karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
How to Repair Wood With Epoxy Wood Filler
The post How to Repair Wood With Epoxy Wood Filler appeared first on Kaleidoscope Living.
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Giving old furniture new life is so fun, but dealing with large areas of wood rot and damaged wood can be tricky. Learn how to use epoxy wood filler for perfect repairs that are quick and easy.  Hey, hey! If you follow me over on Instagram, you know that I've been working on creating storage ... Read More about How to Repair Wood With Epoxy Wood Filler
The post How to Repair Wood With Epoxy Wood Filler appeared first on Kaleidoscope Living.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Five-Minute DIY Sweater Vase Project
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I finally took down my Christmas decorations.
I put it off as long as I could, but Valentine's Day was looking at me with a scolding face.
There's seriously nothing worse than getting chastised by a holiday.
After the boxes were packed and the twinkling lights were put away and the halls were undecked, it all looked clean.
And fresh.
And ready for a new year.
But truth?
It looked a little empty.
So I took 1/12 of an hour and a thrift store bargain and came up with this.
A five-minute DIY sweater vase project.
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I started with a random set of vases I had around the house.
They don't have to match.
No one will notice when they are wearing their sweaters.
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I found three cream sweaters at the thrift store.
You may have some sweaters around your house that might work, too.
The rest of the sweater might look a little awkward, but just make sure the arms are cute.
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Place your vase next to the arm of the sweater to measure.
Add six additional inches in case the sweater stretches.
(total aside:  don't worry if you mess it up-the sweater has another arm.)
Then cut the sweater arm off from the rest of the sweater.
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Pull the sweater arm onto your vase.
Straighten the seam in the back.
And then?
Just cut to fit, leaving a small hem at the bottom.
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Then just tuck the hem under at the bottom.
You could also add a little bit of fabric glue to hold it in place.
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Fill it with water and add branches.
Place the vases at different heights.
I used books to stack and arrange them.
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That's it.
Here are a few tips I learned along the project way:
1. Know your vases before you pick your sweater.  Some sweaters are looser and some are tighter weave.  You want to make sure your sweater won't overstretch.
2. Mix up the weaves of your sweaters to make the display even cozier.
3. I also thought it might be cute to add a pom pom to the top or front of the vase.
4. Cream sweaters are pretty, but you could add color and pattern, too.
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Hello 2019.
Best five minutes I've spent this year.
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PS  I've been getting so many e-mails from so many of you who are interested in starting a blog.
It must be all those New Year's resolutions.
I want to help, so I'm opening up FOUR slots for a one-hour consult.
Want to start a blog?
Want to grow your business?
Want to bring a product to market?
I'm all ears and here to help.
Here are the details on cost and what the consult offers and reviews of some individuals I've consulted with.
Just e-mail me at [email protected].
Here's to the BEST 2019 EVER.
The post Five-Minute DIY Sweater Vase Project appeared first on Thistlewood Farm.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Before & After: A Vision Board Comes To Life With Celestial Painted Tiles
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I love this Before & After project so much - I have had an eyesore of a builder grade, poorly tiled fireplace for years now. It was there when I bought my house and I've just not had time to teach myself how to retile it. But thanks to Catherine Lee, I might have figured out a solution. Catherine is based in Decatur, GA, where she works in economic development.
Catherine found herself pinning, saving on Instagram, and adding to her inspiration board the same tile images, over and over again. She was drawn to the Lily Pad hexagonal tile design from Ca' Pietra. When she bought her first home, she thought about saving for the tile of her vision board dreams, but she finally decided to take a turn and try her hand at painting it herself. “I quickly priced out the tile and even more quickly realized there was no way I could afford it,” Catherine shares. “So I decided to just go for it and paint the design directly on the existing tile myself. I had seen some faux tile DIYs online, felt inspired, and figured anything would be an improvement over the burnt red tile. I got a quart of dark grey chalk paint because I wanted the look to be matte, as well as two white paint pens and some clear matte chalk paint finish. Before starting, I spent hours sketching out the design and trying to figure out the template.” 
To keep the effect looking as similar to tile as possible, Catherine amplified a simple aspect of the design by drawing the hexagon running off the edge, creating a cut tile illusion. After learning this skill and having the guts to jump in with a DIY project, Catherine now has the confidence to tackle more improvements around her house. “After trusting my gut and going for it, I realized there are a ton of projects I hold off on doing to my house because I don't have the money to do it exactly as I want it,” she begins. “This is my first home that I've owned and when I bought it, I figured any improvements I make should be something that makes the house more valuable for when I sell it someday. I've gotten stuck in the mindset that I shouldn't do something temporary like paint over tile, when I should just save up for the actual tile or a complete renovation of the fireplace. Now that this project is finished, I don't have any motivation to save up for the real thing, because I love the painted version so much! So I'm rethinking other long-term projects in my house that I can do now on a smaller budget by altering it a little. It's also made me treat the house less like a precious object and more like an exciting, ever-changing living space.”
We would love to see more projects, Catherine! And we can't wait to hear more about the exciting project she and her twin sister have planned in the coming months. Have you painted tile before? I'd love to hear the results. -Erin
Photography by Catherine Lee / @asiancajunscath
Image above: From faux brick tiles to spectacular DIY project.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Upcoming Makery Workshops
As the holidays slowly melts into late winter, I am really excited about the new Makery workshops we are offering! We started off in early January with some creative, new year experiences! We had a a vision board workshop, and a paint your word workshop (my word of the year this year is INTENTION.) so you could start the year off inspired. Now that we are moving further along, we are really concentrate on exploring creativity, and learning new skills!
