Any normal officer wouldn’t have asked that question, because any normal officer would know her place or risk being forced out of her post. Or maybe that would have been true in less desperate times, when such a consequence was actually an option.
Kendra wasn’t sure if Kara not being a normal Captain frustrated or intrigued her. It was thrilling to be around someone who didn’t play by-the-books, but being placed in such an uncertain situation definitely caused a shiver to run up her neck.
Either way, she wanted to figure it out.
So she met Kara’s faux-innocent stare and smirked. “Do you think you deserve it?”
Because I haven’t done anything yet
“Of course not,” Kara said, looking slightly offended. “Sir.” 
Kendra seemed cool as a cucumber, which was a pity because Kara knew this conversation would make Lee squirm. She was both disappointed and impressed. Pilots are used to being crass, but from what Kara understood, Kendra was one of those officers who had never done time in a cockpit, like Gaeta. To Kara, they were…a different species. 
Kara tugged the elastic front of her bra forward, and looked at Kendra expectantly. 
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“So…do I get that back?” she asked, blinking innocently. 
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Kendra most definitely had not tried to look sexy in anything, really, much less in Fleet briefs. However, admitting that would also most certainly be the wrong move to make in this situation. She was, after all, supposed to be the one to keep this force of something in check.
“There are such things as frat regs, so it would be ill-advised to look sexy in any sort of regulation wear. Not to mention, indulging in such activities isn’t allowed on-duty.”
And then, narrowing her eyes, she added, “You... aren’t on duty, are you?”
Because I haven’t done anything yet
Kara’s eyebrows shot up in surprise but she quickly recovered, winking at Shaw. “Well, in my defense I wasn’t wearing regulation pants when I won that.”
That wasn’t strictly true, but it seemed like an amusing way to fluster the buttoned-up Major. Make her think that she could add strip-triad to the long list of Kara Thrace’s debaucheries. In truth, Kara wasn’t the kind of girl who liked to mix her gambling and her nakedness. She preferred to do her gambling during card games and nakedness at other, entirely separate times when it wouldn’t distract her from stealing other people’s money. But let Shaw think the worst of her - that was how Kara usually liked it. 
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“The shame is, regulation briefs don’t have any pockets - despite having enough fabric to keep a whale modest. Amirite, Major? Ever tried to look sexy in Fleet briefs? It’s like the brass was trying to cock-block me.” 
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There was protocol for these types of situations, laid out in textbooks that had filled her bookshelves back on Caprica when she attended the Military Academy. As she had naturally excelled in her studies, she knew each plan clearly. Of course, none of them mentioned Cylons masquerading as humans, so none of them were valid anymore.
Kendra didn’t know Lieutenant Warren well, but she doubted it would have made any difference if she had. She thought she had known Gina Inviere, but the woman had been one of thousands of Cylon copies, so Kendra would trust those who she was absolutely certain of and no one else.
Which meant that she definitely wasn’t going to let someone she didn’t know very well hold a weapon if she was unarmed trying to force a door open.
After checking her sidearm to make sure it was loaded, she spoke, “We don’t know what’s in there, but I don’t want any more surprises than necessary. Open the door, then get out of the way.”
razor sharp | kendra
It’s not that he has anything against Captain Shaw. It’s just…well. He wants to be Cain’s favorite pet. And as much as he can lay in front of Admiral Cain like a rug, it’s useless–it’s not secret that Helena Cain has a very special place on her team for Shaw. And that’s fine. Just fine.
(But let it be known that the second Shaw slips up, Lucius is going to be out for blood.)
They’ve both been assigned to check out a floater–a small ship that they found milling out in space. Human ship, but that doesn’t mean anything. The ship isn’t sailing, it’s just drifting. Chances are, whoever was on there is dead. Cylons, maybe, or just a lack of food, lack of oxygen. They have no idea what they’ll find there. Admiral Cain has sent both Lucius and Shaw in the raptor towards the ship. On her behalf. Lucius sees this for what it is: a test. And he’s going to pass it. With flying colors. No matter what.
Lieutenant Lucius Warren steers them in close and carefully locks the ship into place. Says, “We’re docked, sir. Looks like the door is sealed, so we’ll have t’ go out ‘n manually open it. How d’you wanna proceed?” He’s playing good–for now.
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Only a few days into her post, and Kendra could already tell that this was no ordinary group of soldiers. Sure, tensions often ran high in a job where death is an everyday occurrence, but usually, dealing that tension meant that you left the Battlestar and took all your escapades elsewhere, which is something that’s just a little bit impossible right now.
And as if to prove her point, there was a textbook case right in front of her.
She took a step to the side in order to block Kara’s path. The cigar and drunkenness was one thing, but...
After reaching out and grabbing one of the folded bills, she held it in front of the flushed woman’s eyes and stated flatly, “Regulation pants have pockets for a reason, Captain. I suggest you use them.”
Because I haven’t done anything yet
This posting is just like any other, she surmises.
No welcoming committee. No signs. No flashing arrows to indicate This is what you’re looking for!
Instead, she has to find her own place, establish her own presence, decide what rules are worth following and what people are worth respecting by herself. But she doesn’t mind that, because she likes it that way. She’s strong, resilient, and she’ll succeed here just like she’s done everywhere else. Because really, if she can survive a bomb detonation that turned the Cylon Basestar she was attacking from the inside to scrap metal, what would actually be able to pose a challenge?
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Because I haven’t done anything yet
This posting is just like any other, she surmises.
No welcoming committee. No signs. No flashing arrows to indicate This is what you’re looking for!
Instead, she has to find her own place, establish her own presence, decide what rules are worth following and what people are worth respecting by herself. But she doesn’t mind that, because she likes it that way. She’s strong, resilient, and she’ll succeed here just like she’s done everywhere else. Because really, if she can survive a bomb detonation that turned the Cylon Basestar she was attacking from the inside to scrap metal, what would actually be able to pose a challenge?
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I’ll be a special friend in any way you want dear~!
Hello please welcome kendraxshaw who is my special friend (not not in the Scarface way wait what am i talking about that’s little friend. well she is little) and be very gentle with her because she is a tumblr rp newbie!
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You said you wanted to send a message to this ship’s crew, about respecting Cain’s legacy. I am Cain’s legacy. I’m alive because of the choices she made. So is everyone else o­n this ship. Tell you something else? Cain wouldn’t have blinked twice at this plan. She knew that you don’t win battles, never mind morals, without risking lives.
Kendra Shaw
Battlestar Galactica Razor
(via rikk82)
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“You keep my secret, sir, I’ll keep yours.”
“Admiral Cain said to me once, “If you can be this for as long as you have to be, you’re a razor.” A weapon can’t feel fear, has no regrets. It just is.”
"Noticed you would’ve gotten along just fine. Of course, my mom was full of crap about a lot of things. Held on to her anger so tight that at the end, that’s all she had left. She died alone. You ask me, fear, anger — two sides of the same coin. You gotta let go of both."
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