keye-y-adventure · 9 years
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Set in Unova 15 years after the events of Black2/White2, Traveling Trainers Association is a member driven Pokemon RP community. OC-only and indie-friendly, we invite everyone to join and forge the stories of their characters, their Pokemon, and the world around them.
TTA is open and accepting applications!
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
If you lost me in a crowd, what "offensive" thing could you yell that'd be GUARANTEED to track me down? :P
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
I can tell ya where not ta start. Craigslist.
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“H-how does someone go about finding… safe room mates… for a new apartment…?”
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
"Hm." Was Keyes reaction to her response as to what was 'eating' her. Guess he would have to be a little more straight forward. He was surprised such a little kid was toting around a garchomp. It could also be someone elses pokemon? Sent along to watch her? He shrugged those thoughts off.
"M'name's Keye." He held out a hand to her, smiling back. "If ya tired why don'cha jus' take a nap 'er somethin'?" Part of him wasn't too convinced it was solely a lack of sleep, but little children had a greater tendancy to be honest. At least in his experience anyway. "Ain't much out here tha's gonna bother ya."
It was a nice day to be out and about, to get away from work and the hustle bustle of Slateport. Keye had a day to get more training in with his pokemon, and spurr up his would be gym pokemon.
It was during the first break they’d taken that Humra had wandered nearby. Spriggs, Keyes swampert, had been the one to spot her, nudging his trainer and pointing to the girl as she sat down. Definitely didn’t seem to be the happiest either. “Wonder whats got her.” Keye mumbled, pulling his button up floral print shirt off his head after having using it for shade. The big blue amphibian let out a bit of a whiny gurgle, nodding his head at Humra again. “Why don'cha go ask her yaself?” Spriggs head tilted at the question, making a grumbling noise. “A'ight, don’ be so pushy.” Keye said with a soft laugh. “Jus’ keep an eye on ‘em, kay?” He asked, motioning to the younger of his pokemon that were currently out, to which Spriggs gave an affirmitive nod.
Slipping on his shirt he walked on over to the girl, crouching down when he’d met the shade of the tree she was under. “Ey ey ey kid.” Words words words. He didn’t have many right now. Pursing his lips he shrugged, going straight for it. “What’s eatin’ ya? Ya lookin’ pretty down there.”
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
It was a nice day to be out and about, to get away from work and the hustle bustle of Slateport. Keye had a day to get more training in with his pokemon, and spurr up his would be gym pokemon.
It was during the first break they'd taken that Humra had wandered nearby. Spriggs, Keyes swampert, had been the one to spot her, nudging his trainer and pointing to the girl as she sat down. Definitely didn't seem to be the happiest either. "Wonder whats got her." Keye mumbled, pulling his button up floral print shirt off his head after having using it for shade. The big blue amphibian let out a bit of a whiny gurgle, nodding his head at Humra again. "Why don'cha go ask her yaself?" Spriggs head tilted at the question, making a grumbling noise. "A'ight, don' be so pushy." Keye said with a soft laugh. "Jus' keep an eye on 'em, kay?" He asked, motioning to the younger of his pokemon that were currently out, to which Spriggs gave an affirmitive nod.
Slipping on his shirt he walked on over to the girl, crouching down when he'd met the shade of the tree she was under. "Ey ey ey kid." Words words words. He didn't have many right now. Pursing his lips he shrugged, going straight for it. "What's eatin' ya? Ya lookin' pretty down there."
Today was a frightening day to her..so frightening that she didn’t think she could go back to Johto and face Craig. Or..train more for that matter. The little girl walked outside of Mauville, not knowing where she was going, with her Garchomp and her brother. Those two were always a comfort…
The more Humra traveled, the more she realized she was walking home. She missed her mom..she missed her so much-she wondered how she was and whether she was safe..or if anyone was safe. Once Shugo came for Satou, Humra wanted to leave them alone but..what if Satou wasn’t safe? What if she…she..
Feeling her heart give out in dismay, Humra stopped and walked towards a tree and sat below it, tearing up slowly. The emptiness and the pain was coming back..and even with Terra and Hermes being with her, she felt like she was slipping again. Even the sounds of footsteps coming towards her, didn’t faze the little girl.
