karralkingston-blog · 5 years
A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Stop a Foreclosure
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Karra L. Kingston Esq. has helped debtors file bankruptcy to save their homes. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can stop a foreclosure. Many clients come to us after all other options have been exhausted. Our office has represented clients in bankruptcy Court against mortgage lenders and obtained successful modification outcomes. Call our office today to speak with a bankruptcy lawyer that can help you save your home before it's too late! A Chapter 7 bankruptcy, can stop foreclosure proceedings and may even save your home. Many times people who face foreclosure wait until the last minute to  stop the auction of their home. In some jurisdictions filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be useful to stopping the sale of the home, and trying to get a loan modification. Sometimes, Chapter 7 may not be the best option and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may need to be filed to save your home.
How Can A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Save My Home?
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can stop a foreclosure and wipe out the amount that you owe on your mortgage. This means that if your house is foreclosed on and you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy then you will not be liable for any deficiency that may be owed. It is important to understand that even though your mortgage gets wiped out in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, this does not mean that the lien on the property goes away. A lien still stays on the property when you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This means the mortgage company can continue to foreclose on your home even though you do not personally owe the remaining balance on the mortgage. If you are current on your mortgage then this should not be a concern, as most companies will allow you to keep paying your mortgage even after filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Different States' have different rules as to what can be done to stop the sale of your home in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. For example, in New York the Court will allow you to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, to stop the sale of your home and try to seek loss mitigation. Loss mitigation, is where the lender and the debtor work together to come up with some sort of repayment plan. Sometimes the lender will extend the terms of the loan and put the arrears in your monthly payment. Other times, the lender may put a balloon payment at the end of your mortgage. Unfortunately, not everyone can qualify for loss mitigation. In order to qualify, you will have to show the lender that you have enough income to be able to make payments on your loan. Why Chapter 7 May Not Be the Best Way To Save Your home Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, may not be the best way to save your home. If you are not able to participate in loss mitigation, then you have no recourse. Unlike a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to become current on your arrears. This means that you will have to pay your regular monthly mortgage payment, on top of paying your arrears. If you can show the Court that you are able to pay both, your Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan will likely to be confirmed. Unfortunately, Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not have a mechanism to allow you to catch up on your arrears. Further, if you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy the Court can not force the lender to give you a loan modification. This means that the lenders ultimately, have the upper hand. How Does the Automatic Stay Stop My Foreclosure? If your home is set for auction, filing a Chapter 7 can by you time. When you file bankruptcy an automatic stay becomes effective. This prevents creditors from coming after you including, the bank from foreclosing on your home. Creditors must cease all collection efforts. Therefore, if your home was scheduled for auction, the auction will be canceled. Filing a bankruptcy can help you stay in your home for a little while longer. This extra time can allow you to work out other foreclosure options with your lender such as a loan modification, or short sale. If you have a foreclosure auction date set, time is of the essence. The longer you wait the more difficult the process becomes. Make sure that you speak with a bankruptcy lawyer immediately to discuss your options. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
How Long Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take?
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Many people who come to seek my help are afraid to file bankruptcy. They assume that once they file bankruptcy their life is over. This is simply not true. Filing for bankruptcy can help you get back on your feet and start over. You will be able to get credit again. If you are concerned about how the process works give Karra L. Kingston Esq. a call to better understand the process and your options.
How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take?
  A Chapter 7 can be filed immediately once you have given us all of your paperwork to create your Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition. When you meet with us our lawyers will provide you with a list of documents that you will have to gather. Once you have gathered all of the requested information we will create your petition. Normally, a petition takes about a few days to a week to complete. Once we have completed your petition we will have you review it to make sure everything is in order. During this time you will also have to complete an online counseling course before we file. Once you have reviewed your petition you will sign it. As soon as the petition is signed and no corrections have to be made, we will file your Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition with the Court.As soon as the Clerk of Courts receives your bankruptcy petition, you will be assigned a case number, a bankruptcy trustee and a court date. If you have no property/ assets most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases typically take anywhere from three to six months to be completed. If on the other hand you have assets it could take longer. For example , if you have a foreclosure pending and want to try to get a loan modification through the Bankruptcy Court it could take four months or longer. Our office makes sure that the documents the trustee requests are sent before you go to Court. This allows for a smoother process. If we get to Court and the trustee asks for more documents this could also extend your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case timeline. What is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy   A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is considered the liquidation chapter of bankruptcy. This is because the Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee can sell your property in order to pay your creditors back. A good bankruptcy lawyer will make sure that you will not lose any property. Many people don't realize that their are exemptions that protect your assets and  allow you to keep your property when you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A bankruptcy lawyer knows what exemptions to use so you can still file bankruptcy and not lose anything! What are The Bankruptcy Exemptions   There are certain Federal and State exemptions that allow you to keep certain property. New York and New Jersey have different state exemptions. It is important to know when you should use the Federal exemptions vs the State exemptions. Speaking with a bankruptcy lawyer is the best way to ensure your property is safe.  Some exemptions that allow debtors filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to keep their property are for: Vehicles, clothing, retirement, tools, personal property, pensions, jewelry, health aid, life insurance, child support , alimony, retirement benefits, pensions etc. Do I Need an Attorney a Bankruptcy Attorney to File a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? You are not required to hire a bankruptcy attorney to help you file bankruptcy. However, it may be in your best interest to hire one. Exemptions are complicated and hiring an attorney can make the difference between losing your property and protecting it. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney can also prepare you for the types of questions that will be asked in Court and ensure that the proper paperwork is filed prior to your hearing. If you are worried about paying for a bankruptcy attorney many law firms allow payment plans and will help you. Our office works with each of our client's to make sure they are able to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy without worrying! Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Will Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lower My Credit Score?
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Will Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lower My Credit Score?
