I know I made a commitment to this RP and it has been wonderful but I am considering leaving, for a few reasons.
1) There are a lot of things that I am going through right now, psychologically to be specific and it's just a matter of me overcoming them, which is tough because it's depression and that is something that you just don't beat easily. 
2) I kind of gave up on school so my grades are complete shit and I'm doing what I can with the little amount of motivation I have, which can be quite time-consuming.
3) There have been a lot of things going on in my family that I simply cannot ignore. 
4) This RP really isn't my priority. I mean, it's fun and I love it, but this other RP that I have with my friends has really taken off and I am one of the "leaders" I guess you could say. 
However, I am still on the fence of my leaving. This blog is really fun and I love that I took on this project of making a bunch of gifs because it truly is fun and I love contributing things. I don't want to leave because we have lost so many people already and because of the things that we have planned for it. I also do not wish to leave because of my friend, Maggie, who is Logan-Mod. She was the one who introduced me to this RP and I don't want to let her down, per se. 
As I type this, though, no matter how much it dismays me and I feel like I am being another disappointment, I need to do what is best for me and I think that leaving this RP is the best choice. 
I am going to inform the mods of my decision and most likely set my blog to be deleted tomorrow. 
It has been fun, y'all, and I'm glad that I got to interact with you lovelies.
All my love,
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"Don't worry, Jamie, it was mommy." He grinned. "You think I'm preeeeeeetty. You just said it. Jamie thinks I'm pretty," he teased. "Shiny, Jamie, that's real shiny." Picking up the end of his jacket, he became really fascinated with the zipper, spending a few minutes intensely investigating everything it had to offer. "Don't worry, Jamie, Kendie thinks you're really pretty, too. Especially when you don't use anything. Just how you look first thing in the morning. It's when you're prettiest." 
Now forgetting the zipper and moving on to the stereo, he began pressing the buttons and tuning the radio to different stations. "Jamie I'm boooooored. Are we there yet?"
James glanced at Kendall, shaking his head. “That better have really been your mom, blondie. Because if you left any weird messages for somebody else, I’m going to kill you.”  He ruffled the blond’s hair and laughed. “And it would be a shame to keep your pretty, smiling face from the world, wouldn’t it?”
He put both hands back on the steering wheel and frowned. “No, you’re not allowed to tell people that Jamie is nice because he isn’t nice. Lying’s a bad thing and it doesn’t suit you.”
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"Not bitchy," he mumbled as he grabbed the phone. "She was nice. Smelled like roses, too." As he fiddled with James' phone, he looked at it through squinted eyes. "Screen's bright," he muttered to himself. Thinking what he had was his mother's number he pressed send and put the phone to his ear. "MOMMY!" he yelled when Mama Knight answered. "JAMIE IS MAKING ME TELL YOUUUUU THAT I HURTED MI CABEZA PLAYING HOCKEY AND THAT I HAD TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL AND NOW I FEEL FUNNY BECAUSE THEY GIVEN ME SOMETHING. I LOVE YOU, MOMMY. OKAY BYE-BYE!" 
Hanging up, he put the phone in the cupholder and leaned back against the chair. "No telling people that Jamie is nice, got it. It's a secwet." He put his finger to his lips and shushed loudly. "No telling anyone. And my show is not dumb. You're gonna like it. Hawkeye is one of the best." 
“Of course I smell good,” James replied, reaching over to ruffle Kendall’s hair. “I just got out of the shower when that bitchy nurse called me.” He frowned a bit, thinking back to the nurse before turning to look at Kendall.
He sighed. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Just remind everybody that I’m not a nice person, alright?” He was ready to turn the key in the ignition before he turned back to Kendall. “Did you call your mom? Like, does she know that you’re hurt? I mean, someone has to tell her.” He shoved his phone at Kendall. “Do that on the way home and then you can watch your dumb show later.”
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Relaxing into James' hold, his own arm draped across James' shoulders as they exited the hospital, he vaguely heard the irritated girl give a sigh of relief. His head fell onto James' shoulders and he close his eyes, ready to fall asleep. "You smell good," he mumbled. "Like really, really, reeeeeaaaaaaally good." He snuggled his head into the crook of James' neck. "I'm really sleepy, Jamie." Kendall stumbled over his own foot, almost falling to the ground if it weren't for James' strong hold.