Here are some of the workshops we are going to be offering in January:
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I am excited to be teaching this GIANT yarn wall hanging workshop! It was so much fun to make. It's a very satisfyingly fun and messy time. We are going to explore not only yarn knotting, and tassel-making, but also dip-dying yarn. I love a good dip-dyed project!
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I won't be wearing that cute denim jumpsuit from Target in the above picture for the Macrame-ish workshop. We are going to get MESSY, so you'll see me in my messy paint clothes. This is a longer class, so we will have some snacks provided too.
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You know me, if I can get some paint on myself, I will!
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Here's a fun video about the Makery Macrame-ish Workshop! I have the registration page link below if you want to check out the times and availability.
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We also are going to be offering a furniture painting workshop. If you can carry it in, you can paint it, and all materials are included!
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We also have a super-cute ruler painting workshop.
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And, remember that pine forest, winter painting I just did? I am going to be teaching a class on painting it! It will be a smaller 11 x 14 version on canvas board.
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We'll also go over shading, shadows, highlighting, and how to create a washed-moody backdrop with blues and grays. We'll use a flat canvas board so you can frame your artwork  when it's done.
 You can check out the rest of our January Makery workshops here. Our February schedule will be going up soon, and we have some fun workshop weekends coming up this year too! The retail portion of our store is also starting to get all kinds of fun new products in too. It's nice for everything to have a nice refresh in the new year!
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  The post Upcoming Makery Workshops appeared first on Jennifer Rizzo.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Top 10 Posts of 2018
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I always get a little nostalgic at the beginning of a new year and enjoy reflecting back on the year that has past.  As always, I continue to be amazed at the opportunities that this blog provides for our family and I'm so grateful for everyone that has supported me on this blogging journey. This blog would be nothing without YOU!
Top Blog Posts of 2018
I'm continuously looking for ways to improve the blog and serve you guys better. It totally makes my day when you email me or comment on my posts and I absolutely LOVE getting your input.  Since I don't always hear from you though, I often look at what posts are the most popular and try to plan some additional blog content around those topics.  Sometimes it surprises me!
This year, many of your favorite cleaning tips and organization posts from years' past continue to stay in the top 10, along with a couple of fun holiday projects.  The home decor posts didn't quite make it into the top 10 but they were close!  So here they are – the top 10 blog posts of 2018!
Number 10: The January Decluttering Challenge
If you're ready for a clean and decluttered start to the new year, join in my January decluttering challenge! I know many of you joined me last year and I hope even more join in this year.  The post has been updated with all of the 2019 free organization printables for you, so feel free to join in.  It's never too late!
Number 9: Family Binder Budgeting Printables
If you're looking to get your budget on track after the holidays, these printables are a great way to keep track of where your money is going.  Get started on the road to financial success!
Number 8: Turkey Treats
These little turkey treats have been a Thanksgiving favorite for a few years now and they've received over 15 million views on my Facebook page!
Number 7: Eleven Daily Habits to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
It can be hard to keep up with all of the daily cleaning around your house, but these simple habits can make it so much easier!
Number 6: How to Clean Upholstered Chairs and Other Upholstery
If your upholstery is looking stained and dingy, give these cleaning tips a try. You'll be amazed at how clean they can get!
Number 5: How to Remove Burned Food from Pots
This is always a favorite – especially after the holidays!  This tip works great for really bad burned on food as well as just a good pot cleaning after a busy cooking season.
Number 4: Ten Things to Clean After the Flu
No one likes it when the flu comes to visit! Follow these cleaning tips to get your home clean and disinfected, and help it from spreading to everyone else in the household.
Number 3: Popsicle Stick Sleds
These are one of my favorite craft projects and I love seeing how everyone puts their own spin it!  I even added some popsicle stick skis this year!
Number 2: How to Organize Bills – Bill Payment Tracker Printables
I've used these bill tracking printables for a few years now and I have found them SO helpful!  Now that many of our bills are just sent electronically I find them even more helpful to keep track of what I have {and haven't!} paid.
      Number 1: How to Clean your Washing Machine
This post has been my number one post for 4 years running!  There are lots of helpful tips to get your front loader looking and working its best. You might just love your front loader again!
And there you have it – the top 10 blog posts of 2018!  Thank-you again for such a wonderful year and I look forward to connecting with you more in the year ahead. As always, please let me know if there are any specific post ideas that would be helpful for you.  I love to hear from you and I hope that we can continue to build this little community together.
Top Home and DIY Bloggers Best Posts
If you're looking for more home and DIY inspiration, please take a minute to check out my DIY and Home blogger friends' top posts from 2018! This is the very best the web has to offer and you're sure to find some amazing ideas!
TIDBITS | Miss Mustard Seed | Farmhouse on Boone | Maison De Pax | A Burst of Beautiful
Simply Designing | Bless'er House | Taryn Whiteaker Designs | Designthusiasm | Unskinny Boppy
Live Laugh Rowe | Kendra John Designs | House by Hoff | So Much Better With Age | Life On Virginia Street
ZDesign At Home | Town and Country Living | Shabbyfufu | Happy Happy Nester | Stacy Risenmay
Cherished bliss | Clean and Scentsible | anderson + grant | The Happy Housie | Summer Adams
Decor Gold Designs | Maison de Cinq | Seeking Lavender Lane
The post Top 10 Posts of 2018 appeared first on Clean and Scentsible.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Add a Touch of Whimsy to Your Terrariums with DIY Clay Mushrooms
Have you noticed how much I love terrariums? These sweet little living worlds are a fun way to bring your garden therapy indoors and a beautiful way to display your favorite houseplants. I love to... Please see the full article on https://GardenTherapy.ca
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Save energy and money with this diet for your dryer
Your clothes dryer is one of the biggest energy hogs in your house. Turn these 10 tips into habits, and you'll see the difference in your bill.