Many people do not want to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy because they are afraid that it will lower their credit score. Debt settlement and debt consolidation companies lure people in by providing false  information. Debt settlement companies tell potential clients that their credit will be ruined if they file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  This is false. Many people who have low credit scores often see their scores go up after filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. These same people will also be given lines of credit within the next few months after obtaining a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge. How Bankruptcy Can Help You Rebuild Your Credit Studies have shown that filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help repair your credit. One year after filing for bankruptcy, people who file bankruptcy are able to open up more credit accounts than those who choose not to file for bankruptcy. The majority of people who file for bankruptcy are given new lines of credit to help rebuild their credit score. Many people who do not file for bankruptcy and opt into a debt settlement program are usually stuck in a repayment plan for years. During this time their credit becomes worse and creditors are unlikely to extend new credit. Statistics show that within one quarter of filing for bankruptcy, the credit scores of people who go bankrupt improve by an average of 80 points over people in the same situation who do not file. People who file bankruptcy are also at an advantage compared to those who choose not to because they can begin saving their money. How Does Bankruptcy Help Improve My Credit Score? Many people do not understand how filing for bankruptcy can increase their credit score. Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows your debt to be wiped out. With no debt creditors are more likely to extend credit because they are more likely to be paid back. Lets look at an example: John owes $50,000 in credit card debt. John files a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and gets his debt eliminated. He applies for a credit card and the credit card company extends him credit because he has no debt. On the other hand, Frank has $50,000 of debt. Frank has medical bills, a repossession and 6 credit cards he owes. He decides he does not want to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Instead, Frank wants to sign up with a debt settlement or  debt consolidation company. After Frank signs up with a company he still has $50,000 dollars of debt. Frank will be in a repayment plan for the next few years. Creditors do not want to extend Frank credit because he has a high amount of debt and they think they will not get paid back. Another reason that creditors will extend credit to you if you file for bankruptcy is because creditors know that you can only file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy every eight years. This means that if you do not pay them back you have no recourse to completely eliminate your debt. Creditors don't like to give loans to people who have high loans and low credit because they are afraid they will file for bankruptcy. People who opt not to file for bankruptcy still have high loans, low credit and can file bankruptcy to wipe out their debt. New York and New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer Karra L. Kingston Esq. Karra L. Kingston Esq. has helped numerous people facing financial struggles eliminate their debt. She has helped people who have faced garnishments, repossessions, foreclosures and more. If you are being harassed by a creditor call Karra L. Kingston Esq. to speak with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you decide if bankruptcy is the right decision for you. Karra L. Kingston Esq. has offices all over New York and New Jersey and can even travel to you at no extra cost if you can't travel to one of their offices. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Cost of a New York Bankruptcy Attorney
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Cost of a New York  Bankruptcy Attorney
The cost of a New York Bankruptcy attorney  usually ranges anywhere from $1500 and up. Although, the cost of  a New York bankruptcy attorney  may seem high, there  are many  reasons to hire  a bankruptcy attorney if you plan to go bankrupt.
Qualifying for a New York Bankruptcy
First, bankruptcy attorneys in New York are usually experienced to handle these types of cases. Bankruptcy attorneys are professionals that have studied and understand the law. Bankruptcy law can be quite complicated, especially if you own assets. Not everyone can qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you do not pass the New York State Means Test, or you have too many assets then you can not qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in New York. If you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and do not qualify the trustee can sell your assets to pay your creditors or convert your case to a Chapter 13. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy a payment plan will be set up to pay back your creditors over a certain period of time.
Preparing for Bankruptcy Court
A New York bankruptcy lawyer, can prepare you for Bankruptcy Court. When you file bankruptcy, you have to attend a meeting of creditors. During that meeting of creditors a trustee will question you regarding the petition you submitted. New York bankruptcy attorneys usually know the types of questions that you will be asked in Court and can prepare you. Many times New York bankruptcy lawyers appear in front of the same trustees and are familiar with the types of questions they will ask. Further, if you find that some of the questions the trustee asked were confusing, your bankruptcy attorney can help you understand the question being asked. There is also a large amount of paperwork that must be prepared before your bankruptcy hearing. If you have never filed a bankruptcy petition before it can be confusing. There are certain exemptions in New York that can be used to exempt some of your property. This means that even if you do own assets you still may be able to qualify. A New York bankruptcy lawyer knows the exemptions in New York in order to ensure that your property is safe. Further, the trustee will request a list of documents before the hearing. If you hire a bankruptcy lawyer they will be able to send the requested documents promptly for you. It is important to note that leaving things out of a bankruptcy petition (even by accident) can be grounds for committing a felony. If you lie or omit things on your bankruptcy petition it can be deemed as fraud or abuse and you could face possible jail time. Take for instance Real Housewife of New Jersey, Teresa and Joe Giudice who failed to list certain assets in their petition. Both were charged with a felony and sentenced to prison time. A New York bankruptcy lawyer can to the best of their ability, ask you for the proper information to ensure you don’t omit anything. Remember, if you lie to your bankruptcy attorney then you only may end up hurting yourself!
Is Filing Bankruptcy Worth It?
A New York bankruptcy attorney should be looked at as an investment. Many times people have over $20,000 worth of debt. In order to get rid of the debt, spending $1,500 - $2,500 to wipe out $20,000 of debt or more is worth it. Karra L. Kingston Esq. Karra L. Kingston Esq. is a top rated law firm in New York and New Jersey. Call today to speak with a bankruptcy lawyer regarding your situation. Bankruptcy can be a difficult decision and speaking with a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can help you better understand the steps and if bankruptcy is the right decision for you.   Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Debt Settlement Scam
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If you are reading this you are probably considering doing Debt Settlement and wondering if it is the right decision for you or is it a scam. My first piece of advise before signing up to any debt settlement program is to consult with a bankruptcy lawyer. It is hard to say whether or not doing debt settlement is the right decision for you but in some cases it’s not.
What is Debt Settlement
Many times Debt Settlement companies will try to get you into their programs by telling you that bankruptcy is a bad choice for you and that filing bankruptcy will ruin your credit forever. It is important to understand that THIS IS NOT TRUE. Many of these people are sales people who are trying to get you into a program and take your money. Do your research. Bankruptcy is supposed to give you a fresh start and allow you to start over. If you are in this situation the chances are your credit is already ruined and filing bankruptcy isn’t going to ruin it that much more. Moreover, in some situations your credit may even go up!  