They had reached the car by then and Kendall was practically shoved into the passenger seat bu James. "Me stay in your room? Suuuuuure, sounds shiny. We could stay up aaaaaall night and watch something. Like, Avengers cartoon or something." He giggled. "And you can stay with me aaaaaaall day and we can prank Logiebear!" he said with a smile, and then, much quieter, "Thank you, Jamie."
James made a face at the nurse’s retreating form before turning to Kendall. He could tell that Kendall was out of it. Sighing, he shoved the pill bottle into his pocket before wrapping an arm around Kendall’s waist to steady him. He smiled at his friend.
“Hey, Kendy. I guess I missed you too,” he said with a slight laugh. He walked a little, taking the time to steady Kendall as he walked along. He tightened his grip on Kendall’s waist a bit. “You think you should sleep in my room tonight? It probably won’t bother my roomie and it wouldn’t be nice to push you off on Logie. Plus, it’ll give me am excuse to miss class tomorrow!”
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looooogaaaaan replied to your post: OOC:
shhhhh it's all better now finnick
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My WiFi got cutoff and I'm bit that determined to reply on my phone. I shall reply when I get back from school tomorrow.
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The nurse looked up that the voice to see James standing there, somewhat thrown together but looking as pretty as ever. She paid that no mind, though. "Wow, you can actually address someone politely. Who knew?" Rolling her eyes, she patted Kendall's knee once more. "No, he is not allowed to sleep. Not for twenty-four hours. So that means no school tomorrow and he needs to take one pill of Vicodin at least every twelve hours, preferably with some food." She informed him, handing him a bottle of pills. "He's all yours." And with that, she walked away as her pager began to beep.
Kendall looked up. "Where'd the flower-smelling person go?" he mumbled. Sighing, he stood up and was overwhelmed by a wave of exhaustion and practically collapsed into James' arms. "Jamie?" Kendall asked as he put his hand on James' chest. "Jamie, hi! Hi Jamie, I miiiiiissed youuuu."
James grabbed his keys from the counter and hummed to himself as he walked out to the car. He considered taking his time getting to the hospital, but he didn’t want to leave Kendall with the nurse longer than he had to. After all, it hadn’t entirely been Kendall’s fault that he had gotten hurt. Not only that, he’d overheard Kendall on the phone and he didn’t exactly want to subject the nurse to the boy’s behavior.
The drive didn’t take long. Mostly because James hadn’t followed the speed limit, but that sort of thing was more of a suggestion anyway, right? He walked through the automatic doors of the hospital and saw Kendall sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room. He smiled and approached the blond. “Hey, buddy. Ready to go back to your dorm and take a nap? I mean, you can nap, can’t you? Or maybe you’re not supposed to sleep with concussions…”
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"Fantastic," she replied curtly and hung up the phone. She reached her hand out to give the phone back to Kendall and saw that he wasn't there. Looking around the room, she saw him digging his hands into one of the drawers behind the desk. "No, Kendall!" and she dragged him away from the desk and back to his chair in the waiting room. "Stay put. Your friend, James or something, is going to come and pick you up in five minutes. Stay here and then you can go home."
Kendall looked up at her with wide eyes. "Jamie's coming here?" At that moment, she swore his expression brightened significantly. "I love Jamie! Even though he doesn't feel the same about me." he said quieter. He looked down at the floor. The swimmy had left, along with the squirrel and the dog. It was quiet now. "It doesn't matter, though. He's still Jamie and he'll always be my best friend."
"I'm sure he will." she replied quietly, though Kendall probably didn't hear her. Patting his knee as she sat down beside him. "Well, he'll be here in five minutes. I'll wait with you, sweetie." And there, in the waiting room, they waited.
James laughed softly to himself at the sound of Kendall’s voice as he pulled on a shirt and went about locating where he’d thrown his shoes earlier. He sat down on his bed, listening to what the nurse had to say. He nodded along even though he knew that she couldn’t see him. After putting his socks on, he sighed.
“What, so I’m supposed to take care of him? Geez, I’m not his mommy,” James said, a bit angry that he had to be the responsible one. That had never been his strong suit. He was more used to having Kendall take care of him than he was having to take care of the blond. “And maybe I do want that. You don’t know. I could be Kendall’s worst enemy, hell bent on his destruction and you’d be none the wiser.” He shoved his feet into shoes. “Anyway, I’ll be there in five, I guess.”
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Kendall laughed loudly as he overheard James' response. The others in the waiting room looked at him with an irritated look. One girl was sending death glares at him as she rubbed her temples but he didn't even notice. "Hi Jamie!" Kendall yelled. Nurse Novak's hand brushed his shoulder and told him something about being quiet and not disturbing the others. He quieted down as he 'whispered' a apology to Nurse Novak. She rolled her eyes. 
