kc-rp · 4 years
I'd like to join this group once you move over to jcink - do you have any guides for how to roleplay on jcink?
Yes! Well, kind of. I made a joining and application guide and it’s linked on the jcink page along with the premise of the rp, timeline, canons, etcetc. The process of posting a new thread is the same as posting an app too. I took screenshots while I was registering my accounts to hopefully help you guys walk through it pretty easy, but if you want to pm me on discord or join our discord, I’ll be happy to answer questions and go over things. If you want, I can go ahead and send you the guides so you can get familiar, either shoot me an ask off anon or add me to discord (jessprime#2624)
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kc-rp · 4 years
are you still here or have you moved to jcink?
Hi anon!
We’re still here but only for another week and a half ish, I’ll still be checking the tumblr though. But we’re about 99% setup on jcink and ready to roll next weekend there. I’ll be posting the link to that again closer to the 15th.
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Samhain Event
For the night is dark and we’ve seen too much terror this year so let’s have a chilled out event.
Thank you guys for being part of the rp for the past almost six months. November 15th will officially mark our six month anniversary. I didn’t want to drop a Halloween/fall event with too much plot as we’re moving over to the forums but I did want to do something as a thank you and a send-off to our tumblr home. It’s going to be really basic and no lore related plots will drop but have fun with it!
The event will last until Nov 15th, when we officially move over to jcink for good.
It’s fall festival/Samhain related, so go wild with what your character does.
Some things to possibly to: bonfires, passing out small gifts to other characters, burning candles in jack-o-lanterns, performing small rituals to “help spirits pass on to the After”, generally drinking around fires with friends/family and having a good time. Feel free to come up with costumes and do photo collages, etc for your characters as well.
The only other thing I ask is that threads are wrapped up by the 15th or really close to it so we can start fresh.
I hope you guys have enjoyed your time in the Kingdom Come rp so far, and I’m really excited to finish moving everything over and open the forums and start exploring the world there with you guys!
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kc-rp · 4 years
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     It’s about time I made an official announcement. This is something that I debated since I first started working on the rp in its current inception. We’re taking the Kingdom Come roleplay to jcink.
     After all of the issues with tumblr’s updates and just bugs in general, and the dip in activity, I thought it was the perfect time to give the roleplay a better home. Tumblr has been an amazing platform for a great many things but with every update it seems to become less and less user and specifically roleplay user friendly. It also tends to foster faster paced and less lore-heavy rp which is enjoyable and fun, but doesn’t always fit with the vision I had for my roleplay.
     With that in mind, I’ll be making changes to the tumblr slowly to get it ready to close the gates and I’ve been steadily working on the forum to get it ready to have everyone move over. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be giving more info and updates and tutorials of a sort on how to use jcink for all of our current players and anyone who would still like to join us on the new platform.
     I also want to say thank you to all of my players who have made this rp a success so far and I’m really excited to see what we can do in our new home!
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kc-rp · 4 years
Where is the rp set, I mean the characters are all over the kingdoms or its set on a particular one ?
     The rp is set all over the fictional Vailar. Our players have set threads all over the world. We’re actually in the process of moving to a forum and if you’re interested in learning more about that and joining, feel free to join the discord. I’ll also be posting more info about that soon. Things like the setting and timelines of different threads will be easier to follow on the forum though.
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kc-rp · 4 years
meera will be nerding out over at @wovenmaps !!
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Everyone, please follow Meera Guillory.
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Congratulations, you’ve been accepted!
Please send in your account and look over the CHECKLIST to make sure you’re following everyone and the tags for the rp.
Please welcome the following character:
i put a spell on you. — A representative from the Magaesterium looking to woo Meera to join their ranks as a student. Meera is utterly absorbed with her cartography and history hobbies and has not taken to her magic, yet. At the moment she is refusing to attend, much to her sister’s dismay. The connection may be interested in Meera’s abilities for their own selfish reasons, out of curiosity, their loyalty to the Magaesterium, whatever reasons to be completely honest! Someone please take advantage of this idiot nerd.  
your obedient servant. — Meera is fairly far down the line of succession, however she is still a Guillory and privy to some private matters. This connection would be a lady-in-waiting, lady’s maid, chauffeur, whatever who was looking to glean Guillory/Midlands secrets from Meera. She’s a perfect target if only for her naïveté and tendency to blather. Her passion lies in her hobbies and thinks most of the crown’s problems are not that important… again, she’s an idiot nerd, please someone take advantage of her spaciness.  