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
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[Tough, Buff, and ready to get Rough]
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
It was raining, It was raining three hours ago, It was raining yesterday, it was raining the day before yesterday, and according to the weather man, big shocker, more rain to come. Normally it was a welcome change from the sunny clear skies. It gave the day some variance. The joy that variance brought had lived out its welcome like some relative you kind of don't like deciding they're going to crash at your house for two weeks. "An' now that two weeks was a month ago, n' they insist they're gonna find' a job, n'-"
"What is yous mumbling ‘bouts?" Hobs cut him off mid ramble, getting himself bundled up in bright yellow rubber to brave the weather.
"Jus' the weather an' shi-...hey, wait, where ya goin'!?" Keye's pitch had heightened by the end of his inquary, his hands pushing him up and off the counter from his slouching position. Obviously he was leaving, and Keye wasn’t too happy about that. "Ain'cha gonna watch the shop with me?! What about all the customers!?" Arms extended and motioned to the room around him, pretending as if there were actually a soul beyond the two and their pokemon.
A dead pan stare was all that Hobs offered for a moment, till breaking the silence with a snerk. "Yous's funny, kid." His hand dug around in one of the coat pockets before producing a set of keys, tossing them at Keye. "If it gets busy, give me a ring and I'll come and helps yous." This was followed with a laugh of absurdity at the idea as he fastened his hat and trotted out the door.
Sarcastic laughter followed Hobs closing comment, catching the keys that'd been tossed at him. There was a little wave, and still a smile on his face as Keyes boss walked out the door. As soon as it shut an unenthused grump face returned with a sigh. "Yuk it up." Sharply Keye inhaled through his angular nose as he slumped back onto the counter, a groan eminating from his throat as if he were some canine indevisive as to whether he should bark or not. This continued for about twenty minutes.
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
(( Alright guys, Seth here again! With the straw poll closed for now with a grand total of a 75% yes, we’re gonna implement the themed group chats!
Now, as people get more familiar with eachother we’ll encourage chats for things like clubs to be made, but since it’s kinda hard to just jump into things, our first set of themed chats is going to be Regions!
These chats are going to be centered around the six regions, with KanJoh acting as one. The main purpose of these chats is for headcanoning, and also to help get to know other muses from the region! We think it’ll really help expand the world of this AU, as well as everyone’s backstories!
There are only two caveats to joining these chats: you must either have a muse who spent a good chunk of their past in the region or was born there, OR you must have a significant chunk of headcanons for the region!
Additionally, the KanJoh and Kalos regions will be very subject to mod rule, so you must be okay with some things getting shifted around! Plots and whatnot. We gotta keep SOME secrets!
At the moment, I’m composing a list to make these! In order to be added to this list, you must send me which region chat you’d like to be in and your skype name. If you have me on skype (search ‘Sleth’) you can just tell me there! Otherwise, please go to my ask box!
The First Five chats we’re making are KanJoh, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos!
Happy hunting, and hope to talk to all of you soon! ))
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
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For all those still going through exams. 
Have a “motivational” Darcy, in this trying time. 
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
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[I should prolly make a RWBY blog I can toss stuff onto. Join the bandwagon n’ all. Doodle of Apollo tho.]
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
(( Alright guys, Seth here again! With the straw poll closed for now with a grand total of a 75% yes, we’re gonna implement the themed group chats!
Now, as people get more familiar with eachother we’ll encourage chats for things like clubs to be made, but since it’s kinda hard to just jump into things, our first set of themed chats is going to be Regions!
These chats are going to be centered around the six regions, with KanJoh acting as one. The main purpose of these chats is for headcanoning, and also to help get to know other muses from the region! We think it’ll really help expand the world of this AU, as well as everyone’s backstories!
There are only two caveats to joining these chats: you must either have a muse who spent a good chunk of their past in the region or was born there, OR you must have a significant chunk of headcanons for the region!
Additionally, the KanJoh and Kalos regions will be very subject to mod rule, so you must be okay with some things getting shifted around! Plots and whatnot. We gotta keep SOME secrets!
