kcssidyruocco · 5 years
“ Now that it’s officially September, I’m going to need the weather to cool down so I can start wearing sweaters every day. ” River fanned herself as she sat down with a dramatic plop. “ Also I’ve started thinking about what I want to dress up as for Halloween. ” She pulled out a notebook where she had started doodling costumes in her downtime at the shop “ Whaddya think? I could be Queen Frostine…or Princess Lolly, y’know from CandyLand? ” She laughed softly.
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“ i 110% agree with this statement. i am absolute TRASH when it comes to sweaters. i have a million and one of them! ” the younger girl exclaimed excitedly. when the conversation turned to halloween, kassi rose a brow. “ oh? i still have absolutely ZERO clue what i want to be for halloween. ” she admitted with a laugh. she took a look at the sketches and couldn’t help the smile on her face. “ i’ve always been a princess lolly kinda gal, honestly. ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ alright, but these are fire. literally. ” she pops open the candy wrapper. “ it’s peach flavored, but it has a touch of spicy to it. you’ve got to try them out. ”
“ you had me at peach flavored. ” kassi admitted with a shrug as she held her hand out towards the other, waiting for a piece of candy to be placed into her hand.
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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SHE couldn’t help but smile, nodding her head slightly at the girl’s words. Emily never minded, if anything she loved watching those furry creatures having a peaceful meal. Who knew whether they found anything on the streets. “ Great! I’ll make sure there are enough snacks or sweets for you. ” 
KASSI couldn’t help but smile as the other mentioned that she’d make sure that she had enough snacks or sweets for her when they met up the next time. “ i’m definitely more of a snacks than a sweets kinda person! ” she told emily with a smile. “ but i definitely won’t turn down sweets either. it’s totally up to you! as long as coffee’s involved, i’m golden. ” 
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ Yeah, I noticed them visiting more often lately.. which I don’t mind, they’re cute. ” Emily exclaimed, smiling softly at the girl. She wasn’t sure if the cats would keep coming over, but it wasn’t a big deal for her to leave them some food and some fresh water every night before bed. Animals deserved to be looked after, even if they were stray. “ If you’re not, then that’s awesome. I think I will be here tomorrow.. and the day after. I’m still trying to set a small me corner at the porch, so if I have that done by tomorrow we could have some coffee if you’d like! ” 
“ as long as you don’t mind, then i guess keep doing it! ” kassi told the other with a gentle shrug. it had been years since she’d fed the strays in her neighborhood, but she remembered when she would do it as a teen and the cats would stick around for days. kassi listened as the other spoke and she nodded in agreement with a smile on her face. “ i would love that! i enjoy coffee, especially coffee with friends. ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
text 📲 peter parker 🕷🕸
Danny: I've been doing press all week and I'm exhausted, been missing my other daughter aka you cause Mia's here with me.
Danny: I bought things for you and also...
Danny: You've got a new brother now [image attachment]
Danny: Isn't he the most beautiful thing? 😭
Kassi: ik, you've been busy as hell ... leaving me in the studio by myself. #rude
Kassi: aw, you miss me? double aw, you bought me stuff?
Kassi: lkasjlkajlfajsfl HE'S SO CUTE I LOVE HIM OMG!!!!!!!
Kassi: guess we need a playdate with Mona now!
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ I’m thinking about it, honestly. I’ve been feeding a few stray cats here and there, but nothing can be compared to a fluffy cutie like Mona. ” she admitted with a smile. The adoption fee and the animal’s expenses would be too much to handle right now. “ I promise I will. If you come by tomorrow, I’ll have a couple treats for her. Does she have any preferences? ” Emily asked, knowing that some dogs liked some flavors more than others. “ Agreed. ” 
“ be careful with that, stray cats tend to stick around when you feed them! ” she teased softly, glancing over at the other with a smile. at that point, she was speaking from childhood experience. one her mother never let her live down. hearing the other admit that she’d have treats if they came back the next day, kassi smiled softly. “ we can definitely come back. we’re not far away at all! ” she mused lightly. “ nope, she’s pretty chill. not really a picky girl. ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ That’s what I’m saying. It was always in cartoons and we grew up with thinking we had to do but when I got in trouble in school – That never was my punishment, ” she mentioned. Hazel thought back to the times that she would get called to the principal’s office or have to do after school detention – Never were any of the punishments writing the same sentence over and over again. Hazel silently clapped, glad that she decided to bring food to Kassi and that it was being used as a bargaining chip to hear the other woman sing. As much as the two hung out as kids, and even now, a lot of the time, Hazel never got to appreciate the woman’s raw talent. “ Lord of the Fries always hits the spot so, – It really could be any reason, ” she chuckled softly. Hazel was so content with being in her friends presence again, sitting back in her chair, her smile was wide. She shook her head at the innocent look that Kassi gave the brunette, playfully rolling her eyes. “ My lanta, Kass – Only you can make that look even cuter than it already is, ” she smirked. 
