likeanegg-aking · 1 year
“I’m slowly learning that even if I react, it won’t change anything, it won’t make people suddenly love and respect me, it won’t magically change their minds. Sometimes it’s better to just let things be, let people go, don’t fight for closure, don’t ask for explanations, don’t chase answers and don’t expect people to understand where you’re coming from. I’m slowly learning that life is better lived when you don’t center it on what’s happening around you and center it on what’s happening inside you instead. Work on yourself and your inner peace.”
— TheMindsJournal
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“To be alone is the only real revolution. To accept that you are alone is the greatest transformation that can happen to you.”
— Osho (via minuty)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“You will never need another soul to make you complete, but you will always need one to see the reflection of your existence”
— (via realm-shifter)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“My preaching is no better than my perspective. How can I say it right if I can’t see it right?”
— Steven Furtick, A Tomb With A View (Easter 2016)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“If you FAIL to love your gay neighbor as yourself, you SUCCEED in telling God that you know better than Him.”
— Floodgate Grace
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
Grace says “You’re forgiven” when you’re still stranded in sin, addiction and evil
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“There were two trees in the garden - the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and unfortunately the church is still occupied with the knowledge of good and evil. It’s so bizarre - we so care about what’s right and wrong that we don’t always care about life.”
— Shawn Bolz, Open Heavens Conference
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
Jesus never tried to find a safe place to sin behind the scenes. He lived in love with God privately and publicly. Moral integrity is important. Having outstanding character is attractive.
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“Anyone who has grown mentally, physically or spiritually knows that growth is not found in comfort.”
— Unknown (via deeplifequotes)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“the cure for pain is in the pain.”
— rumi (via shadio)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“i am torn in two, but i will conquer myself.”
— anne sexton (via shadio)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
“my alone feels so good, i’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.”
— warsan shire (via shadio)
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
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This scene will forever be the most important scene in any movie to me.  This is a little girl who has been told all her life by her parents that she is a mistake and that she is worthless.  This is a little girl whose family life is so horrible that books are her only escape.  This is a little girl whose parents constantly belittle her for reading, the only pleasure in life she has.  And in this scene, this little girl answers very shyly, because she has been conditioned to be embarrassed of her own existence.  At first, she answers slowly, and without making eye contact. And in this scene this little girl is beginning to realize that maybe she is special.  Maybe there are kind people in the world.  Maybe she is worth something.
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
I think that’s the most romantic thing about a relationship with Jesus, He chooses us everyday. Even in our seasons of spiritual dryness, even when we feel most distant, He draws nearer. He waits for us every moment of every day & He never stops choosing to love our undeserving, unworthy selves.
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
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likeanegg-aking · 5 years
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