kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
The ocean. I miss the way it smells and the freedom of it. What about you?
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Some things we can’t run away from.
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What is it that you miss? If you don’t mind me asking…
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
I thought I'd left it far behind.
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Actually, yes. Longing is a terrible feeling. 
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
Then you wouldn't be around to mourn over the loss of the things you gave up.
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All the time
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But then I think, what if I had to die to have it?
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
Do you ever just miss something so much that you feel you might die without it?
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
No. What does it even say?
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What is this?
Does it belong to you?
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
Well, they do say that there's a first time for everything.
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What is this?
It is when there’s no one to write to or from
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
It appears to be a letter of some sort. Is that new concept for you?
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What is this?
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
I'm not asking you to change or move mountains or do whatever the fuck huge task you think I'm putting on your shoulders. It's simple. Gods, get the fuck over yourself.
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I don’t wan’t anything—look, I’ve never said that all of that were bad. I just wish you would set aside how I talk—which is certainly, rude, forward, arrogant, but i don’t want to change back into whatever I was, don’t ask me to. 
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
What? What do you want now?
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Oh, don’t be like that. 
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Kelsey! By the hells. 
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
It really is no surprise that you’re all alone. Perhaps you’ll find loneliness more enjoyable than my company. Seeing as you have to make so many sacrifices just to put up with me.
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When I have not treated you with respect? You asked me to call you  by your name, I did as such. You asked to stop teasing you, I decreased it. And, now you’re asking me to change the way that I speak because it doesn’t please you? Notice something here, since we’ve met I have asked you to change nothing. I accept you for your sharp tongue, your temper, and your ridicule, I take all of it with a smile and never once I howled at you with anger. 
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Forgive me, if I don’t shower you with sweet words as your other friends might. I don’t pretend to be anything else just because it’s convenient.
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
Burned? You think you've burned me? Let me make one thing quite clear. This is annoyance. You don't know me well enough to burn me or hurt me, and what you think you know about me, you've made up and fabricated to feed your own arrogance. It's pathetic. You have this idea in your head that I'm not capable of thinking or doing anything that doesn't have to do with you. You fucked me once. That doesn't make you special, and it doesn't make you matter any more than any other man I have or haven't been fucked by. If you can't give me a basic amount of respect and treat me as a human being with independent thoughts and an independent will and understand that you aren't everything I base my life on, then this friendship is going to die out faster than my patience with you has.
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You know for someone who enjoys mocking me, and sometimes, use such strong words, you’re very easily burned, did you know that? Unfortunately,my ego is the only thing I have left. 
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
I wouldn't. That's the point. Everything doesn't revolve around you. If you can't accept that then I'll find it impossible to find any interest in speaking to you any longer. Your ego makes me want to have my fucking head taken off.
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You tell me. 
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
Why would I ever want to do that?
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Imitating Gorre now, are we?
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
We both know that's a lie.
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I have a soft heart, physical violence hurts my soul.
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
Oh, please. That did not hurt. Grow a pair.
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Aw, that hurts! 
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kelsey-fairclough · 11 years
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No, but it was fun, for me. 
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Hey, I accept all your jokes, belittling with much pride. 
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