katsukimchita · 8 months
After a brilliant day of binging, I just have to say, I think the fictional cats came back for revenge @flanaganfilm - in addition to fictional chimps and one particularly bargaining-savy fictional raven.
In all seriousness, the latest series was another solid 10/10, and I will be binging again. The directing was magnificent, and the cast killed it (in more ways than one!) once more. So, congratulations on another masterpiece!
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I've been showing all of your Netflix shows to my foster sister. She'd like to know why you always kill the cats. Or her quote exactly: "Why does Flanagan hate CATS!?" Please set the record straight. You don't hate cats, right?
No, I do not hate cats. In addition to the fictional cats who have perished in our series, please reassure your foster sister that we also kill fictional birds, rodents, dogs, men, women and children. Have a good day!
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katsukimchita · 1 year
literally in the middle of a mental breakdown because of this tweet
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katsukimchita · 1 year
Izuku's Shabby Apartment in Kamikaze
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So. Yeah. As opposed to Katsuki's apartment that is rather luxurious, Izuku's is kind of an absolute dump that he 100% was cheated in buying. He's paying way more than what he's getting. it probably is a LITTLE nicer than what I chose to add here, but you get the point. It's a piece of crap. :P This one is a bit more self explanatory, I think, than Katsuki's? Or well, it is basically just summed up with: Small, Shabby and Super Super Nerdy. He has a shrine to Heroes above his rather 2nd rate television. I do think, if I were to add anything, I'd add a second couch at a 90 degree angle to the red one. I think that most people would have an office where Izuku has his treadmill, but you know, he needs to keep those THIGHS in peak shape, so he uses his shitty coffee table and beyond tiny table in his poor excuse of a kitchen instead of an office. Also. He 100% themes his color scheme around hero colors. Change my mind. You can't, can you?
Anyways, the Sims needs to have more 'cheap' options for wallpapers and stuff. Because there is no middle ground between this and the luxurious stuff. So this will have to do. :) I appreciate all of you, greatly! Much Love!
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katsukimchita · 1 year
Thank you so much for your support!!!!!!!
everyone needs to go read @katsukimchitas fic Kamikaze on ao3 RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
it is a bakudeku fic from my hero academia and it is the most well fleshed out, well researched and beautifully written fic EVER. please please please go read it immediately if you’re into bakudeku ToT
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katsukimchita · 1 year
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katsukimchita · 1 year
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katsukimchita · 1 year
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Like everyone else, I’m in love with Dynama. However, this little Kacchan statement wouldn’t leave me alone. This phrase ‘dreadnought love’— what the hell is that? To Google!
The kanji 超弩級 is for the word ‘Choudokyuu’, which is literally a ‘super dreadnought’, or a warship consisting entirely of big guns, but also a word used to describe something extraordinary, the best of the best. (Don’t bother searching the romaji, all you’ll get is a manga about a giant girl).
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An image search of the kanji however (i.e. the imagery Japanese readers will associate with the word) results in pretty much every image being a trading card of this super tank/canon war machine thing, frankly one of the most Kacchanish things ever. The rainbow background was a happy surprise. 😏
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So, basically, he’s saying that he wants love to hit him like a fucking canon (as opposed to Cupid’s piddly-ass arrow I guess?). He demands to be seen as cute, and demands a love as powerful as one of his own special moves (howitzer, panzer, dynamite etc.)
THIS BOY is READY to be considered a love interest.
EDIT 29.12.22:
Hold the goddamn phones oh shit there’s more!!
Okay, so I was thinking about the fact that this mini comic was supposed to come out with the Chiikawa collab, and wondered what was going on with the manga at that time (April).
Well, while Kacchan was wishing for a transcendent warship of love to come smash him right in the heart (sorry), guess which shitnerd was, at that exact moment, propelling himself across the ocean like a canonball to come back to his side? FHDIKSBDAJSSJ
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It’s me, ya boy Choudeku.
I’m palpitating. Maybe Hori decided not to release it at the time because it’s so on the feckin nose?!
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katsukimchita · 1 year
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someone on twitter pointed this out.
you're welcome.
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katsukimchita · 1 year
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katsukimchita · 1 year
I just posted chapter 22 of Kamikaze!!! :D Enjoy! :D
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katsukimchita · 1 year
Katsuki's Apartment Layout: Kamikaze
So, this is the basic layout for how I personally picture Katsuki's apartment in my story Kamikaze (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42650940/chapters/107137191)
I designed the apartment in both House Flipper and the Sims4 but am choosing to include the majority of the images from my Sims4 game. (although I do include House Flipper images of the kitchen since I feel it had better options that suited Katsuki more) We start off with the entryway - scene of the 'damn mumbling' crime :P
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You can see peeking through the entryway Katsuki's living room. It's fairly open, a balcony opposite the entryway. (Though I don't think I've described the balcony, lol) and you can also see hints of a simple laundry room to the right of the balcony. (at least when viewed from the entryway)
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To the right of the entryway (as you come out), through an open floor plan, the kitchen comes next. Theres a very small pantry, the table is just off to the side of the counters. Fridge against the entryway's wall. I'll first show you the sims4 version.
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But these images, from my House Flipper game, show it closer to how I picture it - a black scheme, a matching table to the counters, and most importantly, the archways that sort of boxes it in - keeping it anopen floor plan but giving it just that small hint of division. (Also house flipper let me add bnha images without mods so I was able to be more free with adding things. :D
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The kitchen is directly opposite from Katsuki's room - the living room sharing a wall with the bedroom. The windows on the wall are on the same side of the building as the balcony.
