kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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kareinahono’s 290+ follower giveaway!!
i know i haven’t been on lately but i’m just in awe that so many of you have stuck around during my absence and some of you have even just arrived, but i appreciate it nonetheless. so after everything this community has given me, i want to give back and i’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile because recently i’ve been obsessed with making theme backgrounds! so here we are!!!
1. you do not have to be following me, but i always love meeting new people and finding new blogs to follow/be mutuals with!
2. reblog as many times as you want but please be courteous to your followers! (likes do count!)
3. please no giveaway blogs!
4. The giveaway will run until May 26th at 9pm EST.
i will be picking two winners at random!
each winner will win their own personalized theme background made by me (i can try and help with any coding as well, but i’m just learning about it myself so i’m no pro!)
examples of backgrounds i’ve made:
x x x x x x x
(keep in mind – some of these themes don’t have finished coding because i just never got around to it! THESE EXAMPLES ARE SOLELY FOR THE BACKGROUNDS so you can see some of the work i’ve done)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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kareinahono’s 290+ follower giveaway!!
i know i haven’t been on lately but i’m just in awe that so many of you have stuck around during my absence and some of you have even just arrived, but i appreciate it nonetheless. so after everything this community has given me, i want to give back and i’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile because recently i’ve been obsessed with making theme backgrounds! so here we are!!!
1. you do not have to be following me, but i always love meeting new people and finding new blogs to follow/be mutuals with!
2. reblog as many times as you want but please be courteous to your followers! (likes do count!)
3. please no giveaway blogs!
4. The giveaway will run until May 26th at 9pm EST.
i will be picking two winners at random!
each winner will win their own personalized theme background made by me (i can try and help with any coding as well, but i’m just learning about it myself so i’m no pro!)
examples of backgrounds i’ve made:
x x x x x x x
(keep in mind – some of these themes don’t have finished coding because i just never got around to it! THESE EXAMPLES ARE SOLELY FOR THE BACKGROUNDS so you can see some of the work i’ve done)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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kareinahono’s 290+ follower giveaway!!
i know i haven’t been on lately but i’m just in awe that so many of you have stuck around during my absence and some of you have even just arrived, but i appreciate it nonetheless. so after everything this community has given me, i want to give back and i’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile because recently i’ve been obsessed with making theme backgrounds! so here we are!!!
1. you do not have to be following me, but i always love meeting new people and finding new blogs to follow/be mutuals with!
2. reblog as many times as you want but please be courteous to your followers! (likes do count!)
3. please no giveaway blogs!
4. The giveaway will run until May 26th at 9pm EST.
i will be picking two winners at random!
each winner will win their own personalized theme background made by me (i can try and help with any coding as well, but i’m just learning about it myself so i’m no pro!)
examples of backgrounds i’ve made:
x x x x x x x
(keep in mind – some of these themes don’t have finished coding because i just never got around to it! THESE EXAMPLES ARE SOLELY FOR THE BACKGROUNDS so you can see some of the work i’ve done)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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I sat down on the street took a look at myself Said where you going man you know the world is headed for hell Say your goodbyes if you've got someone you can say goodbye to (x)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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kareinahono’s 290+ follower giveaway!!
i know i haven’t been on lately but i’m just in awe that so many of you have stuck around during my absence and some of you have even just arrived, but i appreciate it nonetheless. so after everything this community has given me, i want to give back and i’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile because recently i’ve been obsessed with making theme backgrounds! so here we are!!!
1. you do not have to be following me, but i always love meeting new people and finding new blogs to follow/be mutuals with!
2. reblog as many times as you want but please be courteous to your followers! (likes do count!)
3. please no giveaway blogs!
4. The giveaway will run until May 26th at 9pm EST.
i will be picking two winners at random!
each winner will win their own personalized theme background made by me (i can try and help with any coding as well, but i’m just learning about it myself so i’m no pro!)
examples of backgrounds i’ve made:
x x x x x x x
(keep in mind – some of these themes don’t have finished coding because i just never got around to it! THESE EXAMPLES ARE SOLELY FOR THE BACKGROUNDS so you can see some of the work i’ve done)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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kareinahono’s 290+ follower giveaway!!
i know i haven’t been on lately but i’m just in awe that so many of you have stuck around during my absence and some of you have even just arrived, but i appreciate it nonetheless. so after everything this community has given me, i want to give back and i’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile because recently i’ve been obsessed with making theme backgrounds! so here we are!!!
1. you do not have to be following me, but i always love meeting new people and finding new blogs to follow/be mutuals with!