We all know that line-drying our laundry under the sun is the green thing to do. Some of us actually enjoy it. But what if you live in a city apartment? What if it's been pouring rain for two days straight? What if you just can't cope with wrangling 75 clothespins today?
Thank God for modern appliances.
Just keep in mind that your clothes dryer is one of the biggest energy hogs in your house, often using more electricity than a newer refrigerator and dishwasher combined. Nationwide, according to Green Building Advisor, clothes dryers account for a whopping 6 percent of all household electric use!
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Here's how to dry with less energy - and less money. You can turn these 10 tips into habits in no time.
1. Get as much water out of the clothes as possible
If your washing machine has the option, go with the fastest spin cycle. (Front-loaders can spin way faster than top-loaders.) It can make a dramatic difference in your dry time, whether you use the dryer or the sun. BTW, indoor racks are a green option too, if you have the space.
2. Dry heavy and light items separately
That way, you won't spend extra energy on the things that need less drying time. Dry towels separately, for example.
3. Untangle things and put them in one at a time
You need air circulation in there, not a big wet ball. There's a lot of debate about whether dryer balls actually help keep things separated and reduce drying time, but they can't hurt.
4. Don't do partial loads, but don't overcrowd
Overcrowding means less air circulation and longer dry times. Half to three-quarters full is a good limit.
5. Keep the lint filter and the vent clean
For better air circulation, clean the lint filter every time you dry and check the vent at least once a year. Lint can also create a serious fire hazard. Dryer sheets leave a film that also impedes air flow. If you use them, scrub the filter monthly.
6. Don't use timed cycles
Your machine might keep going past dry. Newer dryers have moisture sensors that turn them off promptly.
7. Don't add more after you start the cycle
If you do, you're adding water, and it's almost like starting over.
8. Use the cool-down cycle at the end
Residual heat will finish the job.
9. Stop short of bone-dry
Hang stuff up to dry the rest of the way if necessary. Slightly damp clothes won't be wrinkled either, which reduces the need for energy-intensive ironing. You'll extend the life of your clothes too - heat is hard on fabric.
10. Dry two or more loads in a row
You'll get the benefit of residual heat.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Rookie Mistake: Not So Secret Storage
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We're back with another rookie mistake and this is a good one if you want to get organized this year. Come learn the RIGHT way to organize your stuff...
Keep Reading
The post Rookie Mistake: Not So Secret Storage appeared first on DIY Playbook.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Giveaway Guidelines
Maid to Shine is declaring January the month of giveaways!
If you're interested in participating please read the guidelines below then head on over to our Facebook pages to enter (click here for Colorado Springs, click here for Denver).
-To have the chance of winning you must currently be a teacher
-You must be within our service area to win (Colorado Springs Service Area, Denver's Service Area)
-You must understand that this giveaway is for a general first time cleaning
-You must like Maid to Shine's Facebook page and leave a comment in the comment section of the designated post
-You are welcome to nominate your friends if they are teachers (even if you are not, you can still nominate)
-If you are chosen as a winner your cleaning must take place when Maid to Shine's schedule has availability within the month of January
-This offer may not be traded for cash
-This cannot be combined with any other offers
We're so excited to get started on our giveaways for the month! We can't wait to give a nice clean home to some deserving people. Thank you!
The post Giveaway Guidelines appeared first on Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Why You Should Buy an Investment Property First and a Home Second
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Becoming a homeowner is frequently associated with stability, security, accomplishment, and prosperity. That's why for many people buying a home is a compulsory step towards feeling successful and completed. The truth of the matter is, however, that although buying a home might be a very emotional achievement, it does not always make the most financial sense.
If you've come to a point in life where you have saved up enough cash to put down on a house, it is the smarter financial move to buy an investment property and not a home. You are better off investing your money in a rental property, which will make more money for you while continuing renting. In a few years' time, you will have enough cash to not only buy the home of your dreams, but to also grow your real estate investment portfolio with another rental property.
Let's have a look at the reasons why you should buy an investment property first and only then buy your own home:
1. Financing the Purchase
Most people have to take a mortgage loan when buying a home. Very few are lucky to have enough money in the bank to pay in all cash. Moreover, the majority of lenders (other than traditional banks and a few government programs) are hesitant to lend money to homebuyers as they don't have a guarantee.
The situation is different with real estate investors. When buying a rental property, you are not limited to a conventional loan, but can also finance your property purchase through hard money lenders, private money lenders, crowdfunding, syndication, and other forms of partnerships. You have more options to get creative with financing as the rental income you'll make from the property will help you pay off your loan faster and more efficiently.
In a sense, when you invest in real estate, it is your tenants – and not you – who make the monthly loan payments. So, month after month, you grow equity in your property without paying from your own pocket. Actually, your renters pay for all other recurring expenses such as property tax, insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc. as well. That's one of the most important reasons to go for an investment property before purchasing a home, where you will be the one making all the payments.
2. Making Money in the Short Run
As a real estate investor, you should only buy positive cash flow properties. For this purpose, you have to conduct careful investment property analysis before deciding on a property. With positive cash flow properties, tenants not only make the monthly mortgage payments to the bank, but also make you money. Any part of the rent which doesn't go towards the ongoing rental property expenses comes straight to your pocket in the form of profit. Indeed, as long as you buy a profitable property in the right market and manage it reasonably, rent is the most stable source of income out there. Moreover, you can start making money right away – all you need is a property in a condition which allows to rent it out.
