kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 14 Fieldwork
Yesterday morning I woke up and realized I didn’t have any breakfast food to cook. I decided to go to Alton’s breakfast spot to get a chicken souvlaki breakfast. When the waitress handed me the receipt it was a little bit more than what the price on the menu stated. This was because the taxes were included. The money I gave for the food went directly to the restaurant but the added on taxes went to the government. I encountered only a few people throughout my trip due to the regulations in New York State COVID rules. These people each were around me to be beneficial to me. They helped with regulating how many people were in the building at once as well as helping prepare my food and cash me out at the end of my meal. The state also regulates transportation everyday. There are a constant multitude of safety signs and driving rules to help keep drivers and pedestrians safe. I had to head home soon after to attend class virtually. School is currently virtual to help keep students and teachers safe because of the current pandemic happening worldwide. The state still enforces we stay in school as it teaches you many life lessons and skills to help you succeed in life. For schools that require tuition payments sometimes forces students and parents to take out loans. This proves governments help schools by handing out loans and paying off school debts. Outside my apartment is a dumpster and recycling bin. The state helps keep animals safe and the earth clean by hiring workers to pick up the trash that others throw away. As I sat and waited for class to start I went on Instagram. I saw many posts about the previous election, and updates on COVID in New York State. This shows the role the state plays on social media. It is one of the fattest ways to get in touch with the public and spread information in today’s society. Everyday I wake up I am able to use water and electricity as needed. By providing power plants, water foundations, and solar panels the states ensure these things are constantly being provided. The state plays a huge role in our everyday lives even in the things we never pay attention to.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 13 Fieldwork
Interviewee: Faith (Was not her real name she just wished to remain anonymous)
Gender: Female
Age: 46
From: Kenya
To: United States
Faith was born in `Kisumu, Kenya in 1974. When she was born her mother had died during birth leaving her aunt to care for her. She grew up in Kisumu for the majority of her life, until leaving became her family's only option. Her village broke out into war, killing many of her friends and family. She traveled with her family for years for somewhere comfortable to stay and feel welcomed. Many villages either turned them down or didn't have room for them. After 9 years of being non stationary, Faith and her family decided to move to the United States. This was due to the excess amount of unsafe environments they lived in, poor living conditions, and constant fear of being kilt. They knew once they moved to the U.S they would experience a more stable life, the children would have better education, and they would be safe. Faith explained that her family endured many hardships while trying to travel. She emphasized how difficult it was because no one in her family had an ID making it difficult because they were refugees. Also many places' primary language was French making it hard to communicate while trying to travel. Although it was very difficult traveling to the states she said there were many people that assisted them. Those who helped translate, and even sheltered them for days at a time. It took months for them to finally reach Buffalo, NY where Faith and her family were able to receive financial help and move into a 2 bedroom apartment. Faith is now married with one child and works as a bank teller.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 11 Fieldwork
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1. Milk chocolate (sugar, milk ingredients, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, whey powder, lactose, soya lecithin, polyglycerol polyricinoleate, natural flavour) ,wheat flour, sugar, modified palm oil, cocoa, sodium bicarbonate, soya lecithin, yeast, natural flavour.
2. The ingredients of a Kit Kat are sourced globally and include the following:
Sugar from Hawaii
Yeast from Switzerland
Wheat and flour from Kansas
Baking soda from Wyoming
Cocoa from Ecuador
Milk products from Colombia and India
Soy from Argentina
Cocoa butter from Ghana and Brazil
Vanilla from Madagascar
Palm kernel oil from Malaysia and Indonesia
3. Ingredient Production:
Sugar is made in the leaves of the sugar cane plant by photosynthesis. During milling the cane is crushed to extract the juice. The juice is cleaned and concentrated into a syrup. Sugar crystals then form what is called 'raw' sugar.
The cacao seeds are fermented for about a week, dried, then roasted. After it's roasted, becoming cocoa. The cocoa seeds, or nibs, are then ground into a paste, sort of like nut butter, consisting of the butter and solids.
Cows are milked using vacuum cups which are attached to the cow's teats. The milk is sent through stainless steel pipes to large refrigerated vats, then stored at 5°C or less. Within 48 hours, milk is taken in tankers to a milk factory where it's pasteurised and homogenised.
Natural vanilla extract comes from the vanilla orchid, which, when pollinated, produces a pod containing vanilla beans. Cured and fermented beans are ground up and soaked in alcohol and water.
