keroppok · 4 months
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well i mean, not wrong // credits: @screamingemonight on Instagram
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keroppok · 8 months
hello beautiful new notebook that i am too afraid to use
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keroppok · 8 months
A customer contacted our team with questions, and then finished their email with: "I am daunted by the complexities and unknowns." I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
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keroppok · 10 months
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keroppok · 10 months
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wanted to see if I could make a convincing Charlie Brown comic
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keroppok · 10 months
Anything for my favorite person (me)
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keroppok · 10 months
damn is your dick an oath because i’m about to break it
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keroppok · 11 months
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see now this is innovative. this is magical
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keroppok · 11 months
every single country that has voiced support for israel's "self defense", every single politician, anchor, news outlet, zionist, and person baying for the blood of palestinians is complicit in genocide. (Oct. 17) a hospital was purposefully bombed today, killing 500 people (the death toll bound to climb as reports come in), and israel says "hamas" as a paper-thin flimsy excuse to justify murdering doctors, patients, and everyone sheltering there. western media pieces of shit will say "major loss of civilian life" in the face of real-time genocide like it was simply an unfortunate incident or natural disaster. like isarel didn't deliberately murder human beings. israeli historian and genocide scholar said this a textbook case of genocide. and the west still does nothing, and worse than nothing: aiding and generating propaganda to justify it. COMPLICIT. COMPLICIT IN AND PARTY TO GENOCIDE.
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keroppok · 11 months
A journalist stationed at a Gaza hospital who has been able to make a call via his Turkish sim:
"We’re in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. We have no idea what’s happening. There’s no connection, no Wi-Fi, no reporters. We’re cut off from everything.. People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner. The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on. You can’t reach anyone, even if they’re only 500 meters away. Ambulances and medics are begging reporters to let them know which streets are getting bombarded to go rescue the victims but the reporters themselves don’t know where anything is happening [because of the connection loss]. We are trying to report the news but we have no idea what’s happening.”
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keroppok · 11 months
gaza has just been completely cut off from the world.
after increased intensity of israeli aistrikes tonight, the last cable providing communications was destroyed. telecommunications have been completely cut off. they cannot reach one another. they cannot reach paramedics. the red crescent society has completely lost contact with their branch in gaza. nobody inside can reach anyone inside, and especially not outside of gaza to tell us what is going on. this is a complete atrocity.
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keroppok · 11 months
As always, the Irish speak nothing but facts.
How many more innocent civilians have to be killed by Israel before you condemn that for it?
That is a genocide.
That this is a crime on all accounts.
And deserves to be punished to the full extent off the law.
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keroppok · 11 months
The Ministry of Education in Gaza has stated that the 2023/2024 school year has been ended because all of their children have been murdered. How can you look at an entire generation of children being wiped out and not call this a what it is? This genocide. Who is Israel defending itself from?
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keroppok · 11 months
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keroppok · 11 months
What happens when Israel dismantled and falls? Like I assume the ppl living there can’t stay even if they were born on that land so does anyone have like an idea of where to ship them off to? Cause I doubt anyone in the area wants to take care of their oppressors even if they are just civilians. Idk do u think the usa would take em? That’s honestly why I haven’t been Completely 100% anti-Israel despite being Pro-Palestine bc no one has explained what to do with Israeli’s once there is no more Israel. Like stopping the military and giving back some land is cool but if all of Israel is gone would Palestinians let them stay or would they tell them to get out by force, just as Israel did? Is this a cycle or is there an end in the works?
how many times will it become patently obvious that you guys do not listen to palestinians and are influenced by hysterical zionist claims that palestinians will do unto zionists as zionists have done to them. this position is held by many palestinians
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not a single thing any palestinians has said about a one-state solution where everyone is equal under a democratic law, not a single thing hamas has said, is as brutal as the reality israel currently enforces on palestinians
the reality is as long as this hysterical fear persists, the less diplomatic solutions are applied, the more people accept palestinian suffering and consider the occupation as a necessary evil, the less viable this solution will become. we are not past the point of no return, but the reality is there is no fear of persecution and no past suffering on the planet that can justify the existence of the israeli nation-state. it is doubtful that change will come from within israel specifically because the vast majority of israelis do not see palestinians as humans nor do they imagine anything better than "some land back" and "a little less mean military." israel is a theocratic terrorist state. this is how it was established, how it functions and how it operates with impunity.
israelis have chosen military security, genocide and destruction as their only path forward to maintain their state. this is not sustainable. it requires the constant and tremendous ritual sacrifice of palestinian lives to keep going. israel has even called this "mowing the lawn" and every time netanyahu does this he enjoys a boost in the polls.
palestinians have asked for legal solutions, diplomatic solutions, humanitarian solutions, democratic solutions. and yet they're the ones seen as monsters and human animals because they refuse to accept the violent dispossession of their land. it's pretty straight-forward. whatever happens to israel is on israel, the united states, the eu, the uk, and every international entity that has refused to hold israel accountable for their crimes, that has refused to honor the agreement to a two-state solution, that has refused palestinian self-determination, that has refused international criminal court proceedings. palestinian liberation is a just cause.
if you continue to ask "what will happen to israel" while israel enacts a genocide of two million citizens under a siege, you do not see palestinians as human, either. because the question is not "what will happen to israel." the question is "what is israel doing right now and how can we stop it by any means necessary"
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keroppok · 11 months
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keroppok · 11 months
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