If you decide to buy a home instead, you don't get to make money. Of course, you can say that if you continue to rent the place where you live, you will have to pay rent to the landlord, so you are losing money. The trick is to buy an investment property which brings you more cash than your own rent. You can do that by finding a profitable property type in a strong investment market.
3. Making Money in the Long Term
As a real estate investor, your goal is to make money. A rental property helps you achieve this goal not only in the short term but also in the long run. Once your housing market has experienced enough real estate appreciation, you can sell your investment property. The price you receive for it will be much higher than what you paid for it a few years ago.
Natural appreciation is one of the most important benefits of real estate investing. Thanks to it, you get to make money without putting any efforts into your property. All you have to do is to assure that you maintain it well.
This is different from selling your home. While you can easily sell your investment property to buy a bigger one or to buy two rental properties instead, selling your own home is a very emotional decision, which few will take upon.
4. Having No Limits on the Market
If you are buying a home, you obviously have to choose a property in your local housing market or within a few miles from it. This doesn't make much sense in a high price to rent ratio market, where property prices are too high compared to monthly rental rates. For example, the price to rent ratio in Miami is really high at 29. The average monthly rent is $1,740, while the average property price is $616,000. Such a property price is not something which everyone can afford. In such a housing market, speaking from a purely financial point, it is more rational to rent rather than to buy a home.
At the same time though, if you are buying an investment property, you are not limited to any particular market. With the advancement of professional property management companies, out of state real estate investing is becoming an ever more popular option among property investors. With real estate investments, the sky is the limit. You can find a housing market with high rental demand and relatively low property prices to get high return on your investment.
5. Facing No Restrictions on the Property Type
When you buy a home, you have to take care to choose a property which will serve your needs for decades to come. If you have a family or are thinking of starting one, you better go for a single-family home which will have enough rooms and space for your growing family. This limits the type and number of properties you can purchase in the local market. Not to mention that single-family homes cost significantly more than apartments or condos, let's say.
If you are buying an investment property, however, you can choose any property type, as long as you can afford the down payment. This gives you significantly more options and opportunities to find a property within your budget.
6. Benefiting from Tax Deductions
When you buy a home, you have to start paying property taxes. This is not to say that you don't have to pay taxes if you buy real estate for investment purposes. To the contrary, you have to pay property tax and income tax as well, but you can get tax deductions on many of your business expenses such as travel, office space, utilities, and others. As a real estate investor, you should utilize every opportunity to increase your cash flow and return on investment, so make sure to study all available tax deductions carefully as they apply to your particular situation.
Even if you've spent all your life to this point hearing how important it is to buy a home, you should keep your mind open and realize that this is not necessarily the best decision from a financial point of view. As a matter of fact, buying an investment property makes more sense. If you do your market research and property search well to land a positive cash flow property, you can start making and saving money from month one while growing your equity in your rental property. In this way, your investment property will help you save up enough money soon to buy the home of your dreams.
Daniela Andreevska is Marketing Director at Mashvisor, a real estate analytics tool which helps real estate investors quickly find traditional and Airbnb investment properties. A research process that's usually 3 months now can take 15 minutes. We provide all the real estate information in easy to understand visualizations.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
4 Ways to Organize Your Kitchen for the New Year
Welcome to 2019!
As is often the case, with a new year comes a flood of intentions and goals. One common goal is to finally get home organization under control. With the kitchen being the heart of the home, it is a wise place to start the organizing process. But how can you translate your need to organize into actionable tasks? What tools can help you in this endeavor? Here is a look at the ways you can make smart choices with your kitchen design and in turn, get organized [Where do I get the best design ideas?].
Pamper Your Pantry
A common culprit in a messy kitchen is the pantry. This can be for a variety of reasons. A lack of space can make storage cramped and disorganized. Equally painful is having limited access to kitchen items.
Our Solution – Roll-out Trays
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Say “goodbye” to the days of digging in your pantry for the assortment of items needed to make dinner. Instead, consider the ease of roll-out trays in your kitchen. Beautiful dovetailed roll-out trays bring the entire shelf contents out for easy access and full visibility
Unruly Small Items
Have you ever reached into your cabinet for the salt only to have to shuffle through 30 other spices? Small items can easily eat away room in your cabinets and lead to clutter in the kitchen.
Our Solution - Pull-out Storage Cabinet
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Have ease and visibility to see and access your smaller kitchen items like spices, herbs, and jars with the help of the pull-out storage cabinet. The adjustable shelves help keep these small items at bay.
The Sink of No Return
Another common offender in a messy kitchen is the dreaded sink base. From hard to reach trash cans to crowded cleaning items, a sink can easily turn into the place of no return.
Our Solution: Super Sink Base
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Organizing your cleaning items will offer a simple solution to fighting the dead zone in your kitchen.  Declutter your sink with the help of a super sink base. Components of this storage solution include a tilt-out tray to storage sponges, scrubbing brushes, and scouring pads, a basket pull-out for cleaning supplies, a sink base liner to protect your sink base from leaks, and a towel bar.
Cooking and Baking Storage
Still wondering whatever happened to the lid from your spaghetti pot? Or the cookie trays you got last Christmas? What about that collection of container lids that vanished without a trace? Prevent items getting lost in your kitchen by taking advantage of cabinetry to help organize cooking and baking items.
Our Solution – Tray Divider and Multi-Storage Drawer
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Never worry about keeping long or flat kitchen items organized again with the help of a tray divider cabinet. Available on base cabinets, refrigerator walls cabinets and over drawer cabinets, this divider keeps baking pans, cutting boards, and serving trays neat and organized.
