katapatahpatah · 9 months
Ya Allah, pengen punya uang yang cukup untuk umroh, PPDS dan daftar haji berdua suami. Aamiin
-Dec 19, 2023
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katapatahpatah · 10 months
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"Saya tunggu kamu PPDS di Unsri. Betah-betah di sini, ya.. Jarang ada dokter mau ke sini." Then suddenly I can't hold my tears..
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katapatahpatah · 1 year
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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katapatahpatah · 1 year
Life is not easy recently and I know it will not be easy ‘till December 13rd this year. May Allah always give me strength and always, always guide me. 
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katapatahpatah · 1 year
Kecewa sekali rasanya, Ya Allah. May Allah heals dan guides me, always :'''''''
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katapatahpatah · 1 year
Hi! Hello! It's me again!
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katapatahpatah · 5 years
O Allah, please give me another home where she can't meet me everyday.
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katapatahpatah · 5 years
Making assumption without asking what was going on, crazy abusive words heard afterwards. 23 years and never change. Please, please, coming faster, September. Please. I just can not wait to set myself free. -July 1st
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katapatahpatah · 5 years
Am I letting it go or just holding grudges?
-k, on the 1st eid 1440 H, what a day.
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
"Cukup enam bulan, Mbak? Kalau kurang, kami kasih waktu. Kami tunggu.."
- Him, at that time.
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
I let them questioning why. As time flies, they will understand why I chose you in the first place.
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
Baby, why does it break my heart to hear you said that?
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
Who needs holiday when there's you here by my side?
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
Gatau dah gimana rasanya jadi ibu negara beneran. Jadi 'ibu negara'-nya paketua pdl aja dah gimana gitu rasanya..
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
I need more sundays..
-k, not so ready facing tomorrow..
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
I miss you. A lot. :'(
-k, just met once a week and it was just some minutes. 😭
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katapatahpatah · 7 years
I miss him. I miss him every single day..
-k, can't see him often because we both are anak mayor dua ter-gak-enak (kata orang2. Let's see..)
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