How Does Debt Settlement Work
In order to determine whether or not Debt Settlement is right for you, you need to understand what it is. When you sign up for these companies you are allowing them to negotiate your debts for you for a lesser amount. So how does this work?  Each month they will have you put money into an account. Once you have enough money in the account they will start to begin settling the accounts for you. Sounds great right? So why is this a scam? Debt settlement companies fail to tell you that not all of the money in your accounts goes to settling them. The debt settlement companies take their money out first. No one does work for free right? So if you put $400 into an account each month depending on your contract with them $200 of that money could be going to just fees. Additionally, Debt Settlement companies fail to tell consumers that they can’t stop a lawsuit if one is filed against you. This means that unless you have enough money in your account the credit card company will not stop suing you.   Let’s look at an example:   Let’s say John has $20,0000 of credit card debt. He has an American Express credit card with a balance of $6,000 he has a discover card with a balance of $10,000 and a citi card with a balance of $4,000. Let’s say each month after fees he has about $400 in his account to settle his debts.  After months of saving John was finally able to settle his Citi Card for $2,000 which is 50% of the balance. That’s great! But one problem now American Express and Discover have commenced lawsuits against him because they haven’t gotten paid. Now john has no money to make a large enough settlement offer to American Express and Discover. This means that John will now either have to defend two lawsuits which costs money or file bankruptcy. Remember, Debt Settlement companies are not lawyers which means you will have to hire outside counsel to actually defend a lawsuit. People who sign up for these companies end up in these situations and wasted months of paying money to ultimately have to end up filing bankruptcy. If these people had filed bankruptcy at the beginning they could have already began saving and started to rebuild their credit.   What happens if I don’t Answer a Credit Card Lawsuit? If you don’t answer a credit card lawsuit then you run the risk of being sued. This means that if the creditor gets a judgment against you they can garnish your wages, Levy your bank account, or put liens on your property. Many times people think that since it’s been a few months and they have not heard from the creditor they are in the clear. This is simply not true. Sometimes the creditor can take a little while to begin the process of garnishing your wages or levying your bank accounts. It’s always best to speak with an attorney if you are trying to decide between doing a debt settlement program vs filing bankruptcy.   Karra L. Kingston Esq. is a five star law firm in New York and New Jersey. Customer service remains a top priority. Karra L. Kingston handles bankruptcy, debt settlement and foreclosure Defense. If you are in debt and are wondering what your options are call today for a free consultation. Karra and her team will work with you to try to come up with a solution that will be right for you. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer
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A good Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer is hard to find. When people call me the first thing they want to find out is how much does a bankruptcy cost. Bankruptcy lawyers charge different prices depending on the case. Many people want to know why bankruptcy lawyers in Staten Island are so much. Usually, they tell me that they do not have money to pay for a bankruptcy lawyer that is why they are going bankrupt in the first place. Unfortunately, just like most people who do not work for free neither do bankruptcy lawyers. This does not mean that you should not hire a bankruptcy lawyer if you plan to file bankruptcy. There are many reasons to hire a Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer let’s look at why below. First, bankruptcy law is a complicated area of law there are different chapters of bankruptcy and in order to determine which chapter is the right chapter for you a good Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer can sit down with you and determine which will be the best chapter. Second, there are different exemptions in New York that you probably are not a familiar with. A good Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer can sit with you and go over these exemptions. Exemptions are important because this is what will allow you to keep your car, house, or money and still be able to file bankruptcy and discharge your debts. Third, a good bankruptcy lawyer will take a lot of stress off of you! Usually they will be able to tell you exactly what documents you need, prepare your bankruptcy petition and send the documents that need to be sent to court and the trustee. If you have never filed a case before and do no know which documents the trustee needs then this can be a bit daunting. Many people who file bankruptcy without an attorney usually do not send the proper paperwork to the trustee. This means that you end up going to court more than once. An attorney will hopefully be able to send all of the documents to the trustee so that if you are filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy then you probably will not have to go to court more than one time. Fourth, A good Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer will be able to prepare you for court. Many of the questions the trustee asks are similar. A good bankruptcy lawyer will be able to prepare you for the questions they will ask you in court to ensure that your case goes smoothly! Finding a good Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer is important. The reason why fees may differ between cases may depend on the amount of debt you have, what kind of debt it is, how many assets you have and how many people are filing. Also, if you plan to stop an auction sale the day before the sale date it is almost certain that a bankruptcy will be more expensive because attorneys have to stop what they are doing and cater to your case entirely to make sure that your bankruptcy petition is filed in time. If you are looking to file bankruptcy and would like to find out more information contact the Law Office of Karra L. Kingston. They would be happy to go over your options to determine which chapter of bankruptcy is right for you. Further, the offer weekend and evening appointments to accommodate your schedule. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Answers To The Top 5 Questions About
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If you are reading this you are probably considering filing Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a tough decision to make and it is important to understand that filing bankruptcy is a tool that can be used to help people. Many times people who file bankruptcy are upset that they are in this position. Unfortunately, no one can predict what happens in life and sometimes unforeseen curveballs are thrown your way. Although, it may be upsetting filing bankruptcy can help you start over. The decision to file bankruptcy should be looked at as a way of relief rather than the end of your life. Many people who file bankruptcy are able to get back on their feet and enjoy life again without the constant harassment by creditors. Bankruptcy allows garnishments to stop, levies to be lifted and judgments to be erased. It also allows people to begin building up their credit immediately. Sometimes asking for help is the best way to be able to begin living your life again. Below, I will go through some of the top things to know about filing bankruptcy. 