katsion · 4 days
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the pipeline of fixating over some thingy
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katsion · 13 days
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I would like to apologize to every single one of my wips ever
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katsion · 13 days
It's still weird to me how we call it "VHS" now. Nobody used that term when VHS was in popular use. We called the medium "video tapes," or usually, just "tapes." When something was released for it, we didn't say it was being released on VHS, we said it was being released "on video."
And they weren't VHS players! They were VCRs!
How did this change, anyway? Analog horror is popular now, but are the younger generations even aware of the original terms?
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katsion · 14 days
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The first simulated image of a black hole was calculated with an IBM 7040 computer using 1960 punch cards and hand-plotted by French astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet in 1978.
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katsion · 2 months
Me: I'm a cool adult who's in touch with the youth and won't denigrate their slang.
The Youth: *use 'pos' to mean 'positive'*
Me: The lord is testing me.
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katsion · 3 months
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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katsion · 3 months
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“Undertale Flora” - Plants in this game are so interesting..
Animations done with photoshop
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katsion · 5 years
theres this cat on twitter named luna i cant stop thinking about because her resting face always looks so distraught and anxious i love her
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these are the eyes of someone who has seen too much i wish this poor soul the best
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katsion · 5 years
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katsion · 5 years
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i dont understand half of the words here but god if this isn’t the funniest thing i’ve ever read
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katsion · 5 years
when you go to get a haircut and they wash your hair and it feels really nice and you’re starting to relax a little and then you go sit back in the salon chair and look in the mirror and the ugliest stranger you’ve ever seen in your life stares back at you 
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katsion · 5 years
me: dress how you want!! gender is fake!!! nothing matters!!!!!!
trans person: i like gender tho
me: hell yeah i respect that!!!! i apologize and don’t mean to dismiss your identity with my optimistic nihilism!!!!!!!
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katsion · 6 years
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katsion · 6 years
Chapters in a book are like checkpoint saves while a bookmark is an instant save.
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katsion · 6 years
the athiesm of women/people of color/lgbt people is absolutely different than the athiesm of cishet white men and i feel like people forget that a lot
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katsion · 6 years
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a collection of conductor memes that;
- i don’t know why i was compelled to make
- are available for your use
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katsion · 6 years
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