catharticquarrel · 4 months
Book Rambling of "Iris Kelly Doesn't Date" by Ashley Herring Blake
Alright Queers, let's get into it.
Let me preface by saying: This is not a formal critique or review, really just my opinion. I am not a writer, I have bad grammar and spelling, and I'm just word vomiting most of the time so idk deal wit it.
"Iris Kelly Doesn't Date"
As you might guess, Iris Kelly DOES indeed date, but not before what feels like a million pages of tension and pining over Stevie (the soon to be love of Iris's life).
This book is written from both Iris and Stevies perspective, which I do enjoy It's so satisfying knowing how the other character is feeling in a moment when I would have otherwise had to guess.
Stevie has Generalized Anxiety Disorder, it is so refreshing to read from that perspective and how it affects one's relationships and sex life as someone who also has the same struggle. I have never seen a main love interest written from this perspective and it was so validating to know that I might not be the only one who feels this way. It's also incredibly satisfying to see Stevie's confidence grow more and more throughout the book.
Iris, however, is quite the opposite. Iris is fun, flirty, and super outgoing. All things that Stevie is both terrified and attracted to (me too tbh). Conflict comes into play when Iris starts catching feels for Stevie, and Iris doesn't do feels (until she does).
Fake dating meets fwb meets they-fall-in-love-in-the-end-and-almost-nothing-bad-happens
My opinion may be biased, but I personally love a classic rom-com. It's quick paced, and it has just the right amount of spicy mixed in. And, coming from someone with ADHD, it was easy to read for me. So, for any ADHD-ers that struggle with reading, I would recommend these books 👌
There are three books by this author that I have read so far, all WLW and all very queer and sweet. These actually tie into each other, I would highly recommend reading them in this order:
Delilah Green Doesn't Care
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fall
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date
Thank you and gn :)
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catharticquarrel · 5 months
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Reblog if you stand against order, civilization, and goodness itself
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catharticquarrel · 5 months
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pacific breeze; big sur, california
instagram - twitter - website
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catharticquarrel · 6 months
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Photos of me dressed for the NY botanical garden Orchid Show. It was a really beautiful event.
There was a vouging group that performed, they brought me and my sister up on stage with two other people to compete. I had no idea what I was doing and am still a little embarrassed about it, but it was fun in the end >.<
I made the headpiece with some fake flowers, wire, and a pre-made headband.
I got the dress at the Chelsea Flea Market this past fall.
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catharticquarrel · 6 months
I’ve decided I’m going to start posting outfits I’m particularly happy with here. I like the idea of having a lookbook to help catalog, organize, and mark my style as it changes through the seasons and years.
I feel like I’m finally starting to carve out a style for myself.
That being said, I’m excited to see where this takes me!
This look is following my trend of wearing lots of blues this past winter. (These photos are a few weeks old, the weather’s a little warmer now.)
Fun fact: the second pic is taken in one of the locker rooms beneath the Metropolitan Museum of Art
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catharticquarrel · 6 months
Annabeth’s dad, Percy’s dad, hell even Sally is suspect af.
In Titan’s Curse, when Percy calls home to tell Sally he’ll be home for Christmas, and Sally’s on a date at the time, and is all like “are you sure you shouldn’t be going on that dangerous quest that no one wanted you on and you don’t have permission from Chiron to go on? The quest to save your friend who got taken because you are 13/14yo children way in over your heads with abysmal supervision and support? Are you going to come home to spend Christmas with me, your only parent you can consistently get in touch with, instead of risking your life yet again? I know you’ll do what’s right! Also yes it’s been days since I’ve seen or heard from you after dropping you off for a life threatening mission but I’m I’m on a date and having fun so byyeeeeee, call me never.”
Rick writing Fredrick Chase (Annabeth’s dad) as basically a self-insert character and describing him as handsome and quirky even though he drove Annabeth to running away from home at 7yo what is this series??? And then insisting that Fredrick is cool and brave and would do anything to protect his daughter even though he had no contact with her for at least 5 years after she ran away🤨🤔
Re-reading the PJO series as an adult. Rick is such a dead-beat parent apologist😑
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catharticquarrel · 6 months
Re-reading the PJO series as an adult. Rick is such a dead-beat parent apologist😑
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catharticquarrel · 7 months
Live action Katara would never.