1. What is Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy allows people to get rid of their debt with the help of laws enacted by the Federal Government. There are different types of bankruptcy but the two I will talk about here are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy which deals with consumers. In a chapter 7 your debts become part of the bankruptcy estate. This means that in a chapter 7 you are able to get a discharge of your debt therefore, you do not have to pay the debts back. Unfortunately, not everyone can file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and get their debts wiped out completely. If you generate too much income, have too many assets, or have filed previously then you will not qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. In order to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, the court first looks to see if you are below the median household income level. The court uses a test called “The Means Test.” Different states such as New York and New Jersey have different median incomes which means the Means Test is different per state. The court uses this test to determine whether you qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. In order to qualify for Bankruptcy under the means test, the court takes your average household income for the last 6 months and compares it to the standard median income for a household of the same comparable size in that state. It is important to note that social security payments are not included in calculating The Means Test. An individual can only file for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy every 8 years. A person who has filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the past must wait eight years before filing again.Many people prefer to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy because your debt gets completely wiped out. Further, many people are under the misguided impression that filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy means that you won’t be able to keep any of your assets. This is completely false. There are Federal and State exemptions which allow debtors who file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy to sometimes keep their property if they fall within the exemptions.Unlike a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy where assets are liquidated and the debt is discharged, a second method of bankruptcy involves Reorganization. Reorganization is a method in which you can communicate to the court how much you intend to pay your creditors to clear your debts.This is also known as filing for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Unlike Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, with aChapter 13 you pay back your creditors over a 3-5 year plan. One of the reasons people enter into a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is because they generate too much income or have too many assets. The monthly payment plan in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is determined by adding up your outstanding debt to secured creditors. One advantage of choosing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is that all of your debts will be paid back interest free. Another advantage of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy offers individuals an opportunity for individuals with too much equity to save their homes from foreclosure. By filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy individuals can stop foreclosure proceedings and may cure delinquent mortgage payments over time. Under the Bankruptcy Laws, any individual, even if self-employed or operating an unincorporated business, is eligible for Chapter 13 relief. The Bankruptcy law permits the filing of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy as long as the individual’s unsecured debts are less than $394,725 and secured debts are less than $1,184,200. 11 U.S.C. § 109(e). These amounts are adjusted periodically . It is important to note that a corporation or partnership may not file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. 2. How Much Does it Cost to File Bankruptcy With a Lawyer? Lawyers fees to file bankruptcy vary. When a lawyer prices a bankruptcy they usually look at various variables that go into a case. Some of these variables included how much debt you have, the type of debt you have, if you own property, if there is equity in the property, how much you make etc. A typical chapter 7 case in New York/ New Jersey can be anywhere from $1200-2500  while a chapter 13 bankruptcy usually ranges anywhere from $4000 and up. One important difference when it comes to fees associated with a chapter 7 bankruptcy vs a chapter 13 plan is that lawyers usually collect their bankruptcy fees up front in a Chapter 7 case. This is because when you file a chapter 7 bankruptcy case lawyers are not allowed to ask for their fees because then they become a creditor which is prohibited. On the other hand in a chapter 13 bankruptcy case lawyers will usually collect a fee up front and put the rest of the money into your payment plan. Thus, even though you are not paying them all of the fees up front you will be paying them in the plan. Another thing to note is that just because an attorney charges less fees than the rest does not mean that you should use them. Remember you get what you pay for. 3. How Do I Choose a Bankruptcy Lawyer? Choosing a bankruptcy lawyer can be a difficult decision. It is important that when you choose a bankruptcy lawyer you choose someone who you feel comfortable with. It is important to remember that you are hiring the lawyer to work for you and if you are not comfortable with the bankruptcy lawyer then do not hire them. A lawyer and a client must form a good relationship in order to work together when you are filing bankruptcy. If you feel that your lawyer is not a good fit for you then go with your gut instinct and hire someone else.   Many times people can refer you to a good bankruptcy lawyer or you can even go on google and check out reviews. If fees are a consideration when you are thinking about filing bankruptcy then it is important to do some research. One thing I cannot stress enough is that just because a bankruptcy lawyer may be much cheaper than another one it does not mean that you should go with them. Some bankruptcy lawyers charge less because they have thousands of cases. Many times these firms won’t give you the individualized attention that you want. Moreover, bigger firms sometimes practice different areas of law thus, you may not get the best bankruptcy advice if you choose them rather than a law firm that specializes in bankruptcy. Thus, when considering filing bankruptcy it is best to find a lawyer who specializes in it to ensure you are getting sound advice. A small bankruptcy law firm may be a better fit if you are the type of person who likes to speak with your attorney often and not just their support staff. Smaller law firms are usually more capable of giving individualized attention since they do not have as many clients. Needless to say whether you decide to go with a larger firm or a smaller bankruptcy law firm it is all about your preference. 4. Do  You Have to Have an Attorney to File Bankruptcy? Many times people wonder if they have to have an attorney to file bankruptcy. Although, you do not have to have an attorney to file bankruptcy I strongly recommend that you do not file bankruptcy without at least speaking with a bankruptcy attorney first. Filing bankruptcy is not something to take lightly. When you file a bankruptcy petition you must list all of your debts and assets and if, for any reason you fail to list any of your assets it can be seen as bankruptcy fraud which is a federal crime. Moreover, bankruptcy attorneys can help you determine which of your property is exempt and which property is unexempt. These exemption laws can be complicated for someone who does not understand them. The reason why exemption laws are so important is because if you do not use the right bankruptcy exemptions the trustee can take your property and sell it to pay off your creditors. A good bankruptcy attorney will be able to determine which of your property is exempt which can also be the determining factor as to what chapter of bankruptcy you should file for. 5. Is it better to file Chapter 7 or 13? If you are wondering whether or not it is better to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy then it is probably best to speak with an attorney. Although, people assume that filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be better because they are paying their creditors back this is not necessarily true. No matter whether you file a chapter 13 bankruptcy or a chapter 7 bankruptcy both show up on your credit report. Moreover, each have their own advantages and disadvantages. I normally tell my clients that if they qualify for a chapter 7 bankruptcy  then they should file a chapter 7 (assuming there are no other issues with their house being in foreclosure etc).  