4. To satisfy the world’s desire for the delicious chocolate covered wafers that are Kit Kats, Nestle and Hershey's require a multitude of employees. Factory workers earn approximately $40,000 annually while those in more specialized roles such as financial advisors, business analysts, and marketing associates earn an average of $80,000 annually. Those near the top of the process such as marketing managers and financial managers earn an average of $135,000 annually. Nestle takes good care of its employees by offering a range of benefits including health insurance, maternity and paternity leave, vacation pay, pension plans, and other perks.
5. Nestle’s corporate and overseas labor includes the supply chain starts in the primary stage with small farms growing coca, wheat, and sugarcane. These natural resources are then shipped out to the manufacturers of Nestle factories where the chocolate bars are created. Finally, the tertiary stage is when the final product, the Kit Kat bars, are shipped to retailers to be sold to the general populace.
6. Set Prices
$0.99. Kit Kat Chocolate Candy Bar - 1.5oz.
$0.99. Kit Kat Duo Dark Chocolate Mint Chocolate Bar - 1.5oz.
$4.99. Kit Kat Full Size Candy Bars - 9oz/6ct.
$0.99. Kit Kat Dark Standard Bar - 1.5oz.
$3.69. Kit Kat Holiday Mint + Dark Chocolate Snack Size Duos - 9.8oz.
7. Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, Ferrero Group, Hershey's 8.
8. In the United States, chocolate is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Cacao products regulations are contained within 21 C.F.R. 163 et seq.
9. Nestle has promoted it as chocolaty fun, connecting it with both taste and leisure. So has its strapline, “Have a break, have a Kitkat” remained unchanged over the years.
10. Local Walmart
11. After A drop in cocoa prices, Kit Kat profits rose 1.6 percent to $1.79 billion annually.
12. After researching for hidden cost there has been none proven.
Biography: Beginning at a Nestle’s factory, going through steel pipes, boilers, long conveyor belts, and intricate machinery the Kit Kat has just started the process to making it to the markets. First step is the baking process. Water-thin sheets are baked to a crisp to become the golden wafers. Moving along the belt cocoa based praline is spread across top, immediately following another wafer. This is then repeated to add one more layer of cocoa. As the Kit Kat moves across the belt it is under controlled conditions, and then precisely cut. It will either become a two-finger or four-finger wafer. The wafer fingers are then coated with chocolate using a special designed moulding process, and cooled. The last stage the Kit Kat endures is the wrapping process. It is wrapped in silver foil and in Kit Kat’s bright red packs all untouched by human hands. Kit Kat is then placed in appropriate box sizes and ready to be shipped out.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
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Chapter 9 Fieldwork
My Kinship diagram shows how small my family actually is. My parents had 4 kids, 2 of which are older than me. They both have spouses and kids of their own. My boyfriend and I all though we aren’t married have our own blessing on the way. Both my parents only have one sibling, and mothers sister has one child. My family is super close we do everything together, even though we live all over the country. We do not let anything stop us from spending time together.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 7 Fieldwork
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There were three commercials aimed at boys.
There were four commercials aimed at girls.
There were two commercials that were not aimed at a specific gender. Both commercials had to deal with food.
The techniques that were used to attract the attention of boys was commercials where other boys played with toys, things that appeared dangerous, loud noises and bright lights. The techniques that were used for girls were usually pastel or neon colors, there were girls in cute clothes playing with the toys, music was soft, and usually had female narrator in the background.
These commercials teach gendered behavior because they show images of the particular gender and what they should be wearing, listening to, wearing, and playing with.