2. reblog as many times as you want but please be courteous to your followers! (likes do count!)
3. please no giveaway blogs!
4. The giveaway will run until May 26th at 9pm EST.
i will be picking two winners at random!
each winner will win their own personalized theme background made by me (i can try and help with any coding as well, but i’m just learning about it myself so i’m no pro!)
examples of backgrounds i’ve made:
x x x x x x x
(keep in mind -- some of these themes don’t have finished coding because i just never got around to it! THESE EXAMPLES ARE SOLELY FOR THE BACKGROUNDS so you can see some of the work i’ve done)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
To everyone I have ever promised a starter and never delivered, I am sorry. To everyone I have ever let a message sit in my inbox without ever answering it, regardless of how much I intend to answer it– I am sorry. To everyone who has ever written me a starter that I liked and never answered, I am sorry. To all the dropped drafts and unfinished plots, I mourn you but cannot find the will to revive you. I am sorry. To all of the memes I’ve reblogged and simply didn’t post, I am sorry. To all of the people that I may have made feel ignored or disappointed, I am sorry. I am only human. 
a message to my followers
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
disappears for two weeks gains followers ??????
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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This is so utterly important to not just the Supernatural fandom, currently under attack, but to ANYONE who’s ever gotten hate by anons.
This is so mind-numbingly simple to execute, and it will block a whole IP address, which means that anons cant make new profiles to send more hate.
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
ARIES: start a new adventure, no matter how big or small. you are walking towards a fresh start. eat your birthday cake with no regrets. TAURUS: you are the confidence that my heart is lacking. the people you don’t expect will always love you. remember this.  GEMINI: i want you to burn bright like the sunflowers on Vincent Van Gogh’s grave. accept that you are a work of art.  CANCER: i haven’t had the time to tell you how much i love you, but please know that i do. the future is warm, no matter how cold you might feel. you are one of the few things i am proud of. LEO: you have been shining like a star and i could trace the purple galaxies under your eyes with the tips of my fingers. take a soft bath, and let yourself float. you are not from here. i can’t wait to see where you will go. VIRGO: i look at you and i see all the ways roses can bruise. embrace your inner lightening, you are stronger than what the world thinks, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. i hear you in the sound of thunder outside my window.  LIBRA: let him hold your heart but also learn to let go. let them go gentle into the good night. do not rage. i promise there is someone who will follow you through fire and rain. i will always love you.  SCORPIO: do not listen to anyone who will shut you up with just a kiss. you are beautiful, and you are wild, and you are alive. you remind me of my heart beat. SAGITTARIUS: you have talent running from your fingertips and i honestly believe, half of what you simply touch becomes art. be passionate and hard working. chin up, buttercup. CAPRICORN: you are the smile on my face on days that are all rain and cold coffee. do your best in what you love, and do your best for those you love.  i am so lucky to have you.  AQUARIUS: hold onto yourself and trust what you hear inside. record the sound of your heart beat and listen to it when you feel like it will fade away. it will never fade away, and neither will you. you are here to stay.  PISCES: never forget that someone like you deserves the moon.  i am reminded of you in everything. listen to those who would drink the ocean to save you from drowning.
(via alittledude)
(via caseyagogo)
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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-beth pecora
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
sangxfroid replied to your post “just a psa to all of my followers and anyone who wishes to roleplay...”
Gray & natsu can be asexual buds together
yes i love it
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
just a psa to all of my followers and anyone who wishes to roleplay with me:
even though my blog IS multiship, i’ve finally come to terms with the fact that my muse in the main verse is ASEXUAL. so as far as any relationships go, as long as they are part of an au or a separate verse, i don’t see a problem with it. but in the canon universe, my natsu will not be in any sort of relationship. i love ships and i will ship til i die, but it’s just so hard for me to see my muse in any sort of sexual type of relationship. i know that natsu is capable of love and he understands what it is to an extent, but to him love is family, and his family is his friends and guild-mates. love in a more intimate sense just isn't a focus of his and it's not that important to him. idk
i just felt like this needed to be said, sorry if i offended or disappointed anyone!
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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“I was just wondering if you were going to finish that.” He points to the plate full of food in front of her.”
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     “Is there… something that I can do for you?”
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
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“I don’t understand what there is to get ready for!!         We’re just going to the guild hall for lunch! UGH.”
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    “It takes time for a girl to get ready, Natsu!”   A pause.           “I’m almost ready, geez.”
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kareinahono-blog · 9 years
Ruffles his hair.
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0 notes
kareinahono-blog · 9 years
I still think of you guys as my friends, you know?
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