"As far as I know, he was playing hockey without a helmet, got hit and his head was slammed down onto the ice and he passed out. Then he was taken here and confirmed the concussion." Upon hearing James' question, she pursed her lips and tightened her knuckles around the phone. "He is a minor and we can't hold him overnight with out parental consent and filling out paperwork. So pick up your friend immediately or else I will be forced to escort him out of the hospital and he has to find his way home while heavily medicated, alone, and in the late evening. You wouldn't want that, now would you?" she said coolly.
James was a bit surprised when the voice on the other end of the line wasn’t Kendall’s. Initially, he felt a bit bad about what he had said. That only lasted up until the person on the other end of the line reprimanded him. James hated when things like that happened and he rolled his eyes.
“The hospital? Oh yeah, he did something dumb, right?” He laughed a little and switched the phone to his other ear so that he could pull his shorts up. Just to spite the nurse he asked, “Hey, what would happen if I didn’t come to get him?” It wasn’t like he wasn’t intending on doing that, but he felt like the nurse was being rude.
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looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan...
…….Why do I hang out with you Kendall.
Because you lubs, wubs, luffs, wuffs, lufves, LOVES ME. You loves meeeeeeeeee 
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A fish, or swimmy as Kendall was calling them for the moment, was walking in front of Kendall on the linoleum floor of the hospital with a mini surfboard in hand to go and surf in the fish tank. Kendall waved lightly and gave it a smile. The nurse gave him an odd look. She was small and motherly, stern and affectionate. You could tell by the way she carried herself. The dial tone continued for a few more moments when Kendall faintly heard a voice from the phone. Apparently he had turned the in-call volume up to full volume. 
“This better be good. I mean, really good. I almost chopped my leg off just now, so you better be at least half dead on the side of the freeway with a pitchfork sticking out of your chest. Or I’ll make that happen.” He had heard. Kendall looked back to the nurse in time to see her incredulous expression. "Excuse me? Is that any way to answer the phone, young man?" She sighed, frustrated.
"Listen, my name is Nurse Novak and I'm with the Legacy Hospital. I have someone here named Kendall Knight and he has suffered from a concussion and is in need of a ride home."
James had thought that shaving his legs had seemed like a good idea. He loved the feeling of girls’ legs when they were shaved, so he was sure that he’d like shaving his legs. Only, it hadn’t turned out so well and now he was digging through the medicine cabinet for bandaids to cover the array of little cuts all along his legs. He sighed. At least they were smooth now.
He’d just gotten his leg propped up on the counter when he phone rang. He glanced at the caller id and glared at his phone when he realized that it was Kendall. Balancing his phone between his shoulder and his ear, he answered. “This better be good. I mean, really good. I almost chopped my leg off just now, so you better be at least half dead on the side of the freeway with a pitchfork sticking out of your chest. Or I’ll make that happen.”
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Kendall sat in the hospital waiting room, Vicodin in his system. He laughed lightly as he saw a squirrel get into a fight with a puppy on the wall across from him. The woman to his left gave him an odd look but he paid no attention to her, lost in his own world, that is until a nurse came up to him and brushed his shoulder wondering if he had a way home. "Nooooooooooope!" he had replied, popping the 'p'. Sighing, the nurse had picked up his phone that was on the table next to him and found his recent calls, and selected the first person on there. Putting the phone to her ear, she listened to the dial tone, waiting for someone to answer. 
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looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan...
Wait what? I forgot what I was agreeing to. Also you’re very stupid when you’re basically high.
So toads don't contwol humans?
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Way to cwush my hopes and dweams. And I'm not high, silly goose! I'm on Vikomonomsd. No, Vikodirem. 
It's Viko or Vico something but I reeeeeaaaaally like it. I feel...awesome!
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looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan...
Mhm, whatever you say bro.
So it's true?!
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That's kinda cool though. Tell me more, Logiebear!!
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Uh, hi.
I’m gonna go with goldfish. 
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looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan replied to your post: looooogaaaaan...
But breaking stuff is fun, so he can go screw himself.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaat is definitely true! Logiebear, what if we aren't really humans but are secretly toads in a humanlike body and they control us from within?
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Youuuuu are puuuurty.
Do you like goldfish? Or ferrets? Ferrets are better.
Uh, hi.
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