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Whether you're taming an avalanche of lunch containers, pantry items, or pots and pans, the multi-storage drawer offers versatile organization for your kitchen design.
The post 4 Ways to Organize Your Kitchen for the New Year appeared first on CliqStudios.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
How to Create an Inspiring Home Office Space
With the start of a new year, it seems like one of the first tasks we look to is making space for productivity and fresh inspiration. A home office is one of those things that so many of us would benefit from, but can't seem to find the square footage for. The good news is that whether you have just one small corner of your den to work with, or an entire designated room, you can carve out a workspace that's all your own just about anywhere you can place a desk.
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First, Consider the Purpose of Your Office Space
Before choosing a spot to set up, it's important to ask yourself what you'll need to accomplish in your office area. Will you need a lot of room for organizing and storing files? Or will you simply need a spot to park your laptop? Knowing this will help you determine how much space to budget for.
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Choose Your Space + Lighting
Ideally, natural light would be key, so look for an open space near a window first. If that isn't an option for you, a lamp or sconce that projects warm, soft light is a good alternative for your desk. If your workspace is small, you may also consider purchasing a floor lamp or a lamp that hangs from the wall to save desk space. Additionally, make sure there is an outlet close by so that you can plug in your lamp or charge your computer as needed.
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Choose Your Desk Furniture
If you don't yet have a desk, measure the area you're working with before going shopping. When you set out to find the perfect one, remember that your desk doesn't have to be pricey. Consider searching your local antique market or yard sales around town to find one you can polish up before heading to a furniture store. Even simple, modern desks are easy to find and not too expensive.
Your chair is another important piece of the equation. If you plan to be sitting at your desk for long periods of time, opt for something comfortable and practical. If you prize form over function, choose the chair that speaks to you and simply pad it with a pillow when you find yourself camped out for long periods of time. Before committing to a chair, consider measuring under your desk to make sure you will have plenty of legroom.
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(Sourcebook- 3)
Consider How You'll Stay Organized
When buying office supplies and accent pieces, consider giving everything a designated spot. If you have a larger desk, look for desktop organization such as magazine holders or file folders. For a smaller desk, you may have to get a little more creative with wall or floor space. If you have available wall space, installing shelves, cork squares, wall pouches, or a metal wall grid allows for more open desk space. If you don't have much desk or wall space, you could find a filing cabinet or basket that fits under your desk to store office supplies.
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This metal wall grid was originally black, but we spray painted it blue to add some color to the space. After it dried, we cut it down with wire cutters to fit the size of the wall space we had to work with. We fastened it to the wall using two standard nails and the clips that came with it. If you plan to hang heavier items on it, you may consider using anchors as well. A metal wall grid is perfect for keeping notes, reminders and other supplies hanging right where you can see them, without taking up precious desk space.
Consider What Inspires You
One of the most important parts of creating your own office is adding your personality and style into the space. What inspires and motivates you most? Think of colors, books, quotes, art prints, your favorite scented candle or even a plant or two. Create a moodboard with tears from your favorite magazines, all pinned on a cork board. Even personal mementos like photos or cards help make the space yours. Consider adding a rug under your desk to help your workspace feel cozy.
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To help start you off on the right foot, we designed this 2019 wall calendar to keep you organized this year!
CLICK TO PRINT: 2019 - 8.5 x 11 Wall Calendar
As you're planning for your home office space, we'd love to know what you plan to include and how you're getting inspired in the new year-let us know in the comments below!
S O U R C E B O O K // Here's where you can find the specific products we used in this blog.
(1) Leather Vertical Wall Pocket – magnolia.com Lamp – amazon.com Art – antique Chair – antique
(2) Desk – cb2.com Chair – antique Stool – antique Pencil holder – antique Floating shelves – cb2.com Accordion Lamp – amazon.com Corkboard – target.com Clock – antique Rug – Crew Collection designed by Joanna Gaines with Loloi
(3) Desk – target.com Chair – antique Art – antique Metal wall grid – amazon.com (spray-painted blue and cut to size) Candle, glass organizers, desk lamp, wall clock – Hearth & Hand collection, target.com Basket – antique Agenda Legal Pad – magnolia.com Letterfolk Mini Oak Board – magnolia.com Rug – Kennedy Collection designed by Joanna Gaines with Loloi
The post How to Create an Inspiring Home Office Space appeared first on Magnolia.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
197: The Decluttering Steps Are There When You Need Them Podcast
I recently had to work through a horribly overwhelming mess in my home. As I used my decluttering steps (which I personally use all the time with all kinds of messes) I was able to get through it. I'm sharing that story, but also talking about how people like me react to decluttering challenges and […]
The post 197: The Decluttering Steps Are There When You Need Them Podcast appeared first on A Slob Comes Clean.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
The latest innovations in lower-toxic pest control
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New methods of pest control are based on low-tox solutions that can be more sustainable and effective than harsh chemicals
In recent years, several critical factors have driven the pest control industry and business towards low-tox solutions.
Stringent legislation, such as the FDA Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA) and the EU Biocidal Products Regulation, now regulates the use and development of new biocidal products, driving the innovation of low-tox alternatives.
Businesses, meanwhile, are reacting to rising expectations from consumers, many of whom are more aware of the effect of overuse of pesticides on the environment and health.
The pest control industry itself has also matured significantly. Like many other sectors, we are constantly researching and solutions that are more sustainable, effective and are better for the planet overall.
These are all compelling reasons why pest control is changing. What's also fascinating from an innovation perspective is that these driving forces are emerging at a time when advances in technology are also enabling low-tox solutions that are more targeted and effective than many of the chemical solutions that are still used today.
