxtaposed to the stillness of the forest night. Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump Th-thump… The Triborg chuckled in unison and began stepping away and vanishing with their own camouflage cloak. Reptile began to sway, staring at his slowly failing heart. His visions slowly faltered, and in that moment of blurriness he collapses onto his back, wheezing his final breaths. The last thing he heard and felt, was his own heart fibrillating to a halt. . . . . I really love Reptile from Mortal Kombat. Especially from MKX. This guy is a HUNK <3 I love watching fatalities/brutalities/X-rays done on him. I couldn’t really decide on the eyes so I just went with all my renditions.
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kardiokink · 3 months
Hey, first post! Check out this heart under ultrasound being defibbed 💔⚡💜 I wish that was my heart
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kardiokink · 3 months
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