keirakat · 4 years
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keirakat · 4 years
ok so i took a break for a while because i lost motivation and am just feeling down in general but i’m forcing myself to stop procrastinating and just start writing. i’m currently working on a jabed fic and i really hope i can get it done by tonight.
also, quick announcement, i do plan on writing for another rarepair so sorry if that bothers you. i’m doing it because their are barely any fics for that pair and i want to liven that fandom up.
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keirakat · 4 years
Aaaaaaa it’s posted! I hope you guys like it! Jabed for the win!
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keirakat · 4 years
Alright I’ve done the fic! My name of Ao3 is ‘JustHereForJabedBitches’.
Also I’d just like to apologise for this beforehand because it’s probably got a bunch of spelling mistakes and bad grammar and will probably just suck in general.
Just be nice and keep in mind this is my first fic I’ve ever written- 😣🤚
It’s probably so out of character or something ack-
Be warned-
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keirakat · 4 years
Okay, so! I’ve finally gotten the motivation to write my first Jabed fic. The characters voices probably won’t be too accurate and the grammar will probably suck but it’s my first so I hope that’s an excuse lol.
It should hopefully be out tonight!
Also, hint:
Prepare for jealous boi abed-
*Wink wonk*
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keirakat · 4 years
ok good news, i’ve officially got an Ao3 account and plan on writing using the fic ideas i’ve got!! prepare for jabed!!!!!
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keirakat · 4 years
in my last post where i talked about jeff and abed gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes it sounded aggressive at first (which i mentioned) but now all i think about when i think of that fic idea is this gif i’ve seen of the moment in jeff’s mind where abed slaps him-
speaking of that episode i watched it earlier and it reminds me that they’re legit each other’s voice of reason which is wholesome af
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keirakat · 4 years
ok fic ideas:
•a fic in abed’s pov where he slowly figured out jeff and britta are having secret sex and then he gets miserable and starts acting odd and jeff sees this and asks abed what’s wrong which then ends up with abed admitting he’s a jealous boy and then they get together because jabed deserves a happy ending
•jeff decides to continuously compliment abed for a reaction and it end up with abed all flustered and blushing and he’s super quiet and avoiding jeff’s gaze and it makes jeff’s heart do a trillion and three beats a second because holyshitjabediswholesomeandsounderatedandaaaaaaaaa-
•short one where after a meltdown in front of the study group jeff goes and talks to abed who is scared that everyone thinks less of him and jeff says “don’t worry i still see your value” as a reference to episode one where he says “i see your value now” and abed looks jeff deep in the eyes and jeff looks back (this sounds aggressive uh LMAO i mean like they’re gazing into each other’s eyes lovingly) and then jeff asks “this may sound weird but can i kiss you” and then abed nods frantically and they kiss (this fic has to exist like wtf that’s wholesome)
these are all the ideas i’ve got so far. they may not be the best but they make my heart swell atleast-
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keirakat · 4 years
ok so i feel like abed would eventually get jealous of britta and jeff’s whole ‘will they won’t they’ dynamic and get lowkey miserable when he figured out himself that jeff and britta were having sex and he told the study group in that one episode out of bitterness and not out of...abed being abed.
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keirakat · 4 years
i feel like abed would get all flustered and soft whenever jeff compliments him because what jeff thinks of him means a lot and it reminds him of when jeff said “i see your value now” and abed responded with “that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me” because it was in fact the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to him-
but idk maybe some people just aren’t ready for that conversation yet-
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