kaszubas-blog · 6 years
nikki  kaszuba  ?   an  80s  dream  girl
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
nikki  would  be  highly  sus  in  any  other  horror  setting  tbh 
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
“They’ll never make it in time.”
 her  head  is  far  from  clear  .     she  jumps  from  one  conclusion  to  another,   building  unfavourable  scenarios  she  fears  becoming  a  reality   &   replays  them  .    again,   again,  again  .    urgency  takes  over  .   she  can’t   remain  still,   statuesque  .    instead,   she  paces  .   hoping  for  a  silver  lining  .   hoping  for  anything  reassuring  that  would  rid  her  of  doubt  .    heart  dares  to   drum  against  it’s  confinements  as  she  chews  at  her  nails  .    nikki  can  hear  it  .   clear  as  the  night ,    clear  as  the  day  .   it  won’t  let  her  rest  .     it’s  a  reminder  that  this  is  real,   she’s  not  dreaming  .      there  is  no  good  news  to  be  told  .
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no  terror   could  compare  to  what  she  felt  looming  over  their  heads  .    &  something  told  her  this  was  barely  the  start  .    it  would  only   get  worse   .     ❛     we  can’t  just  leave  them  there,  right  ?    we  can’t  .   we  have  to  do  something  !   anything,   i--   there’s  got  to  be  some  way  we  can  make  it  .     if  the  cops  can’t--       ❜       cops  ?    what  are  they  good  for   ?    nothing,   it  would  seem  .    she’s  beginning  to  doubt  if  they  ever  were  .    or  if  she  was  simply  blind  to  a  false  sense  of  security   .     a  security  she  no  longer  possesses  .          ❛     we’ll   have  to  take  this  into  our  own  hands  .        ❜   
ask meme  .   currently :   accepting  .    @killersought
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
i’m editing my playlist for nikki and it’s jst. so many guilty pleasures
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
Bananarama - Cruel Summer
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
my hair is VERY soft and could EASILY be played with and you know how many people are playing with my hair??? zero
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
ic  content  ?   on  a  blog  run  by  francis  ?   can  u  believe  ?
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
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❛     davey,     you’ve  got  to  give  it  up  .     i  know  what  you’re  thinking,   but  mr .  mackey’s  a  good  guy  .  he’s  been  looking  out  for  everyone  around  here  since,   well,    forever  .    he  couldn’t  kill  anyone  .     ❜    
starter  call  .   currently :   accepting  .    @cryptleader
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
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❛       it’s  like   everything  in  my  life  is  moving  so  fast  .   &   i  can’t  keep  up,  y’know  ?   i  try  &  i  try  but  i  just  . . .   i  can’t  .   do  you  ever  feel  like  that  ?       ❜    
starter  call  .   currently :   accepting  .    @bulltrue
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
tbh  nikki’s  life  was  p  damn  picturesque   &   that’s  what  makes  her  parents  wanting  a  divorce  hit  so  hard  .     she’s  never  had  anything  less  than  perfect   .
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
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taking  into  account  nikki’s  primary  role  in  the  movie  was  to  be  a  love  interest  for  davey  &  eye  candy  for  the  boys  to  fantasise  about,   i  do  not  acknowledge  a  lot  of  how  nikki’s  reaction  to  the  boys  spying  on  her  panned  out,    &  especially  do  not  accept  anything  romantic  happening  between  her  &  davey  .    instead  of  nikki’s  collected  reaction,   she  definitely  didn’t  take  it  as  easy  .    when  she  came  over  to  see  davey,   a  lot  of  that  was  just  messing  with  him  .    granted  she’s  known  him  for  as  long  as  they’ve  been  neighbours  &  friends,   she’s  not  as  harsh  on  him  .   it’s  more  of  a   ‘  hey,  i  caught  you  spying   &   i  really  don’t  want  it  to  happen  again  ’   warning   contrary  to  the  nonchalance  canon  gives  her  .    she  doesn’t   hold  it  against  davey,   but  it  certainly  makes  her  more  wary  of  the  boys  .
she  knows  davey  .    she  knows  what  kind  of  a  kid  he  is  .    it’s  also  why  she  isn’t  seen  shying  away  from  him,   but  definitely  shows  a  disliking  to  the  rest  of  the  boys,   whom  of  which  she’d  never  really  liked  all  that   well  to  begin  with  .     everything  between  davey  &  nikki  is  platonic  .    she  does  not  take  a  romantic  interest  in  him,   she  does  not  make  any  advances,    she  simply  spends  time  with  him  in  a  trying  time  of  her  life  .   she  goes  to  him  because  he’s  her  friend,   &  at  some  point,    someone  she  told  everything  to  .     he’s  somewhat  of  her  crutch  in  the  chaos  of  her  home  life   &   parents   verging  on  divorce  .    she’s  sentimental,   heavily  nostalgic  .   she  still  views  him  as  the  kid  she  babysat  for  .    her  friend,   &  someone  she  enjoys  being  around  .      she’s  clinging  to  those  happy  memories,   &  davey  in  particular  .
