If someone can guess which Kotlc character I’m drawing as a knight I’ll give a little spoiler of the drawing bc I am doing smth here and it’s kind of good
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iggy has a message for you this pride <3
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If someone can guess which Kotlc character I’m drawing as a knight I’ll give a little spoiler of the drawing bc I am doing smth here and it’s kind of good
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If someone can guess which Kotlc character I’m drawing as a knight I’ll give a little spoiler of the drawing bc I am doing smth here and it’s kind of good
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I know Keefe insists his parents didn't hit him, but I wonder what things they've done that he considers "not a big deal"
Because maybe Lady Gisela wouldn't hit Keefe, but she would grab him by the arm and dig her nails into his skin so hard he bled and little bruises bloomed.
And maybe Lord Cassius never hit Keefe, but he has shoved him so hard he fell to the ground and was left aching for days.
Lady Gisela didn't hit Keefe, but she did grab him by his hair and yank him towards her as hard as she could, pulling on his head like strings on a puppet
Lord Cassius could never hit his son, but he could push him against the wall and hold him there until he was gasping for breath and tears were clogging his vision.
And maybe they never hit him, but they prodded and pulled and squeezed and jostled and scraped and poked as much as they could, as often as they could.
And maybe Keefe doesn't think any of that is really important because they didn't hit him, not really, not in the way everyone thought.
Not in the way that mattered to people.
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fintan gardens too much are we sure he’s not growing weed in there
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went to scared.com and they said youre a regular. they said youve got prey animal rank.
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the vacker family and their fucked relationships with food <3
tw: eating disorders
Alden - He's mostly okay (in this aspect), but sometimes forgets to eat because he gets so wrapped up in his work, or he'll get up to eat and then end up watching the fish for half an hour before sitting back down. Usually he only misses one or two meals a week, but the longest he went was like 45 hours, and nobody noticed, since they only have meals together when other people are over or for special occasions or holidays.
Della - she's had an eating disorder since she started dating Alden, which wasn't Alden's fault, more like Della thought she couldn't be good enough to be in the Vacker family. It spiraled out of control a few months into their relationship, and was really bad for a year or so, but now she manages it. She has a certain amount of calories she allows herself to eat in a day, and measures food out very carefully, never eating anything if she doesn't know what went into it. She fasts all day once or twice a week. During family gatherings, parties, or other events, she lets herself eat anything she wants, especially to keep up appearances, as long as she throws up not long after. Edaline noticed once, but Della told her it must have been something in the food. Eda worried for a while, but years went by and she eventually put it in the back of her mind.
Alvar - He hated himself since he was a kid, and he noticed Della's eating habits, and how little she ate, and picked up on that in his early teens. He tried to force himself to eat less and less, then he started binging late at night, then he felt terrible about it and made himself throw up. At some point he started doing this nightly, and somehow found comfort in this routine, despite how much it hurt and how bad it was for him. He sought help from Elwin once he started the elite levels, since it had been messing with other parts of his life. He slowly got mostly better, but he'd sometimes binge and purge on bad nights. Once, Keefe walked in on him forcing himself to throw up after Alvar had snuck a bunch of food, while Keefe was with the Neverseen. He was having a bad night because he thought a little too much about his family and how he can never go back.
Fitz - Like Alvar, Fitz also observed his mom, and over time started to become obsessed with his weight, especially after the attack in flashback, where he was unable to eat much for a long time and ended up losing a lot. He weighed himself after going back to Everglen, and the stress with Alvar being there made it hard to have an appetite anyway. That was the lowest weight he was, and when he noticed he'd gained after starting to eat more normally, he freaked out and started eating less. Biana was the only one who noticed, and she started to get concerned. Fitz admitted to her that he was trying to lose weight, but he had it completely under control. Spoiler alert: he does not.
Biana - She doesn't really have an eating disorder, but she often diets and tries to limit her food intake, because she never sees herself as good enough, pretty enough, etc. She tends to overeat when she's stressed, and then tries to make up for it by eating less afterwards. She used to try to force herself to throw up, but never succeeded, and eventually decided it wasn't worth it. She's been doing better now than she used to, now that she has real friends who she can talk to, and who love her for more than what the world sees her as.