everything interests me but nothing holds me. — Meera is somewhat clueless when it comes to romantic endeavors. She may be used to politically align her family with another through marriage in the future but it is not something she often thinks about. Outside a potential betrothal, it could be cute to have someone interested in her and she just has no idea. Bonus points if she doesn’t even realize she returns those feelings. Angst could follow if she does end up getting engaged for political reasons. (EVEN MORE BONUS POINTS IF THIS PERSON IS ALSO THE “YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANT” CONNECTION)  
Following the Eclipse, Meera was one of the people who was gifted with new magical abilities due to the influx of magical phenomena, specifically illusion magic. Nose in a history book, when Meera rose from the pages she found a crude blueprint of a Vailen castle wavering before her. Her handle on the magic is shaky. Her illusions depend on her knowledge of and familiarity with the image she wishes to conjure. Her sister has been urging her to go to the Magaesterium to strengthen her ability but Meera has little interest in anything outside of her maps and history books. As of right now, her magical abilities are not well known but I’m sure she’ll get into some predicament where she accidentally exposes herself.  
Her sobriquet derives from her growing notoriety as a cartographer. As Meera never imagined she would inherit the throne, she threw herself into her studies and resigned herself to an ordinary life — or as ordinary a life a princess can lead. From a young age, she showed promise in art and history. Her tutors expected her to lean into art history but maps were what sparked her passion. She has dedicated herself to her craft and is often absorbed with it, sometimes not even hearing someone while she’s working when they’re trying to get her attention.
Anyway, take a shot every time I say Meera is obsessed with maps.
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kc-rp · 4 years
here is herik's account - heriknothenrik
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Everyone, please follow Herik Lucelwen.
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Congratulations, you’ve been accepted!
Please send in your account and look over the CHECKLIST to make sure you’re following everyone and the tags for the rp.
Please welcome the following character:
Additional Info/Wanted Plots
Are you my brother? It is speculated that Romil had illegitimate children outside of his marriage with Chandra. The deceased lord was known as a friend to humans. And to some, he was even more. So far, none of the presented claims of paternity have been true. However, Herik is aware that there is a chance that he has at least one half sibling. He has not made any attempts to find/discover them. [Possible unknown illegitimate half-Vae siblings; fc(s) must be at least ½ Gujarati Indian]
We are still family. House Lucelwen and House Lavathren are brother houses that still co-govern the Twingate area. Despite their obvious difference in beliefs when it comes to humans and democracy, Herik still holds onto the ideas of his father that both houses are still two branches of the same tree; that together, they are one people. Herik does not make light of this tie and when elected by the Vae of his isle, he agreed to progress the agenda of his father in that regard.
Ye Old(e) Days. Prior to his election, Herik served as a captain mariner. Specifically, under Romil’s charge, Herik aided in retaining the traffic brought into southern Vailen surrounding Meriwen’s coastline and maritime boundaries. In addition, he traveled on his father’s behalf and has built relationships with humans with the intent to establish a path for permanent peace.
In his earlier years, Herik moon-lighted as a trader/merchant. It helped with his commission to build and maintain relationships for his father/house.
These relationships include possible unsavory individuals.
Being from Meriwen, Herik does not see humans, or any others that are not Vae, as subpar or below him. To Herik, they are just different. It is not uncommon for Herik to entertain other liaisons with them as well. He is his father’s son, after all. Also young.
A Murder in Meriwen. Compared to other pure blooded Vae, Romil died young. He was almost 4300 years old. His death was an unexpected surprise to all. Particularly, his family. During the nomination of Herik to be elected in his father’s old Lordship, a tri-fold of speculation circulated. One was that Romil was murdered - likely by the rebels. The other was that it was Herik whom had a hand in his father’s demise. The third was that Lady Chandra, not her son, was involved in the plot of Romil’s untimely end. The prevailing rumor, however, was the former and it was also what Herik suspected himself. It is a truth that he seeks to unearth.
Special Info: Herik practices aerokinesis magic, is a trained swordsman and a former mariner captain.
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kc-rp · 4 years
hi! do you guys have a mobile nav?
     Here you go.
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kc-rp · 4 years
     I’m happy to say our list of wanted connections is growing (click on the source link if you want to get redirected to our wc list), which means, if you want to join us, it might make your creative juices flowing and make it easier to come up with a character to play!
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kc-rp · 4 years
How active is this rp?