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
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nikki  kaszuba   aesthetic  board   !        do  not  reblog  .
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
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oops i stan tiera skovbye now, a gif series [ 36/? - Summer of 84 ]
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
hey  uhh  no  offense  but  nikki  is  without  a  doubt  the  cutest  girlfriend
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
shmash  that  like  button  for  an  itty  bitty  starter  !
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
“Did you really call the police?” “My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!” “You’ve seen one too many movies!” “Movies don’t create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!” “No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel!” “Should I let the machine get it?” “Are you alone in the house?” “You bitch, where the fuck are you?” “Not so fast, we’re going to play a little game.” “Guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass!” “I think I’m dying here, man!” “I’m going to rip you up, bitch!” “What’s your favorite scary movie?” “I’m gettin’ another beer, you want one?” “I’ll be right back!” “Do you like scary movies?” “No, you listen to me you little bitch! You hang up on me again and I’ll gut you like a fish!” “Mmmm… corn syrup. Same stuff they used for pig’s blood in ‘Carrie.’ ” “Oh, my God. I thought you were dead.” “I never thought I’d be so happy to be a virgin.” “Who’s there?” “You tricked me.” “I wanna see breasts.” “We all go a little mad sometimes.” “The police are always off track with this shit! If they’d watch Prom Night, they’d save time! There’s a formula to it. A very simple formula!” “EVERYBODY’S A SUSPECT!” “If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath - would you be standing in the horror section?” “She was never attacked. I think she made it all up.” “The girl has some serious issues.” “What if she did it? What if she killed them?” “Maybe she’s a slut, just like her mother.” “Teen suicide is out this year and homicide is a much healthier, therapeutic expression.” “Where do you get this shit?” “But this is life. This isn’t a movie.” “It’s all a movie. It’s all one great big movie. Only you can pick your genre.” “If I’m right about this, I could save a man’s life.” “How do you - gut someone?” “It’s called tact, you fuck-rag.” “It’s the millennium. Motives are incidental.” “Well I don’t really believe in motives. I mean, did Norman Bates have a motive?” “See, it’s a lot more scarier when there’s no motive.” “You’re not a virgin. Now you got to die. Those are the rules.” “This game is like a scary movie. How do you think it’s going to end?” “What’s the matter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “Fairness would be to rip your insides out and hang you from a tree so we can expose you for the heartless, desensitized little shits that you are!” “I will totally protect you. Yo, I am so buff, I got you covered, girl.” “There’s always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend.” “That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female. Basic Instinct.” “Why are you doing this?” “It’s all part of the game. It’s called, GUESS HOW I’M GONNA DIE?” “Who am I? The beer wench?” “Looks like we’ve got a serial killer on our hands!” “ ‘Serial Killer’ is not really accurate. Gotta knock off a couple more to get that title.” “If I may say so, you are much prettier in person.” “I didn’t kill anybody.” “You still haven’t told me your name.” “I want to know who I’m looking at.” “I thought she was dead.” “How does it feel to be almost brutally butchered? People want to know. They have a right to know! How does it feel?” “I am two seconds away from calling the police!” “They’ll never make it in time.” “Wait, I thought we were going to go out.” “Don’t hang up on me.” “I told you not to hang up on me.” “Why can’t I be a Meg Ryan movie? Or even a good porno.” “You’re not supposed to be here.” “Why don’t you wanna talk to me?” “Well, you’re not going to be alone any more, right? If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?” “It’s called subtlety. You should look it up.” “Just think - if they make a movie about you, who’s gonna play you?” “It’s so sad. Her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree limb, her insides on the outside.” “I always had a thing for ya, [NAME]!” “Cut Casper, that’s a wrap!” “What do I have to do to prove to you that I’m not a killer?” “Can you see me right now?” “You make me so sick. Your entire havoc-inducing, thieving, whoring generation disgusts me.” “Don’t freak yourself out, okay? We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
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kaszubas-blog · 6 years
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independent  nikki  kaszuba  from  summer  of  84  .    sel .  priv  .  excl .    established   september  5th  .    canon  divergent  .     by  francis  .     she’s  scientifically  the  perfect  woman  !
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