I do not believe that it is natural for “boys to just be boys.” I think social media, television, and those around us create gender roles. People are very opinionated and will give their extra comments about how they believe boys and females should act. Social media and television also have a way of influencing gender behavior.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 6 Fieldwork
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My great grandmother, Annie Pitts (Age:85)
My great grandfather, Robert Williamson (Age:88)
I still have the privilege to talk to my great grandparents, the eldest in my family. Both of which were very delighted to share our family history. I’ve learned that my family has been in America for a very long time. I was told stories about how my great grandfather, grandfather owned a slave plantation where he fell in love with an African American woman. This created the mixed children in generations to follow. They were unsure of what country our family descended from because they have been in the states for so long. We still continue to carry traditions from generation to generation. Family gatherings are still very important where we enjoy food, music, language, and clothes. Although my family has many different nationalities we have created our own traditions and culture.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork Example 6
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Nativism was created in response to immigrants. Nativism shares many similarities with racism. There is a strong hate from one group towards another. The difference with nativism is there are instances where those of the same race may dislike each other. It has been a major issue throughout the United States. Beginning in the late 1800’s many people in different parts of the world began to decide to immigrate to the United States. They were leaving for a multitude of reasons, such as crop failure, land and job job shortages, rising taxes, and famine. The U.S was known during this time as a country filled with economic oppurtunity. Many people believed that these immigrants would “distort or spoil” existing cultural values. Nativist movements began to arise with the intentions to prevent cultural change. The photo chosen represents nativism because it shows how the United States viewed immigrants, “Garbage.” Do not wish to have them leaving their countries to join the civilization in the U.S.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork Example 5
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Jim Crow
The Jim Crow Law was any law in United States history that enforced racial segregation in the South. This was between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s. Common Jim Crow laws included literary tests, poll taxes, and the grandfather clause, which were all restrictions on voting meant to keep black men from casting a ballot. There were also bans on interracial marriages and seperation between races in public and places of business. The photo shows how blacks were seperated from whites. They had to have their own waiting room that usually was not as nice as those a white descent.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork Example 4
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Colonialism is the policy of a country who wishes to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories. This can impose their religion, language, economics, and other cultural practices of indigenous people. The photo shows how people would show up to a different country expecting to learn about their sources and take over, simply because they knew they were more economically developed or had a bigger military.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork Example 3
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Individual Racism
Individual racism is an individual racist belief. It is created from others personal behavioral traits and or physical appearance. The photo shows how whites had a hate towards blacks because of their physical appearance. They were disrespectful and rude without any regret.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork Example 2
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White Supremacy
White Supremacy is the belief that the “white” human race is over other racial groups. Different forms of white supremacism are created to build the idea of who is considered white. Things such as having generally lighter skin,blond hair,blue eyes, and traits common in northern Europe usually dictates whether someone is of the “white” race. White supremacy has become a social, economic, and political tool that collectively enables white people to maintain power over people of other races. White supremacist groups have often relied on violence to acheive their goals. From the 19th to the mid 20th century the use of white supremacy was largely taken for granted by political leaders and social scientists in Europe and the United States. The photo shows how a group of whites marched to prove their supremacy over all other races. They were determined to receive the respect they believed they should have, even if they had to result to violence.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fielwork Example 1
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Institutional Racism
Institutional racism can also be referred to as systematic racism. It is a form of racism in which practices become normal within a society or organization. It can lead to a multitude of discrimination issues in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education. Institutional racism is oftentimes unidentifiable because it is a more subtle approach, and has become a “norm” in that particular society. It is the collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, culture, or ethnic origin. Police brutality is a major issue in today’s society, and although many movements have been created there is still a lack in change. Oftentimes the public does not even hear all the cases that happen in the country because there have become so many to even keep track of. Movements have begun to die down because no one in power is helping take action against the officers who are taking advantage of their power. The photo shows how each system is affected due to racism.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 4 Fieldwork
1. In my HIST351.001 class, there are 21 students including myself. 11 of the students are female and 10 are males. I am going based off of names because we are not required to have our camera on for this class. My professor is a female and fairly young. Only 4 students in the class actually participate verbally, only one of which is a male. There was one student who decided to only post in the comments, who was also a female. The professor speaks the most often throughout the entire duration of class.
2. The professor speaks for approximately 45 minutes during the 50 minute class. The only time the professor would stop talking is when someone raised their hand for a question. Each question was very quick and students never talked for longer than 15-30 seconds. Questions are limited to 20 words or less, and the one question posted in the comment was only 5.
3. No one was obligated to keep their camera on, so quite obviously no one turned it on. All students were present in class, we just could not see each other.
4. When class first began two females had their camera on. Once they realized the nature of the class did not require us to keep them on, they immediately turned them off.
5. The professor is a woman in which she talks for the majority of the class. It is rare that she pauses to communicate with the students. She has her zoom set up inside her office where her surroundings are a multitude of book shelves filled with books. She is very focused on class at all times, as there are no distractions. She was also very prepared with all tabs already prepared for when she wished to share her screen.