“ if that was a thing though, i guarantee you it would have been both of our punishments! ” she admitted with a laugh. “ but what is your punishment as a teacher, like when kids are acting crazy and won’t listen to you? do you make them go back to their seats and put their head down? do you take minutes away from their recess? like, what do you do? ” she asked with a smile. she really was curious about how things in hazel’s teacher world went, and she figured the best way to find out was to ask the source. truth be told, kassi would have shared her demos with hazel even if she hadn’t brought her food, simply because she was her absolute best friend. when hazel told her that she was the only one who could make such an action cuter than it already was, kassi just grinned at her best friend. “ it’s because i’m adorable as shit, isn’t it? ” she asked with a grin.
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ I don’t think it’s bad at all. I actually think that’s pretty badass, ”  Aubrey couldn’t help but smile brightly at the younger girl in return, taking out one of the face masks before she kindly handed Kassi’s over to her. If there was one thing the brunette had learnt by now, it was that Kassi was definitely beyond talented. She’d witnessed it firsthand watching her perform on stage in Atlanta. A moment that had made her really proud of her, both as a fan and a friend, as pretty much anyone could tell that the girl had been in her element.  “ Hopefully you won’t totally forget us when you’re famous, ”  she teased, briefly taking the time to rinse off her face as she was still wearing a little makeup from her day at the studio.  “ I can’t wait to hear all the songs you guys have been working on. ”  
HEARING aubrey admit that wanting her next tour to be her own was badass and not lame made kassidy smile. “ good, i’m glad it’s not a bad thing. ” she admitted with a laugh. when the other handed the mask over, she smiled softly and took it from her, setting it down on the counter so that she too could rinse off the makeup that remained on her face before applying the mask. at the mention of forgetting her when she became famous, kassidy couldn’t help but laugh. “ oh please, like i could forget the people who HELPED me get famous! seriously, i’d be NOTHING without you guys. your support is ... insane. ” she told aubrey with a smile. “ girl, you’re gonna LOVE them. danny and i worked some serious magic on those beauties. i actually have the demos on my laptop, if you wanna listen to them tonight? ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ Mhm, that’s right – You say you’re sorry, ” she laughed as her friend apologized in the facetious scenario. “ Was that even a punishment or was it one that we always watched in cartoons and movies? Kids being forced to write ‘i’m sorry for calling that girl stupid’ over and over again? ” she thought out loud, although wouldn’t have minded the input from her friend. Hazel would be lying if she didn’t say that she wondered what her life would have been like if she wasn’t a teacher, wondering if she could have made her living some other way. But, that was not where she was, and she certainly could not complain. “ Well when you’re done eating what probably will be your only meal in the next three days, ” she said dramatically, “ – I would love it if you played me a lil’ sneak peak of what you’ve got so far? ” she said as hopefully as possible in order to do her best convincing. Picking more at her chicken, she popped them in her mouth, making soft ‘mm’ sounds. “ Wow, I was so smart getting this. Hitting the spot, ” she said excitedly with a small nod. “ Fancy teacher terms – I teach sped, they don’t get too fancy, ” she said playfully, sticking her tongue out at her friend. Hearing her friend sing the word made her laugh, almost getting the sneak peak that she was just asking for. “ Only you can do that type of shit on the spot, ” she shook her head. 
“ i remember watching it in cartoons all the time when we were kids, but i don’t know if anyone ever actually used it in real life or not? though, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did to be honest. ” kassidy admitted with a shrug, glancing over at her friend. hearing hazel’s next words, a giggle fell from the petite brunette’s lips. “ you know what? i think that can be arranged. since you did save me from starvation and all, i suppose it’s only a fair trade. ” she teased the other with a smirk plastered to her features. kassi nodded in agreement when hazel said that the food was hitting the spot. “ it really is -- but that also might just be because i’m starving. ” she admitted with a laugh. when hazel commented on kassi’s ability to sing like that on the spot, kassi just smiled an innocent smile and cupped her face with her hands in a ‘v’ formation underneath her chin, looking as adorable as could be.