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The advantages of connected technology and the Internet of Things
Many new developments are based on the automation of pest observation. Currently, for example, the pest control industry is embracing the Internet of Things to change the way facilities are monitored. We can now install connected traps and devices to carry out remote monitoring 24/7, so technicians don't have to physically visit a site to see if pests are present. When they do visit a site, technicians don't need to spend time checking traps. Instead they can focus on developing low-tox, preventative risk mitigation strategies instead.
In the agriculture space, we are also experimenting with bespoke monitoring solutions, such as drones  fitted with thermal imaging technology, that can survey large areas of crops. The technical capability of the thermal heat and hyperspectral imaging software fitted in these drones is so high that they can view microscopic details and find localised infestations. This enables us to treat small areas and pest problems with low-tox solutions before they spread.
Prevention through predictive analytics
Another major advantage of these new monitoring methods is that they provide us with new data, much of which was not available before. The drones mentioned above, for instance, can monitor the chlorophyll level in plants and predict the damage a plant will sustain before it happens.
We don't just collect data from these devices and use it in isolation. We can now overlay it with public data sources, such as weather records, to start predicting pest behaviour based on different variables. In turn, this is fuelling sophisticated predictive analytics that enables us to apply targeted, low-tox treatments in localised spots, rather than blanket treating facilities with chemicals.  In many cases, when you have the right support with innovative applications of technology, there is no need to use any harsh chemicals at all.
New developments in non-toxic heat treatments
Ironically, some of the recent innovations are enhancements of ideas that have been around for centuries. In the 18th Century, early settlers in Australia developed rudimentary ways to use heat to eliminate insects. Today, modern technology is now being applied to the idea to scale it up into a commercial model.
Rentokil's Entotherm, for example, is a new solution that eradicates bed bugs and cockroaches. Rather than using sprays, which often don't penetrate the hard outer shell, the heat delivered by the Entotherm system kills insects from the inside through dehydration and damage to essential physiological processes. This method avoids any risk of the insects developing resilience to spray chemicals and passing on resistant genes to future offspring.
Another benefit is that the heat effectively kills all the life stages of insects – egg, larva, pupa and adult – without needing go higher than 56-60 degrees Celsius. This temperature is high enough to kill pests rapidly, but it doesn't cause structural damage to buildings or objects.
New advances in biopesticides
It's not just hardware and data that is driving low-toxic innovation. Rentokil's Global Science Centre is also currently developing new organic-compound solutions that can repel or destroy pests. One solution we are currently developing, for example, uses fungal spores that attach to the external body surface of cockroaches. The spores then germinate and bore through the outer shell to reach the insects' body cavity, after which they multiply and kill the insect.
Solutions like these have zero mammalian toxicity and only low volumes are needed. Another significant benefit is that unlike chemicals, pests can't become resistant to the spores. This means that we're able to get closer to solving a long-standing problem with how insects learn to adapt to chemicals and pass on resistant genes.  It's a clear illustration that many of the innovative chemical-free solutions being developed today combine higher levels of efficacy with reduced environmental impact.
The future of low-tox innovation
A word about the future. What would happen if we could communicate with pests like mice, rather than just monitor them? This is something we are experimenting with at Rentokil now using ultrasound technology. It is an idea borne out of frustration with the fact that current ways of monitoring mice (e.g. connected traps, or fluorescent gels) only pick up activity when the mouse interacts with the solution and activates it. If the mouse is merely nearby, then no pest activity will be recorded.
We're currently developing a solution to this problem that can listen to mice by picking up the high frequencies they emit, which are higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing. As we continue to develop and analyse the potential of this innovative solution, we will also be exploring the possibility of sending messages back to mice to repel them from the area.
Communicating with mice may sound like science fiction for now. But how often does today's science fiction become tomorrow's normal? What we can be sure of is that the need and demand for low-tox pest control is going to continue to increase – driven forward inexorably by rising consumer demand and increasing regulation. We can also be certain that new, continually evolving innovations will help to effectively meet those demands with safer, greener solutions for pest control.
The post The latest innovations in lower-toxic pest control appeared first on The Rentokil Blog.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
How to: Make Everything Taste Better this Winter with DIY Charcoal Salt
In the summer, it's easy to get those deep, blackened and charred flavors in your weeknight meals. During grill season, you simply head outside, and cook your meal over an open flame.
And then comes January, where the produce is poor, and everything lacks that certain zing that the warm sun and fire-seared foods provide.   … Continue reading on ManMadeDIY.com
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
How to Use a Garage More Effectively for Holiday Decoration Storage
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With the holiday season winding down, it's time to start thinking about your post-holiday season pack-up.
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can be draining, which makes it easier to take a few shortcuts by packing things away quickly and storing them anywhere.
Sure, that gets the job done quicker now, but it only makes the task of finding and unpacking all of your disorganized holiday decorations more time-consuming later.
Have a smart holiday decoration storage plan
By putting a little extra thought into how and where your holiday decorations will be stored, you can save yourself from some future headaches.
Garages are ideal for a lot of your holiday decoration storage needs, whether you're storing decorations for Christmas, Halloween, birthday parties, or holidays like the Fourth of July or Canada Day.
The garage has to be used the right way when storing your holiday decorations, however, in order the maintain the functionality of the space.
Use overhead racks for your holiday decoration storage
For the most effective use of your garage as a holiday decoration storage space, add some overhead storage racks.
Ceiling-mounted overhead racks take advantage of the vertical storage space in your garage's upper reaches that is typically underutilized.