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catharticquarrel · 7 months
Sorry, but having Zuko actually fight back against Ozai during their Agni Kai is just wrong. He was a child, only 13 at the time, afraid to fight his own father and was mutilated as punishment, because Ozai saw Zuko's begging and unwillingness to fight as unforgiveable weakness.
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The Angi Kai isn't meant to be a showcase of Zuko's fighting potential (that's what the Zhao fight is for), but to show the utter cruelty of Ozai.
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catharticquarrel · 7 months
the sexism thing??? we all know it's fucking stupid and purely performative to take out sokka's feminism arc, but can we talk about the fact that He Is Still Sexist????? he still thinks that what he does (running the village's defenses, which they've never needed) is vastly more important than what she does (wash the clothes, cook, etc). and yk what?? the live action reboot AGREES with him. it doesn't show or even mention katara doing any work around the village. all we see katara doing is practice waterbending - the only interesting thing that original episode 1 sokka seems to think katara ever does.
the live action show depicts sokka "doing all the work", fulfilling his traditionally masculine role of warrior/protector, and COMPLETELY DISMISSES whatever "women's work" katara does, as if she does nothing. seems pretty clear to me that the showrunners would love to absolve themselves of sexism by not talking about sexism, while in actuality being pretty sexist themselves
and don't even get me started on sokka not wearing the dress/makeup of the kyoshi warriors' uniform
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catharticquarrel · 7 months
But also Sokka’s character development being removed is border line political and definitely frustrating.
In an age of red pill pipelines, roe v wade being overturned, altogether a huge resurgence in blatant saying-the-quiet-part-out-loud misogyny, why is Sokka not starting out as a misogynst that ends up getting the sense knocked into him? Who is benefitting from removing that vital part of his character development? Certainly not my young relatives who’ve started listening to Andrew Tate.
there’s a reason why the entire story of avatar the last airbender begins and ends with katara. there’s a reason why we are introduced to katara first before we are introduced to any other character. there’s a reason why katara is the narrator. there’s a reason why the creators have emphasized over and over again that katara is just as titular to the story as aang - she’s the other main character.
when you water down katara - remove her compassion, her ability to connect with others, her nurturing role, her ANGER and RAGE and DRIVE - you water down the very fundamentals of the story. you drastically and severely alter the core dynamics of the gaang, because katara was so important to the development of every single one of them. she was the rock and glue that held team avatar together.
katara was unlike any other character to ever appear on television; she was a young brown girl who took no shit from anyone, yet at the same time remained kind and compassionate and nurturing. katara was a force of nature; proud of her heritage and culture, burdened by the responsibility of being the last southern water bender of the water tribe, angered over the death of her mother and everything that the fire nation took from her, determined to help every single person in need, determined to change the world, angry and resentful because old men and rules and laws kept telling her what she could or could not do, thus, she was determined to restructure thousands of years of patriarchy that stood against her from accomplishing her goals and dreams.
watering down katara into at most 2-3 tangible characteristics, stripping her away of all her motivation and agency and nuance, telling the audience that she wants to help and change the world only to have her stand in the background with an air of grief, demonstrates that the writers of the live action fundamentally misunderstand the spirit of avatar. and that’s something so unforgivable. no matter how many changes they decide to make, or how much they decide to stay true to the original story in other areas, no matter how many flashy VFX fight scenes we get - if you fail to properly understand katara, you fail to understand the heart and soul of avatar the last airbender, everything that makes avatar such a timeless classic.
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catharticquarrel · 11 months
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queerness under apartheid
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catharticquarrel · 1 year
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The fourth and final act of Something Rotten by @wingedflight
Things go absolutely insane out of control this chapter, and the writing goes so good. I had such a hard time picking which scene I wanted to draw, and this chapter gets some of my favorite art of the bunch.
it has been such a delight collaborating with wingedflight this year, her writing is excellent and the hamlet au is genius!! You should definitely give it a try!
the ending is chilling
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catharticquarrel · 1 year
i’ve watched this like 8 times in a row
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catharticquarrel · 1 year
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What would you do in this situation? ;3 
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catharticquarrel · 2 years
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he's streaming; tip?
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