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
text 📲 peter parker 🕷🕸
Danny: NEVER, YOU NEED TO WATCH IT. It's on Netflix so you've got no excuse now 😜
Danny: That's the real title tbh, I've been debating on changing your name on my phone to that ngl
Kassi: I WILL, OKAY?! i just ... have to find the time to watch it.
Kassi: you mean you'd actually change my name from peter parker to something less iconic?
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
How do you think your life would be different if you never lived in Crownsville?
Completely different. I wouldn’t have run back into @anaubrey, I wouldn’t have met amazing people like @kcssidyruocco, @al-damiri-phd, @gydalance and @aspcrsions that are now an important part of me and I probably would still be clueless that I am Mia’s father cause I wouldn’t have reconnected with Jess until God knows when. So yeah, I’d still be living a reckless and selfish lifestyle in L.A. 
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
( ft. hazel )
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“ They aren’t monsters! Kass, oh my lanta! I’m gonna put soap in your mouth and make you write ‘I’m sorry Hazel, you’re kids are not monsters. I am’ one-hundred times on a piece of paper like you’re a child, ” she gave her one of her signature stubborn stares. Hazel wiggled her eyebrows, awaiting the response that she was sure to get from her friend. It definitely was hard adjusting to being a teacher for Hazel when she first started, especially growing up with an influence like Kassi who spent so much time chasing dreams instead of finding a realistic path, something she always envied about the other. “ I’ll save you and all our friends great seats. You know, I might not be able to sing or play an instrument but – You can bet your ass I’ll get up there and do a whole show for you, ” she laughed at the idea once more. “ I totally get that. Or, as much as I possibly can, ” she shrugged. “ So, you’ve got the words – All you need is a tune or whatever? ” Hazel laughed, taking another small bite before putting her food down for a movement, “ I’m sorry for literally not understanding anything, ” she shook her head, a bit embarrassed for a second. “ Your album is going to sound beautiful. ”  
KASSIDY immediately burst into a fit of laughter when hazel began to defend her students, ensuring that they weren’t monsters. when she threatened to make kassi write sentences like her students, the young girl quickly shook her head side to side in disagreement. “ don’t make me do that! i’m sorry, i’m sorry! ” she quickly apologized to her friend with a giggle. while hazel’s job was considered ‘normal’ compared to kassi’s, it didn’t make kassi any less proud of her best friend. hazel had followed her dreams just like kassidy had done. when the conversation turned back to the idea of hazel being an actress, kassi laughed once more. “ damn right you will. ” she teased the other playfully before nodding in agreement to her next words. “ exactly! i’ve got the words, i just need to put a melody to them. ” she agreed with a smile before laughing when hazel apologized for not understanding the music lingo. “ shh, it’s fine. it’s just like when i don’t understand all of your fancy teacher terms. ” she reminded the other honestly. “ oh hush, you’re just saying that because it’s truuue. ” she practically sang the last part in a high pitched voice.