At the moment, I’m composing a list to make these! In order to be added to this list, you must send me which region chat you’d like to be in and your skype name. If you have me on skype (search ‘Sleth’) you can just tell me there! Otherwise, please go to my ask box!
The First Five chats we’re making are KanJoh, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos!
Happy hunting, and hope to talk to all of you soon! ))
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
“Okay, think I’m gettin’ the picture.” Keye mumbled with a nod. “Ya dabble with machines.” Was his well educated guess. “She’s a psychic, you stooge.” Hobs called over the shelf, facepaliming at Keyes acclimation. To be fair the shop owner did have more experience interacting with the girl. “Ah, ‘kay. Neat.” His gaze returned to Jane as the two seemed ready to leave. “Well I’ll catch yins ‘round. Take it easy, kay?” He gave a wink, waving them off.
Free Soda...?: A Jane RP (closed w/ Keye)
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
“Heh, first few nights were like that. Started hangin’ out with ‘em when he did that.” Sure, he had to get past the being frustraited part, but he managed that quick enough. “Ah, well, could offer ya use’a some of mine, ey? I’ve gotten a few more pokemon than I’m used ta usin’. Would help if they had a chance ta get out n’ about, battled a bit.” When it came to what she owed him, he’d begun to think on it. As he went to talk Jane had reached into her bag to grab the money and set it out. Keye raised an eyebrow, counting it. “Yeah, pretty much it.” He said, grabbing the money. “Ya needin’ anythin’ else...?”
Free Soda...?: A Jane RP (closed w/ Keye)
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
Well close enough, it’s a changelog and updates and VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE NEW RWBY 2.0
Remember if you have any questions at all feel free to ask me or any of the other moderators listed in the post! 
Send this to your friends, and most definitely send this to your squadmates.
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
“Thank ya, Jane. Got a pretty name yourself.” A smile crossed his lips as he commented.  “Ah, not jus’ yet. He’s not learned anythin’ other than teleportin’ stuff.” Keye mumbled, resting his chin on his hands. “Kinda still waitin’ for him to adjust to actually being awake during the day. When he gets comfy n’ adjusted to wakin’ durin’ the day I’ll start teaching ‘em other moves.” He stretched his arms out, grumbling a little bit. “But, once I get ‘em goin’ he’ll prolly be battlin’ for sodas. Until he does too good. Can’t really kick everyones ass. Not all the time anyway.” It wouldn’t be too good a business practice if he did that. Least that’s what Hobs told him.
Free Soda...?: A Jane RP (closed w/ Keye)
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
“Nice ta meetcha, name’s Keye.” Pausing as he grabbed the other to give a little nod of his head to her. He grabbed both bottles and set them infront of the two. “Eh-heh. Behave is kinda’a...well. He’s improvin’. I mean I really just think he wanted to be a lil’ more...active... I guess that’s odd ta say when the poke sleeps for 18 hours. He’s jus’ routy, ya know? Like a kid. What did yins have ‘em do exactly?” Keye asked, tilting his head as he crossed his arms. “You’s countin’ this as ya break, right?” Hobs called, coming to the counter. “Yeah yeah, break n’ whatnot. Thanks boss.” He replied, his boss giving a slight wave.
Free Soda...?: A Jane RP (closed w/ Keye)
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keye-y-adventure · 9 years
“Yeah, Muppet. He’s a coo’ lil’ dude, ya know? Jus’ gotta...” He stared off a bit, thinking back. Really only recently had Muppet began to chill out. “Work past ‘em kinks. Heh...Oh, an’ nah, didn’ hurt too much. Things have done worse ta me.” He motioned to the scars on his face. When she’d made the comment of not having enough teas he pursed his lips and cocked an eyebrow at the lady. “Eh...I’m pretty sure we got plenty...” He mumbled, sliding over to the cooler. Much to his surprise upon opening the case, there was one mere ice tea left. “Ah...Ey Hobs, We got any-” “Nope.” The owner called back. Well, alright. “Lemon Water it is ‘en.” He grabbed a bottle of lemon flavored water, setting it on the counter. “Jus’ one for ya? Or one for ya Gardi there too?” 
Free Soda...?: A Jane RP (closed w/ Keye)
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