kevinsmahoney77 · 16 days
The Keebler Elves lesser known rental property. It didn't have the mod cons of the hollow tree (no accordion potato chip press, no multiple ovens), but it's been a good earner over the years.
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Banyan Tree with an attached 16th Century Terracotta Temple, Antpur, West Bengal, India
photo by Laura McPhee
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kevinsmahoney77 · 16 days
Okay, as a Gen X'er I feel compelled to add, "By your powers combined, I am...
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Captain Planet!"
Work together, team. Good stuff is still possible.*
*Yes, I know the text is in the wrong order for the Planeteers. I'm calling an audible anyway.
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kevinsmahoney77 · 22 days
So Happy Bell Riots Day to all who will celebrate it going forward? I mean, time travel paradoxes don't really parse for anniversaries, but it'd be a shame not to mention it.
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– You don't know what any of this is about, do you? You work here, you see these people every day, how they live, and you just don't get it. – What do you want me to say? That I feel for them? That they got a bad break? What good would it do? – It'd be a start.
STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE (1993–1999) ⤷ Paste Tense (parts I & II)
+ bonus
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kevinsmahoney77 · 30 days
Well, there's only one proper response to this, They Might Be Giants!
"Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of!"
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Wait… what?
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kevinsmahoney77 · 2 months
The Pioneer chicken stand, like from Carmelita?!
Never fail to make a Warren Zevon reference.
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A car chase speeds past a midcentury Pioneer Chicken in the film L.A. Takedown (1989)
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kevinsmahoney77 · 3 months
Tell me with a straight face that *isn't* Peter Griffin. Just try.
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kevinsmahoney77 · 3 months
As a brunette, even better.
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Elizabeth Montgomery
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kevinsmahoney77 · 4 months
This. I'm stunned the Orange Crush is even running around free, let alone running for office again. Vote. Vote blue. Complain while you do it, but for heaven's sake, do it.
No buts. No 'all evil candidates.' No excuses. No bullshit. You either give a shit about what's happening to you in the United States or you fucking don't. No pleasantries, no argument to hide behind, this is it. Been seeing a lot of Propaganda cropping up again in my feed and I am 10,000% not here for it. I have officially hit my absolute limit for complete and utter nonsense spouted by right-wing bots and plants as some psyop to get the chronically online to not vote.
Bite your lip. Hold your nose. Hell, complain the whole time if you want. But fucking vote. If you care, you fucking vote. That's it.
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kevinsmahoney77 · 4 months
Periodic fruit theft and serial murder of the undead?
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kevinsmahoney77 · 5 months
Kit Rodriguez, or any friend of Dairine Callahan. @dduane. All these choices are too recent for my childhood. I'd be a happy walk-on in so many 1980's cartoons as well.
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kevinsmahoney77 · 5 months
Karen Attiah is almost never wrong. She's the reason I subscribe to her newspaper. If you want incisive well-written columns, go and do thou likewise. She's on insta as @karenattiah as well. Tell her I sent you, and tell her also that okra belongs in gumbo, even when she forgets.
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kevinsmahoney77 · 5 months
Choo Choo!
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Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from
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kevinsmahoney77 · 5 months
Yeah, gang. Chili. Shepherds pie. Jerk chicken. Apple butter. We enjoy the kitchen around these here parts.
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I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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kevinsmahoney77 · 5 months
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Go to town, people.
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kevinsmahoney77 · 6 months
Your periodic reminder this page is a Samantha-stan not a Jeannie-stan. For obvious reasons.
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Elizabeth Montgomery
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kevinsmahoney77 · 6 months
Perhaps it truly was all about the boops we made along the way.
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If uhhh I don't boop you back it's bc I'm getting like 50 boops every 5-10 minutes and I have to do other things like eat
In my heart I have booped you all
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kevinsmahoney77 · 6 months
I voted DD. Her books are that amazing. I'd send WilW a personally quill penned apology, and Ms. Carter would get a fruit basket and it would include some artisanal cheeses.
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