kerubielle-blog · 7 years
❝ i want to hold you with these hands
but these hands aren’t calloused enough to not hurt when they do
they’re red from digging my nails into the palms to recreate what i once felt
-- your hands are like guitar strings ❞ — © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 7 years
❝ theres a ghost boy who loves you and you'll see him soon ❞ — © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ I’ve accidentally learned that you’re just in the room over The walls are just thin enough to let me strain my ears to hear you Do you talk in there? Do you talk to her? (Will you talk to me?) Sometimes its so quiet that I can hear the ticking of your town clock — your shaky heart, her beating breath (( Is this what distance feels like? )) ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
this boy taught me everything i know about love right now, and i was wrong about the whole idea of it before him. love isn’t supposed to be something you figure out. it’s something you just plant on a field to see what it’ll bloom into. water it, give sunlight to it, fertilize it, make it grow. but along the way if it just gets less of the attention, and the consistency turns into ignorance then it’ll surely not reach the part when it can show its colors. what grows will eventually stop and die; love only has petals that fall on one’s cheeks. love is just a masterpiece you work on to probably leave midway, or erase, or paint over. love takes away the butterflies from your stomach, empties it, and replaces it with the monsters in your head. love is too creative to even make a single story so alike that one can feel exactly the same as the other. when a person makes you feel that the beat in your heart can run miles within seconds, and you feel like you can get used to feeling like you can do anything, it’s still going to be there in the end when you break at the sound of his name, or at the slightest moment you remember what you just lost and can’t have again anymore.
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
poet of the moment #5, jheo
❝ Coral Blue
1. you promised to take me to the ocean floor, you said you would but not in the way you should have. i left my diving gear up on the surface, but you dragged me down to kiss the sand there.
2. you’re inviting me into your arms once again, but will you hesitate to return to me? these calming waves are no long calming, they’re violent. and so are you
3. i miss you. i miss you dearly, i miss you so much. i’m missing something, i’m missing you. i’ve missed you. i miss you. do you miss me?
4. this is betrayal. you’re imitating me. mocking me. is this what you see when you look at me? but isn’t this your kindness?
5. a touch so serene couldn’t be yours, you’re lying to me. you lied to me. this is not what you promised me.❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro (PROJECT COLOUR response)
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
poet of the moment #4, maxine
❝ She was made
Of all trivial things,
but she never
had a care
in the way she loved
And that is all she every wanted
For someone
to find her
while she was lost
making sense of her dreams
and the handful of whispers
from the top of her heart ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro, fill in the blanks for “flowers on the skull”
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
poet of the moment #2, blaine
❝ I wish age aged the mind
That really when I’m old enough to scold you, I can say I’ve experienced EVERYTHING to know how to tend to your wounds
But this is now, and all I can give you are beliefs I have, I am only a child, how dare I pretend that I know what I’m saying and I even THOUGHT that I could say something that could ever be of worth to you ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro, 
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
poet of the moment #1, stef
❝ He’s reciting wars and thoughts that he’s kept in his head for ghosts
But it only upsets them more.So he hesitates to continue and calls for more caffeine to wake his mind
And find better conversation topics for the dead ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro, response to “waffle house”
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ these emotions like this body will wilt, pale, silence, burn, ember and dust and then grow something else -- cremating a daffodil ❞ — © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ I've forgotten things before I've left books, and papers and every whispered secret I've put memories in boxes and my past in envelops to see if I'd ever want to open them again I've had skeletons in closets that I've forgotten I've had But I never forget you ❞ — © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ Don’t let
A fool akin to me
Win your heart
But I’m so ever foolish to think I have a say
As to who you’d love
Just because I know
Its not
me ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ Don’t let them touch you
Hands that break and soil shouldn’t hold onto your slipping hand
So don’t let them touch you
You have a knack for spilling on harrowing floors  ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ I’m crossing fingers and railroads and oceans and crossing out
The hearts of every lover I pretended to love, in hopes 
That if you realized how far I came for you,
You’d take a step towards me ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ Drink me up
I’ve filled my lungs with water so your mouth never goes dry
If I drown here, you would have to kiss me to save me, with no intent but to take what I saved for you
I collected every drop that I could hold in hopes that you’d be drunk on my love, reach for more until I’m close enough that all you have to do is whisper
Tell me you want another drink, to drown out your misgivings and flood everything but me out
But that's only because I fill your cup more than just half empty ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ you love what you see but never what you hear
you deafly defy all the love i give to you ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ Were terrible, ruined, rotting! But were human. 
And that is whats expected of us
But why does being human allow us to be so deadly, so dreadful 
Why are we expected to be so terribly 
We’re only loosing ourselves to the concept of the normality that we will only make mistakes
And not miracles.  ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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kerubielle-blog · 8 years
❝ “One day”
“Two Days”
“What do you mean two days?”
“What do you mean one day?” ❞
— © 2017 Jheo Navarro
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