Invigilation Timetable. 
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Evaluation 2. 
For promotion, I joined the exhibition group as I felt this is where I could best direct any knowledge. However, due to the nature of the exhibition group, there was little work involved before instalment. As a result, I got involved in other areas of promotion including the zine and zooms for other groups and helped other groups when needed. As well as creating an Instagram and exhibiting my work there, the Cap Degree Instagram, Twitter and Facebook also promoted the work of myself and the rest of the class. This resulted in a larger number of people viewing my work which I could not have achieved with my Instagram alone. Classmates would also promote each other’s work on their live stories and vice versa. Since creating my Instagram at the beginning of the project I have been able to follow fellow creative people from other universities and colleges who are now aware of the degree show and can pass this information on.
Due to the nature of my degree show project, there is already a lot of promotion involved in my creative enquiry project. As I am looking at commodities and capitalism, I have created mugs, cards, postcards, and tote bags which promote my work and me as an artist. At the degree show, I will also have a live QR code which can take the viewer straight to my website created for creative enquiry. This is another form of promotion which cost me no money and can appear on mobile devices which are almost always on a person and easily accessible. As well as the creative enquiry website I also created a general website to promote myself as an artist. The website features past projects as well as contact details. And for physical promotion, I created business cards which provide contact details, social media details and website details. These cards will be available during the degree show and will be placed inside the tote bags created for the degree show opening night. These physical copies are good for anyone who doesn’t have access to the internet or prefers physical copies.
In terms of the exhibition group, I feel there was an overall lack of communication. There were no zoom calls and as a result, I would join zoom calls for other groups to feel more involved. As many people were setting up their own spaces for grading reasons, I would offer help to those who were installing and needed an extra pair of hands.
Visiting galleries during the project has provided me with new knowledge surrounding installing work and the process behind exhibitions. Talks from curators, artists, and online zooms and lives with artists Grayson Perry, Ai Weiwei and previous students from the degree broadened my knowledge surrounding different artistic processes. The hanging workshop also provided vital information which proved beneficial during instal. I feel if I were to continue with promotion, I would continue expanding my Instagram and possibly investigate other forms of online promotion.
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Creative Enquiry Website- Promotion
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Helping set up 
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Cap Degree Page Promotion. 
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Website for Creative Enquiry- Promotion through work 
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Products-creative enquiry- promotion
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Instagram Lives- Ai Weiwei 
Britain is my readymade. 
In an Instagram Live with Ai Weiwei who spoke to the Albertina Museum Weiwei spoke about his practice. Wei Wei who is known for his criticism of china stated 'China is my readymade'. I found this comment particularly inspiring as this related to my own practice as for me Britain is my readymade.
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Artist Card
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Instagram lives.
Artist talk--with James Jean talking about his practice.
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Uploading to Insta..
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Hanging Workshop. 
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Pros- Learning how to hang work and essential tips for hanging in a gallery space
Cons- The drill.
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Promotion- Tote Bags. 
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Zine Image.
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EDIT: Final Zine
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Edinburgh Trip 24/03/22- Edinburgh Printmakers- Louise Ritchie 
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Edinburgh Trip 24/03/22- Edinburgh Printmakers
Whilst at the printmakers in Edinburgh we had a talk from the curator.
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