In addition to maximizing your garage's storage space, overhead racks are also ideal for storing bulky items and things that are infrequently used…which describes unneeded holiday decorations pretty much perfectly!
Everything from storage bins filled with tree ornaments to artificial Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands to holiday lights to holiday lawn inflatables can be stashed up high.
Your daily routine can even run a little smoother simply by using this out-of-the-way storage space for your holiday decorations. There won't be bulky storage bins taking up valuable garage floor space, which makes parking more difficult.
And less floor clutter means extra space for keeping tools, sports equipment, and other items you use regularly more efficiently stored and easier to access.
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Overhead racks that use the underutilized storage space in your garage's ceiling area keep your floor clutter-free.
Use plastic storage bins
Whether you're storing your holiday decorations in the garage or elsewhere in your home, always use plastic storage bins and containers instead of cardboard boxes.
Plastic storage bins are sturdier, stack easier and more safely, are easier to move around, and provide superior moisture protection compared to cardboard boxes. They're also not a fire hazard.
Some people prefer using clear plastic storage bins because it helps them to identify stored items quickly. That may sound practical, but it's probably a better idea to use non-clear, solid color containers with labels.
Holiday ornaments and lights, especially ones you're keeping for many years, can lose their color faster if they're exposed to too much light when stored.
Fabric bags specifically made for storing holiday decorations should be stored indoors if possible, due to the higher moisture levels garages commonly have.
Avoid storing these holiday decorations in the garage
While the garage is a perfect spot for many of your holiday decoration storage requirements, it's not the best storage area for certain items unless it's climate-controlled.
The extreme temperature fluctuations and excess moisture found in many garage environments makes them less than ideal for storing these holiday decorations:
fabric-based festive decorations and adornments (examples: tablecloths, Christmas stockings and hats, tree skirts)
candles (store them somewhere cool)
very delicate glass, crystal, and antique ornaments
food-based decorations
If you absolutely have to keep some fabric-based decorative items stored in the garage for any reason, make sure they're sealed tight in a plastic container. Wrapping items in acid-free paper or using silica packets to absorb moisture can help preserve the storage bin's contents.
Another reason to avoid storing fabric-based and food-based decorations in the garage is that they can attract pests.
Label your holiday decoration storage items
Try to keep all your stored holiday decorations together in order to make everything easier to find.
Many organization experts recommend using color-coded storage containers or container lids to simplify things (such as green for Christmas decorations or orange for Halloween decorations).
And even if you're being diligent and using color-coded containers, always be sure that everything is labelled.
Labelled containers eliminate the time-consuming guesswork that inevitably occurs when it's time to unpack your decorations and find what you need when decorating your home next holiday season.
Storing an artificial Christmas tree in the garage
Because of its bulkiness, an artificial Christmas tree's go-to storage spot in most homes will probably be the garage.
Don't leave an artificial Christmas tree uncovered in the garage because it'll naturally gather a lot of dust over the course of a year. Why add an artificial tree cleaning to your busy holiday to-do list 11 months (or so) from now?
When storing an artificial Christmas tree in the garage, definitely ditch the cardboard box it came in and invest in a proper plastic tree storage bin. Look for a container with wheels so it's easier to transport.
Tree storage bags are also popular, although they're less suited for a garage environment. Also note that white artificial trees or trees with those snow dusting treatments are prone to yellowing and shorter lifespans if temperature and humidity storage conditions aren't optimal.
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While this garage is clean and organized, that poor artificial Christmas tree could really use a proper storage container.
Additional holiday decoration storage tips
When preparing your holiday decorations for storage, here are a few final tips you might find useful:
use bubble wrap or decoration storage containers (avoid wrapping decorations in newspaper, as the ink rubs off)
prevent string light tangles by using string light reels or even wrapping them around discarded wrapping paper tubes
declutter holiday decorations you haven't used for a few years (donate any items that are still in good condition)
make a list of what broken holiday decorations need to be replaced for next year
Get organized to start the new year
If you have a New Year's resolution that includes tidying up your home, start by storing your holiday decorations in an organized manner and somewhere that's out of your way.
We can help you create more storage space for your holiday decorations and anything else you need to store in the garage, in addition to making the space look much nicer.
Schedule a free in-home design consultation with Garage Living today.
Please share this post if you found it useful.
See also:
7 Garage Overhead Storage Tips That Help You Use Your Space Wisely
7 Awesome Automotive Gift Ideas for the Holidays
7 Proven Garage Improvement Strategies to Utilize in 2018
The post How to Use a Garage More Effectively for Holiday Decoration Storage appeared first on Garage Living Blog.
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karenpbrown12-blog · 5 years
Real Life Story Update 2018 Edition
Hey friend, want to have a heart to heart?
The most important part of Vintage Revivals, surprisingly isnt the Merc, or my post on how to paint furniture. It's my Real Life Story. It's been a while since I've updated it and while I wasn't initially intending this post to be part of it, I feel like it needs to be. Cause struggling and being human is way easier when someone else says “Hey girl, me too.”
I dont know what your last year has been like, but if I had a word for 2018 it would be STRESS. Like that, in all caps, screaming in your face. Over the last few years I've felt it compounding, but this last year it was overwhelming. I found myself paralyzed in anxiety, brimming with anger, and disconnected, jealous, and negative. (Which is very unlike my rose colored glasses way of living.) I had a few irrational outbursts, I had stress induced psoriasis patches all over my body, I very intensely thought about driving my car into a wall one night.
The crazy and most frustrating part is that I tried everything that I could think of to find relief. Hormone therapy, actual therapy, change in diet, sticking to a schedule, meditation, exercise, podcasts, books, if it was suggested to me I tried it. And nothing made it better. Every time I cut my hair my sisters were worried I was going to buzz it Britney circa 2007 style.