6. I do not believe her gender is the cause of how she runs class, but indeed her personality has a strong affect. I believe this because a couple of other female professors that have a completely different teaching technique. They are usually very communicative with the class, and makes sures everyone participates. This professor is completely different as it doesn't phase her that many people do not wish to speak, or even keep their cameras off.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
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Chapter 3 Fieldwork: Mapping a Block
The location I chose played a huge role in my childhood. The main location is my mother’s daycare, My Precious Angels Childcare. My mother owned this place since we were children so we became very familiar with the area. Although after this assignment there were a few things I never noticed before. One thing is the valley that leads to another apartment complex. I was aware of the buildings around it, but because it is tucked away in the corner I never paid it any attention. I expected to find way more liter around the area, but it seemed to be a lot cleaner than I thought. This space has been greatly impacted by COVID this year. Starting with the daycare, many children are not coming because their parents are not currently working. This affects the amount of traffic at the intersection. Also the barbershop, church, and dry cleaners was closed for a long period of time. COVID has made the amount of traffic at the intersection decrease greatly.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
Chapter 2 Fieldwork: The Culture of Consumerism
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1. Television $250 (Want)
2. Couches $600 (Want)
3. Body Mirror $100 (Want)
4. House Decor $350 (Want)
5. Desk $150 (Want)
6. Blankets $50 (Want)
7. Silverware $20 (Need)
8. Plates & Bowls $30 (Need)
9.Pots & Pans $50 (Need)
10. Garbage Can $10 (Need)
11. Cleaning Supplies $30 (Need)
12. Microwave $70 (Need)
13. Kitchen Table $100 (Want)
14. Towels $30 (Need)
15. Groceries $300 (Need)
16. Toothpaste $5 (Need)
17. Toothbrush $2 (Need)
18. 4 Body Soaps $60 (Need)
19. Razors $10 (Need)
20. 10 Lotions $100 (Need)
21. 10 Perfumes $300 (Need)
22. 8 Pairs of Heels $400 (Want)
23. 40 Pairs of Sneakers (Want)
24. 10 Pairs of slides $300 (Need)
25. 8 Purses $10000 (Need)
26. 5 Winter Coats $500 (Need)
27. 10 Hoodies $400 (Want)
28. 30 Shirts & Blouses $500 (Need)
29. Computer $1100 (Need)
30. Bed $1500 (Need)
31. Dresser $800 (Need)
32. 15 Pairs of Jeans $500 (Want)
33. 10 Pairs of Leggings $200 (Need)
34. 5 Pairs of Sweatpants $100 (Want)
35. Hangers $20 (Need)
36. Curtains $40 (Need)
37. Ring Light $100 (Want)
38. MakeUp Products $200 (Want)
39. Hair Products $70 (Need)
a.Conditioner $10
b. Shampoo $10
c. Grease $10
d. 3 Brushes $15
e. 3 Combs $5
f. Flat irons $20
40. Puppy $1000 (Need)
After completing this assignment I realized how much stuff I already have. As I live my day to day life I always feel like I need more things. Things such as clothing are a necessity, but I have so many the extras are just a want. I learned that maybe 10 things of each clothing is more than enough to get the job done. Growing up I was often called “spoiled.” This is because my parents would give me all my wants. As I grew older I believed that was how I should always live, forcing myself to always buy whatever I desired. The amount of bags I have in my mind are a necessity, but the truth is people are able to live a great life without owning one. This assignment also helped me to notice how much money I am spending just on my wants. I can actually begin to save a lot of that money and be more prepared for my future. This fieldwork has assisted in the way I prioritize my wants and needs. It helped me notice the amount of money I could have potentially saved.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
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"Save your money, Grandma! I can download the song for free"
This shows how artist can create music anywhere around the world, and the public can access to it the very same day.
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kayladoc2 · 4 years
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Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula is one of the biggest skin care products in the world. After cocoa was already being used worldwide as medicine for over 3,000 years; Robert Neis created a powder out of Cacao beans. Neis founded Palmer’s in 1840 and is now one of America’s oldest skin care. He worked under a company called E.T Browne Drug Company, located in New Jersey. The company is family owned and has been since the middle of the nineteenth century.
Cocoa Butter comes from the cacao bean, which is found inside a cocoa pad, which grows on the cocoa tree. After seeds are dried, roasted, and pressed, the fat is extracted from the beans. The fat is the “cocoa butter.” This butter is used for a multitude of reasons. It is high in antioxidants, which helps remove free radicals. Free radicals can cause skin aging, dark patches, and dull skin. It reduces stretch marks and scars, keeps skin hydrated, and heels sensitive skin. The product includes creams, lotions, lip balms, soaps, body oils, and the original solid formula.
Cocoa Butter has an impact on people of all races worldwide. Treating personal problems with their skin. A year ago I was involved in a serious car accident, I now have several scars. While my scars were in the healing process my grandmother would rub Cocoa Butter on them. It would help with any irritation, and kept the scarring from getting Keloids. The product has been around for over 160 years altering the skin of many people.
Sources: https://www.chemistdirect.co.uk/palmer-s-the-history-of-palmer-s
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