     We’re fairly active. We don’t have tons of daily posts but everyone posts at least a few times a week and there are at least a couple of members who post daily (myself included). I will say we do have a few members out due to hurricane things and whatnot so our activity might look a little lower than typical but that’s not a normal thing. And we have no activity requirements because we prioritize our players’ mental health over the quantity of posts.
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kc-rp · 4 years
can the empty member slots be royalty?
     I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand the question. Did you mean the empty slots on the canon list? The royal houses within the game are the Stonewards, Desrochers, Guillory, and Baodai. House Guillory and Baodai have open members, and there is a wanted ad for the prince consort of House Desrochers. If you have questions about specific families or anything, please send me an ask off anon and I’ll help you further.
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kc-rp · 4 years
hey guys! just wanted to reserve dev patel as a fc.
     Dev Patel is now reserved for one week.
     (Also, everyone, please use the template on the fc page)
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Due to inactivity, please unfollow Athanasia Rocher.
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kc-rp · 4 years
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Hour after hour, the skies slowly darken over the world of Vailar. Once every five hundred years, a heavy, world engulfing eclipse occurs. Dragons take to their nests, their caves, their burrows, and those that choose to live in dragonkin form often find refuge in temples or magaesteriums. Those that don’t, they make easier targets.
Those with magic feel their powers waning and drained. The effects vary from individual to individual, some bounce right back once the eclipse is done, others it may take a week or two. And there are others still, others who remember the last time the eclipse happened, others who have studied at magaesteriums, who have totems enchanted to counteract and negate the draining effects of the eclipse.
Over the course of twenty four hours, the sun is entirely blacked out by Vailar’s moon. The entire event seems magical in itself and few have made guesses as to why the moon’s orbit seems to take longer on this fateful day. And every one of those guesses were wrong.
Across the world though, it is common to feel lethargic in general, the sun is energizing and the moon is peaceful. So one might feel a bit more drained, a bit more lazy than usual. However, others, like those with umbrakinesis who dwell in darkness and shadow, might feel a bit more energized or erratic.
Eclipse Event:
The event will be “live” for a month. So from 9/4 - 10/2 you can start posts pertaining to the event. You can of course keep your current threads and after wards you can continue threads for the event. But after 10/2 you won’t be allowed to start new posts regarding the eclipse.
In game, it’s been roughly two months since the attack on Glasswater that happened in the beginning of their summer, the eclipse is happening toward the end of their summer now.
This specific total eclipse happens roughly every 500 years, the moon circling Vailar takes roughly half the day for its entire transit of the sun, the most pronounced of which lasts for roughly four to five hours. (While the moon is totally eclipsing the sun).
Many have used the eclipse over the millennia as a source of power for rituals.
Some say magic goes a little haywire during the different eclipses, and there were reports the last time this one transited that many were left without magic or a weakened form of their magic for days, to weeks.
Magic being what it is though always returns, even if it takes a long while, as it’s part of the natural ebb and flow of the planet.
Dragons seem to be particularly affected, acting lethargic or weak during the eclipse, some having the opposite effect where they become overloaded with power and feel like they need some sort of release.
Most of the magaesterium locations as well as magic tutors have specific wards built into different rooms to counteract the effects of the eclipse (though not the coming ritual).
The rebellion’s plans:
They intend to use the eclipse to cast a worldwide ritual.
Most of the rebels involved directly will be at their base in the Black Keep, spending the day chanting and channeling their magic into an artifact that can supposedly redirect magic.
The intent of the ritual is to drain the magic from dragons and magic users all over the world, and redirect it into members of the rebellion.
For members of the rebellion who want to be indirectly involved, they have been given a token to wear somewhere on their person that will block their magic from being affected.
The outcome:
The ritual will ultimately fail as you cannot take someone’s magic or give it without the express consent of both parties.
However, the outcomes of everyone’s task threads will determine if either side gleans that insight and also, how badly magic users are affected in the coming days/weeks after the eclipse.
Magic also tends to act erratically during changes in natural phenomenon and new magics begin popping up in different people throughout the world. (These would be available to new players, existing ones wouldn’t be able to change or add them):
Added to telempathy: The ability to influence others’ emotions around them.
Magic Negation: The ability to negate magic in an area around yourself (limited to roughly 50 yards)
Teleportation: Literally nightcrawler.
Illusion Magic: The ability to create illusions, constructs, etc.
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kc-rp · 4 years
Here's Sev!
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Everyone, please follow Sevren Seaworth.
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