If you file a chapter 7 bankruptcy the process is much quicker and you do not have to pay the debt back. This allows you to begin rebuilding your credit immediately and begin putting money aside. A chapter 13 bankruptcy may be better for someone who is facing foreclosure on their home or wants to try to get a loan modification. Many times clients come to the office and say that they want to do a chapter 13 bankruptcy  because they want to pay back their creditors because it is the right thing to do. They also think that doing a chapter 13 will allow creditors to look at them in a more favorable light since they are paying them back but this just simply is not true. Chapter 7 allows you to begin building up your credit more rapidly. Thus, creditors are more likely to start lending you credit. When creditors are determining whether they want to extend credit to you they normally want to know if your bankruptcy has been finished. In a chapter 7 since it only take a few months to obtain a discharge creditors will normally start sending credit cards immediately. Moreover, creditors are aware that people who file chapter 7 bankruptcy now have no debt at all thus, they are more likely to be able to make minimum payments. On the other hand, in a chapter 13 bankruptcy you are in bankruptcy for five years. Thus, creditors likely are not going to lend you credit while you are in bankruptcy. Further, during those five years you still are carrying around debt thus, creditors may be more hesitant to extend any type of credit to you. It is important to understand that whether you decide to file a chapter 13 bankruptcy or a chapter 7 bankruptcy you must qualify for each. If you are unsure which chapter of bankruptcy is right for you it is important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney so that they can go through your case and determine which bankruptcy option is best for you.   Karra L. Kingston and William P. Bonomo are both experienced bankruptcy attorneys in New York and New Jersey. If you are looking for a bankruptcy attorney that can assess your situation give them a call today. The consultation is free and they are more than happy to speak to you over the phone to go over your options.   Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Repossessed Vehicle
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If you are reading thing you probably are worried that your car is going to get repossessed or it has already gotten repossessed. A repossession on a credit report is certainly not something to take lightly. Many times when a vehicle is repossessed many people are surprised to learn that they still owe the car company money even though they no longer have the vehicle. Let’s take a look at why after you have suffered from a repossession you still owe the car company. Usually, when you go to the lot to finance a vehicle you sign a contract. Under that contract you agree that you are going to pay the loan off on the vehicle. When you do not pay the loan on the vehicle off and your car is repossessed you are still liable. This is because usually loans are worth more than what the car is valued at. As many of you know that a brand new car at the dealership can be worth $50,000 but the minute that car is driven off the dealership lot it can lose a few thousand dollars in value. Thus many times what people owe is still the $50,000 dollar loan even though your car is no longer worth $50,000. Many times people are surprised when their vehicle is repossessed because the car company many not initiate the lawsuit right away. Many times clients come to me years later saying that their repossession has come back to haunt them because the car company is now suing them for the balance they owed. If you have a repossessed vehicle and are in this situation then one of your options to get rid of the repossession on your credit report is to file bankruptcy which will also stop the lawsuit. When you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy the repossession can be included as a debt. This means that if your bankruptcy is granted and you get a discharge you were no longer be liable for the remaining balance on your repossession . If you are located in New York or New Jersey and are looking for a bankruptcy attorney call Karra L. Kingston Esq. today. Our office can help you determine if bankruptcy is the right option for you. Karra L. Kingston Esq. practices bankruptcy in New York and New Jersey. She also speaks Spanish. If you want to get a repossessed vehicle off of your credit report or are scared that the creditor who repossessed the vehicle will go after you call today for a free consultation. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Can I Keep My Tax Refund If I File Bankruptcy
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Blog: Can I keep my Tax Refund if I file Bankruptcy  If you are reading this article you are probably considering filing bankruptcy. You are probably wondering “can I keep my Tax refund if I file bankruptcy.” Unfortunately, this question is not a simple black and white answer. In order to determine if you can keep your tax return money a bankruptcy attorney will have to assess your particular situation.  If you are considering filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy and you are expecting to get a tax refund the best thing to do is tell your bankruptcy attorney when you meet with them. There are several factors that will determine whether or not you can keep your tax refund. Some of these factors include, when you file your bankruptcy petition and whether you have exemptions that will cover the tax refund.  The first rule of thumb to whether you can keep your tax refund if you file for bankruptcy is that any income earned after the filing is yours. On the other hand, any tax refund that is based on income you earned prior to the filing would end up being part of your bankruptcy estate in a chapter 7. This means that whether you file your bankruptcy petition before or after you get your refund won’t matter because in either situation the tax refund will be part of your bankruptcy estate. Moreover, if you filed bankruptcy the prior year and are wondering whether your tax refund is exempt for this year it usually is and you can keep the full refund.  If you want to file bankruptcy but are worried that you will lose your tax refund if you file then there are some things you can do to protect it. First, you can adjust your withholding so that your refund amount will be minimal. Next, if you have already been given the tax return money you can SPEND IT! But don’t just spend it frivolously. You can spend it on your necessary expenses this means back rent, mortgage, food, clothing, medical care etc.  This does not entitle you to go out and buy some luxury item.  Depending on your situation you may be entitled to an exemption for your tax refund. This means that even though you have the money sitting in the bank then you can claim it as exempt property and the bankruptcy trustee will not be able to touch it. When you file a chapter 7 all of your assets become part of your bankruptcy estate. The trustee can use your assets to pay creditors. However, the bankruptcy law allows certain property exemptions which means you can still keep certain assets and file for bankruptcy. This is why you see many people who file bankruptcy keep their cars, houses, and money.  My advice is to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney that can review your situation and decide whether you can keep your tax return money if you file bankruptcy. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can evaluate your situation and decide what the best option is for you. Karra L. Kingston Esq. is a bankruptcy attorney serving both New York and New Jersey. She has helped many people get out of debt and start their lives over. If you are considering filing bankruptcy visit her website or call today for a free bankruptcy consultation. Karra also speaks Spanish fluently and is able to help. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
