karitorumono · 5 years
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[My my, it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?]
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karitorumono · 5 years
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Not yet satisfied, his arms then extend forwards to hang on either side of the Persona, cutting off any means of escape.
@karitorumono​ replied to this ask:
Looms even more, until his head his hanging upside down in front of her.
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“A-Ah!” Okay, that was totally unfair! 
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karitorumono · 6 years
qiedaji from here
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His refusal of her ‘offer’ came not out of squeamishness- he was not easily disturbed-  but rather out of prior experience; he had seen enough of the researcher’s methodologies and findings alike that being privy to yet another experiment, barring some significant breakthrough, was of little consequence.
That, and he was not there to entertain her every vicious propensity.
“They have been dying quickly.” He stated simply, scanning the ravaged remains of the latest experimental subject. Contrary to what she may have liked to believe, the facility was not Doctor Li Yan’s personal playground, to use purely as she desired; if her sadistic tendencies began to inhibit or override her actual obligations, issues would very quickly arise.
“Should your reports prove lacking...” he continues, casting a hollow glance down towards the other, “...You will find it difficult...to receive further replacements.”
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karitorumono · 6 years
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Why do you keep staring?!
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karitorumono · 6 years
“Please don’t feed my sister any snacks. It’s way past her bedtime.”
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karitorumono · 6 years
No I’m just hungry. Goldfish please.
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karitorumono · 6 years
dad can i have a snack? please.
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karitorumono · 6 years
Her brows narrowed at his first comment. Did he dare to take her as some simpleton peasant?! How insulting! A soft hmph could be heard from the noblewoman as she crossed her arms. His question made little sense to her, rising her annoyance and irritation with the reaper.
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“Hmph! I was sent by none here. I came on my own volution. You grant me so little credit.”  She flicked her fan rapidly, covering her face to mask the foul mood she was starting to have. “Who is this girl you speak of?”
Hm—had his statement annoyed her? Wounded her pride, perhaps, or worn away at her temper? Returned some of the vexation that her presence inflicted upon him?
For several extended seconds, he hovers before her in ambiguous silence, pondering how best to respond with a deliberate slowness. Though it is possible that she is carefully obscuring the truth of the situation, he greatly doubts that such is the case; inflamed responses, as they are, possess a marked tendency to be genuine.
Her query, on the other hand, does not deserve even the slightest consideration; the answer is obvious enough.
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“Have you come here, then...to do nothing...but waste our time?”
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karitorumono · 6 years
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He remains in a kneeling position as he answers the possessed monarch’s query, his head bowed.
“Merely one...who knows of you.”
Politely kisses her hand.
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“Oh? And who might you be? I think I would remember someone as respectful as you are…”
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karitorumono · 6 years
Mu is cool
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[Just doing my best to be a good soul, cool anon- and as always, so are you. Many thanks.]
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karitorumono · 6 years
i love u dad. here's a tie or some shit cause idk that what dad's like right?
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In the blink of an eye, the new tie has been neatly tied around his collar, where it hangs with a pride matched only by the bright gleam present within his eye.
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karitorumono · 6 years
Daji closes her eyes, seemingly ignoring his attempts to dissuade her from forcing this issue. “This is important,” she states matter-of-factly, “When you look away from minor transgressions, you are inviting bigger issues to come along in the future.”
Uncrossing her arms, she turns towards him and hones in upon his face with a rather intent look. She reaches out, ghosting the tips of her nails along one of his cheeks in an upward stroke. They find their mark and catch the material of his eye-patch, flipping it up with a single, deft motion. 
Only a moment passes before she returns his eyepatch to its usual position, a tiny smile quirking at the corner of her mouth. “There- one curiosity for another. That should suffice, for now.”
Curiosity, at times, proves itself to be an ambiguous, hypocritical thing.
When one indulges it personally, even at the expense of another, it can easily appear perfectly innocuous, inconsequential; a trivial impulse, and nothing more. When one finds themselves an unwilling target of the same such act, however, the resulting view may be far more severe.
No sooner does realization strike, than does his mouth twist into an ugly snarl, shattering his formerly impassive expression. Before the offending limb can be  withdrawn, his own hand swings upwards and seizes her wrist in a vise-like grip, forcibly keeping her arm in its outstretched position a short distance away from his face.
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“You tread...on dangerous ground.”
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karitorumono · 6 years
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O v O
crossxskulled replied to your post: 0w0
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“No, no, it definitely is! Come and take it!”
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”I will the day you go n’ accept your roots in the sexy clown get up.”
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karitorumono · 6 years
I suppose I’m just a failure.
I can’t do anything right. Anytime I try to interact with others, I make them upset, miserable, and irritated without fail.
I shouldn’t even try anymore.
Anytime I try to fix something I’ve done, a greater issue comes about.
I’m not a good person.
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karitorumono · 6 years
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He remains silent in response to the woman’s initial comment, instead observing her many tails as they sway and fade before withdrawing themselves into her form. It is only after her ‘human’ disguise has been fully restored that he opts to speak.
“Any penalty you attempt to impose...will inconvenience you more than it will me.”
It is not in his nature to bluff in so casual a fashion; rather, she would be hard-pressed to find some punitive measure that he would not readily sidestep or even ignore.
“Are there not more important matters...to devote your irritation towards?”
@karitorumono from here
“Such curiosities should be controlled.” She chided, arms crossing to further illustrate her displeasure. It wasn’t purely at the perceived slight, but at the fact that this form was not infallible. Daji exhaled, taking a moment’s time to settle back into her usual, unassuming guise.
She shifts her weight from side to side, eyeing him thoughtfully. “I’m not certain I can let this transgression go so easily…” 
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karitorumono · 6 years
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Not even so much as a blink from the uncovered eye.
“…You do not often reveal them. It was…curiosity.”
He tucks his gloved hand back into his coat pocket before taking a step backwards, resuming his typical reserved stance. If she chose to flout her unusual traits in such a conspicuous manner, he felt little guilt over briefly indulging an impulse.
“Had you been more aware…you would not be irritated now.”
An icy cold grip brushes roughly over one of the disguised fox spirit's tails.
The action draws an affronted gasp from Daji, who turns quickly on her heel to find who had intruded into her space. Her brows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and annoyance, the mixed emotions culminating in an almost pouty look. “What are you doing, sneaking up on me?”
She didn’t care for the way that chilling touch still lingered on her senses. Regardless, she wouldn’t be the one to back down and turn-tail– pardon the expression. “Explain yourself at once!” Her point was emphasized by a light stomp of her heel. 
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karitorumono · 6 years
please leave Ryuji's mom alone.
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