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Through the door next to his armchair is the master bathroom.
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Notice the very important window next to the bathtub? poor poor Katsuki and the awkward overheard phonecall :P
This image shows how the windows look from the outside. The right window is the bathroom/bathtub, the left windows are the guest room where Izuku was speaking with Ochako.
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Speaking of the guest bedroom!
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It's pretty simple. And of course I gave it green curtains to represent our green bean.... you can decide if Katsuki actually gave it a green theme or not... it's always possible because of...well his 'gauntlets', right? :P
The hallway bathroom looks like this:
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And that's pretty much it for how things LOOK, however I'm also going to include some birds eye (not to be confused with the cameraman for channel 3) images of the full layout.
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These pictures should help you place where/how everything looks. Maye I should have put them up top, but oh well!
Also, here's the balcony.
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There is absolutely no way in hell that Katsuki does not own a grill.
And finally, a bonus image from House flipper. Enjoy the totally not canonical to my story pomeranian I couldn't help but adopt in House Flipper because REASONS
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katsukimchita · 1 year
Katsuki Quirk Theory
So. I wanted to bring up a quirk theory I heard suggested once, and have THOROUGHLY researched. It comes up in a lot of my fics and I think it’s so important in explaining Katsuki. MENTIONED UA TRAITOR SPOILER DON’T READ IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW! 
Nitroglycerin is, in real life, prescribed as a medication. It relaxes blood vessels and can alter heart rate - usually slowing it down. This is a controlled, medicated prescription because in LARGE amounts… well…it’s slowing down the heart - that can be pretty freaking bad. We know that Katsuki - at least in his hands - produces nitroglycerin. He gets this from his parents combined quirks - his father’s acid and his mother’s glycerin. I am not as certain of glycerin/glycerol effects, but one or two articles I sifted through did say that in SOME cases heart rate can be slowed down as well - others sped up.
Where I’m going with this is, typically, people born with quirks have some sort of natural defense against them. It’s why OFA causes such a strain on the user’s body, especially Izuku, and why Aoyama gets sick using his quirk - they weren’t theirs to begin with. Now, I know not EVERY quirk has built up defenses, and every quirk has a drawback (Aizawa’s dry eyes, Uraraka’s puking, Iida’s engine stall - etc etc). But, overall, I think most quirks come with a natural defense. There’s always been debate over whether or not Katsuki will or won’t lose his hearing - maybe already has since he’s so loud. I PERSONALLY think his body probably gave him sturdier ears to prevent that, but that’s just me. And I also think that Katsuki’s body came up with a way to defend against the possibility of Nitroglycerin poisoning - only it might be the biggest drawback of all. 
Anxiety and Anger can MASSIVELY boost heart-rate. 
Who is angry all the time? Katsuki AND Mitsuki. 
Is it possible that Katsuki’s anger/anxiety issues stem from his body trying to keep his heart rate up? Is it possible that the nitroglycerin and glycerin require their bodies to combat slower heart rates? (Maybe for Mitsuki her heart is doing the opposite of slowing and just constantly going fast - keeping her in a mental state that’s higher?) 
We all know that, while, sure, Katsuki was always a bit of a shit - he and Izuku WERE friends before he got his quirk. We put so much of the blame on his personality - on the ego he got from his quirk being epic. And I don’t dispute that as being part of it. But is it possible his quirk genuinely screwed with his brain chemistry? 
Is it possible that his tendency to ‘explode’ partially gets worse when his body is trying to dispel large amounts? That his anger and anxiety decrease after he explodes shit, not just because he let something out emotionally…but physically? Possible that he is calmer after because his heart rate can slow but not dangerously so because he isn’t full of nitroglycerin? 
I doubt that a doctor or anyone would ever look into this as a possibility because there would probably be an assumption that it was all ‘bad attitude’ or ‘personality’ maybe even simple upbringing - what with Mitsuki’s anger issues and all. 
But think about how angry Katsuki gets - some of the pivotal moments in his and Izuku’s lives. If my theory is correct, he already would have a baseline of high anger and I truly think anxiety. Just because his body is trying to keep his heart steady. (the more the nitroglycerin pulls it down, the higher his anger/anxiety would work to pull it up). But add on an external moment of anxiety or anger? It’s going to be for all LITERAL intents and purposes like a ticking time bomb. Katsuki falls in the river? He’s scared? His anxiety is going to be even higher. Someone comes to help him? BOOM. 
He gets extreme anxiety while the sludge villain is suffocating him? Rabid ‘monster’ BOOM. Izuku saves him? He’s vulnerable/anxious and now even more angry? BIGGER BOOM.
He gets muzzled after an anger episode? Triggering his anxiety over suffocation? RABID BEAST ONCE MORE MID PANIC ATTACK. He thinks he’s responsible for the fall of the greatest superhero? That the world is falling apart and it’s his fault? Yeah…that normal anxiety? Now skyrocketing. His heart rate is going crazy, his nitroglycerin builds up - both sides are attacking one another and he needs to boom the hell out of someone he knows can take it - Izuku. Baboom! 
Wakes up in a hospital where he hasn’t been able to dispel any nitroglycerin? Learns Izuku is still unconscious? (the love of his life) BOOM! Katsuki’s body chemistry is literally ALWAYS fighting against itself. So when he starts to realize he’s an ASSHOLE and wants to change…. He is fighting an uphill battle in a nitroglycerin hurricane because his body is pushing him down in this war against its own chemistry. And that, Ladies, Gents and Those of you in between, is why his character progression is that much more meaningful. Because he still begins to overcome himself - even with all of that happening. And THAT is why I love him. 
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