katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“This party is amazing!”Katie yelled over the music as she danced.”I’m so glade I came to Lucy house instead of Faye’s though.These shoes are so not for running from cops.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
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Katie Moss ||||Moodboard 1/?
Redwood Academy. 17. Graduating Class of 2020.
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“What?” Catalina tilted her head. “No, that’s not the movie but–whatever. Anyway, my question: If you could have anal with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?” 
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“What?”Katie gasped, looking around them for anyione nearby.”Where the heck did you even come up with a question like that?”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“I have a vague understanding of it, I guess. Like the whole 5 million dollars, aliens and the world ending type thing?”Katie said, quirking her eyebrow at the other brunnete.”Sure,go for it?”
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“Katie,” Catalina smirked at the girl. “Ever seen Heathers? I’m doing something similar to the lunch time poll. Can I ask you a question?”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“Oh yeah?” he asked, his brow raised. It wasn’t unheard of for Redwood — students that were pseudo celebrities, or such. It was certainly more common that most schools in the area. But Andy was always curious. “Why would that be?”
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“Yeah, my mom’s already really well known in NYC. Now we’re living with the Morgans, so that’s brought the paparazzi out.”She said, scrunching her nose in distaste.”I can tell you, getting coffee in my PJs is history.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“Yeah could you? I’d really appreciate it,” Austin deadpanned with a small smirk before raising a hand to ruffle her hair.
“Look, just because I’m used to the cheerleaders doesn’t mean I want to go to these things,” he pointed out. “But yeah, detention this early in the school year is not a good idea.”
“Sure, it’ll save both of us. We’re too young to go deaf from cheerleaders.”Katie said, crinkling her nose as she grinned at the hair ruffle.
“I guess that makes sense, you're usually pumped and ready when it’s game day so it’s not so annoying. But normal days, no way.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“Yeah, well…” Andy said, not quite sure about his stance. Objectively Redwood was a good school, but he knew its complicated relationship among the student body too well to concede. “That, I have. My name’s Andrew… Talbott.” he introduced, wondering if his name had circulated enough this year for her to recognize. She didn’t seem like the type that would; or if she did, the type that would pretend not to. 
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“Oh that’s cool, I went to my old school since kindergarten so a new school is  just a novelty.” Katie said, waving a little.”Nice to meet you, Andrew.I’m Katie, Katie Moss. My name’s been splashed around the news so much, I thought everybody knew it by now.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
     jack waves a dismissive hand, “ still haven’t unpacked —- i think i SCARE her too. ” like, whatever. she isn’t here to make friends, she’s here to —– well that remains to be seen. “ got here a bit LATE too, not gunna lie. ”
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“Huh, that is kind of a bad impression but I’m sure she’ll bounce back. Just maybe just don’t scare her again.”Katie offered, lightly laughing.  She felt a little bad for whoever was rooming with this girl but it was a little funny.”Oh? Did you forget what day it was to return?”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“That’s good, I suppose…” She said. “Yeah, I guess it’ll be fine. Hopefully this year I won’t be on the verge of getting kicked out, but knowing me, I doubt that’s even a remote possibility.” A wry grin spread on her features. “Oh, trust me, they’ll never find it. I’m a mastermind at this kind of thing.” While she used to use her brains for school and clubs and bettering herself, she now used them to hide her contraband and find ways to break every school rule she could. “So…How does it feel to be back at good ol’ Redwood? Anything exciting planned for the year?”
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“Right, you being kicked out would not be the best thing in the world. You’d think with how much the tuition, they’d ignore some stuff. We’ll just have to see where the year takes us.”Katie said, wryly grinning.”Good, that’s one less thing they’d be able to get mad at you for.”Katie wasn’t sure how much she should warn Stasia off or just let her be. She didn’t want to be on the other girl shit list.”It’s not bad,I don’t have huge plans yet other then aces classes.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“Surprisingly? No I did not.” Michael huffed out a small life. Usually he was just on his own set up in his room for hours on end. But getting back later than expected, Michael was too lazy to start setting up his monitors and figured he’d chill out in the school provided lab.
