katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
okay everyone
first of all, thanks for putting up with me, I’ve left, come back, and now I’m kinda leaving again.  Idk, consider it a midlife crisis type thing.  Anyway.
I have started a new blog that will cater to multiple fandoms including KHR.  For those who have sent in requests to this blog, they will be answered on that blog.  
As of tonight, this blog will no longer be active, but it will remain up for anyone who wants to go back through the old asks.
so for those interested in continuing this weird fucking train wreck of journey with me, here is the new blog     x     If the link doesn’t work, its called “random-fandom-scenarios”
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Actually, you can make this a Multi-fandom blog too. I think it's a great idea since it will be hectic to keep shifting and managing blogs as you need your convenience too at the end of the day. Like, keep all the asks that are here on this blog and like who cares if some unfollow later, if they love your writing they should stay regardless. And you never know, by mixing all the anime up it would be nice to see some cross-over headcanons too. Best of luck K!💜
The plan I decided on was to create a whole new blog for the multi fandoms and just head over to that blog but I’ll keep this blog up so people can go back and read through but it won’t be active anymore.
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
I think you could start a new multi fandom one but you shouldn't close this acc, as it's the best one in the whole fandomm
I actually just created a new blog, once I get it all set up, I’ll post a link here for you all and transfer over the asks I have here and thanks for calling me the best boo, not that my ego needs a boost 
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Maybe doing multifandom could be a little messy? I mean a different blog would make it easier I think? But it also depends on how you are more comfortable~ What other fandoms, if I may?
that’s why I thought to close this blog and start a new one completely for all the fandoms.   of course I’ll transfer over any asks that I have on this blog.
Part of my reasoning is because as much as I love KHR, it gets really repetitive writing for the same 20 or characters over and over and with multi fandoms i feel like it would keep me on my toes more having to adapt to several more characters and their personalities and how they would react in the scenarios requested.  
As for the fandoms, I’ll keep KHR and write for One Piece, Free, Gangsta, Boku no Hero Academia, Blue Exorcist, One Punch Man, and maybe a couple others, besides, KHR and free I wanna try writing for mangas that are still going on so I don’t plan on writing for Naruto or Bleach.  (I haven’t started it yet, but I plan on reading mob psycho 100 and if I like it enough, I’ll add that to list too).
What do yall think?
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Im tempted to turn this into a multi fandom scenario blog or start a new one completely because there are too many fandoms I love
What do y'all think?
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Sooo... Can I ask for a scenario for Yamamoto, Gokudera and Belphegor where they realize their s/o is very clumsy when eating(like making lots of crumbs, dropping the food back on the plate by mistake, taking forever to peel(?)an egg..?) and knows it and is embarrassed by it? Or something like that, please?
You cursed quietly as you dug down your shirt for the crumb that fell down it.  “This muffin is way to crumbly,” you huffed, fishing it out.
“It is, but you also are a mess when it comes to eating,” Yamamoto chuckled.
“I know,” you huffed, “No need to tell me,” you said, your face going a light shade of red.
“It might be easier if you eat shirtless,” Yamamoto suggested, giving you a mischievous wink.  
You threw the muffin at him, which as you expected, he easily dodged, your face turning redder.
“Are you still peeling the damn eggs?” Gokudera half asked, half demanded, as he walked into the kitchen, the smell of sulfur in the air.
“Yes, they aren’t peeling easily,” you responded, egg shell scraps littering the kitchen counter.  
“Jesus, didn’t I tell you to use vinegar?” he said, ripping his sticky note off the fridge door.
“What?” you asked, looking up at him and the note he held.  
“That’s what it says?” you asked, taking the note from him and squinting. 
“You should work on your penmanship,” you huffed, trying to hide your embarrassment at forgetting his advice. 
“I know it’s called a ‘sloppy joe’ but that doesn’t mean it should be everywhere,” Bel said, looking at the drops of meat and sauce that littered your plate and makeshift bib.
