katelynlagoe · 4 years
I thought this part of the passage and how she compared it to hand sanitizer was very interesting to look at. I liked how she said this took place during slavery because that’s what this novel is about. You took ideas from the passage and outside the novel and your own thinking and turned it into a short paragraph. I also liked how you took saving these salves into how hand sanitizer kills about 100% of germs. This is something we can talk about in this society right now with everything going on with the covid virus. This was something incredible to talk about and I’m thankful I took this to reblog.
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I wanted to think outside of the box when analyzing this passage from the book. There’s always one bad apple of the pack but in this case, Phineas is not one of them, respecting the fact that this took place during slavery. I’m comparing Phineas to the hand sanitizer because that’s what he symbolizes during this passage. He’s a white man, helping black enslaved men, despite the fact of this being a rare thing during this era. Since alcohol doesn’t clean 100% of germs this compares to Phineas trying his best to put labor in saving these slaves. 100% of the time it would not work but 99% of chance it could!
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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I picked this part of the passage to write about because Christianity has been a major part of my family. This is a beautiful thing to write about and to know about. I have read this book before and so has one of my family members so I know that faith and love can overcome anything and everything even human slavery. Everyone has their own religious beliefs and so do I.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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UTC Homework:
I picked this part of the passage in the book because it is beautiful and full of imagery in your mind. It talks about a river and how it flows and extends to the Kentucky river and everything around it. The picture I choose that surrounds my everyday life is a pond. My father is building a house so when we walk into the backyard it is all water. This part of the passage I relate too and think about. Water is a major source that we all can’t live without and talking about it and making it into something beautiful is an amazing part of life. When people think about water and the beach and the sound of it, it calms some people down that’s why they use it for therapy. Water is a gift.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
I pick question A to write about. I picked this because this word has a lot to do with the story line. While looking on the internet I found that wharves is “a structure built along or at an angle from the shore of navigable waters so that ships may lie alongside to receive and discharge cargo and passengers.” This book has a lot to do with the sea and ships. So I think talking about this will benefit me in many ways.
Question 3:
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Page 62 (chapter 13)
A) what is the word wharves?
B) how do you think the rest of the trip will go?
C) where will they be at the end of the book?
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
Question 3:
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Page 62 (chapter 13)
A) what is the word wharves?
B) how do you think the rest of the trip will go?
C) where will they be at the end of the book?
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
Question 2: I like how you took this word and turned into something that plays a lot of what is going on in the story. While I was reading through Moby- Dick I found another passage that relates to this. It was on chapter 3 page 34, it states “It was now quite plain that he must be some abominable savage or other shipped aboard of a Waleman in the south seas, and so landed in this Christina country” This relates to the word crookedness because he thinks Queenqueg is not okay and is broken or something happened to him that he is just not in the right mental state.
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“Straight upward, so it burns; but the chambers of my souls are all in crookedness!”(39).
For one to state that something is crooked, means that something is not straight. It has something wrong with it and it needs to be fixed, but in this case, the speaker is stating that a soul is crooked which relates to having something wrong on the inside. Maybe it suggests that the character is going crazy or being driven crazy.
A synonym for crookedness is deviousness. This is obscure because the word ‘devious’ is usually associated with something bad or evil. In this passage crooked does not seem as strong as the word devious. The author may have used the would crookedness to supply the reader with supplies to support that something is wrong that could be bad but did not want it to be as obvious as the word deviousness.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
Question 1: When we are on zoom, it allows us to know better on what we are learning and discussing, rather than seeing a text post. Zoom allows us to talk about things that we don't fully understand or want to chime in on the conversations we are having and we can see each other face to face. On text it is harder to understand what each other are trying to get across. My classes are hybrid style, I have one in person and the rest are online. Knowing myself as a student and how I learn, I feel as if not having in person classes makes it harder for me to pay attention or understand the material better. In person classes you can see the material you're given and understand it better.