Have you ever been in a place like this? Where you've pulled your boot straps up so high that you're wearing them like suspenders and yet, you are still there, in the garbage? GAH! It is the worst feeling like you're letting everything and everyone around you down. Man, if you have my heart goes out to you. Maybe we should start a suspenders club?
For me, I've learned, is that it wasnt about the circumstances that were going on (maybe we'll talk about those soon). What really was happening is that sometime along the way I shifted my spirituality into neutral. Spoiler alert! It seems to be when you put something in neutral, it eventually coasts to a stop and that is what happened. I had stalled out.
For those that don't know, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My faith is what has rescued me from the seemingly unreachable darkness. Understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the power that it has to bring grace and purpose to my life changed everything. After experiencing all of the miracles that we have over the years, you would think that I would be set on the right path and have all of the energy in the world to endure whatever ups and downs life throws at me, but man it just is not that way.  I was still going to church, Court and I are still missionaries for the 12 Step Program, and still doing the “things” but trying to restart some spiritual momentum out of sheer self loathing is just not the way that it works.
In October I went to a hypnotherapy session that changed everything. It was probably the most sacred and spiritual experience that I've ever had. I can't share all of it, but during the session, I had this huge weight of darkness descend on me. As I focused on it I could feel it, like a thick black mist, intertwining itself around every part of my body. My therapist had me project the feeling outside of my body and asked me what shape it took on. It was like I was staring at a mirror image of myself, but instead of skin and clothing it was a faceless shadow of tumbling black smoke staring back at me.
As I faced it, those familiar feelings of dread, stress, hatred, anger, jealousy, self-will, pride, resentments, and sadness intensified and the smoke grew larger and larger until it was no longer the shape of me, but just a huge swirling black mass of despair. My therapist had me directly ask why it was there, and with a laugh and an energy that I recognized as Satan it replied “because you allow me to be”.
That son of a #&*%$
Slowly, almost undetectably I had let all of these garbage thoughts and feelings take seed in my life and they grew  and grew and grew until I found myself in this horrible place. Never has the term enemy of my soul meant more to me.
I dont know if you know this, but when I started my blog I had never DIYed a thing in my life. I had very little confidence in anything, especially myself, and what little I did have was sucked into the dark hole of Court's addiction. I was an absolute shell of a person. When I stumbled one day upon the world of DIY blogs, it changed everything! These wonderful, relatable, awesome women shared their knowledge with me and made me feel like I could do something scary. It unlocked a talent that had been completely undiscovered and quite literally altered the course of my life.
A few months into the blog I knew that I needed to share our struggle with addiction. At that point Court had only been sober for a few months, but he was so different than any other time he had been clean, that I didn't hesitate to believe that this time really was different. From the moment of being willing to be vulnerable things changed for me. I learned who I was, and how God speaks to me. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the reason that I had this gift was to bring people to the blog so that I could share with them hope, and confidence, and happiness. Maybe in a thrifted dresser, maybe in a relationship, maybe in God. But always that change is real and everything can be made better. That purpose unlocked my heart.
But over the years, that perspective shifted. If you ask me point blank, that is still the answer you'll get, but in my heart it changed. It became about me, not about you. I dont know if the content really changed all that much, but the energy and reason behind it did. I would be interested to know for those long time readers, if you'd noticed.
So for the last little while, I've focused on finding my Savior and my peace and my perspective again. It has become my number one priority. It never ceases to amaze me that He is always there. ALWAYS! Even when I turn away from him, even when I struggle and try to do things on my own and make a mess out of the path that he set my life on, he is still there! Through this journey I've dedicated more time to going to the temple and reading the Book of Mormon. I've cut out everything in my life that doesn't fill me with hope and happiness (I'm looking at you Netflix) and my heart has been changed.
One of my favorite quotes by President Benson says “When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities.” It's quite miraculous how that happens. I feel like I know what my Heavenly Father wants from me and as I am willing to trust him and move forward in faith that he will work the miracle for me to become whatever he intends.
And as for the enemy of my soul, whenever I am feeling frustrated or defeated I read from the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 4:18-35
18 I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.
19 And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.
20 My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
26 O then, if I have seen so great things, if the Lord in his condescension unto the children of men hath visited men in so much mercy, why should my heart weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow, and my flesh waste away, and my strength slacken, because of mine afflictions?
27 And why should I yield to sin, because of my flesh? Yea, why should I give way to temptations, that the evil one have place in my heart to destroy my peace and afflict my soul? Why am I angry because of mine enemy?
28 Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
30 Rejoice, O my heart, and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
So what does all of this mean!? Hahaha man I have no idea. But I do know that Vintage Revivals always going to be about projects and paint and trips to Home Depot. But if I'm creating that content with love, awareness, and perspective-I believe that it can create a deeper connection and that is what the whole point behind all of this is. To know that none of us are alone in our bad bathroom tile, or in our imperfect lives.
If you've made it this far you get 10 Vintage Revivals points and a huge heartfelt thank youuuuu! Thank you for letting me share about where I've been cause man, what a lonely and crappy place that is. And thank you for letting me figure this whole thing out. You are wonderful!!
If you would like to learn more about the LDS 12 Step Addiction Recovery meetings, you can get more info for meetings in your area here.
If you're interested in receiving a free copy of the Book of Mormon, I would love to send you one! Shoot me an email at [email protected]!
Love your guts guys!!
    The post Real Life Story Update 2018 Edition appeared first on Vintage Revivals.
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