“Shut up,” you huffed at him, biting into the sandwich and trying to hide your embarrassment.  “If you don’t like it, then go eat at your place.”
“But watching you try to eat is so much more entertaining,” the blonde grinned, making you feel even more embarrassed.
“Squalo’s right, you are a shithead,” you huffed at the man before stuffing your face.      
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Heyy just wanted to ask if you know any other khr writing blog? I've read everything you wrote for like three times 😂💕
this is a year old, but it’s the best I got right now. 
it’s a link to something i reblogged that has a list of active khr scenario blogs, idk how accurate it still is.
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Oh you're back for a while, I'm so happy! Could I ask about more body pillow scenario please? With Ryohei this time! (since he doesn't get a lot of love). Thanks and have a nice day!
“Why the hell do I keep you around?” you scowled, staring at the man trying to stuff your giant body pillow under the bed.
“Because I’m so lovable?” he asked, pulling your pillow out in defeat.
“Really it’s because you kill the spiders, but sure, lovable works too,” you responded, grabbing your pillow from him and dusting it off.  “Now you want to tell me what this was all about?” Ryohei looked away, pretending to stare at the wall and whistled out a pleasant tune.  “Today would be nice.”
Taking a deep breath, “I got jealous of the pillow.  You cuddle it more than me now and I miss feeling you curled up next to me in the middle of the night,” Ryohei admitted, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your close.
“You couldn’t have just said that to begin with?” you asked, letting him pull you close.  “But we’re going to have to work on that death grip of yours because I’ve woken up in the middle of the night with some limbs asleep because of you,” you said, stabbing at his chest with your finger to emphasize the point.
“I will try not to squeeze you as tight,” Ryohei grinned.   
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Oh god i'm at that point where I'm going through your blog all day long and ignoring the stuff I need to do. Someone send help
I do this when ever I enter a new fandom, I literally ignore all responsibilities and go through tumblr art and scenario blogs and fanfiction.net and ao3 to satisfy myself and its never enough. 
There is no help, only a slow decent into hell.
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
That’s the last soulmate au ask
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ignoring the done finals text, this is how I feel whenever I finish sleep over events, theyre so exhausting sometimes.  
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Hi i really liked your sleepover for fon! Can i have him for 4 please thanks!
4. You cannot lie to your soulmate.
“So what do you normally do, when you aren’t helping the Vongola out?” you asked, curled up on the couch with the martial artist.
“I live in China and relax, maybe train some kids in martial arts if I feel up to it,” he responded.  “Now that I’ve met you, I can do this,” he said, pulling you up for a quick kiss.
“Dork,” you huffed at him, but you were happy.  Finding your soulmate isn’t an easy task, but here you were with yours.
“You and Hibari look a lot alike.  Are you two related or something?” you asked, remembering meeting the Vongola at the last gala they hosted.
“We are,” Fon responded.  Pulling you up again he whispered in your ear.
“Really? That explains the similarities,” you commented.  
“Don’t tell anyone, he’ll get mad,” Fon chuckled.  
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Hey hey! Your colonello sleepover is great can i have him for number 4? Tysm!
4. You cannot lie to your soulmate.
“I’m not really a baby,” Colonnello said suddenly as he sat next to you on beach blanket.
“I figured not, otherwise that would be weird for you to be my soulmate,” you responded.
“I got turned into a baby along with six others, but the curse was lifted recently, but we didn’t go back to our adult selves,” the blonde said, his fists clenching.
“How long ago was it lifted?” you asked.
“A couple months ago,” he answered.  
“Maybe you will grow back to your adult body at a normal rate or an accelerated one.  Either way, you should start growing again,” you comforted. “I know it’s a sore topic for you.”
“Thanks,” he said with a small smile.  “I hope it’s at an accelerated pace though.”
“Me too,” you winked.
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Hi! For your sleepover can i have 13 with xanxus please i just think that xanxus needs more love!!
I was thinking a xanax but love works too.  whatever works in calming him down.