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“Oh really, then you must have just come in. You're awfully awake for somebody without a coffee cup.”Katie said, showing her coffee travel mug. She stepped fully into the room.
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
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“books?” the girl then repeated, clearly interested considering she too had been a great fan of literature. “what kind of books do you read?” she asked out of simple curiosity. 
“Yep, I couldn’t not bring some of my physical books with me.”Katie said, grinning at the interest in the other girls vouice.”Mostly fantasy,but mystery and romance are my jam too. How about you?”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
Austin looked thoughtful for a moment. “Honestly? About a 14 out of ten and yes,” he answered. “Make it two sets and i think you’ll be fine.”
He really hated having to go to those things, but since he was on the baseball team, it was kind of mandatory for him. “Wonder how busted I’d get if I skipped out,” he mused. 
“Wow, a 14 out of 10 is cheer hell.”Katie said, grinning at her pun.”Get it sheer, cheer?”She jokes. “Two set, huh? Did you want me to bring some for you too?”The brunette offered generously.
“Pretty busted,I would guess. A detention to start the school year probably isn’t best.”She thought back to her previous talks about Redwood with him.”Aren’t you kinda us3e tot he cheereladers though?”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
    Sam waved his hand dismissively. “School newspaper or whatever. Bunch of lame ass fucks. I mean, what is there to report on? ‘Rich fucker messes up.’, ‘Dude cheated on his girlfriend! You won’t believe her reaction!’,” he grunted, “Everyone’s the same.” Looking at the girl, he gestured in a general direction. “Over there.”
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“There’s a school newspaper? But that’s basically useless unless they are super gossips. Wouldn’t a newsletter work better?  Local rich kid fucks up isn’t news in LA.”Katie reasoned, shrugging her shoulders. She looked over the way the boy pointed.”I guess that’s a better approximation then what I had.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
Andy shrugged in response, actually not sure if what he’d brought could be considered more than everyone else. His eyes were watching everyone’s baggage more consciously now; most students had two or three helping hands with them as they headed to the dorms. “ — you come to LA for school, then?” Andy asked finally, returning his attention back to the girl.
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“Yeah, my mother thought Redwood would be a good school and it got us on the other coast. I guess it’s got a good reputation.”Katie knew Redwood wasn’t a horrible school.”Have you gone here since Freshman?”She asked.
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
“I moved in fine.” She replied, not wanting to get too into the details with the other girl. It wasn’t that she disliked Katie, but rather the entire situation that resulted in their now shared family. It made her roll her eyes. They weren’t the fucking Brady Bunch, after all.  “They put me in Spanish and French, I guess I get it, I’m proficient in both already, but honestly I couldn’t give a shit what they put me in. I’m more interested in finding an excuse to crack open my bottle of Grey Goose.”
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“Cool, that’s great. I was much the same.” Katie did like Iv.vy and Stasia but it was still a tad awkward to deal with.Not to mention LA being a lot different from New York. Wow, two languages. I forwent French and Spanish, I already know them so no point when there are other classes to take.”Katie said, grimacing at the other girl's talk of Alcohol.”Hopefully, you hid your stash.”
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
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     “ well if we’re talking roommate first IMPRESSIONS i’m probably not doing so good in that department. ” an ideal roommate she is not. unpacked? nah. neat? hell no. friendly? ——working on it. self awareness is like the first step to fixing things though, right? at least that’s what jack LIKES to think.
“How bad of an impression could you have left? We’ve only been here two days.”Katie said, quirking her eyebrow at the other girl. Maybe she was a slob or snored, but that’s still not something too extreme.
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katiexmoss-blog · 6 years
C O N N E C T I O N   A L E R T
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Who: Stasia Morgan
What: Stasia’s Dad and Katie’s Mom are dating and have been since they moved to LA, three months ago. The tabloids have been following the family since Stasia’s parent’s very public divorce.
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