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I hope Keefe meets a human girl in unraveled and I hope she has to help out the gang in book ten and I hope fitz falls in love with her like imagine the character development
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The only thing worse than your system is cicadas
That’s just rude! How can you compare an annoying and useless thing to a poor cicada?
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I was thinking about kotlc recently and how the Black Swan originally wanted to wait to bring Sophie into the Lost Cities until way later, probably when she turned 18, and how different of a person Sophie would have been if that were the case.
Like at the start of the series, she's this child prodigy who has to go to community college in the fall at the age of 12 because her parents won't let her go to Yale (a totally valid parental choice btw), and the thing is I think she would have THRIVED in that environment. Like at first she would be scared and hesitant because in all other school environments she has been bullied for being as smart as she is, but now she's going into a school that people choose to go to in order to learn. Community college doesn't just have mean, jealous teenagers who attend, there are people of all ages and all walks of life who are ready to learn. Sure, Sophie would still be the youngest one there, and I doubt it would be super easy with the whole mind reading thing, but she would be in a much more supportive environment when it comes to learning than anything else she's experienced.
She'd be able to make friends with her peers, being able to bond over a shared love of whatever they're studying, and these friends don't think she's too smart or too weird. She maybe finds some way to muffle the voices in her head better than her earplugs did. Yeah, she still gets headaches, but she can manage it. I can see her taking as many classes as she can, figuring out her passions and what she might want to do as a career. She'd be in a fantastic place academically to transfer to any school she wants when she turns 18. I can even see her parents letting her graduate when she's 17 and allowing her to transfer to a four year college to get a bachelor's in whatever she wants to study, whatever she finds her passion for, because she worked hard for this, and doesn't hate school now, and has found a path for herself in life that feels right.
And then the Black Swan shows up and whisks her away from all of that, and she's heartbroken because she doesn't need to be taken away from everything she's worked so hard for. Yeah it feels nice to finally have the whole mind reading question answered, but she doesn't need a new place to belong, she has one. I imagine this Sophie being a lot more confident in herself, but a lot angrier too. She's fascinated by her new world, but desperately wants to go back home, to just live out the life she's been working towards. I can see her working side by side with the Black Swan from the jump, because she's in a world with injustice and she can't just sit back and let this slide, but constantly fighting back this resentment for them and how they took everything from her. I think of how canon Sophie had a brief moment of hesitation when it came to training her Telepathy, and I think this older Sophie would be conflicted between wanting to know more about this abnormality that she's been dealing with her whole life, and wanting to cling to her human identity and her old life as much as she possibly can. Because she's been ripped away from it, and no matter what her genetics say, this Sophie still views herself as human.
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All I need is for someone to gently cup my face and tell me I'm not as doomed as I feel.
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Bad week for the sapphics so here's some Hekster to cheer us up <333
Taglist under the cut!! (Ask to be added)
@kale-of-the-forbidden-cities@isecretlywishiwasyn@honey-the-dinosaur-ate-our-kid @malewifegradyruewen @pyromaniac-on-caffeine @appleflv @bylerlve@that-glasses-dog @overthinksinbisexual @katniss-elizabeth-chase @abubble125@callas-pancake-tree@writingandwritten@keeper-of-the-lost-dadwin @nyxie-of-the-night@justahoneybadger@unidentifiedimp @kamikothe1and0nly @hyperdragonthings @you-have-been-frizzled @thebestbookshelf @deulalune
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I really want a book ten scene where Sophie's sitting next to Keefe, and she looks down and notices a scar on his arm and kinda just taps it and asks "where did this come from?" and after a moment he tells her. then he grabs her hand and asks where a scar on her pinky came from, and then she asks about the line on his forehead, and he asks about a mark on her knee, and they just trade and share and love
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the fact that sophie called herself “their little puppet” referring to the black swan until calla calls her “my little moonlark” actually makes me want to sob
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hey are your cities lost? well you better go find them!
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