Whenever people are looking at a meme post, they laugh, because it is supposed to be funny, they send it to their friends and they only take it in for a couple minutes. They might understand but not exactly. But when you read a news article you take in all the information because it is normally serious and something that's happening worldwide. When you open a news article the first thing you always see is a headline, you take a look at that and if you are interested in it, you read it and it impacts what's going on in your life currently. Instead of just reading a meme, that only gets your attention for a couple minutes, reading a news article gives you an education on different topics and futheres your belief on that subject matter.
When you read a poem and then you read fiction, in my opinion they are similar. I am in a poetry class right now and poetry is something that can turn into anything you want it to be, example, real life and fiction. It's your choice and the person who is writing the story is theirs also. Poetry is something different that nobody really knows the actual meaning of it.
Taking it back to our whale session, we talked about a whale being a large creature that represents power. I believe that reading a news article is a symbol of power. It is something that has a great impact on our society and how we think of things.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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1. While re visiting my previous assignments that we have done I think that the one I enjoyed was taking Words that have shown up a lot and figuring out what it means and looking over the context around it. I like doing these just because it gives us a sense of what we are reading out.
2. Moby Dick- Word Replacement
“With loud {lament} the parents saw their child borne out of sight over the wide waters.” (Page 64) This word actually means out of sorrow. Another word for this is mourn. This sentence gives off a sad kind of confusing vibe.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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As I was reading the “William Wilson” a couple times I have realized the word namesake comes up 6 times throughout the text. Namesake looking at the text and around the word and looking up what it could be, I believe that this means a person or a thing that has the same name as another. This Poe’s uses it specifically given what I see as the main ideas of this story because the narrator wants his name a mystery. In this story Poe’s has the awfulness one feels when discovering another person shares your name. While jumping around to different instances of the word and looking up other things too I feel looking around the word at the text gives what that word really means and I feel as if it helped me a lot get a knowledge of what it is and how I read the word next when I am reading.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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1. While reading “Rip Van Winkle” I picked this part of the passage that I think was the most important...Rip was a colonial Dutch American villager who falls asleep in the catskill mountains for twenty years. Twenty years later rip wakes up and finds the American revolution has been won and only his friend recognizes him. This is when he woke up so I believe that reading all of this and then seeing how different it is now was most important.
2. One word in this passage that stood out to me that I didn’t understand nor knew was “patriarch”. The sentence with this word was “a [patriarch] of the village, and landlord of the inn, at the door of which he took his seat from morning till night, just moving sufficiently to avoid the sun, and keep in the shade of a large tree; so true, he was rarely heard to speak, but smoked his pipe incessantly.”
2. The synonym for the word “patriarch” replacing it in the sentence is “A [dad] of the village, and landlord of the inn, at the door of which he took his seat from morning till night, just moving sufficiently to avoid the sun, and keep in the shade of a large tree; so true, he was rarely heard to speak, but smoked his pipe incessantly.”
3. Replacing this word in the sentence changed the whole meaning of the other word. It’s crazy to think that you can turn a word into another greater meaning of it.
4. This word is important to the passage both “patriarch” and being the “dad” because how rip is as person and as a father. He makes everyone smile and just his presence makes the room glow up. I think being an amazing person and an impact you are to a lot of people is the way to live a happy life/loving life and that’s why I think this is extremely important to the passage.
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This is a beautiful pargaprah. Nature is an amazing thing and if you just take a second and look, you will be amazed. Reading this just made me feel so alive and so free. I feel like having a village and all the people who love you and having such a small town. It’s incredible.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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As I read the selections from the Cotton Mather’s “Wondes of the invisible World” I realized that it was very formal. It was interesting seeing how this was all set up, seeing the paragraphs going from small to big was a huge outlook out of the whole reading. The way it was divided up and how the structure of it all, especially how this is wrote during the 1600’s. A word that stood out was “New England” and how he was a Christian Man and religious. These selections kind of had a “document power” to write something like this, doesn’t come often. All of these trials were known true, but also these evidence could be from someone else.
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katelynlagoe · 4 years
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This is my “ colony” picture. It represents a new stage in my life and that’s college. It’s a different change of a life style and that means doing things by yourself and meeting new people and starting your life and career.
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