keitoz · 7 hours
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Getting spooky with some Ulquihime ghosts!
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keitoz · 2 days
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Last day of summer.
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keitoz · 2 days
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keitoz · 3 days
Wait, I'm so confused... how exactly are they going to add scenes of the Canon Pairings? Isn't the TYBW Arc supposed to be 4 Cours altogether, and judging where Cour 2 ended we ARE NOWHERE near the mess that is the final battle, and therefore, the only place they might add some (mayhaps?) flashbacks that might work?!?!?! Did... did I miss something? Is my understanding of the timeline skewed???
I have no idea. Apparently someone saw and advanced showing of the season or a timeline or something and as one of their comments that the endgame pairing shippers will be happy.
A single scene is said to be there for Rukia and Renji, but nothing more on Ichigo.
Yeah, I can't think where in anything between the end of cour2 and what's supposed to be the start of they'd be able to add those sorts of scenes in any natural way.
And like I said in the other post - the extra scenes have been kind of super bad so far. Like, everyone goes on and on about the original Gotei 13, but we had an overly long black and white flashback of them, then the exact same footage again later in the exact same episode. I think 5-8 minutes of the 25 minute episode runtime was dedicated to them and we didn't even get their names, dialogue or have them have any role other than Ywach reminicing they were more vicious than the current Gotei 13.
They had NO effect on the overarching story and might look and be cool in concept, but are functionally useless to the story we're seeing unfold.
Then we also got some really weird Ywach-conception scenes that were also repeated, not in the same episode but it was the same information and scenes. It was neat the first time, and also overly long.
And in both these cases those extra scenes were not put in very well to flow with what came before or after.
Character building scenes were CUT and fights were pushed into the end credits and important moments we never got to see and questions we had because they were never shown or explained were all still left up in the air, but that crap was added.
I'll admit the extra scene between Ywach and Ichibe that apparently kicked off the first war was good for the story and establishing Ywach having any kind of motive earlier, but the bar for that was VERY low since all we needed was to have ANYTHING before a flashback to 10 years prior in the 10 year timeskip last chapter like the manga.
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keitoz · 3 days
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aghhhh noooo nooooooo
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keitoz · 3 days
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A cold wind? Crunchy leaves? Could it be??? Autumn??? The 2023 Hollowzine preorders are live!
Download the PDF for free or preorder the book here! A few of the fics in the 2023 Hollowzine are continuations from the year before. Get both, complete the set! :D I'll close preorders once things slow down, but I'll give you all a few days of warning! Happy haunting!
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keitoz · 4 days
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Steampunk Bleach
Header + Icons
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keitoz · 5 days
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Matching outfits from my Raising Destruction AU
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keitoz · 6 days
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keitoz · 8 days
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keitoz · 8 days
Analysis of Tatsuya Kitani’s “Rapport” AKA Why This is an Ulquihime Song
Bear with me. This is a long and image-heavy post.
I’ll focus on the lyrics first and then talk about the imagery in the video itself.
Keep reading
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keitoz · 9 days
wow. Impressive. Someone on Twitter actually managed to make a connection between Rapport and IchiHime.
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keitoz · 9 days
Here's a secret: a female Japanese mangaka would have written Bleach just as ecchi as Kubo, if not moreso.
I have no problems with ecchi in general. Kubo’s is just a bit old-fashioned for me and, honestly, a little random/unnecessary sometimes (I get he just really likes boobies tho).
Also I’m curious where the statement comes from?
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keitoz · 9 days
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they are literally matching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! color coordinated outfits!!!! twinsies!!!!
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keitoz · 9 days
Why does bleach fandom think sexual harrassment on screen is funny...
From mayuri and need incest "joke" scene to keigos sister harrassing ikkaku to Kon being creepy to rukia and Orihime to Giselle confessing to wanting to assault bambietta's corpse like why are all these moments considered funny and cute and hilarious by a large part of the fandom and I literally don't understand why. Not a single shonen fandom I've been to is that bad
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keitoz · 9 days
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Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Episode 10
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keitoz · 11 days
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oh, hueco mundo, save my life
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