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
( ft. aubrey )
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“ Panda or feline? ”  the brunette giggled, tossing the other ones to the side as she began to open up the packaging for the arguably cuter option. It was hard not to be totally excited about beauty products when everything about them was positively adorable.  “ You must be missing tour life pretty badly right about now, ”  Aubrey queried as she settled herself down onto her and Julian’s couch next to her. She figured they should probably put on a movie, but the goal was to catch up with her.  “ You have no idea just how quiet things got around here. ”
“ ooh, that’s a tough one. ” kassi admitted as she pressed her index finger to her chin in thought. “ panda! ” she called out in excitement when she’d finally made a decision. she watched as the other opened the face masks and nodded in agreement at the mention of missing tour life. “ i do, but i’m pretty content with just being in the studio at the moment. i kinda want the next tour i do to be my own, is that bad? ” she asked curiously. when aubrey admitted that things had gotten quiet, kassi smiled warmly. “ well don’t worry, things are rarely quiet when i’m around. ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
( ft. emily )
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“ You are the prettiest girl, the prettiest of them all! ” Emily sang happily while scratching the dog’s neck and head, too busy to think of the sale. It could all wait, moments with adorable dogs were rare to come by. “ I wish I had my own dog. ” the blonde said softly, looking over at the brunette. “ I’m going to get one, when the right time comes, but for now I have to wait. ” she admitted, “ Hopefully, they’re as cute as mona lisa.. but then, all dogs are cute, aren’t they? ” 
KASSI continued to smile to herself as she listened to the other woman talk sweetly to her dog. she was sure that mona was absolutely enjoying all of the attention. “ you should definitely get one, when the time is right of course. ” she told the other at the mention of getting a dog. “ in the meantime, you’re more than welcome to spoil mine. ” she added teasingly. “ i dunno, mona’s pretty hard to beat on the cuteness scale. ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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“ Yeah, of course you did, ” her eyes squinted shut, a judgemental look plastered to her expression up until she couldn’t hold the seriousness any longer and started to laugh. “ I’m telling you, I really would have force fed you like some of my children, Kass, ” she chuckled. Hazel always had appreciated their friendship. It was a bit different than most, Kassidy always being so busy and they didn’t have the relationship that they once had. However, that didn’t stop the two of them from getting back together as if no time had passed. Hazel, being the slightly less wild child out of the two, enjoyed the moments where the other allowed her to explore that side of her from time to time. “ I’ll try to convince the local theatre to put on a live-action of Confessions of A Teenage Drama Queen and I’ll play the part. I’m not an actress but, I will become one, ” she continued to egg on the idea. Opening the bag more, Hazel pulled out the basket of chicken she had ordered for herself, and tearing off a small piece for her to pop into her mouth. Once finished chewing, she shook her head and said, “ No, well I know that you aren’t going to go on tour right away but – I didn’t know if you had an idea when, you know? Like a goal of when you think you would be ready, ” she placed one of her hands over on her friends shoulder for a quick moment. “ Are you gonna do an EP or like, a full blown album? Your style is gonna be like Danny’s, right? ” she asked. 
HEARING her best friend admit that she would have force fed her like she had to do with some of her students, kassidy couldn’t help but laugh. “ do not treat me like one of those monsters! ” she teased softly. she always joked about the kids that hazel taught, but at the end of the day she was incredibly proud of her best friend for following her heart and becoming a teacher. she definitely didn’t have the patience for that. plus, she was too wild and spontaneous to be confined to the strict schedule of a teacher. hazel could have that lifestyle all she wanted, as long as she continued to get a little wild when kassi was around. “ yes, you definitely do that. i’ll be in the front row the day that you do. ” she told hazel with a laugh at the mention of becoming an actress. when the conversation turned back to tour, kassidy gave her friend a shrug. “ i mean, i’d love to go on tour, but i feel like i need to put out new stuff before i do that, so that the fans have new stuff to sing, right? ” she asked with a shrug. “ honestly, i’m thinking about doing a whole album. i mean, i have this entire notebook that’s full of lyrics i never turned into songs, so why not take advantage of it? ” she asked as she waved the notebook in the air briefly before going back to eating.
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
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IT was hard not to cheer up with such a cutie wagging her tail in response to her excitement, “ I have a bunch that my granny never used… ” Emily said softly, motioning towards the little corner full off accessories she had set. “ Momo, you’re the sweetest you know that? ” It was strange, but every time she spoke to animals the blonde had to baby talk. If the poor animals had a voice, they’d probably tell her to shut up. “ It’s just impossible, I want to snuggle them all. Too bad I don’t have all the treats for them, but what can you do… ” 
IF there was one thing mona lisa was good at, it was making people smile. guess she lived up to her name, huh? at the mention of emily having a number of earrings for sale, kassi smiled softly and wandered in their direction, leaving mona with the other to soak up her affections. “ oh believe me, she knows it, and she milks it every day. ” she admitted with a laugh, glancing over her shoulder at the other woman. “ just give her lots of attention, and she’ll love you just the same as if you’d had treats. ”
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kcssidyruocco · 5 years
text 📲 peter parker 🕷🕸
Danny: PLS.
Danny: Rocko's Modern Life marathon
Kassi: you're never going to let me get away with not seeing that, are you?
Kassi: at least you didn't call it ruocco's modern life this time.
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