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Si usted busca abogado de bancarrota personal capitulo 7 en Staten Island, New York estas leyendo el correcto pagina.  Es muy importante que encuentras un abogado de bancarrota en Staten Island que puede ayudarle y hablar con usted. Mucha gente no sabe como hacer bancarrota y no hablan con abogados por que tienen miedo.  Es muy importante que encuentras a un abogado de bancarrota en Staten Island que te puede explicar el processo.  La bancarrota del capítulo 7, le permite descargar la mayor parte de su deudas. Sus deudas “desaparecen”. en otras palabras, usted no tendrá que pagar la mayoría de sus deudas.Después de que la deuda sea eliminada, usted tendrá un nuevo comienzo financiero. Algunas personas creen  si solicitan la bancarrota del capítulo 7, perden todo. Es importante entender que no es el verdad. La ley protege determinados bienes de la liquidación, incluyendo su auto, su casa y artículos del hogar. Muchos solicitantes de este tipo de alivio conservan todos sus bienes. Cuando hablas con un abogado de bancarrota en Staten Island usalmente no tienes que pagar nada el primer vez. Es importante escribir un lista con preguntas que quieres preguntar a el abogado.  Tambien es importante encontrar ha un abogado que, escucha y es simpatico con usted.  Si quieres mas informacion sobre bancarrota capitulo 7 o bancarrota personal en Staten Island, New York llama Karra Kingston ahora. Ella Es una abogada que habla espanol y ingles. Ella ayuda mucha gente hispanos por que habla espanol. Karra le gusta que todo sus clientes son comfortables y entienda el processo. Llama ahora. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Credit Card Company Suing Me
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If you are googling the words “credit card company suing me” then you have probably come to the right place. You have probably recently received a lawsuit in the mail that you are being sued and that you have a certain amount of time to answer the lawsuit otherwise a judgment will be entered against you. If this is your situation the first thing to do is to stay calm and not panic. No one ever gets anything done when they are in a panic.  The next thing you should do is read over the papers carefully. Find out who is suing you and how much time you have to answer the complaint. Once you have figured these two things out it is time to ask yourself “who can help when a credit card company is suing me?” The answer to this question is an attorney. A bankruptcy or consumer law attorney can help you if a credit card company is suing you.  The first thing you should do is find a reputable attorney that can help you in court. Look at reviews online or ask friends/ relatives. A reputable bankruptcy attorney or consumer law attorney will be able to review your situation and help you decide what your next options are.  Many times when people call me they are shocked to see that their credit card companies from 10- 15 years ago are now commencing a lawsuit against them. Unfortunately, the old saying that your past will come back to haunt you is true when it comes to debt collectors. Most times these companies don’t forget. It is also important to make sure that you take action. If you do not answer a lawsuit then the credit card company can obtain a judgment against you. A judgment can be used to garnish your wages, Levy your bank account and put a lien on your property such as your home. Answering the lawsuit will allow you to come up with a defense as to why you failed to pay the lawsuit. It is also much harder to get the company to negotiate with you once they have a judgment against you.  If this isn’t your only debt then in some instances a bankruptcy attorney may be someone you should speak to. A bankruptcy attorney can review your judgments and your credit card debt and help you determine whether bankruptcy may be the right option for you. If you decide to file for bankruptcy it is important to understand that the creditor will no longer be able to garnish your wages or go after you. If a judgment was entered against you then filing for bankruptcy will help eliminate your judgment. Keep in mind that if a lien was placed on any of your property there are more steps involved to removed the lien.  Karra L. Kingsron is an experienced New York and New Jersey Attorney. Contact her today for a free consultation.  Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Filing For Bankruptcy
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If you are reading this, the holidays are now over and you are probably shocked by the huge amount of debt you accumulated on your credit card statement. Maybe you wanted to make this Christmas extra special this year and did not think about how much you spent? Maybe you lost your job? Maybe you were in an accident? At this point, the only thing you know for sure is that you probably won’t be able to pay this off and filing for Bankruptcy may be in your near future. The first thing people usually do when they call me and tell me they are thinking about filing bankruptcy is tell me that they never would have thought they would be in this position. They also always feel the need to justify themselves to me because they are extremely embarrassed. I always begin by telling my clients that it’s OKAY! At least you are taking the initiative to get out of debt. Although, it may not be something you ever thought you would have to go through, filing for bankruptcy may be necessary. Sometimes life throws curve balls and sometimes you just have to roll with them to get back on your feet. It is important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to decide if bankruptcy is the right option for you. If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy then there are something that you should keep in mind: Stop charging on your credit cards: it’s important to know that if you continue to use your credit cards and file bankruptcy it may look as though you are committing fraud and some of the debt may not be dischargeable. Hold off on charging until you speak with a bankruptcy attorney. Do not pay any friends or relatives any money. Depending on what was paid and what it was for if you file bankruptcy the trustee can sue your friends or relatives to get back that money to pay your creditors. Do not transfer any property out of your name. There is a look back period and a fraudulent transfer is extremely illegal! You can’t transfer things out of your name prior to filing bankruptcy. Do not take large sums of money out of your retirement and spend it all on frivolous things. Remember any large sums of money can be looked at by the trustee and he will ask you what you did with that money. Do not sell anything. Before deciding whether to sell your car or your business it is important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney beforehand. If you are considering filing bankruptcy it’s okay! Do your research and look for a good bankruptcy attorney who can help you get out of debt. Karra L. Kingston is an experienced bankruptcy attorney in New York and New Jersey. Call today to get a free consultation in order to see if Bankruptcy is the right option for you.   Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Can I keep my home if I file bankruptcy?
