katrrinas · 8 months
What the actual f
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I think if you say something like this you are a bad person
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katrrinas · 9 months
eventually, you get used to war. your heart doesn’t flutter when you hear yet another air raid alarm. you don’t even rush to the shelter anymore. you don’t flinch when your windows shake. you don’t feel shit when that gut-wrenching thing of a whistle hovers above your rooftop; nor do you feel frightened when it lands — loud, and horrific, and explosive, ruining homes, fates and lives.
and then, on a random day — it finally fucking strikes you.
your heart didn’t flutter the last time you heard yet another air raid alarm. you didn’t go to the shelter. you didn’t even flinch when a fucking missile landed less than a pitiful mile away from your house.
you got used to war.
a real one — exceptionally sick, and murderous, and twisted.
i haven’t felt safe in almost two years now and i’m used to it. i’m used to danger. i’m used to death. i’m used to seeing it. how incredibly fucked up is that?
anyway. my point is. russia is a terrorist state. please go look up what they did to ukraine in the last two days. yes, the new year’s eve didn’t stop them much. as didn’t easter. or christmas. or any other day, really.
for those concerned about me: i am safe (well, only technically, since you’re not actually safe anywhere in ukraine, but still).
i am simply tired, sad, and heartbroken. please spread some awareness. thank you for you attention.
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katrrinas · 1 year
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(c) Andriy Yermolenko
On May 18, the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Crimean Tatar Genocide and the Day of Struggle for the Rights of the Crimean Tatars are marked. On this day in 1944, the Soviet government began an operation to deport the Crimean Tatar population from the Crimean peninsula.
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katrrinas · 2 years
watching ukrainian search and rescue volunteer teams arriving in turkey and syria despite the horrors they’re experiencing in their own country warmed my heart beyond belief
a heartfelt thank you to the ukrainian people, who, despite having a war on their hands, mobilized more quickly than other countries to lend a hand to those who need it
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katrrinas · 2 years
The thing is, I have nothing against socialism or communism as a political ideology; trust me, I'm as anti-capitalist as they come. The leftism is really not the problem here.
The problem is when in their leftism, people – Americans, really, and western Europeans – use the ussr as this sort of goal, this complete antithesis to the modern capitalist society, this almost-utopian place to live. They use hammer and sickle symbol, the ussr anthem; sometimes, as a joke, sometimes, not so much.
Not only that clearly shows that they know absolutely nothing about the ussr – it's also spreading russian propaganda, whether it's on purpose or not, which is especially insidious now, when russia is literally committing a genocide.
The ussr wasn't a socialist utopia where everyone is equal. It was a totalitarian dictatorship, responsible for colonisation and genocide of multiple people and cultures. Just like the russian Empire before it. Just like modern russia continues to do now.
For many Eastern European and Central Asian people, hammer and sickle is not just a symbol of a political ideology. It's the symbol, under which people were starved to death, imprisoned or executed for daring to write in their own language; in which cultures were erased, people – forcefully assimilated, stripped of their own national identity.
It's the propaganda of being "the same people, the same nation" that russians love to use; that westerners love to believe, for the sole reason of the oppressed daring to look similar to the oppressor; for the sole reason of Americans being unable to look past their own history and realize oppression comes in many shapes and forms.
By using the ussr symbols in your political movement, you're denying the atrocities commited under that symbol and spreading russian propaganda, whether it's on purpose or not.
It's not "progressive" to wave around a hate symbol.
Do your research.
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katrrinas · 2 years
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katrrinas · 2 years
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katrrinas · 2 years
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katrrinas · 2 years
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katrrinas · 2 years
Honestly, so disappointed about Montenegro not qualifying. She had a song about her mother dying of COVID and the carelessness of the people who don't vaccinate and, therefore, put more vulnerable society groups in danger,
but people still thought it was a usual ESC ballad and didn't let it through. Like wtf girls and guys, read the room, do your research
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katrrinas · 2 years
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katrrinas · 2 years
Out of context Eurovision semi final 2
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katrrinas · 2 years
Another reason why I love the scenes between Eve and Helene is because it’s set in the world of Killing Eve where everything is high stakes with surprising twists, bold choices, deadly assassins, murder and power.
But then we get these “too real life moments” of these two women just sitting together awkwardly in a bathtub hearing the squeaking of their bodies slipping on the porcelain with Eve finding the toy of Helene’s daughter.
I just love the juxtaposition of us knowing how deadly this power play is between them while also them just being two older women hitting on each other and the real life struggles of “Oh, we can play this game…but also my daughter needs to be picked up at three so perhaps just lunch?” lmao!
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katrrinas · 2 years
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katrrinas · 2 years
Probably unpopular opinion: Eve×Helene seems hotter than Eve×Villanelle 🤷🏼‍♀️
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katrrinas · 3 years
I can't express how much this word means to me. Extensive fields. Painfully green trees. The smell of strawberries from my grandfather's kitchen garden; the car noises in the loud city that is Kyiv; freedom. It's a country of the sun, the sea and the mountains, and of everything your heart could ever wish for. A country I was born and grew up in, one where I've come to love the whole world.
That's why it hurts so much now. I won't pretend that I'm not scared, that life, despite everything, has not changed, that I'm still the same person I used to be. The truth is, sometimes I can't eat a thing for days and sometimes I can't stop myself from stress-eating. I cry at least once a day. I'm panicking, and calling my family, and talking to my friends, afraid of how this all will end.
I feel calmer knowing we won't give up. I read the posts written by the Ukrainians who've come to unite in the face of a common enemy, and it helps me breathe. I've never identified as Russian—and I never will, no matter what—and it's calming to see millions of people who feel exactly the same.
I'm inspired by our strength. Our will to be free and our faith in ourselves and our victory (because we're strong and because, sadly, we've been fighting for our place in the sun for as long as we can remember).
He's not the first dictator that will fail to break us down. But right now it's time to believe in each other and in our state. To be strong and defend out territories. To help the army in whatever way we can—financially, physically, psychologically—and be a team. To not panic.
I'll leave you a link for the Ukrainian anthem, hoping you will have time to listen to it and to understand how much we've already had to fight for. And how many fights are still ahead of us.
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katrrinas · 3 years
Today, at 5am in the morning, Russia started bombarding Ukrainian cities. The war began back in 2014, and today Russia has decided to go further. We're trying not to panic, but it's hard when they invade your home, and kill your soldiers, and try to destroy your country.
That's why I want to ask you all for help. The National Bank of Ukraine has opened an account to help our Army. It's a multiple currency account, and you can send any sum you wish in euros, dollars, pounds, or hryvnias.
Here are the requisites: UA843000010000000047330992708
If you can't help financially or want to do more, you can also organise or go to peaceful manifestations in your city so that your government cannot ignore the Russian war in Ukraine (not a conflict, not an issue, not a crisis) anymore.
Any help will be appreciated, including your kind words and moral support. We all hope for the brighter future for our children and our grandparents, for a life without fear, and for a right to live freely, unapologetically in our own country.
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