13. You have telepathy with your soulmate, but you aren’t able to tell them where you are.
The damn trash I work with don’t know how to complete a simple mission without fucking everything up Xanxus growled as he reclined in his chair, a glass of whiskey in his hand.
It sounds like they acted best they could given the information they had, you reasoned with the beast.  How could they have known that the target wouldn’t be where they were told and that you actually found him instead?
You could feel him thinking over your words, not completely convinced.  Still, they’re weak, they shouldn’t have gotten as injured as they did.
But everyone is okay and that is what matters, you responded.  As long as you are okay.  I don’t want to lose my soulmate before I even meet him.  
I ain’t kicking the damn bucket till I want to, Xanxus responded.  Don’t worry about that.
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Hi! Im a great great fan of your work can i have number 9 with reborn please? With a s/o thats really craving something reborn doesn't eat cause s/o is on a diet and she's holding back to eat thats why she's craving (≧∀≦)
9. You always end up craving what ever they just ate but only if they really enjoyed it or really hated it.
You could taste the cheeseburger on your lips and you felt your stomach growl.  “No, be strong,” you said to your self as you headed to the kitchen to find a healthier replacement to the cheeseburger. 
Opening the fridge, you got another taste and now you could swear you smelled cheeseburgers too.  “I am not going to cheat on my goddamn diet because my soulmate, god knows where, is eating a damn burger,” you yelled into your fridge as you pulled out left overs from last night.
“I’m going to eat my chicken and I’m going to enjoy it!” you said, trying to motivate yourself.  Popping it in the microwave, you caught another taste of the burger.  “Be strong.  You can kill him later for this.”
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Hi! 13 with Reborn, please?
13. You have telepathy with your soulmate, but you aren’t able to tell them where you are. 
I can’t believe you’ve traveled to so many places, you said wistfully.  I really want to travel around the world too.  My bucket list only seems to get longer.
When we finally meet up, I’ll take you to as many places on your bucket list as possible, Reborn said.  What’s the first place you want to go to?
You thought for a minute, Iceland.  But not during winter, I’d die.  But I’ve seen pictures of it during spring and it’s so pretty.  
I actually haven’t been there before, Reborn admitted.  Winter is pretty there too though, plus there is that large hot spring there.  
It does seem pretty during winter, but I’m cold in the middle of summer, let alone during the middle of winter. you countered.
Well, I’ll be there to keep you warm, Reborn commented and you swear you could feel him winking suggestively.  
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
Hiii can I get the horoscope tattoo for tyl!gokudera please
6. You have the horoscope symbol of your soulmate tattooed on your wrists that changes color depending on their mood.
“And it’s red again,” you sighed.  “What a shock,” you said, half annoyed.
“I don’t know what to say,” your friend commented, shrugging your shoulders.  “At least the two of your are cut from the same cloth.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” you snapped.  
Your friend just stared at you with a “I told you so” face and it dawned on you that you might actually be very similar to your soulmate.  “How will that work out though, our entire relationship will just be us yelling at each other.”
“Sounds terrible,” your friend answered.  “But maybe it wont be, maybe it will be better, like the two of you yell at everyone but each other.”
“I hope,” you sighed.
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katekyohrscenarios · 7 years
12 for hibari :)
12. Your soulmate is the only person you remember from your past lives.
Hibari felt his body freeze while his mind ran a mile a minute, images of your from his dreams running through his mind.  Turning abruptly, he watched as you walked down the street, so wrapped up in your conversation that you didn’t notice him.  
Pushing past the crowd, he rushed after you, grabbing at your shoulder.  You spun around, your arm going up defensively to knock him off of you.  The words that popped into your mind, your tongue ready to tell him off for grabbing you, it all went out the window when you saw his face.  
The mop of black hair and the gaze that would make any hardened man tremble with fear so clear in your mind from the other night when you relived a past life, it was right in front of you.
“Hi,” you mumbled out, your mind still numb from shock at finding your soulmate out of the blue.
“Hi,” Hibari responded, still staring at you, daring to believe this was a dream.
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