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I wish I had remembered to forgive myself for things that weren't my fault. I wish I could've seen through the false intentions and scream to myself to run away. I wish I could've known better than to be taken advantage of. What I wish the most is that I would've been more kind to my heart for all the aches it weaved around itself like a defence mechanism. A scar so fresh it could barely stretch away. I wish I could've known better than to carry it like a weight on my shoulders. A shadow underneath my whispers. A guilt that lingered with every passing and coming happiness. A void that fed on speculations of a mind that had wandered for days on end with no sleep to cloak over it with a peaceful mindfulness. I wish I had become my saviour sooner. I wish I would've acknowledged that I too am human and I too am flawed and that I too am capable of breaking hearts even if that meant my own.
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So fucking close to giving up
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I feel so worthless and I just want to mean something to someone.
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The waiting that needed to end
Waiting for someone is never easy, the distance will consume you. You try to convince yourself and that theyll come back and everything will be different... you think about everything you will do with them. How you’ll wait till they come and no one will ever compare to them. A million thoughts consume you every chance you let it. You find yourself not leaving bed, not showering, just wanting to be alone.
This is not the answer to anything.
They will not come back the same. You will see a stranger with someone you once saw the world in. You sit back one day and realize you’ve been wasting weeks and months of your life consumed in these thoughts. They did not care the way you did. They did not realize anything you did for them or the way you were and the SHIT you went through.
Please keep an open mind don’t let yourself feel like you owe anyone anything. Yes they meant the world to you at one point but they don’t always come back the same person. Times change people and you need to come out on top for yourself and only yourself.
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A Brilliant Mind ( 2014 ) 
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