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If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy and asking yourself “can I keep my home if I file bankruptcy” then you have come to the right place. First, it is time to debunk the myth that if you file bankruptcy you will lose your home. There are different exemptions that need to be looked at to determine if you will lose your home if you file bankruptcy. First, in New York, the homestead exemption is $170,000. This means that you can have up to $170,000 dollars of equity and file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and keep your home. Keep in mind, however, if you do use your homestead exemption then you can’t have any money in any bank account because there is no wildcard exemption that can be used. So, what is equity? Equity is determined by the amount you owe vs what your home is worth. For example, let say you have a house worth $300,000 and you owe $200,000 this would mean you would only have $100,000 of equity. This, if you wanted to file bankruptcy in New York you would qualify because your under the $170,000 homestead exemption. Now let’s look at another example. Let say you and your husband are on the deed to your home. Your home is worth $400,000 and you owe $100,000. This means that your house now has $300,000 worth of equity. Because the homestead exemption is $170,000 you are over however, in this scenario since you and your husband are on the deed you would each be able to exempt $170,000 therefore, you would have enough to exempt and still be able to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Many times people wonder how they can find out what their house is worth. Looking your house up on Zillow or realtor.com may be a way to start. However, the best thing to do is to call a realtor up and ask for a Current Market Analysis or get your house appraised. A Current market analysis is usually free and will tell you how your house value compares with other houses that have sold in your area. If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy in New York or more specifically Staten Island it is important to find and experienced bankruptcy lawyer who can help you. Karra L. Kingston is an experienced bankruptcy attorney in Staten Island New York. Call today for a free consultation to see if Bankruptcy is the right option for you. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney
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If you're in credit card debt it’s time to find a professional qualified Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney to help you through the trying process of financial rehabilitation. Consider the following points when making the decision to enlist a Staten Island bankruptcy attorney: Free Consultation For bankruptcy legal advice, if a bankruptcy attorney requires a consultation fee, keep looking for an attorney. Most bankruptcy attorneys understand their clients don’t have money. In order to work with their clients, most will give a one-time free consultation. Any bankruptcy attorney that truly values his clients will not insist on a consultation fee. Experience and Reputation Attorneys specialize in everything from corporate bankruptcy to criminal law, so it only makes sense that you choose the correct Staten Island bankruptcy attorney. It is best to go with a bankruptcy attorney that specializes in bankruptcy. If Bankruptcy is the only area of law they practice then they have more knowledge regarding the field. An experienced  Staten Island bankruptcy attorney will understand local rulings and know how to work with local creditor attorneys and judges. All attorneys get their experience in large part from working their clients’ cases. Find out how much of a guinea pig you may be before deciding on an attorney. Also, find out what percentage of their firm is dedicated to doing bankruptcy. Attorney-Client Interaction and Relationship No one likes to be judged when you are asking someone for help. You have to be able to talk with your attorney and feel understood in order to accomplish a successful bankruptcy outcome. Don’t just go with any bankruptcy attorney, find one that you feel comfortable with. At the end of the day, the bankruptcy attorney works for you. A prospective Staten Island bankruptcy attorney should be willing to answer your questions, meet with you and speak over the phone with you. You should definitely feel comfortable with the attorney that you choose to work with. Size of Law Firm It may seem to be advantageous to choose an attorney that is affiliated with a large law firm. In many situations, bigger, more reputable law firms are more likely to have just the attorney available for your particular situation. However, this can also hurt you. Smaller firms will be able to give you the specialized individual care you may need. At a small firm, you can work closely with your bankruptcy attorney and actually form a relationship. In a large firm, you will not get that individualized attention that most small bankruptcy law firms can give. Credit Restoration After filing bankruptcy and setting up repayment plans as necessary, you will also want to rebuild your credit. It’s important to choose a Staten Island bankruptcy attorney that will assist you in rebuilding your financial life. He or she should be willing and able to offer assistance and tools to directly rehabilitate your credit standing and preparedness. A good bankruptcy attorney willl be able to point you in the right direction to begin rebuilding your credit. Location Last, but not least: location, location, location. I hate being the bearer of bad news, but in most legal situations, particularly something as grueling as bankruptcy, the odds are pretty good you’ll be spending more time at your attorney’s office than you may first expect. Then again, more and more legal transactions are taking place via electronic communication of various kinds. If this suits your needs, by all means, utilize the resource. Many attorneys have virtual offices near you or can do most things electronically. If you work or have a busy schedule it’s best to find one who can do most of the legwork electronically. Moreover, some attorneys can even travel to you which makes this much more convenient. If you are looking for a Staten Island Bankruptcy Attorney contact Karra L. Kingston Esq. for a free consultation. Karra has represented many clients in bankruptcy and can help you determine if bankruptcy is the right option for you. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
File Bankruptcy this New Years
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Are you in Credit card debt and are looking to start fresh this New Years? If you are being garnished, have medical bills, can’t pay your bills then this New Years may be the time to Start Fresh and file bankruptcy. Often times people with debt usually can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. They are usually strapped penny to penny each week and don’t know how they will get out of debt. Usually, people will try to go to a debt consolidation company first because they think it is “cheaper”. For many, however, have usually strapped puts them back into the same position they were already in. Getting out of debt this New Years may be a good resolution and speaking with an experienced bankruptcy attorney may be an even better resolution. An experienced bankruptcy attorney will be able to go over your situation and help you decide which chapter of bankruptcy is best for you. They can also explain to you about the different bankruptcy exemptions you may be entitled to so that you can file for bankruptcy and still keep some of your assets. Many people who file bankruptcy think that their life is over and this is the end. Fortunately, this is simply just not true. This New Years you can start  the year fresh by filing for bankruptcy and getting yourself out of debt. Many people who don’t file are not able to save, keep drowning in debt and continue to see a decrease in their credit score. Some people even end up with garnishments, repossessions, and judgments against them. A bankruptcy will help you get rid of these things. Moreover, your life is NOT OVER because you are filing bankruptcy. It is the beginning of a fresh start and a new chapter. In some cases I even see credit scores increase immediately after filing for bankruptcy. If someone tells you that you won’t be able to buy a house, get a car, or have a credit card again that is simply not true. The government does not allow you to file bankruptcy so that the rest of your life will be ruined. The government allows bankruptcy to be used as a tool to help you get back on your feet. Yes, it is true that a bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for ten years. However, you can have perfect credit within two years if you continue to pay your credit cards on time. You will also be offered secured credit cards right after your bankruptcy and you will probably be able to take out another car loan within 6 months to  year after. Some dealerships even allow you to buy a car immediately after. If your new years resolution is to get out of debt then bankruptcy may be the best option for you. It is important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer that can go over your options. Karra L. Kingston is a leading bankruptcy attorney in New York and New Jersey. Call today to set up a free consultation to see if bankruptcy is the right option for you. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 5 years
Elderly Bankruptcy Attorney
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Within the last few months, I have been getting numerous phone calls from relatives regarding their elderly parents. Many of their children/ family members are looking for elderly bankruptcy attorneys to file bankruptcy for their elderly parents in Staten Island. As the cost of living in Staten Island and medical expenses continues to increase the elderly can’t afford basic living needs in Staten Island. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful elderly lady. Her son and daughter in law had called me asking if I could file bankruptcy because she could not meet her basic living needs. She was retired, in her late 80’s and her only income was Social Security. Her husband had recently passed away thus, causing her to no longer benefit from her husband’s pension. In order to make ends meet each month, she was spending on her credit cards. Even if she just continued to pay the minimum amount on all her cards she would only have $200 left to feed herself for the month. When her son and daughter in law spoke to me their mother was not on board to file bankruptcy. She was embarrassed, scared and of course felt like she could pay her credit cards. Fortunately, after some convincing, I was able to speak to her and show her that she would not be able to afford it. Once she realized that bankruptcy would be the best option she was totally on board. Although, the bankruptcy process was scary for an 80 something year old, I was able to take away much of her stress. Her son and daughter lived in a different state so I tried to make the bankruptcy process as easy as possible for her. I always explained everything in detail even if she asked the same question ten times. I also went to her house to collect her documents and did the consultation at her house.  Many bankruptcy attorneys don’t like to go to their client's homes. However, many elderly bankruptcy clients are unable to drive and their children sometimes don’t live near them or have their own work which makes it difficult for them to get their parents to the attorney's office all of the time. After her bankruptcy case was over and she received her discharge she was extremely happy. She was so thankful and appreciative that it made me think about all of the other elderly people who really have no one to help them get out of debt. The increased costs of living and medical costs are pushing the elderly to file bankruptcy. According to Data from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project filings by people 65 and older are on the rise... According to some news outlets, bankruptcy for the elderly have increased to almost double within the last 15 years. The issue with the elderly filing bankruptcy is that it helps them to have no debt but unfortunately, does not allow them to gain any wealth after. Some even find themselves filing bankruptcy more than once just to stay afloat. Fortunately, bankruptcy may be a good option for an elderly relative, friend or parent. If creditors are calling and harassing them then it can be a good way to stop those harassing phone calls. If you or someone you know who is elderly and thinking about filing for bankruptcy it is important to find a Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer that can help them. The elderly are scared and need someone with patience to guide them through the bankruptcy process.. Many times people take advantage of them and it is important to find a good Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer that can help them. Karra L. Kingston is a bankruptcy attorney in Staten Island, New York. She has helped many elderly clients get out of debt by filing bankruptcy. She also makes the process as easy as possible by traveling to their homes and collecting all of the necessary documents. Give Karra L. Kingston Esq. a call today to set up a free consultation. Read the full article
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karralkingston-blog · 6 years
Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer
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If you are having difficulties with finances and have credit card debt, personal loans or are facing foreclosure and are considering debt consolidation or bankruptcy, you should consider hiring a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer. Of course for those who are in a financial rut or on the verge of financial ruin, coming up with extra funds to pay a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer can be difficult. It is important to note that many Staten Island bankruptcy law firms offer payment plans that can help you. Sometimes friends or family may also be able to help you depending on your situation. Further, bonuses from a job or a tax return check in some cases may also be used to pay for your bankruptcy lawyer fees. Despite the shortage of money, it is often best to still consider at least consulting with a bankruptcy lawyer before you begin the process. The main purpose of a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer is to help an individual go through the legal procedures for filing bankruptcy. A good Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer will meet with you and assess your situation. They will help you decide if Bankruptcy is the right option for you or if a different option may be better for you. Lawyers are meant to help deal with creditors, meet with the court systems to set up payment plans or repayment programs, gather together and liquidate assets, and fill out and file necessary paperwork. This includes helping you fill out a bankruptcy petition to ensure that everything listed is true and correct. In most state and county legal systems, you are not required to have a bankruptcy lawyer for the legal proceedings. This does not always mean it is wise to file bankruptcy without a bankruptcy lawyer. Unless the court case would be easily cut and dry or you already know a great deal about the legal system in this case, a bankruptcy lawyer can help from becoming overwhelmed with the legalities of the system. It is important to note that bankruptcy is federal. Lying on a bankruptcy petition or omitting any information is illegal and can be seen as you committing a federal crime. From the start, a good Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer should help you to determine which chapter of bankruptcy to file and will offer sound reasons why. If you don’t know anything about the different chapters, this is an excellent reason to begin consulting a lawyer. Also, it is important to do your research before hand so that you get somewhat of an idea what the different Bankruptcy chapters are. Many Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyers will even offer a free consultation where you can simply claim the advice and move on to take care of the remainder of the case yourself. Often, though, lawyers will charge by visit or by activity, such as appearing at the courthouse or filing paperwork. As I mentioned earlier, it is probably best you do hire a Bankruptcy Attorney or atleast speak to one before trying to do it yourself. Keep in mind that not all Staten Island bankruptcy lawyers specialize in the same type of cases, so it is important to find a lawyer who can help you with the type of financial difficulties you are having. Some bankruptcy lawyers work specifically with businesses, while others work solely with individuals. Having a good experience with your lawyer will undoubtedly include finding someone knowledgeable in the areas you need expertise. Another excellent reason to consider hiring a Staten Island bankruptcy lawyer is simply to have someone knowledgeable who can help guide you through the paperwork process. In bankruptcy cases the paperwork is the most overwhelming aspect and more often than not, bankruptcy lawyers will actually fill out and file all of the paperwork for you. This takes away the burden of dealing with paperwork in the middle of a financially and emotionally straining time. Moreover, a good Staten Island Bankruptcy lawyer will have insight into the type of questions you will be asked at court. They will be able to prepare you for the questions the trustee will ask you so that you are not nervous when you are being questioned under oath. Additionally, a Staten Island bankruptcy attorney will be able to sometimes negotiate your debt for you with a creditor. They also know what documents need to be sent to the trustee which takes the burden off of you. If you decide that hiring a bankruptcy lawyer is right for you take advantage of technology and research cases in your area to see which bankruptcy lawyers most often represent individuals or businesses. Google and Yelp are great places to look for reviews of different law firms. Also, ask family and friends if they can recommend someone for you. If you are considering filing bankruptcy call Bonomo & Bonomo Attorneys At Law. They can review your situation and help you determine if bankruptcy is the right option for you. Call or visit their website today! Read the full article
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